SOCIOECONOMIC EFFICIENCY OF CREDITING Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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socioeconomic efficiency / crediting / growth of economy
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месторождения страны. На это нацелен и строящийся газопровод Восток-Запад. Его реализация обеспечит доставку крупных объемов газа с газовых месторождений восточной части страны в страны Каспийского региона. Танкерный флот Туркменистана обновляется для экспорта нефти и нефтепродуктов.

Многостороннее сотрудничество в энергетической сфере является важной частью современной системы международного сотрудничества. В современной сложной геополитической ситуации возникают новые направления и формы транспортировки энергоносителей, которые напрямую влияют на развитие и благополучие отдельных стран, регионов и климата. Занимая четвертое место в мире по доказанным запасам природного газа, а также учитывая особенности своего географического положения, Туркменистан проводит политику диверсификации своего международного сотрудничества, особенно в энергетической сфере, основанную на обеспечении равных прав партнеры по углеводородным ресурсам Туркменистана и средствам их транспортировки. Он предусматривает создание универсальной транспортной трубопроводной инфраструктуры для вывода туркменских энергопроводов на международный энергетический рынок.

Список использованной литературы:

1. Акимова, Татьяна Акимовна Основы экономики устойчивого развития. Учебное пособие для вузов. Гриф МО РФ / Акимова Татьяна Акимовна. - М.: Экономика, 2018. - 359 с

2. Аткиссон, А. Как устойчивое развитие может изменить мир / А. Аткиссон. - М.: Бином. Лаборатория знаний, 2015. - 432 с

3. Афанасьева, О.Г. Повышение конкурентоспособности - важнейший фактор обеспечения устойчивого развития молочного скотоводства в сельскохозяйственных организациях: Монография / О.Г. Афанасьева. - М.: ИНФРА-М, 2017. - 461 с

© Хангулыева О., Дурдымурадов Г., 2023

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Ходжаммедов Ч.,


Туркменский государственный институт финансов SOCIOECONOMIC EFFICIENCY OF CREDITING Key words:

socioeconomic efficiency, crediting, growth of economy.

In many instances the achievement of these goals depends on the activity of the banks, on effectiveness of the monetary policy implemented by the bank institutions. The Central Bank of Turkmenistan, taking into account the deep processes of reform of the national economy, consistently improves and modernizes its monetary policy. The transition to digital economy, the study and application of positive applied experience of the international financial structures significantly increases the efficiency of the lending processes. In this article, we set out to trace the impact of the bank credits on the social and household status of the population, as well as on the economic growth in general. Turkmenistan implements the market model of the economy development. The market relations require, first of all, ensuring a qualitatively new level of activity of the credit and financial institutions. At the same time, the demand of the households and of the economic sectors for bank lending services is significantly increasing. A comprehensive study and timely satisfaction of this demand directly

depends on the ability of the bank institutions to accumulate sufficient amounts of credit funds and distribute them reasonably. In our country, these tasks are being successfully solved. First of all, it should be emphasized that the activities of the national bank institutions are based on a full self-support. The system of bank administration is constantly improved, the process of denationalization and corporatization of the banks continues, the number of banking operations is growing, their assortment and quality are expanding, their capitalization level is increasing, ways to ensure their economic efficiency and profitability are modernized. In market economy, the banks play important role in respect of financial support for the population and the economic sectors by granting credits, including the preferential ones. The foreign banks have accumulated considerable experience in concluding credit contracts and agreements. It is important to study in detail this experience and master it effectively, taking into account the peculiarities and modern realities of the national economic development. Further improvement of credit relations, achievement of their efficiency and higher quality is one of the important directions indicated by the aspect of reducing the potential risks. To do this, the bank institutions need to scrupulously study the financial position of borrowers, on the basis of which a conclusion is made about their creditworthiness. Strict compliance with this procedure not only ensures the implementation of the basic principles of lending, but also ensures the competent, expedient and cost-effective use of the extended credit funds.

Modern social, transport, communication and engineering infrastructures were formed with the aim to ensure an appropriate standard of living for the population. Thus, in the conditions of the certain difficulties in the current global economic development, Turkmenistan maintains the steady pace of progressive 53 development. The planned socioeconomic reforms are implemented in time and in full, ensuring further strengthening of the positions of our state in the modern world. This is also confirmed by the fact that Turkmenistan has passed from the status of the raw materials producing country to the number of the states manufacturing the high-quality, market-oriented products, increasing mostly its export potential. The enterprises and the private business community contribute significantly to further development of Turkmenistan's export potential. Accordingly, the volume of long-term and preferential bank lending to the national private business entities is growing. These loan funds are aimed at creating new production capacities, strengthening the productive power of the agricultural complex and the private sector as key segments of the economic and food security of our country. As a result, the international authority of the country is growing, the activity of its balance of payments is ensured, the volume of the foreign exchange receipts to the centralized reserve funds is increasing, and the overall financial position of the state is strengthening. Relying on the market mechanisms, the national banks and their subdivisions carry out multifaceted work to consistently increase the country's export potential, diversify the national economy, increase the production capacity of the import-substitution and export-oriented industries, and improve the structure of import. These measures include the provision by the Central Bank of Turkmenistan and other national credit institutions of preferential loans for the purchase of technological equipment to stimulate the national producers.

Currently, in order to further intensify the economic sectors, along with the extension of loans in national currency by the national banking institutions, much attention is paid to attracting large foreign currency loans from the leading international financial organizations to the sectors of the national economy.

Any bank, before providing for a credit line, preliminarily studies in detail the state of affairs in the national economy. The results of this analysis will suggest the possible effectiveness of the use of the provided credit resources, and will also ensure compliance with the basic principles and successful achievement of goals of the bank lending. Banking institutions strictly control the expediency of using of the provided credit resources. Expedient, prudent, careful and highly efficient use of credit resources significantly increases the economic performance of debtors, confirming their stable creditworthiness and solvency, visibly reducing the level of risks of all participants in the lending process.


1. The «Revival of a new epoch of the powerful state: National Program for Socioeconomic Development of Turkmenistan in 2022-2052» - Ashgabat, Turkmen State Publishing Service, 2022

2. The «National Program of President of Turkmenistan for further improvement of the social and living conditions in villages, towns of etraps and in etrap centers until 2028» - Ashgabat, Turkmen State Publishing Service, 2022

3. The «Program of President of Turkmenistan for Socioeconomic Development of the Country in 2022- 2028» -Ashgabat, Turkmen State Publishing Service, 2022

© XoflwaMMegpB H., 2023

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