Научная статья на тему 'Specificity of state administration in economic and educational activities'

Specificity of state administration in economic and educational activities Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Arsenyev Y.N., Davydova T.Yu.

The aspects of state management of the society's activity are studied by the criteria of efficiency and quality. Approaches, principles, functions, methods and means, their practical application are analyzed.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Specificity of state administration in economic and educational activities»




Arsenyev Y.N.,

Prof., Dr. Tech. Science Davydova T.Yu.

Associate Prof., Cand. ped. Science


The aspects of state management of the society's activity are studied by the criteria of efficiency and quality. Approaches, principles, functions, methods and means, their practical application are analyzed. Keywords: management, public activities, approaches, principles, methods.

One of the priority modern problems in Russia is the improvement of the quality and effectiveness of state activities, the work of public authorities. The category "public administration" determines the analysis of the subject of study of social and economic sciences, social life and consciousness. Each branch of science studies a certain group of social phenomena, their necessary and essential connections and relations. The works of many Russian scientists (Ananov I.N., Bachilo I.L., Kozlov Y.M., Lazarev B.M., Lunev A.Y., Piskotin M.I., Popov L.L. etc.) are devoted to the analysis of general problems of public administration (legal consolidation of the principles of public administration, the system of state bodies, their administrative and legal status, methods of public administration, etc.) [1-6].

Public administration can be studied from different perspectives and concepts, taking into account the influence of both theories of law or the social state, the separation of powers, as well as other branches of knowledge, in particular, the synergy, cybernetics, sociology, political science, management.

In the functions of the state, as well as the main directions of internal and external activities of the state reveals their active service role in relation to society, multilateral practical activities of the authorities in the country and abroad. The state, realizing the corresponding functions, objectifies the inherent specificity and laws of development, the dynamics of political, socioeconomic and spiritual transformations in the life of society and fulfills its social mission.

The writings on the theory of state and law are allocated internal and external functions. The main internal functions of the state are economic, social, development of culture, science and education, taxation, environmental, ensuring the security of the state, protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens, all forms of property, law and order. Its external functions are national

defense; ensuring international peace and security; cooperation and strengthening of ties with the CIS countries, CSTO, BRICS, etc.

The activity of the state in the performance of its functions is considered on the basis of the division of specific forms of state activity - legislative, executive (administrative) and judicial (Figure 1). Executive activity (public administration) represents the implementation of executive and administrative functions based on laws in the spheres of economic and cultural development, social security and health, transport and communications, ensuring the security of the state and protecting public order, defense of the country, etc. Public administration differs from legislative and judicial activities in that it is carried out by the executive authorities [2], which issue subordinate regulatory legal acts aimed at the realization of their functions. Executive bodies and officials execute legislative and other normative legal acts, issue of documents, certificates, permits for the production of any activity, registration, etc. In cases prescribed by law, employees of these bodies (for example, the police) may carry out compulsory actions, and in special cases, physical force and weapons.

Under the principles of public administration understand the theoretical provisions, including those enshrined in federal laws and other regulatory and legal acts and reflecting its objective laws, the essential aspects of its organization. Principles influence the forms, methods, structure, personnel and management process. Principles reflect the basic requirements for the construction and organization of the administrative apparatus, its units, and the ways in which they exercise functions related to management. Most of the principles of public administration are fixed in the form of legal norms, a number of principles-ideas are not enshrined in legislation (humanism, justice), the refore the ideas of social justice and humanism must permeate all executive activities of the subjects of government.

Figure 1. Specific forms of state activity (SFSA): Law - legislative; Exec - executive; Jud - judicial; Media - mass media; BEP - bodies of executive power (federal, subjects of the Russian Federation); ExexLA - execution of legislative and other normative legal acts; ID - issuance of documents, certificates; PPA - permission to produce an activity; Reg - registration; ExAF -executive and administrative functions in the areas of: economy and culture (E&C); transport and communications (T&C); public order (PO), healthcare (Health), education (Educat), science (Sci); defense (Def); social security (SS); agribusiness industry (Agr), national security (NS) and other.

There are three interrelated and interdependent aspects of public administration: ontological (the genesis of principles, their interrelations with nature, the essence of reflected patterns, relationships and interrelationships); gnoseological (analysis of the essence, logic and structure of principles); methodological (the role of principles in the scientific and applied activities of society in the sphere of public administration).

In general, public administration is one of the forms of state activity that is distinguished by its content, forms and methods in which it is manifested, and by those authorities from which it is based. Each of these forms, including public administration, taking into account its own ways and means, serves the purposes of realizing the functions of the state.

There are many classifications of principles of public administration. The principles of public administration are divided [3]:

- general (the principles of system, objectivity, feedback, information sufficiency);

- private (the principles in the subsystems and spheres of society - economic, socio-political, etc.);

- organizational and technological (one-man management, hierarchy, concreteness, etc.).

Classification of public administration as a legal category includes [2]:

- general principles (social and legal, having a general social character, implemented in management, regardless of the level and location of a government body) - objectivity, efficiency, the combination of centralization and decentralization, legality and discipline;

- organizational principles, including two groups of principles: branch, territorial (linear, functional, double subordination); rational distribution of powers

among the subjects of public administration, their responsibility for the results of their work; a combination of unity of command and collegiality.

There are 10 essential features and characteristics of public administration, as a type of state activity and legal category:

1) Public administration is one of the types of state activity that has a direct character, within the framework of which the executive power is exercised, all executive bodies being subjects of state administration;

2) Public administration is the direct organizing activity for the fulfillment of the tasks and functions of the state (the vital activity of individuals and collectives, as well as material objects), the implementation of both external and internal executive and administrative functions;

3) Public administration is a legally-authoritative activity carried out in administrative, that is, out of court (its subjects carry out normatively definite tasks and functions through the use of state power authorities, which they are endowed with legislative and other normative legal acts of the Russian Federation);

4) Public administration is a by-law activity (the law determines its goals, tasks, serves as a basis for determining the functions and powers of subjects of public administration);

5) Public administration is carried out by special subjects (the Government of the Russian Federation and other bodies of executive power, in which execution is the main feature of state administration as an independent type of state activity);

6) Public administration - as a sphere and area of society, includese:

a) main spheres (economic - industry, energy, agriculture, construction, communications, protection and

protection of the environment, use of natural resources, trade, finance, credit, foreign economic activity, customs, social and cultural - science, education, health, culture, social protection, administrative and political -defense, national security, internal affairs, justice, foreign policy);

b) public administration specific control objects (defense, industry, transport, communications, healthcare and others.).

7) public administration on the basis of sectoral and intersectoral principles;

8) state management as a centralized management with general, special and sectoral coordination, the identification of common rules and regulations, indirect links between the object and the subject of management, or as an operational direct management with direct links between the body and the management object;

9) public administration, taking into account the structure of the process - consistent management of subjects by a number of procedures (stages, cycles, phases) within the framework of administrative standards and regulations, including:

a) development and adoption of management decisions aimed at the implementation of the requirements of the law, the establishment of basic rules, standards in the field of management, the main areas of work, etc. The functioning of the management system is organized, the status of participants in managerial relations is determined;

b) execution of the decision (implementation of orders, prompt regulation of current management ties, adjustment of decisions, operational management, etc.);

c) checking execution of the decision (execution control);

10) public administration as legal enforcement, administrative lawmaking, administrative jurisdiction (law enforcement), while the governing bodies issue legal acts on the basis of and in compliance with the law.

Two elements of the characteristics of public administration meet the objectives (performance) and means of achievement (disposal) and serve as the basis for determining public administration as executive and administrative activities. It follows that the state administration has both performing and legal-executive (administrative) character. Performing activities - is an administrative activity that provides for subordination of the object of management relations to their subject. Managerial relations are subordinate, power-organizational and administrative relations.

In general, public administration as a type of state activity acts as an organizing, legal and executive and subordinate activity of bodies by the executive and other state bodies, by the practical implementation by the subjects of the norms of legislation in the exercise of their powers in compliance with the assigned responsibility.

The essence of executive and administrative activity is the implementation of laws and other legal acts of public authorities. Execution is the main feature of public administration as an independent type of state activity. It is accepted to distinguish between the following

categories: a) social management (the activity of the whole state for the regulation of public relations); b) management as an organizational activity (providing conditions for successful implementation of functions by any body or organization); c) public administration (activities carried out on a national scale by special subjects - government bodies).

Abroad, there is a specific nature of public administration. Thus, in the Federal Republic of Germany, the concepts of administrative law and public administration are closely connected and are considered as the activity and function of a system of organs organized by the state. Based on the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany, administrative activities are carried out at five levels:

- administrative activities of the federation bodies;

- activity of land administrative bodies;

- activities of district administrations under the control of the government of the land;

- activities of district and city administration at district level;

- community administration activities. The acts of the above-mentioned bodies, having a general normative value, are sources of law.

In the new Russia quickly adopted the Constitution of the Russian Federation, other laws and regulations adopted abroad without taking into account the Russian specifics (customs, traditions, mentality) of peoples, and this practice of "lawmaking" continues successfully to this day.

Let us examine in more detail the evolution of state, state-administrative and administrative management from the standpoint of a number of sciences - cybernetics, sociology and management.

The cybernetic approach to the analysis of public administration is one of the approaches developed since the 1960s. Using the mathematical apparatus, mathematical logic and the theory of functions, cybernetics has integrated the most important achievements of the theory of automatic regulation, computer science, many other spheres of scientific knowledge (control, reception, storage and processing of information in complex dynamic systems). When researching management at a high level of abstraction, particular importance is attached to the principles, laws and connections of the set of elements that form a single integrated system, procedures and control algorithms.

Management is broadly defined as the targeted influence of the management entity on management objects for the creation of effectively functioning systems based on information links and relationships in order to bring the object or process into an ordered final (desired) state. Up to 200 management definitions are known in systems: technical (power systems, computers, machine tools, robots, technological processes); social and economic (industries, individual enterprises, services, etc.); organizational with the participation of a person (people enter the work collectives of organizations in order to solve problems through management processes). Any management process characterized by: the need to create and operate an integrated system; purposeful influence on the system to achieve orderly

relations and connections, accomplish the task; presence of the subject and object of management as direct participants of the process; information, as the main link of all the participants in management; the existence of a hierarchy in the management structure; the use of various forms of subordination of the object to the subject on the basis of various methods, methods and means of control.

Under the influence of the ideas of cybernetics and sociology, the term "social management" was developed - one of the types of management by influencing the person's consciousness, will and behavior, while the objects of social organization of society, its inherent structure and social processes serve as objects. Signs of social management are:

- presence of collective activity of people (the subject in social management are people, their groups, the state and its bodies, and the object of management are human collectives and separate individuals);

- the main purpose of social management is the ordering influence on the participants of joint activity through their organization. Types of social management - management in the field of human activities, social relations and processes, behavior by collectives, individuals and organizations. People's activities take place in the spheres of production and consumption of material and intellectual goods, socio-political, ethical, ideological, cultural, family, etc.;

- regulator of people's behavior is powerfully-willed character, including coercion and other methods.

The essence of social management is the management of an abstract concept (as a function, process, in a specific sphere, a particular organization or management body), and its content includes orderly social relations, regulation, organization and functioning of the social order. In these cases, the object of management is social-volitional relationships, behavior and human actions. But man is also a subject of social management, in the quality of which are both individual individuals, as well as state, international, public organizations.

In the 1970s the problems of social management were investigated from the position of a systemic approach. Its main idea was to analyze state problems in a particular field of activity from the position of an organizational system characterized by a certain integrity of the goals and objectives of all levels of management organization. The management of the organizational system was understood as a management system of a certain organizational level, implementing various functions in the volume necessary and sufficient to provide management tasks in the required amount, with the following characteristics:

- integrity (the fundamental impossibility of reducing the properties of the system to the totality of the properties of its constituent elements according to the law of synergy);

- the interdependence of each property from its location in the system and the manifestation of its properties in interaction with the external environment;

- structural (the conditioning of behavior is not so the behavior of individual elements of the system, as the properties of its elements in the aggregate);

- hierarchy (each element is directed by an interactive quality that ensures the system interaction of these elements).

The formed theory and practice of administrative management served as the core of administrative science on the basis of complex interdisciplinary research and knowledge at the junction of law and management, political science, sociology, the general theory of organization. It has become the basis of management knowledge and educational programs for training students of universities and professional retraining of civil servants, taking into account the specifics of the external environment and the nature of its impact. The system of state and administrative management realizes the tasks of managing the state socio-economic and political-cultural spheres on the basis of the necessary financial, material and intellectual resources for carrying out its activities and adopting legitimate political decisions. Public administration from the point of view of cybernetics and the university direction "State and municipal management" is part of the social management of the processes of the specific impact of managing subsystems on managed subsystems that take place in biological, technical and social systems. The peculiarity of public administration is the systemic coverage of the whole society, including the economy, the social sphere, culture, education, etc., which ensures the ordering, organization and functioning of the entire system of social relations in accordance with the laws of existence and development of society. All these spheres are managed by the state administrative apparatus, as the integrating part of the state. The bodies of state administration act on behalf of and on behalf of the state, which empowers them with power to achieve their goals. Powers of authority are embodied in their competence, determined by laws and other normative acts. Not only the head of state and executive bodies, but also the bodies of legislative and judicial power, are included in the cybernetic approach to the subjects of public administration.

The political approach was developed by a number of scientists (I.A. Vasilenko, D. Wilson, D. Greenwood, R. Gregory and others), in which the object of the theory of state and administrative-public administration was administrative-state activity, as the process of achieving national goals and tasks through state organizations, and its subject is the scientific substantiation of the process of achieving optimal state management through organization. Administrative and public administration as an interdisciplinary science is the implementation of state policy through the implementation of state decisions, as a method of top-down management, state administration as the activity of professional civil servants in the implementation of social policy.

In the approach to public administration, the provisions of the theory of scientific management applied to production, laid down by its founders (F.U. Taylor, A. Fayol, G. Emerson, etc.) are taken into account from the position of management and management organization. Their striving for the creation of universal principles of management determined: the development of a rational system for managing the organization taking

into account the basic functions of business (production, finance, marketing); Synthesis of the structure of organization and management of personnel based on the principles of A. Fayol, used in management today, including one-man management, centralization, division of labor, discipline, initiative, corporate spirit, etc. Scientific management is:

- function, type of activity to guide people in a variety of organizations, including public authorities;

- the area of knowledge that helps to implement this function, the development of a number of problems, including the organization of team leadership and the management process, methods and models of decision-making and management, ensuring the effectiveness of the organization;

- a complex system that is integrated from various subsystems and elements (organizational system for controlling the apparatus, a system of management methods, a system of technology and management techniques, a system of management documentation and information);

- forms of managerial activity - legal, through which management decisions and actions are recorded, and organizational ones for the implementation of collective or individual actions (operational organizational and material and technical operations).

The stages of managerial activity are: analysis and assessment of the management situation; forecasting, modeling of necessary and possible actions for the preservation and transformation of the state of the administrative situation in the subject or object of management; development of prospective legal acts, implementation of organizational measures; adoption of legal acts and implementation of organizational measures; organization of the implementation of decisions taken; monitoring implementation and prompt information; generalization of the executed managerial activity and evaluation of the new resulting management situation.

A poly-aspect approach to the analysis of the essence of public administration, mainly as a variety of social management, was offered by Y.N. Starilov, Y.A. Tikhomirov and others. Management is broadly defined as the organization of public relations, while the whole administration is the object of government. Social management is a purposeful organized impact on all or a few spheres of social life, the management of social processes. Management of the state and state affairs is a purposeful organized impact of the state and its institutions on the spheres of state life for their change in accordance with the goals of state policy. State management is considered in two ways: in a broad sense - the sphere of organizing and administrative activities of state bodies, and in the narrow sense - the activities of executive authorities, the administrative apparatus proper. Administration - management activities in organizations, institutions, enterprises [1-3]. Thus, Y.N. Starilov distinguished three types of management according to purpose, qualitative specifics and intensity of management functions and operations: mechanical engineering (machinery, machinery, technology and production and technological processes); biological (vital processes of living organisms); social (social processes, people and organizations).

From the point of view of systemic nature, public administration is an extremely complex dynamic system, each element of which produces, transmits, perceives, transforms regulatory influences in such a way that they regulate public life, achieve goals, perform tasks and management functions, connect subjects and objects with managers effects. Then, public administration in the broad sense is the regulating activity of the state as a whole (the activities of representative, legislative, executive, judicial bodies), and in the narrow sense it is the administrative activity of executive bodies, executive and administrative bodies of the state at the level of the Russian Federation and its subjects. Then, administrative law considers public administration only in a narrow sense (practical activities of the President and the Government of the Russian Federation, central bodies of the federal executive power). The bodies of local self-government, the local administration, its bodies and structural subdivisions are the bodies of executive power implementing the functions of management.

An analysis of the works of Russian scientists made it possible to single out a number of approaches to the essence of public administration, and to consider public administration in three meanings:

- from the standpoint of legal science, public administration, as one of the forms of state activity, the essence of which consists in the practical implementation by certain state bodies of laws in order to realize the functions of the state. Public administration is statedominant in nature, subjects of state administration execute the powers established by legislative and other normative legal acts;

- from the standpoint of cybernetics and sociology (general management theory), political science and public relations, public administration, as the interaction of subjects and objects of social management through direct and reverse links; purposeful organized impact of the state and its institutions on public life for their streamlining and improvement in accordance with the objectives of public policy; as the governing influence of the state on society in order to regulate social systems and their functioning is adequate to the laws of the existence and development of society;

- from the position of organization of management activity, the theory of scientific management, public administration, as state management and management of collectives in four main aspects of organization of management activities - planning, organization, management and control.

We formulate the following conclusions [4-6].

1. Management has a number of meanings: the direction of motion; leadership, direction of activity of someone or something; activity of government bodies. Control - is to direct, manage, dispose.

2. Management or public administration are not common concepts for essentially different processes that have independent significance in the scientific, theoretical and practical terms (see table):

- management in the cybernetic sense is the interaction of subjects and objects in nature and technology through the mechanism of direct and feedback;

- the management of society is the impact of the the implementation of the provisions of laws by certain

state and its institutions on society;

- public administration as a form of management of public activities;

- management of the executive activities of state bodies, as the implementation of their competences for

state bodies;

- public administration in the broad sense - the management of the state, all of its activities on the organizing impact on public relations.

- public administration in a narrow sense - the organization of managerial activity of the state apparatus.

Basic features of the legality of public administration

Term Semantics of terms, functions and activities

Legitimacy 1. Accurate and uniform understanding and implementation of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, laws by all executive authorities and officials, as well as persons to whom the requirements of the subjects of management are addressed. 2. The duty of each management entity to act strictly within its competence, as well as in the adequacy of any management act

Properties of legitimacy The rule of law, reality, unity, inadmissibility of opposing the rule of law and expediency

The rule of law The law plays a dominant role. Public administration is carried out on the basis and in compliance with the law. All subordinate acts of the subjects of public administration must comply with the law. If the law governing is inadequate, it must be repealed or brought in accordance with the law

Reality of legality Achievement of the actual implementation of the norms of laws in management activities

Unity of law A common understanding and application of the law throughout the territory to which it applies (federal law - on the territory of the Russian Federation, the law of the subject of the Russian Federation - on the territory of the corresponding region)

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Inadmissibility of opposing the legality and expediency Within the framework of the law, the most expedient and optimal decisions in the sphere of management, including public administration, should be chosen, the law in the management process can not be adjusted to the advantage of expediency, and it can be changed only by lawmaking procedure

State control of law enforcement The way to ensure legality, in which the authorized state bodies, officials, on the basis of certain methods find out whether violations of lawfulness and expediency have been tolerated by bodies (officials) under their control, usually subordinate bodies. If violations are detected, measures are taken to eliminate them, restore rights, and bring responsible officials to justice

The essence of state control Verification of compliance with the law by executive bodies, officials, ensuring expediency and effectiveness of activities

Principles of state control 1. Legality. 2. Objectivity. 3. Independence. 4. Publicity. 5. The economy. 6. Preservation of state and other secrets

Types of state control 1. External (the control is carried out by the body that is not part of the system of the auditee) and internal (control bodies are included in the departmental system). 2. The general (coverage of all activities of the audited body) and special (verification is conducted on certain issues)

Types of control in public admin-istrati-on Control exercised by: a) the President of the Russian Federation (presidential); b) legislative bodies (parliamentary); c) the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation (control and audit, expert-analytical, information and other activities); d) the Government of the Russian Federation, the Federal Penitentiary Service and the executive bodies of the Russian Federation; e) judicial control in public administration (Constitutional Court, courts of general jurisdiction, arbitration courts)

Supervision as a way to ensure legality Constant systematic observation of special state bodies over the activities of government bodies, officials and citizens in order to prevent and detect violations of the rule of law

Types of supervision 1. Procuratorial supervision (for the implementation of the laws of the Federal Penitentiary Service and the executive bodies of the subjects of the Russian Federation, local self-government bodies, control, their officials, management bodies and heads of commercial and non-commercial organizations). 2. Administrative supervision in respect of: 1) an indefinite range of individuals and legal entities for compliance with certain rules, for example, fire safety; 2) a certain circle of citizens, officials, legal persons and on specific issues, for example, the rules for the acquisition, storage and use of firearms, officials responsible for the preservation and use of radioactive materials, and means for color copying; 3) some citizens released from places of deprivation of liberty, by the bodies of internal affairs and penitentiary inspectorates in relation to convicts to punishment in the form of restriction of freedom

3. In a democratic state, the executive is independent, possessing a powerful potential. Executive power and public administration can be characterized as essence and content: Public administration is a kind of state activity within which the executive power is realized, the essence of which is in the organizing and administrative nature, and the state administration is the content of the activities of the executive authorities. The functioning of the latter is directly activity-oriented with the realization of the functions of the state in many spheres: political, economic, social, cultural, social security and health, transport and communications, defense, state and society security, etc.

4. In recent years, new progressive research methods have emerged, including a system-synergetic approach to public and administrative management. He reveals public administration from new perspectives, promises new achievements in the quality and efficiency of the functioning of socio-economic systems, allows from a different perspective to look at the possibilities of its principles, functions, methods and means. However, this is the subject of a separate article.


1. Administrative reform in Russia: a scientific and practical guide / ed. S.E. Naryshkin, T.Y. Kha-brieva. M.: Norma, 2006.

2. Administrative Law: Textbook / Ed. L.L. Popov, M.S. Studenikina. M.: Norma, 2008.

3. Popov L.L., Migachev Y.I., Tikhomirov S.V. Public administration and executive power / ed. L.L. Popov. M.: Norma: INFRA-M, 2011. 320 p.

4. Arsenyev Y.N., Davydova T.Y., Razumovskaya T.I. Management, public administration: essence and features. M.-Tula: Publishing House of Tula State University, 2018. 317p.

5. Arsenyev Y.N., Davydova T.Y. Study of strategies for training state and municipal employees on the basis of synergetics and management theory // Problems and perspectives of modern science: XVII International Scientific and Practical Conference M.: ISI-journal Central Research Center for International Scientific Research, 2017.

6. State personnel policy and education economics: management of quality and knowledge, innovations, efficiency, safety, risks: Materials of the international scientific and practical conference / ed. Doctor of technical sciences, prof. Y.N. Arsenyev, Ph.D. T.I. Razumovskaya. M. - Tula: Publishing House of Tula State University, 2017. 326 p.



Сохацька О.М.

Тернотльський нацюнальний eKOHOMinmu yuieepcumem, д.е.н., професор, saeidyeau кафедри мiжнародних eKOHOMiuHux eidnocun

Бучинська Т.В.

Тернотльський нaцiонaльний eKOHOMiunuu утверситет, викладач кафедри мiжнaродних еко-

HOMiuHux вiдносин



Sokhatska O.M.,

Ternopil National Economic University, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of International Economic Relations

Buchynska T. V.

Ternopil National Economic University, lecturer at the Department of International Economic Relations


В статп виокремлено на рiзних юторичних етапах (ввд античносп до сьогодення) тдходи мислителiв та науковщв до визначення прюритетних компетентностей для розвитку, окреслено 1хню сутнють та реле-вантшсть по ввдношенню до сучасних умов розвитку свггового господарства; сформовано та вiзуалiзовано агрегований шдхвд щодо оптимального сшввщношення у розвитку компетентностей людини на основi пiдходiв античних та класичних фiлософiв; окреслено економiчну природу прюритетносп вибору компетентностей для розвитку та надано пропозици в контекст щейного шдгрунтя для формування пропозицш вщповвдним шститутам, що вщповвдають за формування компетентностей людини .


The article outlines the approaches of thinkers and scholars to the identification of priority competencies for development at different historical stages (from antiquity to the present); their essence and relevance in relation to the current conditions of development of the world economy have been outlined; the aggregated approach to optimal relation in the development of human competences based on the approaches of ancient and classical philosophers has been formed and visualized; the economic nature of the priority of the choice of competencies for development and proposes in the context of the ideological basis for the formulation of proposals to the relevant institutes responsible for the development of human competencies has been outlined.

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