THE ROLE OF FAMILY IN THE SUCCESS OF THE SCHOOL ADAPTATION OF FIRST GRADERS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Filshtinskaya E., Aborina M.

Admission to the first grade of primary school is associated for a child and the whole family with very significant changes in lifestyle, routine, pace. Children aged 6-7 are not yet able to consciously regulate the process of their adaptation, so the school and family play a significant role in this process. The family aspect of school adaptation should be given special attention, since the degree to which a child succeeds in the role of a student is largely determined by the parents' willingness to cope with the role of the student's parents. We carried out a study showing the relationship between intrafamily and parent-child relationships and the success of the social and psychological adaptation of first graders. During the study, it was found that the successful adaptation of first graders to the educational process is interconnected with favorable parent-child and intra-family relations.

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В процессе исследования, автор работал собственно не с профессионалами, а с текстами о профессиях, профессиональной деятельности, в основном профессиограммами. Е.А. Климов предложил для описания образа мира профессионала изучить образ субъекта деятельности в разнотипных профессиях и образ внешнего мира в сознании разнотипных профессионалов [1].

Ю.К. Стрелков анализировал образ мира профессионала с точки зрения его динамической организации, в связи с динамической организацией самой профессиональной деятельности, где образ мира рассматривается как структура, опосредствующая множество событий и их субъективное временное единство. Ю.К. Стрелков отмечал такие временные характеристики образа мира профессионала как, длительность и переживание длительности, ритм, срок, сеть сроков, синхронизация, разрывы и деформации временной связности, многоас-пектность одновременно отслеживаемых и переживаемых временных процессов. Субъективность образа мира определяется неравномерностью, обратимостью и непоследовательностью этих процессов (нарушения, изменения временной последовательности в сознании) [4].

В профессиональном стандарте «Педагог дополнительного образования детей и взрослых» специфика данного вида профессиональной деятельности связана с «организацией деятельности обучающихся по усвоению знаний формированию умений и компетенций, создание педагогических условий для формирования и развития творческих способностей, удовлетворения потребностей в интеллектуальном, нравственном и физическом совершенствовании, укреплении здоровья, организации свободного времени, профессиональной ориентации; обеспечение достижения обучающимися

результатов освоения дополнительных общеобразовательных программ» [5]. Таким образом, профессия педагог дополнительного образования в настоящее время является весьма востребованной.

Однако, в современной психологической науке не представлены как теоретические конструкты, так и эмпирические исследования описывающие профессиональную относительность образа мира педагога дополнительного образования вообще, и его временную составляющую, в частности.

Таким образом, представляется актуальным описать временную относительность образа педагога дополнительного образования, и провести прикладное эмпирическое исследование по данной проблеме.

Список литературы

1. Климов Е.А. Образ мира в разнотипных профессиях. - М., 1995. - 327 с.

2. Леонтьев А.Н. Образ мира // Избранные психологические произведения. - М., 1983. - С. 251-261.

3. Серкин В.П. Образ мира и образ жизни. -Магадан: Изд - во СМУ, 2005. - 331 с.

4. Стрелков Ю.К. Временная связность образа мира // Ученые записки кафедры психологии Северного международного университета. - Вып. 1. - Магадан, 2001. - С. 127-156.

5. Профессиональные стандарты. «Педагог дополнительного образования детей и взрослых» URL: https://profstandart.rosmintrud.ru/obshchiy-informatsionnyy-blok/natsionalnyy-reestr-professionalnykh-standartov/reestr-professionalnykh-standartov/index.php?ELEMENT_ID=48583 (дата обращения 23.10.2020).


Filshtinskaya E.,

Samara State Medical University senior lecturer of the Department of General psychology and health psychology

Aborina M.

Samara State Medical University assistant lecturer of the Department of General psychology and health psychology


Admission to the first grade of primary school is associated for a child and the whole family with very significant changes in lifestyle, routine, pace. Children aged 6-7 are not yet able to consciously regulate the process of their adaptation, so the school and family play a significant role in this process. The family aspect of school adaptation should be given special attention, since the degree to which a child succeeds in the role of a student is largely determined by the parents' willingness to cope with the role of the student's parents. We carried out a study showing the relationship between intrafamily and parent-child relationships and the success of the social and psychological adaptation of first graders. During the study, it was found that the successful adaptation of first graders to the educational process is interconnected with favorable parent-child and intra-family relations.

Keywords: Primary school age, adaptation to school, child-parental relations, intrafamily relations.

With admission to school, the play activity of the preschooler should be replaced by the educational activity of the younger student, but this does not happen all at once and requires a certain amount of time. The child must adapt to the changed conditions of life, get

used to the school environment, form new behavioral patterns, since some of the old schemes do not work in the new environment as effectively as before. Changes caused by the beginning of school education can cause

excessive stress on the psyche and the entire body of the child, negatively affect his health [1].

Children aged 6-7 are not yet able to consciously regulate the process of their adaptation, so the school and family play a significant role in this process. Teachers and parents are the main actors and determinants. Teachers are believed to play a vital role in student achievement, but without parental support, teachers cannot meet all their needs [4].

Starting from the first grade, the success of a student is largely determined by the family environment, expectations, and approaches of his parents [1]. S.Nusi-novici and co-authors studied the effect of parental divorce on the adaptation success of primary schoolchildren and found that parental separation is associated with poor academic performance, decreased motivation, involvement, independence, and even sleight of hand in the child [5]. This confirms the importance of harmonious intrafamily and child-parental relations for the socio-psychological adaptation and academic performance of younger students.

The family aspect of school adaptation should be given special attention, since the degree to which a child succeeds in the role of a student is largely determined by the parents' willingness to cope with the role of the student's parents. The success of adaptation at school largely depends on the quality of the conditions that parents create for their children in the family. The following types of parental preparedness can be distinguished: psychological, pedagogical, social, and legal and material [1].

According to J.L. Epstein, parents are one of the key components of a successful and effective education. According to the author, parental involvement should not be limited to a certain period and a set of actions, it should be present throughout the entire period of education. But help in organizing parental support largely depends on teachers [3].

B.M. Brizuela and M.J. Garcia-Sellers consider the adaptation process as an active phenomenon, as a learning process that every child experiences, and learning as a global and holistic process, not limited to academic performance, but also includes socialization and adaptation factors. School adaptation is largely determined by the expectations and mood of the family, the cognitive and socio-emotional characteristics of the child, the degree of dissonance or coincidence of the attitudes of the family and school. When children must develop two different types of behavior due to the mismatch of the attitudes of the teacher and parents, this is accompanied by great pressure on them and often leads to breakdowns and maladjustment [2].

We carried out a study showing the relationship between intrafamily and parent-child relationships and the success of the social and psychological adaptation of first graders. The study sample was 45 people, including 25 boys and 20 girls, aged 7-8 years. The empirical research used: expert assessment of the level of adaptation of the child at school (adaptation map); observation; the projective technique of Rene Gilles. For the mathematical processing of the data, the Spearman correlation coefficient was used.

The expert assessment was carried out by the educational psychologist and the class teacher. According to the results of an expert assessment, 64% of students in this class are adapted to school at a high level and do not experience problems either in mastering the curriculum or nor in the sphere of interaction with peers and adults. They are active in the classroom, disciplined, have established contact with classmates, the emotional-volitional sphere and the level of cognitive development correspond to age.

A conditionally favorable type of adaptation was revealed in 24% of schoolchildren. The teacher and the psychologist highlighted the presence of some problems: children are not fully aware of their duties, the inner position of the student is partially formed, which may be associated with mental and physiological characteristics of age. During the observation, behavioral features were identified: a tendency to solitude, conflict, aggressiveness, hyperactivity during recess, a slight change in mood.

The experts identified 12% of students who showed low values in assessing the level of social adaptation. This group of schoolchildren has a manifestation of negative emotions (crying, resentment, isolation), they cannot independently complete the task proposed by the teacher, sometimes they refuse to go to school, in relation to their peers they are very shy, play alone. The main problem, according to the educational psychologist, is the lack of interest in learning activities.

An analysis of the study of parent-child relations using the method of Rene Gilles showed that the majority of children (64%) rarely portray themselves next to their mother, that is, schoolchildren do not feel emotional closeness to the mother, and the spiritual distance of the mother from the child is noted. At the same time, 80% of schoolchildren perceive parents as a single couple, which emphasizes the importance of coordinated actions of parents and their good relationships for the development and emotional state of the child.

The study obtained high values on the scale "Attitudes towards brothers and sisters", characteristic of 72% of first graders, which indicates the emotional relationship between them and has a beneficial effect on the harmonious development of the child's personality.

The relationship with the teacher is important for 96% of first graders. This is due to the fact that for younger students, the teacher is significant, and they feel the need for more active interaction with him to gain support and approval. Peer relationships are important for 52% of younger students. During the first year of education, children actively interact with each other, establish contact with classmates, and accumulate social experience. High and medium levels on the scale "Communication in large groups" were found in 84% of students. Students who showed a low result (16%) had no experience of communication in children's groups, did not attend kindergarten and preparatory courses. At the same time, 72% of children showed a pronounced desire for solitude. This may be due to the difficulties of the adaptation period, anxiety, uncertainty, conflicts. Also, the reason for the high degree of

fencing off children may be a lack of intrafamily communication.

The study showed that 72% of schoolchildren are curious, show interest in educational and cognitive activities. An average indicator of conflict and aggressiveness was found in 72% of schoolchildren, and a high one - in 28% of students. This is due to the fact that in the first year of schooling, children find themselves in a new, often problematic situation, leading to a conflict, for a constructive solution of which they are not ready. 72% of students showed high scores on the "Reaction to Frustration" scale and 28% had average scores, which indicates that the majority of the surveyed had frustration tolerance.

The results of the correlation analysis showed a direct significant relationship between socio-psychologi-cal adaptation and attitude towards the mother (rs = 0,493, at p <0,05). Accordingly, children who have a favorable relationship with their mother are more successful in the adaptation period. Mothers who perceive the child as a developing personality with certain age, sex and personality characteristics, needs and interests, contribute to a more successful adaptation of the child to a new and difficult life situation in which the first grader finds himself.

An inverse relationship was also revealed between the level of adaptation of the child to school and the relationship with grandparents (rs = -0,422, at p <0,05). Grandmothers and grandfathers, showing constant overprotection in relation to the child, constantly controlling his behavior, limiting social contacts, contributes to a decrease in the child's adaptive abilities.

Children who highly rated relationships with brothers and sisters have a high level of physical adaptation (rs = 0,498, p <0,05). This is due to the fact that communication and interaction between sisters and brothers during the period of their growth and development contributes to the accumulation of experience of relationships, play activities.

Schoolchildren with high values on the scale of aggressiveness are physiologically better adapted to the new environment (rs = 0,409, at p <0,05), they are more enduring, they can stand up for themselves. The desire for solitude, in turn, negatively affects the ability to adapt (rs = -0,458, at p <0,05).

Thus, during the study, it was found that the successful adaptation of first graders to the educational process is interconnected with favorable parent-child and intra-family relations.

We have developed several recommendations for parents and teachers:

1. It is advisable for parents to attend training and educational sessions aimed at social and psychological adaptation, to receive assistance from specialists.

2. It is necessary to form a favorable attitude to learning activities, to maintain the child's interest and desire to learn.

3. It is important to spend more time with the child, pay attention to his physical and mental condition.

4. With the help of specialists, it is necessary to teach the child to adequately assess himself and others, to control aggression.

5. Criticism against the child should be fair and strictly dosed.

6. The democratic style of upbringing will allow the child to learn to make decisions independently, to bring up responsibility for them.


1. Borbelyova, D. Adaptation to the School Envi-roment in Early Elementary Education / D. Borbelyova // Paidagogos. - 2016. - V. 2, № 13. - P. 206 - 228.

2. Brizuela, B.M. School Adaptation: A Triangular Process / B.M. Brizuela, M.J. Garcia-Sellers // American Educational Research Journal Summer. -1999. - V. 36, № 2. - P. 345-370.

3. Epstein, J.L. Improving family and community involvement in secondary schools / J.L. Epstein // Principal Leadership. - 2007. - V.8(2). - P. 16-22.

4. Lindberg, E.N. Adaptation of Pre-Service Teacher form of the Parental Involvement Survey / E.N. Lindberg, G. Ulker-Tumlu // Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. - 2012. - V. 46. - P. 5178-5182.

5. Nusinovici, S. Impact of parental separation or divorce on school performance in preterm children: A population-based study / S. Nusinovici, B. Olliac, C. Flamant, J.-B. Müller, M. Olivier, V. Rouger, G. Gas-coin // PLoS ONE. - 2018. - V. 13(9). URL: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone (accessed: 11.06.2019).

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