Научная статья на тему 'SOCIAL STATUS AND SOCIAL ROLE'

SOCIAL STATUS AND SOCIAL ROLE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социологические науки»

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study social system / status in society
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Текст научной работы на тему «SOCIAL STATUS AND SOCIAL ROLE»

УДК 37

Нурыева Г., студентка Нурова Н., студентка Какышов А., студент Каковова Г., студентка Научный руководитель: Мыратдурдыева Н., старший преподаватель Туркменский государственный институт финансов



study social system, status in society.

Modern sociologists study social systems according to the concept of order, the system by which people form society cannot be considered as a sub-element in the literal sense of the word. A person is social according to his worldview, according to the status he occupies finds its place in the system. Accordingly, status is from the Latin word consists of a person's legal status in society. It's different in other words, a man's status is his other statuses rights and obligations in relation to the persons who occupy it total of There are two types of human interaction here a side character emerges: that is, mine to another person my right to him becomes a debt to me. Likewise, his right to me is his to me it becomes a debt to him.

Status between people according to their relations, on the one hand with a degree above their own, secondly with the rank below them, and thirdly with themselves that they deal with equal status relations appears.

Man is in every social sphere according to the work he does it has a special status and it is constant in his life its status varies, even within a day can have the form Today, the same person has personal and status is the sum of all the statuses that characterize their social attitudes called a set. A combination of all rights and obligations, to some extent the uniqueness of a person, his social relations consider that it characterizes its unique position in the system can be done. Among the many different statuses a man possesses is the basic ones that determine their social attitudes in society they differentiate. In modern societies, it is often the case statuses combined with economic, political, and occupational roles they are leaving. Also the main status person's color is religion in the state with his views on the steps of the church can basic status includes all aspects of a person's life takes. A number of statuses are ready-made from the time a person is born pass (gender, nationality, male or female status, etc.). Ready The statuses that pass in the form are traditional-caste and socialistic. Its importance in societies is great, i.e. it is the highest from birth or expect to belong to the lowest status groups.

The social and personal status of the same person is differentiated. Personal status is within the group surrounding the individual depends on his attitude and is valued by relatives, friends, gives friends. Thus different people have the same social status own, but their personal statuses are taken separately it belongs to the man himself. A further distinction can be made, that is, the personal status person's position within the first subgroup, social status and his views within large social groups means that it occurs. Social status is largely impersonal if it has a (formal) character, personal status is always individual emphasizes its character. Differences in social and personal status depend on the form in which a person works and the extent of their influence and influence in their informal organizations. It appears clearly, for example, working in a large collective, social when the performance of employees of equal status is evaluated comprehensively significant differences emerge. They are high, medium and low they are worth the price. These are different prices for employees The difference in personal status between them will be understood in the judgment because they have the same social status.

As you know, social statuses are unique, empty cells consists of the people who fill those cells are unique

they bring their own characteristics. Ultimately, everyone has rights and obligations to follow with zeal or enthusiasm in a higher or lower degree

will be In other words, the strength of social status is certain to a certain extent and in many cases it depends on the personal status of the person.

Likewise, personal status is often associated with a degree of social status is determined. That his man fulfills his or her status quality of acceptance by the social groups around him needs to be done. So whatever a person is when you set a goal, it's about what you're doing worrying about how they will be perceived by the social forces around them is doing He or she is expected to possess a different social status. This characteristic of behavior is called a social role. For example, the exact school teacher who no matter how he feels when performing his role, what about students, school administrators and parents to perform his due role accordingly, if expected replaces by taking such an approach, fulfill the professional role of the teacher it is possible to draw conclusions by summarizing the nature of the performance.

When it comes to the sociological significance of the concept of role, he in what way, by what mechanisms, individual work shows that it is influenced by society and the goal is to get everyone to follow the established rules is taken into account. We all have fixed social roles instead our communication organizes social life because people themselves their behavior is normally predictable. From that then a simple structuring of sociologists, roles, and social institutions. Let's look at their uses as a unit. For example, school of the roles of teachers and students as social institutions can be viewed as a system of interactions and this is the case becomes common to all schools.


1. Ashyrov S. "Sociology" Ashgabat 2010y

2. 1. Basarov B. et al. Pedagogy. 1 book. Textbook for secondary vocational schools.-Turkmen State Publishing Service, 2017.

© HypbieBa r., HypoBa H., KaKbiwoB A., KaKOBOBa r., 2023

УДК 539.33

Оразгулыев А.

Канд.физ.-мат.наук, старший преподаватель кафедры "Прикладная математика и информатика" Туркменский государственный университет

имени Махтумкули, г. Ашгабад, Туркменистан Гараджаева С.А. Ст. преп. Каф.

"Прикладная математика и информатика" Туркменский государственный университет

имени Махтумкули, г. Ашгабад, Туркменистан



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