Научная статья на тему 'Social tourism in Russia'

Social tourism in Russia Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социологические науки»

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European science review
Ключевые слова
tourism / types of tourism / social tourism / Krasnodar Region

Аннотация научной статьи по социологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Volkova Tatiana Aleksandrovna, Karpova Julia Igorevna, Minenkova Vera Vladimirovna, Khodykina Anna Fedorovna

Social tourism is one of the most important types of tourism in the system of tourism industry, and aserious impulse is needed for its development and getting attention of the state and business to it. Currently the meansof federal and regional budgets decrease by sanatorium treatment of citizens entitled to benefits from year to year.Development of social tourism is absolutely necessary, economically justified and profitable. At current reproductionof human resources is important for social and economic development of territories.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Social tourism in Russia»

Social tourism in Russia

Section 12. Regional studies and socio-economic geography

Volkova Tatiana Aleksandrovna, Karpova Julia Igorevna, Minenkova Vera Vladimirovna,

Khodykina Anna Fedorovna, Kuban State University, Department of International Tourism and Management E-mail: Mist-next4@inbox.ru

Social tourism in Russia

Abstract: Social tourism is one of the most important types of tourism in the system of tourism industry, and a serious impulse is needed for its development and getting attention of the state and business to it. Currently the means of federal and regional budgets decrease by sanatorium treatment of citizens entitled to benefits from year to year. Development of social tourism is absolutely necessary, economically justified and profitable. At current reproduction of human resources is important for social and economic development of territories.

Keywords: tourism, types of tourism, social tourism, Krasnodar Region.

According to the Russian legislation social tourism is the tourism which in whole or partly is carried out at the expense of budgetary funds, means of the state non-budgetary funds (including the funds allocated within the state social help), and also means of employers, thus the state in the order established by the Government of the Russian Federation provides to separate categories of the Russian tourists social benefits. Forms and methods of social tourism are shown at establishment of reduced transport rates for air and other transport for youth, preferential price-lists for placement for certain categories of tourists. Though “social tourism” exists more than 60 years and is well developed in some countries, its definitions still are differently interpreted in different countries.

In the western sources the definition of social tourism was given for the first time in 1957 by W. Hunziker: “A group of relationships and phenomena in tourism leading to participation in processes of travel of the poor or otherwise restrained elements of society” [2]. For A. Haulat social tourism is determined by the fact that its individual and collective purposes coincide with the concept of modern society on implementation of all measures for ensuring more justice, nobility and satisfaction with life for all inhabitants [4]. Newer definition of social tourism was given by the International Social Tourism Organization as follows: “a set of relationship and phenomena arising from participation in tourism, in particular participations of groups of persons, who have low income. This participation is carried out at the expense of initiatives of exclusively social orientation”. This vision of social tourism leads to new accent in definition of its essence. It is social

and more moral aspect. As the market of tourism isn’t able to provide a product that will suit everybody, interference is necessary to make tourism available to everybody. The latest and fuller definition of social tourism was proposed by L. Min-naert, G. Miller and R. Maytland. They consider that: “social tourism is a tourism with more moral value for the hosting or staying participants of tourist exchange” This definition represents social tourism more from the moral angle [7].

There are also other visions of the nature of social tourism based on “the right of travel”. According to conclusions of the Declaration of the world conference on tourism in Manila (1990) “Social tourism is the purpose to which society has to aspire in interests of less wealthy citizens when using their right to rest” [3].

J. Hockland offers the following definition of social tourism: “The concept of «social tourism» means that all citizens, irrespective of the economic or social situation, must have the opportunity to go on holiday. From such point ofview vacation travel have to be considered as any other human rights, social loss of which has to be offset by the state for general welfare” [5].

The economic and social committee of the European Union considers that social tourism is organized in some countries by associations, cooperatives and labour unions and intended for providing access to travel to the greatest number of people, in particular from vulnerable segments of the population, and gives the definition of social tourism as follows: “Each person has a right to rest on a daily, weekly and annual basis, and the right for free time that allows people to develop each aspect of their personality and their social integration. The right for


Section 12. Regional studies and socio-economic geography

tourism is concrete expression of this general law, and social tourism is a tool for achievement of universal available remedy for realization of this right” [4]. Among the Soviet and Russian authors there are different views on definition of social tourism as well. The very first definition was formulated by V I. Azar, V N. Akishin and M. B. Birzhakov: “Social tourism is the kind of tourism subsidized from the funds allocated for social needs for creation of conditions for travel to school students, youth, pensioners, veterans of war and labour, and other citizens to whom the state, state and non-state funds, and other charitable organizations give social support” [1].

In our opinion, this definition is the fullest, though it reflects only the financial part. Also there are various definitions

In other words, social tourism is any kind of tourism expenses on which are in whole or in part paid to the tourist from the financial sources intended on social needs.

In the Krasnodar Region development of social tourism for rendering social support, when using a constitutional right of citizens on rest, is carried out within the regional target program of tourism development and has priority value. The Law of the Krasnodar Region as of August 01, 2012 No. 2568-KZ “On additional measures of social support of particular categories of citizens” is in force in the region, as well as the Order of the Head of administration of the Krasnodar Region “On granting subsidies (grants) by the administration of the Krasnodar Region for support of socially useful programs of socially oriented non-profit organizations” as of June 11, 2014 is operated.

Social tourism is one of the most important types in the system of tourism industry, and a serious impulse is needed for its development and getting attention of the state

of social tourism in bills of the Russian Federation. In the Law “On Bases of Tourist Activity in the Russian Federation” adopted by the State Duma on October 4, 1996 social tourism is defined as “the travel subsidized from the funds allocated by the state for social needs” Such definition is incomplete as it is unclear for whose account social tours will be financed [6].

Russian and Soviet authors appear to have a tendency to impose responsibility for financing of social tourism on the state. It also differs them from the European authors, thus there are definitions given by scientists from Brazil who also consider that development of social tourism is a prerogative of the state. We will provide the comparative analysis of definitions by several criteria, see table 1.

and business to it. In this sphere the priority directions are health-related, cultural and educational types of tourism. The solution of problems of development of this sphere is possible to find only by using a set of measures, including by means of modification of the operating legislative, regulatory and legal framework. Certainly, it is strategically possible to follow the development of system of holiday cheques, but there are many issues that can be currently solved.

Currently the means of federal and regional budgets decrease by sanatorium treatment of citizens entitled to benefits from year to year. The absence of effective motivation for employers for payment for the rest ofemployees also has an impact.

Social tourism has competitive advantages. First of all, its advantage is recoverability. In the Krasnodar Region the costs of the program “Deti u morya (Children by the Sea)” were returned to budgets through salaries, taxes, etc. Restoration of human potential, both children, and adults, is the most important factor of social and economic development.

Table 1. - Comparative analysis of definitions of social tourism

Author Object Subject Financing source

V Hanziker Not determined Disadvantaged Not determined

International Social Tourism Organization (ISTO) Organizations of social orientation Disadvantaged Not determined

L. Minnaert, R. Maytland, G. Miller Host party Host party Not determined

Economic and social committee of the European Union Not determined All citizens Not determined

V. I. Azar, State, state and non-state Pupils, students, pension- State, state and non-state

V N. Akishin, funds and other chari- ers, veterans of war and funds and other chari-

M. B. Birzhakov table organizations labour and others table organizations

J. Hoсkland State All citizens State

Law «On Bases of Tourist Activity in the Russian Federation» Not determined Not determined State

The draft of the Federal law «On social tourism» of the Russian State Duma Committee on tourism and sport Not determined Vulnerable citizens Not determined

The draft of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation «On social tourism» of the Russian association of social tourism and the Moscow center ofAcademy of tourism Not determined Citizens of the Russian Federation State and others

I. O. Serdobolskaya Not determined All citizens Not determined

M. Almeyda State Individual State


Social tourism in Russia

It also should be noted that a huge number of unique techniques of resort treatment and health care, and also diagnostic and treatment complexes which aren’t present in Europe in such volume as in the Russian sanatoria, are expensive now, and, apparently, make the tourist’s product heavier, make it non-competitive. In a Russian health resort the medical personnel makes from 30 to 50 % of total number of employees. And in the foreign there is one doctor or a few health workers in sanatorium or even in several hotels.

Development of social tourism is absolutely necessary, economically justified and profitable. At current reproduction of human resources is important for social and economic development of territories.

Economic development of social tourism is promoted not by the existence of separate single infrastructure elements, but by the created purposeful system providing access to good rest for people, that means effective restoration of physical and spiritual forces.

It is expedient to name the following major factors defining the need of development of social tourism:

1. Existence of an essential difference in the income of the population of the country. Attempts of creation of, so-called, middle class aren’t yet successful therefore a large number of people can’t use the right to rest fully. That means social tourism is necessary as the phenomenon that allows to the citizens to realize their constitutional rights.

2. Tourism development beneficially influences national economy in general. In spite of the fact that social tourism doesn’t make the task of receiving profit its aim, even denies it, it can well affect the infrastructure component of regions, promote creation of workplaces.

3. Improvement of an image component of the country can also be referred to the reasons of development of social tourism since besides development of infrastructure the investment appeal of regions increases.

4. Need of patriotic education ofyouth. On condition of a constant and sustainable development of social tourism, tourist services become available to all segments of the population that is important for young people, who must know, love and be proud of the country.

5. An orientation of social tourism on the solution of a number of social tasks: granting the non-material benefits; formation of educational and cultural level of the population; reduction of a material inequality; decrease in social and psychological intensity in society; education of dignified members of society.

In modern Russia the development of social tourism is so far possible only by means of state regulation. Still in our country there is no legal document regulating the mechanism of subsidizing the means, provided on social needs under the law, by the state. There are no standards regulating the issue of when, where, who from the tourists and on what types of travel can get financial support.

Tourism can be characterized as social orientation of the purposes of development of modern society today. In modern conditions the Soviet model of social tourism is impracticable. Innovative approaches, models, directions, mechanisms and concrete measures for the solution of problems of social tourism in the country are required for restoration of social tourism. It is necessary to look for ways of use of financial mechanisms of encouragement of the employers who are sponsors of social tourist programs or compensating to the workers part of costs of tourist services in the territory of the Russian Federation. In every possible way it is necessary to encourage any initiative of support of programs of social tourism from business community. It is important to achieve increase of availability of tourist services to the least socially protected groups of the population and pupils.

Development of social tourism could promote the solution of a very actual social task — overcoming the increasing distinctions in a standard of living of various segments of the population of the country.


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