SOCIETY AS A COMPLEX SOCIAL SYSTEM Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Ключевые слова
Civilization / society / politics / culture

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Mavlonov U.M.

This article deals with the civilizational approach to the history of society.

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Текст научной работы на тему «SOCIETY AS A COMPLEX SOCIAL SYSTEM»

UDK 372

Mavlonov U.M.

senior Lecturer, Department of Social and Human Sciences

Uzbek State Institute of Art and Culture


Abstract: This article deals with the civilizational approach to the history of society.

Keywords: Civilization, society, politics, culture

The system is in a definite way an ordered set of elements interconnected and forming some integral unity.

The internal nature, the content side of any complete system, the material basis of its organization is determined by the composition, the set of elements.

The social system is a holistic education, the main element of which are people, their connections, interactions and relationships.

These links, interactions and relationships are stable and reproduced in the historical process, moving from generation to generation.

Social communication is a set of facts that determine the joint activities of people in specific communities at a specific time to achieve certain goals. Social ties are established not on the whims of people, but objectively. The establishment of these links is dictated by the social conditions in which individuals live and act. The essence of social ties is manifested in the content and nature of the actions of people who constitute a given social community. Sociologists distinguish the following types of links:

1) interactions;

2) Relationships;

3) control;

4) institutional, etc.

Social interaction is a process in which people act and experience interaction with each other. The mechanism of social interaction includes individuals who perform certain actions, changes in the social community or society as a whole, caused by these actions, the impact of these changes on other individuals constituting a social community and, finally, the reverse reaction of individuals. Interaction leads to the formation of new social relations.

Social relations are relatively stable and independent links between individuals and social groups.

Thus, society consists of many individuals, their social connections, interactions and relationships. But society can not be viewed as a simple sum of individuals, their connections, interactions and relationships. Proponents of the

system approach believe that society is not a total, but an integral system. This means that at the level of society individual actions, connections and relations form a new quality, systemic quality.

Systemic quality is a special qualitative state that can not be regarded as a simple sum of elements. Public relations and relations are of a supra-individual, transpersonal character, that is, society is some independent substance that is primary in relation to individuals. Each individual, being born, constitutes a certain structure of connections and relations and is included in it in the process of socialization. At the expense of what is achieved this integrity, that is, the system quality.

A whole system has many connections, interactions, and relationships. The most characteristic are the correlations, interactions and relationships, which include the coordination and subordination of elements. Coordination is a certain coherence of elements, that special character of their mutual dependence, which ensures the preservation of an integral system. Subordination is subordination and subordination, pointing to a particular specific place, the unequal importance of elements in the whole system.

This concept was analyzed by many great minds of social thought: from Aristotle, Hegel, Marx to contemporary authors of the 21st century. Under civil society, they understood society at a certain stage of its development, including voluntarily formed non-state structures in the economic, socio-political and spiritual spheres of society.

J. Locke formulated the basic principles of civilized relations in society:

• the interests of the individual stand above the interests of society and the state; freedom is the highest value; the basis of individual freedom, the guarantee of its political independence - private property;

• freedom means not interfering with anyone's privacy;

• Individuals conclude a social contract among themselves, that is, they create a civil society; it forms protective structures between the individual and the state.

Thus, according to Locke, civil society is people voluntarily united in various groups and self-governing institutions, protected by law from direct state interference. A legal state is called upon to regulate these civil relations. If civil society provides for human rights (the right to life, freedom, the pursuit of happiness, etc.), then the state is the citizen's rights (political rights, that is, the right to participate in the management of society). In both cases, we are talking about the individual's right to self-realization.

The diversity of citizens' interests, their implementation through various institutions, the range of rights and freedoms used at the same time constitute the main features of civil society.

Institutes of civil society can be divided into three groups. These are organizations in which the individual:

• receives funds to meet vital needs in food, clothing, housing, etc. These funds an individual can get in production organizations, consumer and trade unions;

• satisfies the needs for continuation of the family, communication, spiritual and physical perfection, etc. This is promoted by the family, the church, educational and scientific institutions, creative unions, sports societies, etc .;

• meets the needs for managing the life of society. Here, interests are realized through participation in the functioning of political parties and movements.

The ability of individual citizens, various organizations of citizens to defend their private interests, the possibility of their satisfaction at their own discretion, without violating the private and public interests of others, characterizes the maturity of civil society.

In modern conditions, civil society acts as a variety of non-state-mediated mutual relations of free and equal individuals in a market and democratic legal statehood. Unlike state structures, civil society is dominated not by vertical (hierarchical), but by horizontal links - the relations of competition and solidarity between legally free and equal partners.

In the economic sphere, non-state enterprises are the structural elements of civil society: cooperatives, partnerships, joint-stock companies, companies, corporations, associations and other voluntary economic associations of citizens created by them on their own initiative.

The social and political sphere of civil society includes:

• family as the defining social unit of civil society, in which individual and public interests intersect;

• public, socio-political, political parties and movements that express the diversity of interests of various groups of civil society;

• bodies of public self-government in the place of residence and work;

• mechanism for identifying, forming and expressing public opinion, as well as resolving social conflicts;

• non-state mass media.

In this sphere, there is a practice of institutionalizing the interests that arise in society and expressing them in a non-violent, civilized form, within the framework of the constitution and the laws of the state.

Thus, as a result, society becomes an integral system with qualities in which there is not one of the elements included in it individually. Due to its integral qualities, the social system acquires a certain independence in relation to its constituent elements, the relative way of its development.

Sources used:

1. Volkov Yu.G., Mostovaya I.V. / Sociology: A Textbook for high schools / Ed. prof. IN AND. Dobrenkov. - Moscow: Gardariki, 2006.- 432 p.

2. Kazarinova N.V. Sociology. - Moscow: NOTA VENE, 2006. - 271 p.

3. AI Kravchenko. Sociology: General course: A textbook for high schools. -Moscow: Logos, 2008. - 640 p.

4. AI Kravchenko. Sociology: Proc. manual for university students. -Ekaterinburg: Business book., 2007. - 384 p.

5. Mironova R.E. Sociology. - Saratov: Publishing in the Volga Region. interregion. training. center, 2006. - 99 with.

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