Abstract: the Internet and social media permeate everyday life more and more. The classic model of Internet marketing is the social media marketing - the SMM. The evidences of presence of SMM at the market and its main advantages were analyzed. The comparison of traditional advertising means and advertising means in SMM allowed drawing a conclusion that the implementation of this type of marketing allows cutting the costs, time and efforts for a product promotion. An algorithm was introduced for implementing the SMM, the main element of which is a qualitative content plan, stated step by step in the given work. Keywords: SMM, social media, internet marketing, content, promotion.
Наркулова Шахноза Шакарбековна - ассистент,
кафедра маркетинга, Самаркандский институт экономики и сервиса, г. Самарканд, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: интернет и социальные сети все больше проникают в повседневную жизнь.. Классической моделью интернет-маркетинга является социальный медиа маркетинг - SMM. Были проанализированы доказательства необходимости присутствия SMM на рынке и основные его преимущества. Сравнение традиционных рекламных средств и рекламных средств в SMM позволило сделать вывод о том, что применение данного вида маркетинга позволяет сократить расходы, время и усилия на продвижение товара. Для внедрения SMM был предложен алгоритм, главным звеном которого является качественный контент-план, пошагово изложенный в работе.
Ключевые слова: SMM, социальные сети, интернет-маркетинг, контент, продвижение.
Problem statement. The most effective channel for selling consumer goods in 2017-2018 is social networks. Marketing in social networks is a new tool for promotion, which is gaining an increasing audience every year. Every day, it fills the Internet more and more, as sales through its tools, such as the social network, are constantly increasing. However, the mechanisms of using social media marketing remain poorly understood.
Analysis of recent research and publications. Such scientists as I. Boychuk, M. Lebedenko, I. Litovchenko, N. Inkova, V. Pilipchuk, Yu. Shedko, D. Khalilov, M. Brown, D. Southgate, etc.were engaged in research of problems of Internet marketing [1, p. 211; 2, p. 344]. However, it should be noted that not enough attention was paid to the SMM strategy and tools for achieving the company's goals.
Summary of the main material. The involvement of society in the use of the Internet is growing rapidly every year. According to a report by the international agency specializing in social media research-We Are Social, in January 2018 alone, the number of Internet users increased to 4.021 billion. For comparison, in 2000, there were only 350 million users, and in 2010-1.7 billion. According to experts, this figure will rise to 5 billion before the beginning of 2020 [3].
A new way to promote products and communicate with consumers - Social media marketing (SMM) is a classic model of Internet marketing, which is the promotion of a company's website or services through direct communication with the target audience of consumers through social resources.
The annual reports on the state of social media marketing published by the Social Media Examiner provide the following evidence for the need for SMM [4, p. 57]:
- 2% of all survey participants and sellers claim that social media promotions have increased their brand awareness;
- 80% of marketers said that effective work in social networks provided an increase in traffic to 90%;
- 72% of marketers use social networks to form and increase the level of brand loyalty;
- social media has helped increase sales by more than 60% to everyone who has used it to promote a business for at least three years;
- 74% of marketers who devote 40 hours a week to work in social media, promoted new brands to the market and provided an increase in the rate of return on investment ROI;
- 46% of managers in the field of SMM confirmed information about a reduction in marketing costs by at
least 20%.
Thus, the classical understanding of "marketing" under the prism of social networks was interpreted into direct active direct work with the target audience [5, p. 820]. A substantive study of a fairly new business sphere allowed us to identify the following advantages of using SMM:
- the ability to focus not on the theoretical target audience, but on the actually interested one;
- increase the degree of awareness of the brand, product, company, etc.;
- fast enough response to consumer requests;
- the possibility of long-term communication with the consumer;
- timely detection and neutralization of negative aspects of the activity due to the presence of feedback from consumers through quick responses to their comments or complaints;
- relatively low advertising costs;
- automated collection of the necessary statistical and analytical information and, accordingly, the operational implementation of its analysis with the formation of appropriate conclusions.
These advantages allow SMM to "act for the future" by providing a comprehensive and complete view of the target audience.
Given the significant advantages of SMM, it is reasonable to raise the question of the need to spread this business technology, expand the scope of its practical application. Therefore, today it is relevant to search for an answer to a number of questions, the initial of which is the question: "Where does SMM begin?"
Social media marketing, like classical marketing, is based on building a strategy, following which goals and objectives are set, and, as a result, the search for the target audience begins. Online platforms allow you to find a clear and specific segment in the consumer market, while this is the most time-consuming stage of marketing in social networks. It includes: research of the interests of the target audience and research of the behavior of the target audience. Based on these two directions, competent content is built, thanks to which the target audience is further expanded [6, p.41].
Depending on the target audience, the social platform with the highest concentration is selected. Facebook Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and Vkontakte are the largest ones. Also, the choice of the site is determined by the type of social SMM: photo or video page, microblog or page.
After analyzing the target audience and selecting a platform for marketing, a content strategy is built and promotion tools are used. The characteristics of the main promotion tools in the SMM system are presented in the table.
Targeted advertising is aimed at a specific segment of the target audience. When registering on a social network, the user himself indicates his age, place of residence, marital status, interests, social status and many other information, which allows you to focus the campaign as deeply as it may be necessary. The customer only needs to choose the right age, social status and other information about the target audience, this will simplify the placement of advertising and "convey" it to the right people. While in traditional tools, the customer receives only the average characteristics of the target segment, which allows for less detailed coverage.
Viral marketing in the traditional sense is "word of mouth", the essence of which is that the consumer shares information about the product with their friends, while SMM allows interesting content to spread the same information more widely. An example is parodies of photos/videos and various "challange", which in a humorous context are spread on the Internet. For example, the Ukrainian TV channel "STB", known for its shows, including through the distribution of humorous "memes" based on the show in social networks.
Creating a blog is an interpretation of interactive interaction, in the traditional view-a book of complaints and suggestions, surveys, questionnaires. When blogging, users leave comments, write reviews in personal messages, like, and make reposts of the entry of interest.
Participation in Giveway in this form originated in SMM marketing. Giveways attract a large audience, after the drawing of which a part remains, but most of it goes away. In the traditional sense, it can be compared to the promotions "buy two, the third as a gift" or when buying a product, take part in a raffle.
Thus, it can be noted that SMM has a number of similar functions to traditional advertising tools, but at the same time it allows you to reduce costs, time and effort for product promotion.
Many people believe that social networks do not promote sales in any way, but this is not true. Users go to social networks most often not to make purchases, because most of them are susceptible to information that is currently interesting [7, p. 9]. By posting content that is interesting to users, companies encourage them to join their communities. Any business can adapt an SMM campaign to its specific needs. For large companies, it is typical to work on several sites at once, they use social networks to improve the company's image, customer awareness, and increase loyalty. Medium and small businesses use social media tools to increase sales, inform customers about sales and promotions, and encourage them to make repeated purchases. Social networks have also made life easier for customers, as they can now easily evaluate the products and services they are interested in, read reviews and directly contact company representatives.
SMM technology, in turn, is one of the tools that helps to implement a marketing strategy, while using social networks as a platform for personalized communication and collecting user feedback. With SMM, you can run integrated campaigns, providing additional communication coverage on a personal level.
Promotion tool Characteristics
Targeting Ads that are displayed based on the compliance of the created characteristics of the target audience with the parameters voluntarily specified by users on
Viral Marketing Creating content that the target audience itself would share
Creating a blog Through the entertaining, unobtrusive nature of the content, information about the product/service/brand is studied
Participation in Giveway Thanks to sponsorship, the number of subscribers increases, which is a
Why does your business want to be on social media? The very first question to answer is the Why. This relates to your social media goals. Are you on social media to promote your products? To drive traffic to your website? Or to serve your customers?
After analyzing a number of content plans using the proposed algorithm scheme, it was concluded that content is the main mechanism for achieving the goals and objectives of SMM. To this end, the stages of forming a high-quality content plan were developed.
Conclusions. The Internet and social networks are increasingly penetrating into everyday life, thereby providing companies with new opportunities to attract the attention of potential consumers to their products. The reason for the high popularity of social networks is that it benefits not only the seller, but also the consumer.
Using SMM allows even small companies to gradually expand their target audience, build long-term relationships with consumers, communicate information about their products to customers, and explore customer reviews and suggestions.
In conclusion, we can note that the SMM algorithm was proposed, the main link of which is the content plan. Using the proposed algorithm for building a content plan will help to effectively implement a marketing strategy in the field of modern SMM business (or in the field of modern SMM technologies).
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