DEFECTIVE FAMILY Shaumarova Z.A. (Republic of Uzbekistan) Email: [email protected]
Abstract: this thesis provides information on the socio-psychological problems and problem-solving of the disadvantaged family. In the majority of single-parent families there are economic problems, limited opportunities for additional education of the child and the harmonious formation of his personality, problems in transporting the child to various out-of-school educational institutions in preschool and primary school age. In raising a child in a single-parent family, it is necessary to make effective use of the great life experience of grandparents, both spiritually, psychologically and pedagogically.
Keywords: single family, child, socio-psychological, socio-economic, problem.
НЕПОЛНОЦЕННОЙ СЕМЬЕ Шаумарова З.А. (Республика Узбекистан)
Шаумарова Зилола Абдушукуровна - старший преподаватель, кафедра военного патриотизма, духовно-просветительного образования и социальной работы с молодежью, Университет общественной безопасности Республики Узбекистан, г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: эта статья дает информацию о социально-психологических проблемах и способах решения проблем неблагополучных семей. В большинстве неполных семей существуют экономические проблемы, ограниченные возможности дополнительного образования ребенка и гармоничного формирования его личности, проблемы с транспортировкой ребенка в различные внешкольные образовательные учреждения в дошкольном и младшем школьном возрасте. Воспитывая ребенка в неполной семье, необходимо эффективно использовать огромный жизненный опыт бабушек и дедушек, как в духовном, психологическом, так и в педагогическом плане.
Ключевые слова: неполная семья, ребенок, социально-психологический, социально-экономический, проблема.
The formation of the child's personality is one of the most pressing problems in the field of age and pedagogical and developmental psychology. The urgency of this problem has intensified in recent years. One of the leading reasons for this is the large changes observed in the institution of the family.
Today, the formation of children growing up in a single-parent family as a harmoniously mature person, the prevention and mitigation of various social, economic, psychological, pedagogical problems that may occur in life, the effective use of these problems in child rearing is a very important scientific problem in family pedagogy and educational theory. and is one of the important tasks.
We all know that the formation of a child's personality in the family and what kind of person he will be in the future depends on two most important factors. These include:
The first is how the child was born and what hereditary and genealogical inheritance he inherited from his parents.
The second is the extent to which the growing family has the conditions to fully implement this hereditary heritage program in life.[1]
In recent years, the number of family divorces and the number of children growing up without a father is growing in all developed and developing countries, including Uzbekistan. This poses a number of socio-economic and socio-psychological problems for society. These problems include:
1. In Uzbekistan, the chances of remarriage of a woman with a child are sharply reduced due to the fact that the child remains with the mother after the divorce, often in spousal families.
2. In the majority of single-parent families there are economic problems, limited opportunities for additional education of the child and the harmonious formation of his personality, problems in transporting the child to various out-of-school educational institutions in preschool and primary school age.
3. A child growing up in an incomplete family is a parent, the role of each of them, interaction, attitude to children, ie family functions performed by parents in a full family, the model of parental interaction is not formed in the child's imagination as a complete, exemplary model.
4. In many parts of the family, because of the very unhealthy psychological relationship between divorced couples, the majority of mothers think only critically about the father of the child. As a result, the negative perception of the father formed in the girl is applied to her husband later in adulthood, and often has a negative impact on the strength of the individual family.
5. Boys brought up in an incomplete family have a negative impact on the formation of masculine qualities in their character.
6. In the majority of single-parent families there is "hypoopeka" (lack of control over the child's free time, leaving the child without pedagogical care). This leaves children unsupervised for the most part, creating conditions for them to be exposed to the streets. As a result, a portion of children from disadvantaged families serve to supplement the composition of antisocial individuals and can create new problems for society.
To avoid the above problems, we need to pay attention to the following.
First, we need to take measures to prevent divorce in society.
Second, we need to raise the culture of divorce so that after the divorce, the ex-spouses do not become hostile to each other, but feel a responsibility to raise the child while maintaining a good friendship in the best interests of the child.
Third, society should consider developing some benefits for disadvantaged families.
Fourth, when a couple divorces, the child should always stay with the other party (father or mother) rather than the mother, whoever has less of a problem in the community and the family.
Fifth, divorce prevention should begin during the premarital period, not during the marriage. That is, he should pay attention to the pre-marital factors, pay attention, and think deeply and thoroughly about who he is marrying.
Young people should not only perceive family life as a happy moment, but also know in advance that family life is a school of life that repeatedly challenges each person and be ready for them.
If a boy is growing up in an abusive family, he should have frequent interactions with his more exemplary uncle, cousin, neighbor, or other close relative (older male) as a father model.
In raising a child in a single-parent family, it is necessary to make effective use of the great life experience of grandparents, both spiritually, psychologically and pedagogically.
References / Список литературы
1. Akramova Surayo Renatovna. Harmony of the content of Uzbek-Tajik translations of Jamal Kamal's Poems. [Electronic Resource]. URL: