SOCIAL PHILOSOPHICAL ANALYSIS OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN WOMEN'S ACTIVITIES Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Ключевые слова
women / entrepreneurship / economy

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Qodirova D.H.

This article covers the attitude towards women, the social philosophical analysis of entrepreneurship in women's activities.

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UDK 33.101

Qodirova D.H. teacher

Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov




Annotation: This article covers the attitude towards women, the social philosophical analysis of entrepreneurship in women's activities.

Keywords: women, entrepreneurship, economy.

As a result of the priority importance of ensuring human rights and freedoms and legitimate interests, our attitude towards the family and the female race has changed and respect for them has become the meaning and main goal of our lives. As the head of our state confessed in his congratulation to the women of Uzbekistan in March this year, in the same period of independence, we will discover many things again in our God. If the woman is beautiful — the world is beautiful, if the woman is happy-the family, the whole society will be happy, we realize in every possible way that consciousness is deeply penetrating into our consciousness and turning into our life philosophy.

It is noted that for adequate guarantees of protection of socio-political rights, prestige and dignity of women, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for their participation in social production and management, maintaining the health of mothers and children, the level of knowledge and culture of the population should be ensured in all aspects socio-economic and ideological.

It is understood that from the very first days of independence, the level of state policy has increased, taking care of women and girls, increasing their political activity, raising their professional, physical, spiritual and spiritual potential, directing girls to modern professions, their wide involvement in Sports, Protection of motherhood and childhood, formation of a healthy family.

Consequently, in 1991, on the initiative of creating a system of working with women, the women of Uzbekistan was established. Today, as a large public organization, it is actively engaged in the promotion of public policy on women to the population, strengthening its cooperation with state and public organizations, promoting new ideas and initiatives on the social activity of our sisters, ensuring the implementation of the tasks set out in the programs and documents on these directions.

The establishment of the State prize named after Zulfiya for women, which has been awarded the highest title "hero of Uzbekistan" by women working selflessly in the spheres of production, education, health and Agrarian in the past

"MnpoBaH HayKa" №8(41) 2020 science-j.com

years, and the state awards of many sisters, especially for our daughters, is literally an example of the high attention shown to them.

Today every woman living in Uzbekistan, in a true sense, is happy. After all, his rights and freedoms are enshrined in laws. The Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, dozens of laws, nearly eighty decrees and resolutions, state programs serve as a legal basis for increasing socio-political activity of women and girls, strengthening their status in the family and society, protection of family, motherhood and childhood.

At the same time, it is significant that our country is attached to various conventions, agreements, agreements, from which it is aimed directly at protecting the rights of women, the protection of motherhood and childhood. In particular, the UN Convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women, the convention on the political rights of women, the conventions of the International Labour Organization on the protection of motherhood, discrimination in the field of Labor and employment, and a number of other international instruments are embodied in our national legislation and their implementation is ensured.

In 1996, the Cabinet of Ministers adopted the concept of improving the situation of women and girls in the Republic of Uzbekistan, the development of the interests of women and children in the country, the consistent implementation of the state programs devoted to the life of the country, the implementation of the convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women. Women, who make up more than half of the population of our country, actively participate in the process of reforms, make a worthy contribution to the development of our homeland, its further prosperity.

Ten or fifteen years ago, only the social sector, especially the main part of the employees of the education and medical sector, was founded by women, and now the country's economic development is of great importance in such areas as banking, finance, production, automotive, microbiology, pharmaceutical, electronic and electrotechnical industry, information and communication technologies, Service and market economy services, such as high-tech-based

It is worth noting that women's participation in entrepreneurship, private and family business has been increasing especially in recent years. This can be seen in the example of 1.6-fold increase in the share of women who have been leading small business and private entrepreneurship enterprises in the last decade.

In turn, the women's wing of Uzbekistan, in cooperation with a number of organizations, supports women's entrepreneurship initiatives. Practical measures to further improve the standard of living of the population, especially women living in villages, are making it easier for our sisters to realize their opportunities and ease their pain.

In fact, more than 150 services consisting of "beauty salons", repair and sewing shops, repair offices of household appliances in our country, including

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remote villages, have been made a major contribution to the restoration of the population's standard of living.

Undoubtedly, it can be said that during the past period of independence, Uzbekistan has gained great experience in ensuring and supporting women's rights and freedoms. Today it is possible to show the world this practice, which contributes to the solution of pressing issues that are at the center of attention of the world women's movementSo, the International Confe rence on "ensuring the rights and freedoms of women, expanding their full participation in the sociopolitical and economic, cultural life of the country: the experience of Uzbekistan" held in 2013 in the capital, as well as the International seminar on "p rotection of the social and labor rights of women and girls in the framework of collective agreements and agreements: the representatives of the international organizations participating in it had separately recognized the benefits of protecting the interests of women in our country, in particular the provision of a paid day of maternity and maternity leave, the provision of financial assistance to women on maternity leave from 2 to 3 years of age, the provision of paid breaks to mothers with children under

At the same time, we witness a high assessment of the attention paid to the legislative power of the Oliy Majlis in December 2014, Regional, District and city councils of people's deputies, as well as international experts who observed the presidential elections in March 2015 in our country.

Together with our Uzbek partners, we will carry out a number of projects on women's Entrepreneurship, their activity in the life of society, social adaptation, — said the Secretary General of the Italian Department of the organization "lobby of European women", political scientist Maria Ludovika Bottarelli. -Raising the social status of women and girls in your country pays special attention. For example, in the parliamentary elections, 31 percent of candidates for deputies were women, their active participation in this political process indicates a significant increase in the role of women in Uzbekistan, an important role in society.

In fact, the attitude of society towards women, the determines the cultural level and spiritual perfection of the people, the nation. The fact that women's participation in the socio-economic life and culture spheres in our country, in the management of the state and society is growing is evidence of the high attention and care shown to them. Already, for every woman, there is no more bliss than to live in a peaceful and prosperous land, to be in the care of family and society, and to bring healthy children to perfection.

Therefore, the head of our state, in each of his speeches and meetings with the population, notes the grace and elegance, loyalty and loyalty among the unique qualities of our sisters, acknowledges that it is women who, above all, love and loyalty to their native land in the hearts of our children.

The costs associated with the maintenance of the Centers, the strengthening of the material and technical base and its main functions are financed from the

"MnpoBaH HayKa" №8(41) 2020 science-j.com

account of funds (excluding the bank margin) received from the interest accrued from the resources given to the public fund to allocate preferential loans to commercial banks, as well as from the funds of grants of international organizations.

Women who expressed their desire to engage in entrepreneurship will be trained in a special training program on the basis of the list, which will be formed by the district (city) governor and the District (City) Women's program.

Among women who have successfully mastered special education programs, according to the recommendation of the chairman of the relevant district (city) women's district, preferential loans for a period of 6 months for a period of not more than 3 years and at an annual rate of 8 percent are allocated on the basis of credit procedures for employment and development of family. In conclusion, the share of women in entrepreneurship is increasing every year.


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