SEMANTIC FIELD FEATURES OF «MOUNTAIN» IN THE ENGLISH VOCABULARY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Kazarian Amalia M.

The article is devoted to the analysis of the culturally specific semantic field «mountain» in the English vocabulary. According to the list of P600 mountains, there are 120 mountains in Great Britain, 82 of which are located in Scotland. According to another classification, the Mаrylins, including in addition the mountains and hills, that number rises to 1,552. Being of significance in the landscape of Great Britain with an extensive mountain system and a system of highlands, it is logical to assume that this phenomenon has received a rich embodiment in the English language vocabulary. Another object of interest is the theory of the semantic field, the study of which, despite its long history, attracts the attention of scientists. Currently, linguistics pays great attention to the study of the system organization of the vocabulary of a language, which does not imply a separate analysis of its lexical units, but their analysis in all possible connections and relationships. The relevance of this work lies in the description of the unexplored linguistic phenomena, the semantic field «mountain» at an early unexamined level, the choice of which is dictated by modern realities - the growing interest in nature; secondly, this study is performed in the important for modern linguistic scientific direction - the study of the systematic vocabulary. The analysis is carried out with the help of the method of the componential analysis and of a directed selection of material from lexicographic sources. Summing up one can conclude that semantic field confirms culturally specific nature of the semantics of «mountain».

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УДК 81'374 DOI: 10.18720/HUM/ISSN 2227-8591.35.08

А.М. Казарян


КАЗАРЯН Амалия Манвеловна - бакалавр, 4-й курс, лингвистика, Санкт-Петербургский гуманитарный университет профсоюзов. Научный руководитель член Союза переводчиков России, кандидат филологических наук, доцент Л.А. Девель.

ул. Фучика, 15, Санкт-Петербург, 192238, Россия; e-mail: amalia.est98@gmail.com

KAZARIAN Amalia M. - St. Petersburg University of the Humanities and Social Sciences. Scientific supervisor Member of the Union of Translators of Russia, PhD (Philol.), Associate Professor Liudmila A. Devel.

15, Fuchika str., St. Petersburg, 192238, Russia; e-mail: amalia.est98@gmail.com

The article is devoted to the analysis of the culturally specific semantic field «mountain» in the English vocabulary. According to the list of P600 mountains, there are 120 mountains in Great Britain, 82 of which are located in Scotland. According to another classification, the Mаrylins, including in addition the mountains and hills, that number rises to 1,552. Being of significance in the landscape of Great Britain with an extensive mountain system and a system of highlands, it is logical to assume that this phenomenon has received a rich embodiment in the English language vocabulary. Another object of interest is the theory of the semantic field, the study of which, despite its long history, attracts the attention of scientists. Currently, linguistics pays great attention to the study of the system organization of the vocabulary of a language, which does not imply a separate analysis of its lexical units, but their analysis in all possible connections and relationships. The relevance of this work lies in the description of the unexplored linguistic phenomena, the semantic field «mountain» at an early unexamined level, the choice of which is dictated by modern realities - the growing interest in nature; secondly, this study is performed in the important for modern linguistic scientific direction - the study of the systematic vocabulary. The analysis is carried out with the help of the method of the componential analysis and of a directed selection of material from lexicographic sources. Summing up one can conclude that semantic field confirms culturally specific nature of the semantics of «mountain».


Citation: Kazarian A.M. Semantic field features of «mountain» in the English vocabulary. Teaching Methodology in Higher Education. 2020. Vol. 9. No 35. P. 86-90. DOI: 10.18720/HUM/ISSN 22278591.35.08

Introduction. Being incredibly diverse, the landscapes of Great Britain have an extensive mountain system and a system of highlands. Scotland is the most «mountainous» part of the UK with the Scottish Highlands. In addition, Scotland is famous for its many green hills.

According to the list of P600 mountains, there are 120 mountains in the country, 82 of

which are located in Scotland. According to another classification, the Mаrylins, including in addition the mountains and hills, that number rises to 1,552 [5].

Having such significance in the landscape of the country, it is logical to assume that this phenomenon has received a rich embodiment in the English language.

Another object of interest is the theory of the semantic field (SF), the study of which, despite its long history, attracts the attention of scientists. Currently, linguistics pays great attention to the study of the system organization of the vocabulary of a language, which does not imply a separate analysis of its lexical units, but their analysis in all possible connections and relationships [2: 201].

Relevance. Thus, the relevance of this work lies in the description of the unexplored linguistic phenomena, the semantic field «mountain» at an earlier unexamined level, the choice of which is dictated by modern realities - the growing interest in nature; secondly, this study was performed in the important for modern linguistic scientific direction - the study of the systematic vocabulary.

Material and method. For the analysis we used the method of the componential analysis and of a directed selection of material from lexicographic sources.

The method of creating a SF is one of the effective ways of describing the world view of a nation and is a good tool for translators and interpreters. SFisa set of words grouped semantically, that refers to a specific subject [3].This method helps to arrange the language system, which is defined as a set of interrelated and interdependent elements that form a whole [4; 5; 6]. Such method is one of the ways to compare vocabularies and set up higher quality bilingual English dictionaries [7; 8]. In the given case «mountain» is chosen for analysis because according to Multitran it can be used comparatively more in English than in Russian: in 2152 phrases and 116 topics, than in Russian [9].

To study the embodiment of 'mountain', we have created a semantic field (SF). A SF consists of words spread around the keyword

(here 'mountain'). According to the Oxford Lexico Dictionary, it is

1) a large natural elevation of the earth's surface rising abruptly from the surrounding level, a largesteep hill;

2) a large pile or quantity of something [10].

Our SF includes both meanings of the word with the integral seme 'elevation' for the first one and 'large quantity' for the second one. We have identified:

- the hypernym of the key word (mountain). It should be a word with a broader meaning which includes the meaning of a more specific one [11]. These are elevation and relief

- the hyponyms of the key word. Hyponyms are words whose meanings are included in the meanings of other words. It's in a type-of relationship with its hypernym [12]. These are plateau, tableland, butte, mesa.

- the words of the same hierarchic level with the keyword (synonyms, antonyms and other elements with the same integral seme): hill, mound, barrow, fell, knoll, monticle, knob, tump, hummock, hillock, volcano, crest, ridge, sierra, mountainrange, rock, cliff, crag, promontory, headland, foreland, cap, bluff, crag, precipice, steeps, scar, scarpfoothill, escarpment, massive.

Here we have made a group with the meaning «area»: highlands, moorland, downs, downland, uplands.

- the meronyms of the key word (ameronym is a part of something used to refer to the whole [13]: peak, pike, slope, acclivity, ascentrise, top, apex, summit, hilltop, alp, eminence, acme, zenith, tor, prominence.

- the derivational nest of the keyword: mountainous, mountaineer, mountaineering, submountain, mountain top, undermountain, mountainless, mount, mountain side, seamount, mountaineering, to dismount.

Then we have grouped the words according to the common seme - a group of elements:

1) With the semes actions + mountains: climb, ascend, escalade, go up, walk up, climb down, descend, get down.

2) Naming people doing activities in the mountains: explorer, excursionist, adventurer, aplinist, climber.

3) Naming activities possible in the mountains: alpinism, exploration, sport, camping, skiing, hiking, mountain biking.

4) With the root «alp-»: alpine, alpinism, transalpian, subalpine.

5) That are culturally specific: Alpine Club, LochNess.

6) Naming attributes of the mountain: steep, high, towering, big, great, huge, enormous, immense, monumental, prodigious,

formidable, isolated, beautiful, bold, rocky, craggy, cliffy.

7) Including toponyms: Ingleborough, Scottish Highlands, Ben Nevis.

8) With the second meaning of the word: pile(s), heap(s), stack(s),

9) mound, accumulation, abundance, mass, ton(s).

10) Including phraseology, idioms and proverbs:have a mountain to climb, have snow on the mountain, make a mountain out of a molehill, faith will move mountains.

The SF itself: the core consists of elevation, height, altitude, relief (4 elements). The near periphery includes the words of the same hierarchic level with the key word, the derivational nest, the meronyms and

hyponyms (71 elements) and the group with the meaning «area» and the far periphery is made of the groups of elements listed above (61,9 groups) - 136 elements in total.

The «mountain» phenomenon is reflected significantly in the English vocabulary and is important for the British as the SF consists of:

1) specific lexical elements giving a variety of names for:

- the relief (sierra, tor, etc.)

- areas (downland, wolds, etc.)

2) a great number of synonyms: hill, mound, barrow, fell; top, apex, summit, hilltop, alp; plateau, tableland, butte, mesa, etc.

3) culturally-specific lexical elements: the Alpian Club is the first alpinist club in the world, and the Loch Nessis a lake known for the legend about the monster.

4) the second meaning of the word (mountains of work).

5) phraseology, idioms and proverbs which is an indication of the importance of the phenomena in the world vision.

Conclusion. Summing up we can conclude that SF confirms culturally specific nature of the semantics of 'mountain'. This concept has a rich linguistic representation, certifying the evidence that the mountains occupy an important place in the language picture of the world of the British. This conclusion is useful for implementing when setting up dictionaries, for translation with the English - Russian language pair, when teaching English to Russian speakers.


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Казарян Амалия М. Особенности семантического поля «mountain» в английском вокабу-ляре. Статья посвящена анализу культурно-специфического семантического поля «mountain» в лексике английского языка. Согласно перечню P600 «Горы», в Великобритании 120 гор, 82 из

которых находятся в Шотландии. По классификации Марылинс, горы и холмы исчисляются цифрой 1552. В связи со значимостью обширной горной системой и системы высокогорья в ландшафте Великобритании, логично предположить, что это явление получило отражение в лексике английского языка. Теория семантического поля, еще один вопрос рассмотрения, который несмотря на долгую историю изучения, продолжает интересовать ученых. В настоящее время лингвистика уделяет большое внимание изучению системной организации словарного запаса языка, что подразумевает не отдельный анализ его лексических единиц, а их анализ во всех возможных связях и отношениях. Актуальность работы состоит в новизне привлеченного к исследованию языкового материала и способе его изучения. Здесь приводится описание не рассмотренных ранее данных, построения семантического поля «mountain». Выбор вокабулы продиктован современными реалиями - растущим интересом к природе в культурно-специфическом аспекте; во-вторых, это исследование выполняется в важном для современного лингвистического научного направления - изучении лексики в системных связях. Материал и методика используются в соответствие с поставленной целью и задачами: анализ проводится с помощью метода компонентного анализа и направленного отбора материала из лексикографических источников. Подводя итог, можно сделать вывод, что исследование и представленное семантическое поле подтверждает культурно специфический характер семантики слова «гора».


Ссылка при цитировании: Казарян А.М. Особенности семантического поля «mountain» в английском вокабуляре // Вопросы методики преподавания в вузе. 2020. Т. 9. № 35. С. 86-90. DOI: 10.18720/HUM/ISSN 2227-8591.35.08

© Санкт-Петербургский политехнический университет Петра Великого, 2020

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