ISSN 2617-2909 (print) ISSN 2617-2119 (online)
Journ.Geol. Geograph.
Geology, 28(3), 432-444. doi: 10.15421/111940
Hrynokh N. V., Dmytruk V. I., Diachenko L. A., Kniazevych A. O. Journ. Geol. Geograph. Geoecology, 28(3), 432-444.
Social and economic aspects of cross-border cooperation of Ukraine and Poland in the field of tourism
Hrynokh N. V.1, Dmytruk V. I1., Diachenko L. A.1, Kniazevych A. O.2
1 Separated Subdivision "Lviv Branch of the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts", Lviv, Ukraine, lidiyabako@ukr. net
2Rivne State University of Humanities, Rivne, Ukraine,
Received: 30.01.2019 Abstract. The research is devoted to the disclosure of socio-economic aspects of cross-
Received in revised form: 25.02.2019 border cooperation in the field of tourism of Ukraine and Poland, which is important in Accepted: 04.03.2019 today's conditions of development of globalization processes and transformation of social
relations. Such relationships are formed between people in different geographic areas, which determine their social mood and social behaviour. The signing of the visa-free travel agreement between Ukraine and the EU on 17 May 2017 and its entry into force on 11 June 2017 has become an important factor in the development of tourism in Ukraine and Poland, in particular within the border areas and in the context of cross-border cooperation of the Carpathian Euroregion. Tourists from Ukraine have better opportunities than before to travel to many European countries, and tourist migration contributes to the integration of peoples, building good-neighbourly relations and tolerance, economic, cultural, scientific and other forms of cooperation. That is why it is necessary to study the socio-economic aspects of the development of tourism in Ukraine and Poland at the level of the Carpathian Euroregion. The attention of the authors of this article is devoted to the study of the historical and cultural heritage of the four regions of Ukraine and the counties of Poland included in the Carpathian Euroregion as one of the important factors influencing the development of tourism. The article analyzes a number of key indicators of the activity of the subjects of the tourist market and the trends in their changes, as well as the geographical structure of tourist flows and the administrative and territorial division of the regions of the Ukrainian-Polish transboundary. Positive trends in the growth of a number of key indicators of tourism activity in Lviv region give reason to assert the high level of activity of tourism services market participants and that Lviv region has good preconditions for the development of many types of tourism , which can increase the flow of revenue to local budgets. Statistical materials of the Main Department of Statistics in Lviv Oblast have also made it possible to analyze the indicators for those areas that are part of the Carpathian Euroregion and characterize the specifics of the development of the tourism sector. It is proposed to form an updated marketing strategy for tourism management in Ukraine in the context of the changing conditions that have taken place in the tourist services market after the entry into force of the visa-free travel agreement between Ukraine and the EU, which will positively influence the development of tourism in Ukraine and Poland at the level of the Carpathian Euroregion.
Keywords: region; Carpathian Euroregion; tourism; regional cooperation; cross-border cooperation.
Суспшьно-еконо!шчш аспекти транскордонного сшвробггництва УкраТни i Польщ1 у сфер1 туризму
Н. В. Гриньох1, В. I. Дмитрук1, Л. А. Дяченко1, А. О. Князевич2
1 В1докремлений тдроздш «Льв1вська ф1л1я Кишського нацюнального утверситету культури i мистецтв», Украта,
2 PieHeHCbKuü державний гумантарний }mieepcumem, Украша,
Анотащя. Дослщження присвячене розкриттю сустльно-еконотчних аспекта транскордонного ствробгтнищва у сферi туризму Украши i Польщ^ що мае важливе значення в сучасних умовах розвитку процесгв глобатзацп та трансформацп суспшьних вдаосин. Таю вщносини формуються мiж людьми на рiзних геогрaфiчних територiях, визначають 1х суспшьний настрш та сощальну поведгнку. Шдписання та введення в дю угоди про безвiзовий режим Укра1ни у 2017 рощ стало важ-ливим чинником розвитку туризму в Укра!ш та Польщ^ зокрема у межах прикордонних територш та транскордонного ствробгтнищва Карпатського Сврорепону. Туристи з Укра1ни отримали крaщi можливост з оргашзацп подорожей до ба-гатьох кра1н Свропи. Туристична мггращя сприяе штеграцп народгв, побудовi добросуидських вщносин та толерантностт,
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екожмчному, культурному, науковому та шшим видам спiвробiтництва. Саме тому виникла необхiднiсть дослiдження суспiльно-економiчних аспекта розвитку туризму Укра!ни i Польщi на рiвнi Карпатського Gврорегiону. Увага авторiв статтi присвячена дослiдженню гсторико-культурно! спадщини чотирьох областей Укра1ни та окремих повiтiв Польщi, що входять до Карпатського Gврорегiону, як одного з важливих чинникв впливу на розвиток туризму. У статл дослщжено низку ос-новних показникш д1яльност суб'екттв туристичного ринку та тенденцп !хшх змiн, а також географiчну структуру тури-стичних потокiв i адмiнiстративно-територiальний подiл регiонiв украшсько-польського транскордоння. Позитивнi тенденцп до зростання низки основних показникш дiяльностi суб'екттв туристично! дiяльностi у Львiвськiй областi дають пiдстави стверджувати про високий рiвень активностi учасникiв ринку туристичних послуг, про те, що Льв1вська область мае пере-думови для розвитку багатьох вид1в туризму i збшьшення надходжень до мiсцевих бюджетiв. Також проведений анатз змiни динамжи показникш по областях, якi входять до Карпатського Сврорепону та характеризують специфжу розвитку сфери туризму. Запропоновано сформувати оновлену маркетингову стратегiю управлшня туризмом в Украiнi, у контекст! змши умов, яш вiдбулися на ринку туристичних послуг тсля введення в д1ю угоди про безвiзовий режим Укра!ни та СС, що позитивно вплине на розвиток туризму Украши i Польщi на рiвнi Карпатського Сврорегiону.
Ключовi слова: регюн; Карпатський Сврорегюн; туризм; регюнальне ствробтництво; транскордонне ствробтництво.
Introduction. The processes of globalization and the transformation of social relations in society led to the following trends of its development: the emergence of global problems ofthe present, the formation of a global system of interconnections and interdependencies, the transformation of national cultures and people's consciousness, the formation of a transnational economy and politics, the development of information technologies, the creation of a global network of mass- media, etc. Studies of socio-economic relations in various branches of the economy, as a combination of forms of organization of common life of people, are of particular importance. Such relationships are formed between people in different geographic areas, in different organizations and institutions, shape their social mood in a certain period of time and determine their social behaviour. There are a number of risks that affect the behaviour of people in society, which can threaten their safety, health, social well-being, interaction with the environment, etc. Such risks are not limited to the geographical area or time period, and can also create financial and other risks from business activity. The socioeconomic risks, including those related to the development of tourism in the border areas, include image risks, whose determinants are traditions, national-cultural mentality, cross-culture and its interaction, politics, national ideas, virtual space, etc. For this reason, the studies of socio-economic aspects of tourism development in the Carpathian Euroregion on the example of Lviv Oblast of Ukraine and the Rzeszow County of Poland are relevant.
In today's conditions of functioning and development of tourism in different geographical areas of Ukraine and Poland, there are changes that were caused by various factors of influence: economic, political, social, scientific and technical, etc. It is worth noting that the migration factor is extremely important, including migration of the population of the border areas and their resettlement in other territories.
It should be noted that the signing and the entry into force ofthe visa-free regime between Ukraine and the EU in 2017 became a key factor in the development of tourism in Ukraine, especially in the border areas. Tourists from Ukraine have better opportunities than previously to travel to many European countries, and in the long run, a visa-free regime can be introduced with a number of other countries of the world, such as the countries of Latin America, Asia, etc. Advantages of tourist migration, including in the cross-border territories, are the creation of additional opportunities for freedom of movement, international integration of peoples, building good-neighbourly relations and tolerance, economic, cultural, scientific and other types of cooperation, improvement of cross-cultural interaction, and opportunities for their better socializing in a social environment, etc.
Activation of tourist migration has a number of positive aspects for both tourists and tour operators. There are also a number of tasks that need to be resolved regarding the activities of tourism in the border areas, including those that have appeared after the signing of the visa-free regime between Ukraine and the EU. The study of the functioning and development of tourism in Ukraine, Poland and separately in the Carpathian Euroregion has produced a significant number of scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists. The features that are typical for the development of tourism in the border territories and the tools of state reforms in this sphere are highlighted, directions of prospective development of cross-border cooperation in the field of tourism and problems that need to be solved are determined. But, despite considerable scientific progress, there is a need for further research on socio-economic aspects of development of tourism in Ukraine and Poland, at the regional level, taking into account a number of factors of influence, including factors of tourist migration of the population, which has become a "lifestyle" of the people, an element of their culture in
a global dimension.
The aim of the study. The aim of the article is to justify the socio-economic aspects of cross-border cooperation in the field of tourism of Ukraine and Poland, taking into account the factors of tourist migration after the signing of the visa-free travel agreement between Ukraine and the EU, as well as the development of a number of recommendations for implementation in practical activities that will provide a new stage for the successful development of the Carpathian Euroregion. Materials and methods. Scientific research is executed on the basis of a number of regulatory documents regulating the activity and development of tourism in Ukraine as a whole, and the Carpathian Euroregion in particular, as well as statistical data of the Main Directorate of Statistics in Lviv Oblast, Lviv Oblast State Administration, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine, embassies of Ukraine in Poland and so on. It should be noted that from the Polish side, inter-regional Ukrainian-Polish cooperation is carried out with the assistance of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Regional Development. On the Ukrainian side, such cooperation is carried out with the assistance of the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine, regional state administrations, etc. The institutional mechanism of Ukrainian-Polish interregional cooperation was created: the Ukrainian-Polish Intergovernmental Coordination Council, which defines the general directions of interregional cooperation, participates in the development of joint programmes for the development of interregional cooperation, etc.
Results and discussion.
I. Geographical characteristics and objects of the historical and cultural heritage of the Carpathian Euroregion
For a more complete understanding of the main socio-economic aspects of cross-border cooperation between Ukraine and Poland, it is necessary to characterize the geographical location of the Carpathian region, its natural and climatic conditions, some objects of cultural heritage, as well as other preconditions that determine its functioning and development.
The Carpathian Mountains, in terms of geology, are young mountains. The Carpathian Mountains are divided into three parts: the Western, Eastern
and Southern Carpathians. In the scientific literature (Petranivskyj & Rutynskyj, 2006; Rutynskyj & Stecjuk, 2008; Shkola, 2007), the Eastern and Western Carpathians are still classified as Slavic or Northern. It is not possible to make a clearcut identification of the nationalities living on the territory of the Carpathian region, but in most cases: 1) Poles, Slovaks, Ukrainians, Hungarians and Czechs live in the territory of the Western Carpathians; 2) in the territory of the Southern Carpathians - mostly Romanians; 3) in the territory of the Eastern Carpathians - mostly Ukrainians, and the territory itself is also called the Ukrainian Carpathians. The physical geography of the Ukrainian Carpathians is distinguished by the following characteristics: length - almost 280 km, average width - 100 km, area - 37 thousand km2, the highest point is Mount Goverla (2061 m); the largest lake - Synevyr; climate -moderately continental. The western European part of the Ukrainian Carpathians passes the main European watershed, which divides the Baltic and the Black Sea basins. The following rivers begin in the Carpathians: Vistula, San and Western Bug, Dniester, Suceava, Styr, Horyn, Prut, Tisa, Cheremosh, etc. The Ukrainian Carpathians, according to the administrative division, includes the following regions ( oblasts ) Zakarpattia, Ivano-Frankivsk, Chernivtsi, and Lviv.
Within the scope of this article only a brief study of the historical and cultural heritage of Zakarpattia, Chernivtsi, Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv oblasts of Ukraine, as well as the Rzeszow, Krosno and Przemysl counties of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship of Poland are presented.
Research on historical and cultural monuments and museums of Zakarpattia Oblast shows that they belong to the XI-XIX centuries, namely: the ruins ofthe castle in the city of Khust (XI-XII centuries), Palanok Castle in the city of Mukachevo (XIV-XVI centuries), the Gothic Church in Berehove (XV century), the historical museum and St. Michael's Church in the city of Svaliava (XVI century.), Ascension Church in the village Yasinia Rakhiv Raion (XIX century) and others. There are a number of museums in Zakarpattia Oblast: historical, ethnographic, artistic, which are concentrated in the cities of Uzhhorod, Mukachevo, Khust, Svaliava, Rakhiv. Zakarpattia Oblast is represented by a number of resorts: Chynadiyovo, Shaian, Kvitka Polonyny, Solotvyno, Borzhava, Yaremche, Bukovel, Vorokhta, etc.
Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast is characterized by a rich historical and cultural heritage (XII-XII centuries), which includes the following objects: Church of St. Panteleimon (XII century.) in Shevchenkovo, Dolyna Raion, ruins of the castle in Halych (XIV century),
Maniavsky Skete (monastery near the village of Maniava) in Bohorodchanskyi Raion and the city hall in Ivano-Frankivsk (XVII century), Church of St. Nicholas (Rohatyn) (XVIII centuries). In Ivano-Frankivsk, the following museums are located and successfully functioning: geological, local history, literary, artistic, as well as the Museum of Education. The historical and cultural heritage of Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast is also represented in the cities of Sniatyn and Kolomyia and in the villages of Kosmach and Kryvorivnya (Petranivskyj & Rutynskyj, 2006).
Historical and architectural monuments of Chernivtsi Oblast are concentrated in Chernivtsi, as well as in Vyzhnytskyi, Khotynskyi and Kitsmanskyi Raion. The following objects are of interest to tourists: in Chernivtsi - City Hall, Botanical Garden, Armenian Church, Residence of Bukovinian and Dalmatian Metropolitans, Arboretum (XIX-XX centuries); as well as the fortress Khotyn (XIII-XVIII centuries), the museum-estate of G. Garas in Vashkivtsi, the museum-estate of I. Mykolaychuk in village Chortoryia, Ionian Church in the village Vikno (XIX cent.), Ascension Church and bell tower in village Luzhany (XV cent.), Cross Church and bell tower in village Pidvalne (XVI century) and others. Chernivtsi Oblast and the city of Chernivtsi offer the visitor museums of architecture and everyday life, local history, artistic, the literary-memorial museums of O. Kobylianska and Yu. Fedkovych, and others. (Rutynskyj & Stecjuk, 2008).
It should be noted that the significant contribution in the Carpathian region is made by the historical and cultural heritage of Lviv Oblast. Lviv, as a city of museums, and at the same time, a city-museum that attracts many tourists, both domestic and foreign. Tourist attractions in Lviv and Lviv Oblast include museums, art galleries, monuments of history and monumental art, castles, Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches, synagogues, monasteries, forts, reserves, archaeological sites, resort resources, monuments of the history of architecture of Lviv, etc. There are about 20 museums functioning here: national, historical, zoological, natural, literary, ethnographic and artistic crafts, archaeological, history of religion, folk architecture and everyday life, the pharmacy-museum, art gallery, the museum of defence architecture, etc. The heritage of prominent figures of the past can be found in the memorial and art museums of Ivan Franko, S. Lyudkevich, M. Shashkevich, S. Krushelnytska, L. Levytsky, O. Novakivsky, O. Kulchytska, I. Trush, and others. A significant contribution to the historical and cultural heritage is made by Pidhirtsi, Olesko, Zolochiv,
Svirzhsky, Zhovkva, and Pomoriany castles. State reserves are located in Belz, Zhovkva, Nahuievychi, Olesko, Urych, Skole (Skole Beskids) and in the city of Lviv, as well as the natural reserve "Roztocze", which was introduced by UNESCO's decision to the World Network of Biosphere Reserves (Shkola, 2007). Tourist Lviv is represented by a number of theatres: Solomiya Krushelnytska Lviv State Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet, Maria Zankovetska Theatre, Les Kurbas Theatre, Lesya Ukrainka Theatre, Academic Theatre Voskresinnia and others. The well-known health resorts of Lviv Oblast include the following: Truskavets, Skhidnytsia, Morshyn, Shklo, Nemyriv, Velykyi Liubin, Rozluch, Slavsk and others.
The current state of the sphere of protection of cultural heritage in Lviv Oblast, its problems and problems to be solved are presented in the programme "Protection and preservation of the cultural heritage of the Lviv region for the years 2018- 2020 ". In addition, the document defines the mechanisms and criteria for implementing the programme, as well as practical measures and financial support for its implementation. Accordingly, within the framework of the protection of the cultural heritage, the religious buildings which are listed on the UNESCO World Heritage List are also subject to restoration: St. George's Cathedral in Lviv, Descent of the Holy Spirit Church , St. George's Church in Drohobych and other objects in different districts of Lviv Oblast.
The analysis of the historical and cultural heritage of the Carpathian region of Poland should be carried out in conjunction with the International Association "Carpathian Euroregion" established in 1993. The relevant agreement, which defined the boundaries of this geographical entity, was signed in Debrecen, Hungary. The Carpathian Euroregion includes four regions of Ukraine (Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Zakarpattia, Chernivtsi), as well as the Subcarpathian Voivodeship with its capital in Rzeszow, Poland.
Accordingly, the first Euroregions on the Ukrainian border were created namely with the participation of Poland: Carpathian Euroregion, Euroregion Bug. Currently, there are 10 government level structures that can be conventionally divided by geographical and administrative features into the following (Kalat & Demedjuk, 2017):
a) jointly formed with the EU member states (Carpathian Euroregion, Euroregion Bug, Lower Danube Euroregion, Superior Prut Euroregion);
b) jointly formed with non-member countries (Euroregion Dniester, Dnepr Euroregion, Slobozhan-shchyna Euroregion, Yaroslavna Euroregion, Donbas Euroregion).
The Carpathian Euroregion is the most active region, its activities are aimed at the socio-economic development of the border areas through the support of cross-border cooperation in the economic, cultural, environmental, scientific and educational spheres.
Within the Carpathian Euroregion, from the Ukrainian side, the Association of Local Self-Governance "Euroregion Carpathians-Ukraine" is functioning effectively, which, through its project activity, attracts about UAH 1 million annually for the development of Ukrainian border regions from the EU Structural Funds. The mission of the Network for Local Development of the Carpathian Euroregion is to create a platform for the dissemination of best practices on local development and to develop common approaches to support local community initiatives, including the use of the instruments of cross-border and interregional cooperation ("Euroregion Carpathians - Ukraine", 2019).
The study of the potential of the recreational and natural resources of the Carpathian Euroregion of Poland showed that objects of interest to tourists are represented by churches and other religious architecture, the Bieszczady and Magura National Parks, a number oflandscape parks and nature reserves, resorts, and so on. Famous resorts include Horyniec-Zdroj; Polanczyk; Iwonicz-Zdroj; Rymanow-Zdroj. The highest mountain is Tarnytsia (1346 m), and the territory has two large rivers: San and Wislok. The historical and cultural heritage of the Carpathian region of Poland is also represented by a large variety of castles, palaces, churches, synagogues, museums, reserves, art galleries, etc. In Rzeszow County of Poland, tourists are able to visit the ethnographic museum named after F. Kotula, the Lubomirski Castle and the Lubomirski Palace (XVII-XVIII centuries), the Bernardine Church (XVII cent.), The Synagogue (XVII-XVIII centuries) and other objects of interest. Krosno County of Poland offers tourists the opportunity to explore the following historical and architectural monuments: the Franciscan Church (XV-XVII centuries), the Palace Ensemble of Mniszech (XVII-XVIII centuries), the Castle of the Kmyty (XVI century), the Town Hall (XVII-XIX centuries), fragments of defensive walls (XIII-XVII centuries). Extremely interesting are expositions in museums of local history, history, the oil industry, the museum of crafts and others. The historical heritage of Przemysl County of Poland is represented by the following objects: churches of the Carmelites (XVII century), Jesuits (XVII cent.), Franciscans (XVII-XVIII centuries); the Lubomirski Palace (IXX century), the Cathedral (XVI-XVII c.), the buildings of the Market
(XVI-XVII centuries), fortifications of the Przemysl fortress (IXX-XX centuries), as well as local history, diocesan, national museums, etc. (Smal, 2010).
II. The regulatory legal framework for cross-border cooperation within the Carpathian Euroregion
The main principles related to joint projects and programmes of participants in cross-border cooperation, the goals and principles of their activities, organization and control of cross-border activities, state support for the development of cross-border cooperation, as well as financial support are provided in the Law of Ukraine on Cross-border Cooperation, 2004. According to this Law, the main categories of research are defined:
- Euroregion - an organizational form of cross-border cooperation carried out in accordance with bilateral or multilateral agreements on cross-border cooperation;
- cross-border cooperation - joint actions aimed at establishing and deepening economic, social, scientific, technological, environmental, cultural and other relations between the subjects and participants of such relations in Ukraine and the relevant actors and participants of such relations from neighbouring states within competence as defined by their national law.
In addition, the following normative and legal documents that coordinate and regulate activities in the field of cross-border cooperation include the following: Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On Approval of the State Programme for the Development of Cross-Border Cooperation for 2016-2020" (from August 23, 2016, No. 554) and "State Strategy for Regional Development for the Period till 2020" (from December 20, 2017 № 1089); Decree of the President of Ukraine "On the Strategy of Sustainable Development" Ukraine-2020 "(from January 12, 2015, No. 5); "Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine for 2017-2020" (from April 28, 2017); the strategies of development of "tourism and resorts for the period up to 2026" (from March 16, 2017 № 169-p) and "Lviv Oblast for the period until 2027".
Between Ukraine and Poland, there are a number of cross-border cooperation programmes and projects implemented in Lviv Oblast with the help of international technical assistance (Lviv State Regional Administration, 2019):
1) Poland-Belarus-Ukraine Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020 within the framework of the European Neighborhood Instrument. The overall objective of the programme is to support
cross-border development processes in the border regions of Poland, Belarus and Ukraine in accordance with the objectives of the European Neighborhood Instrument.
2) The Creative Europe Programme - an EU programme aimed at supporting cultural, creative and audiovisual sectors, travel (1.46 billion euros);
3) The project «The World Of Carpathian Rosettes - Activities For Preserving The Cultural Uniqueness Of The Carpathians».
4) The project «Cross-Border Pilgrimage Route as an Instrument of Promotion of Common Cultural and Historical Heritage on the Ukrainian-Polish Border Areas».
5) Project «B(L)ike Roztocze together in spite of borders».
6) The project «Bug unites us - creation of two cross-border tourist kayak trails".
Within the framework of the Trans-border Cooperation Programme "Poland-Belarus-Ukraine", grant agreements for the implementation of projects were signed at the Carpathian Euroregion Forum, which took place on October 3-4, 2018 in the Lviv Regional Council. The forum was attended by representatives of Transcarpathian, Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk and Chernivtsi regional councils, as well as the State Secretary of the Ministry of Investment and Development of the Republic of Poland. The memorandum, which was signed at this event, provides for the possibility of renewed development of relations in the field of tourism between Ukraine and Poland. The Ministry of Regional Development and Trade of Ukraine presented the Carpathian Network for Regional Development Project at the Carpathian Euroregion Forum. This project was the winner of the competitive selection of regional development projects, which will be implemented at the expense of the state budget, received from the European Union within the framework of the programme of support of the sectoral policy - support of the regional policy of Ukraine. The budget of the project "Carpathian Network of Regional Development" UAH 48 million will jointly be implemented by the Ministry of Regional Development and Trade of Ukraine, Lviv, Zakarpattia, Ivano-Frankivsk and Chernivtsi regional state administrations and the Association of Local Self-government "Carpathian Euroregion - Ukraine". The purpose of the "Carpathian Network of Regional Development" project is to increase the efficiency of regional economic development in the Carpathians through the use of instruments of interregional cooperation (Lviv State Regional Administration, 2019).
Cooperation in the field of tourism, as well
as cultural and humanitarian cooperation between Ukraine and Poland, is regulated by the existing contractual and legal framework of relations and creates favourable opportunities for its development. Created at the Embassy of Ukraine in the Republic of Poland, "the Centre for Culture and Information" promotes the dissemination in Poland of information about Ukraine, informs citizens about the possibilities of joint interaction between countries in various spheres, including the tourism sphere.
Ill. Analysis of the current state and trends of cross-border cooperation between Ukraine and Poland in the field of tourism
The study of the current state of functioning and trends of tourism development in the Carpathian Euroregion will be conducted on the basis of its division and comparison: Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Zakarpattia, Chernivtsi region of Ukraine and Podkarpackie Voivodeship of Poland.
III.1. Lviv Oblast
Lviv Oblast has a well-developed infrastructure and numerous prerequisites for the development of many types of tourism and increased revenues to local budgets. Positive tendencies to the growth of a number of key indicators of the activity of subjects of tourism activity in the Lviv Oblast (Table 1) give reason to assert the high level of activity of participants of the market of tourist services.
Income from providing tourist services (excluding VAT, excise tax and similar obligatory payments) for the period under study has a tendency to increase. Thus, in 2016 compared to 2015, this indicator increased by 45.1%; in 2017 compared with 2016 - by 50.88%. The number of tourist trips for 2015-2017 also grew. According to the base indicator for 2015, in 2016 the growth was 105.06%; in 2017 compared with 2016 - by 12.28%.
According to the analysis of the geographical structure of tourist flows, organized by the subjects of tourist activity in the Lviv Oblast (Fig. 1) in 2017, Turkey, Egypt, Bulgaria, Greece, and other countries enjoyed the greatest popularity in the field of outbound tourism. The four most popular countries of origin for tourists visiting Ukraine in 2017 were Poland, Azerbaijan, Belarus and Germany. Most tourists who visited Lviv Oblast in 2017 were from Poland. This gives grounds for further development of cross-border cooperation in the Carpathian Euroregion as the main form of cooperation in the field of tourism between Ukraine and Poland.
It is worth paying attention to the extremely important fact that the number of people receiving services in health tourism in Lviv Oblast according to the general indicator in Ukraine (in %) was: 8.4%, of
Table 1. Analysis of the dynamics of the main indicators of the functioning of actors in tourism in Lviv Oblast, 2011-2017
Indicators Years Deviations 17/11
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Absolute value %
The average number of full-time employees, persons 681 760 846 715 667 775 802 121 17.77
Those of them who have higher or secondary specialized education in the field of tourism 295 367 425 356 384 409 418 123 41.69
Revenues from the provision of tourist services, million UAH 114.1 176.7 228.7 174.8 188.7 273.8 413.1 299 262.05
Number of tourist trips sold, units 71,490 87,504 114,275 81,099 92,594 189,875 213,186 141,696 198.20
Cost of the realized tourist trips, million UAH 251.4 353.4 476.1 595.4 682.3 877.4 1312.1 1060.7 421.92
Average cost per ticket, UAH 3,517 4,032 4,167 7,342 7,368 4,621 6,155 2,638 75.01
Number of tourists for tourist trips sold, thousands 743.1 955.9 1,248.4 1,230.8 948.1 1,771.5 1,774.6 1,031.5 138.81
Average travel time per trip, days 10 11 11 15 10 9 8 -2 -20.00
Source: developed by the authors on the basis of statistical data of the Main Department of Statistics in Lviv Oblast
whom 31.2% were foreigners (2015), 7.4%, of whom 29.9% were foreigners (2016) and 7.6%, 32.6% of whom were foreigners (2017). This tendency gives grounds to believe that the activities of market participants in "therapeutic tourism" need to be intensified and improved. Therapeutic and tourist Outbound tourism
the Ukrainian part ofthe Carpathian Euroregion (Lviv, Zakarpattia, Ivano-Frankivsk, Chemivtsi oblasts of Ukraine) in the total number of tourists served by the subjects of tourist activity in Ukraine for 2015-2017 (Table 2).
According to the data of Table. 2, only
Inbound tourism
Fig. 1. Geographical structure of tourist flows, organized by subjects of tourist activity of Lviv Oblast, 2017 Source: developed by the authors on the basis of statistical data of the Main Department of Statistics in Lviv Oblast
complexes of Truskavets, Morshyn, Skhidnytsia and the private sector should jointly develop a set of practical measures that will increase the competitiveness of the tourist industry in the region. 111.2.1. Carpathian Euroregion, Ukrainian
In the course of the research, we analyzed the dynamics of the share of the number of tourists from
Zakarpattia and Chernivtsi oblasts show an unbroken positive dynamic in the number of tourists. In Ivano-Frankivsk and Lviv oblasts, this indicator was reduced in 2017 compared to 2016, respectively, by 8%, 37% and 3.64% respectively. This situation requires the participants of the tourist services market of Ivano-Frankivsk and Lviv oblasts to intensify their activities to ensure its positive dynamic in the future. The total
Table 2. Analysis of the dynamics of the number of tourists served by the subjects of tourism activity in the Ukrainian part of the Carpathian Euroregion, 2015-2017.
Number of tourists served by subjects of tourism activity (in thousands) Years Deviations, %
2015 2016 2017 2016/2015 2017/2016
Zakarpattia Oblast 10.7 11.6 14.7 8.4 26.72
Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast 65.9 80.0 73.3 21.4 -8.37
Lviv Oblast 112.5 181.8 175.2 61.6 -3.64
Chernivtsi Oblast 15.7 19.4 20.3 23.57 4.64
Total: in the regions of the Ukrainian part of the Carpathian Euroregion 204.8 292.8 283.5 42.97 -3.18
Total: in Ukraine 2019.6 2549.6 2806.4 26.24 10.07
Source: developed by the authors on the basis of statistical data of the Main Department of Statistics in Lviv Oblast
number of tourists served by the subjects of tourist activity for 2015-2017 increased in the regions of the Ukrainian part of the Carpathian Euroregion (by 78.7 thousand people or 38.96%) and Ukraine in general (786.8 thousand people or 38.43%).
82.7 thousand people; in Chernivtsi Oblast - 13.7 thousand people, 16.2 thousand people and 19.1 thousand people. The aforementioned indicators of the dynamics of the number of Ukrainian tourists who travelled abroad during the investigated period
Zakarpattia Oblast, the total number is 26 thousand people Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast, the total number is 29.8 thousand people
7,6 Bl 6,9 ■ 1
SJ 14,3 ■ 2
W W 1
Lviv Oblast. The total number is 218.4 thousand people
Chernivtsi Oblast. The total number is 49 thousand people
82,7 60,8 "1 19,1 13,7 ■ 1 ■
Fig. 2. Dynamics and structure of the number of Ukrainian tourists who travelled abroad, 2015-2017. Legend: 1 - 2015; 2 - 2016; 3 - 2017 year.
Source: developed by the authors on the basis of statistical data of the Main Department of Statistics in Lviv Oblast
The dynamics and structure of the number of Ukrainian tourists who have travelled abroad in the last few years are presented in Fig. 2.
The number of Ukrainian tourists who travelled abroad in 2015, 2016 and 2017 in Zakarpattia Oblast amounted respectively to 7.6 thousand people, 7.9 thousand people and 10.5 thousand people; in Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast - 6.9 thousand people, 8.6 thousand people and 14.3 thousand people; in Lviv Oblast - 60.8 thousand people, 74.9 thousand people and
in the regions of Ukraine included in the Carpathian
Euroregion testify to their growth.
III.2.2. Carpathian Euroregion, Polish part
The study of socio-economic aspects of cross-border cooperation in the field of tourism in Ukraine and Poland will begin with an analysis of geographical location (Fig. 3) and the administrative-territorial division of the regions of the Ukrainian-Polish borderland (Fig. 4).
The length of the border of Lviv region with
s кра£ш
25,1 тис.км 8,0л
flflfl .33,3 тис. 5,6% it 85 ociS на 1км
Доз жива кордону
JlhBÎBCbKOÏ oöflacTi
з Польщею 250
Fig. 3. Geographical map of the Ukrainian-Polish borderland
Source: L'vivs'ka oblast' u transkordonnomu prostori: statystychni indykatory [Lviv region in a cross-border area. Statistical Indicators] (2016). Ed. S. Zimovina. The Main Department of Statistics in Lviv Oblast. (in Ukrainian)
Fig. 4. Administrative-territorial division of the regions of the Ukrainian-Polish cross-border
Source: L'vivs'ka oblast' u transkordonnomu prostori: statystychni indykatory [Lviv region in a cross-border area. Statistical Indicators] (2016). Ed. S. Zimovina. The Main Department of Statistics in Lviv Oblast. (in Ukrainian)
Poland is 258 km. The part of the Polish part of the Carpathian Euroregion includes Podkarpackie Voivodeship, which includes 21 counties, 4 city counties, 51 towns and 1666 settlements.
Research on basic social and economic indicators of certain regions of the Ukrainian-Polish borderlands (Lviv Oblast, Podkarpackie and Lublin Voivodeships) and states (Ukraine and Poland) are presented in Table 3.
national economies of the respective states, in general, and at wage levels, in particular. Thus, the average monthly nominal salary in Lviv Oblast, Podkarpackie and Lublin voivodeships in 2016 amounted respectively to 161 euros; 838 euros; 875 euros. The number of subjects of the national economy in the same way in the Lviv Oblast, Podkarpackie and Lublin Voivodeships amounted to 163.2 thousand; 167.7 thousand; 174.1 thousand. These figures show that it is worth analyzing
Table 3. Basic socio-economic indicators of individual regions of the Ukrainian-Polish borderland and states, 2016
Indicators Regions of the Ukrainian-Polish borderland Total
Lviv Oblast Podkarpackie Voivodeship Lublin Voivodeship Ukraine* Poland
Area of territory, thousand km2 21.8 17.8 25.1 603.5 312.7
The available population at the end of the year, thousand people 2,534.0 2,127.7 2,133.3 42,584.5 38,433.0
Per 1000 population: - natural increase (reduction) -migration increase (reduction) -2.0 0.5 -1.2 -4.4 -0.2
1.9 -0.8 -1.9 0.4 0.0
Students of higher educational institutions per 10 thousand people, persons 493 240 345 372 351
The number of tourists placed in collective accommodation per 1 thousand people, persons 340 522 429 154 784
GDP index, 2015 in % to 2014 95.2 103.6 101.2 90.2 103.8
Gross regional product per person**, in euros 1,541 7,929 7,666 1,916 11,184
The average monthly nominal salary, in euros*** 161 838 875 183 984
Number of economic entities, thousands 163.2 167.7 174.1 2,789.2 4,237.7
Retail turnover for 1 person, euros*** 954 2,522 2,534 974 4,504
Capital investment per person, euros*** 261 1,068 806 299 1,458
* - Indicators are given without taking into account the temporarily-occupied territories of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the city of Sevastopol and the temporarily occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts. ** - Data for 2015.
*** - Translated into euros at the average annual rate of the National Bank of Ukraine in 2015. 1 euro = UAH 24.2287, in 2016 1 euro = UAH 28.2919; in the Voivodeship of Poland, according to the average annual rate of the National Bank of Poland in 2015, EUR 1 = PLN 4.1889, in 2016 1 euro = PLN 4.3625.
Source: developed by the authors on the basis of L'vivs'ka oblast' u transkordonnomu prostori: statystychni indykatory [Lviv region in a cross-border area. Statistical Indicators] (2016). Ed. S. Zimovina. The Main Department of Statistics in Lviv Oblast. (in Ukrainian)
The number of students in higher education institutions, as a favourable factor for the Polish higher education system, is influenced by the visa-free regime of Ukraine and the EU. In addition, it creates enormous additional opportunities for Ukraine in the field of tourism development and cross-border cooperation between Ukraine and Poland. According to the data of Table. 3, the number of tourists accommodated in collective accommodation facilities per 1000 people, in Lviv Oblast, Podkarpackie and Lublin voivodships respectively was 340 people; 522 people; 429 people. To explain the tendency observed in these figures, it can be argued that it is necessary to find out the reasons for the figure in Lviv Oblast, namely which factors restrict the ability of the population to travel. These factors include the difference in the development of
the conditions in which the subjects of the national economy of Ukraine and Poland operate, as well as offering a number of practical measures to increase the number of subjects of the national economies of Ukraine and Poland, which will contribute to the growth of the gross regional product, the retail turnover trade and capital investments, etc.
IV. Formation of the basic principles of development of the tourist industry of Ukraine
In accordance with the Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine for 2017-2020, a number of strategic goals aimed at creating the conditions for economic independence of the country were explored, including the task of forming the basic principles of sustainable development of tourism and resorts as a priority sector
of the country's economy. (Table 4).
According to Table 4, there is a positive dynamic on all the predictive indicators of realization of the task of forming the basic principles of the sustainable development of tourism and resorts of Ukraine. In particular, in 2019, the projected volume of foreign tourists, compared with 2018, should increase by 21.88%; in 2020 compared to 2019 by 7.69%. The planned increase in the number of subjects of tourism activity in 2019 compared to 2018 is expected to be
aspects for the joint interaction of tour operators;
- tourism migration should be considered as an important factor in the development of cross-border cooperation, building good-neighbourly relations and tolerance between Poland, Ukraine and other states with common borders;
- an important factor contributing to the development of cross-border cooperation in the field of tourism of Ukraine and Poland is the geographical location of the Carpathian region, its natural and
Table 4. Dynamics of the forecast indicators of the implementation of the task of forming the main principles of sustainable development of tourism and resorts as a priority sector of the country's economy, 2018-2020.
Objective name Name of the indicator of the result to be achieved Planned period, years
2018 2019 2020
TASK 3.4. Formation of the basic principles of sustainable development of tourism and resorts as a priority sector of the country's economy (Deregulation and enterprise development and competition *) number of foreign tourists entering Ukraine, million people * 16 19.5 21.0
number of subjects of tourist activity, thousand units 9.5 10.2 11.5
receipt to the local budgets of funds from the payment of tourist fees, UAH million 62.0 74.2 85.0
receipts to the consolidated budget (taxes and fees) from activities of subjects of tourism activity, UAH billions 2.8 3.4 4.5
number of jobs in the field of tourism, thousand persons * 115.0 132.0 150
number of domestic tourists, thousand persons 600.0 714.0 1000
number of participants in excursions, thousand persons 165.0 187.5 250.0
* The medium-term plan of the Government's priority actions by 2020 (approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated April 3, 2017, No. 275).
Source: Developed by the authors on the basis of Strategichnyj plan Ministerstva ekonomichnogo rozvytku i torgivli Ukrai'ny na 2017-2020 roky [The Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine for 2017-2020] from April 28, 2017 (2017). Retrieved from:; file:///C:/Users/HomE/Downloads/CTpareriHHHH_nnaH_MEPT_ (28.04.2017)%20(2).pdf. (in Ukrainian)
7.37%, and in 2020, compared with 2019 12.75%. In accordance with the task, a number of practical measures have been developed that should ensure the realization of the set goals. Practical measures include those that involve the creation of Internet portals "Visit Ukraine" and making them available in foreign languages; creation of a national network of tourist brands of Ukraine; making changes to the laws of Ukraine "On Tourism" and "On Resorts"; raising the level of Ukraine's presence at international events; creation of an interactive layer database etc. Conclusions. According to the results of research on the socio-economic aspects of cross-border cooperation in the field of tourism in Ukraine and Poland, the following should be noted:
- the signing and the entry into force of the visafree regime between Ukraine and the EU in 2017 resulted in a new stage in the development of tourism in Ukraine; tourist migration intensified, which resulted in the appearance of additional positive
climatic conditions, the rich historical and cultural heritage of the countries, cross-cultural interaction, community mentality of citizens, etc;
- at the state level, four oblasts of Ukraine (Lviv, Zakarpattia, Ivano-Frankivsk, Chernivtsi) and Podkarpackie Voivodeship of Poland (Rzeszow, Krosno, Przemysl County) effectively carry out cross-border cooperation in accordance with the developed regulatory legal documents, joint programmes and projects, with the assistance of EU, including for the funds of Ukraine, Poland and the EU;
- the study of some economic indicators, according to the data of the Main Department of Statistics in Lviv Oblast and the revealed trends of their changes, as well as materials from official sites of a number of institutions and organizations, suggests that the potential for improving the socio-economic aspects of cross-border cooperation in the field of tourism in Ukraine and Poland does exist, this should be used with active cooperation, with the benefit both for the
countries as a whole, and for all participants of the market of tourist services, in particular.
In the course of the study, a number of recommendations were formulated to improve the efficiency of cross-border cooperation in the field of tourism of Ukraine and Poland for their implementation into practical activities:
1. To form an updated marketing strategy for managing internal , inbound and outbound tourism in Ukraine in the context of changes in the conditions of the tourist services market that took place after the entry into force of the visa-free regime between Ukraine and the EU. Determine the conditions for preferences regarding tourism market activities for market participants, who are leaders in Ukraine in domestic and inbound tourism. Activate the activities of market participants in tourism services for domestic and inbound tourism, as well as for "green tourism". Develop a set of practical measures, with the assistance of territorial communities, which will increase the competitiveness of the tourism industry in the development of the resorts Truskavets, Morshyn, Skhidnytsya, as well as new tourist facilities.
2. To harmonize the legal framework concerning the use of the nature reserve fund in Ukraine for tourist purposes.
3. Develop a geographic map and make it available online, which will promote a higher level of tourist safety, which will reduce the number of tourists who are involved , for various reasons , in dangerous situations during their trip.
4. To implement the Law of Ukraine "On Social Tourism", with the purpose of expanding resources for individual development of socially vulnerable categories of the population, their better adaptation in society; to attract in this context the effective interaction of employers, etc.; to develop and implement regulatory documents that would encourage employers to invest in individual development of personnel, including through the existing system of purchasing tourist services at the expense of enterprises or on the terms of participation of employees.
5. Within the framework of the curricula of higher education institutions of Ukraine which train specialists for the sphere of tourism, to study topics related to cross-border cooperation in the field of tourism.
6. To develop a more effective mechanism for the development of tourism infrastructure, as a result of changes after the entry into force of the visa-free regime between Ukraine and the EU.
7. Provide information on the «Programmes" and
"Projects" on the websites of the state authorities of Ukraine (villages, settlements, cities, rayons, regional councils, Lviv regional state administrations) and Poland (gminas, counties, voivodeships) which refer to cross-border cooperation, the possibilities of participation of territorial communities, etc.
8. To implement practically planned projects of Ukraine and Poland in the interests of participants of these projects, which will provide a number of advantages, namely: effective development of border areas, including mountain and rural areas; accelerate the economic growthof both countries ; increase the quality of life of the population; promote better mutual understanding among peoples.
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