In Uzbek newspaper language the examples of neologisms are the words that appeared after the country's independence:
- social-political terms: vazir, vazirlik, devonxona, hokim, tuman, agrofirma, fermer, kirakash and others;
- economic terms: diler, lizing, injenering bozor infrastrukturasi;
- scientific and technological terms: internet, kompyuter, diskovod, skaner; akademik litsey, kollej, dastur.
Obviously, such words are only perceived as neologisms until the concepts they express become familiar, after which they are firmly included in the vocabulary and are no longer perceived as new. It should be noted that neologisms tend to emerge from the existing language tradition, using the formation tools already available in the language.
By its structure and method of formation, the neologisms in the language of newspapers are represented by several variants. The most characteristic ways of neologisms in the language of the English newspaper is the word formation, affixing, conversion, abbreviations, changing the meaning of words and borrowings from other languages. In the Uzbek newspaper text, neologisms are formed due to internal and external language factors. The internal factors of the language include expansion due to the meaning of a word and the use of derivation. External factors include borrowing. Each of them has its own characteristics, so they should be disassembled separately [3].
References / Список литературы
1. Kukharenko V.A. Practical course of stylistics of the English language. Moscow, 1986. P. 61-62.
2. Cannon K.I. Word structure. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1986. P. 236.
3. Usmonova D.S. Rol' i osobennost' somaticheskikh frazeologizmov razlichnykh yazykov. // "Mirovaya nauka"№ 9 (30), 2019. [Electronic Resource]. URL: (date of access: 10.02.2020).
Abstract: the article under discussion considers semantic features of phraseological units with an ornithonim component in English. There are many stable combinations that give the language of any nation a special flavor. Phraseological units are a special layer of vocabulary in any language. They are figurative and capacious language units, which most clearly record the images created by man, i.e. zoo idioms. In languages, there are often phrases with an ornithonim component - ornithonim idioms which concretize the general concept of "zoonym" and specialize in birds. The study of ornithonyms and the phraseological units including them occupies a special place in linguistics and linguoculturology, as it allows learning a lot about the cultural component of the people's consciousness and their everyday experience.
Keywords: language, ornithonym, bird, vocabulary, special, flavour, layer, phraseological, image, culture, unit, linguistics, concept.
Махмудова Наргиза Равшановна — преподаватель, кафедра английского языка, факультет иностранных языков, Ферганский государственный университет, г. Фергана, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: данная статья рассматривает семантические особенности фразеологических единиц с компонентом-орнитонимом в английском языке. Существует большое количество устойчивых сочетаний, придающих языку любого народа особый колорит. Фразеологические единицы (ФЕ) представляют собой особый пласт словарного состава любого языка. Речь идет о фигуративных и емких языковых единицах, наиболее четко фиксирующих созданные человеком образы, т.е. зоофразеологизмах. В языках часто встречаются фразеологизмы с компонентом-орнитонимом - орнитофразеологизмы, конкретизирующие общее понятие «зооним» и специализирующиеся на птицах. Изучение орнитонимов и включающих их фразеологических единиц занимает особое место в лингвистике и лингвокультурологии, поскольку позволяет узнать многое о культурной составляющей сознания народа и его бытовом опыте.
Ключевые слова: языковой, орнитоним, птица, словарный запас, особый, колорит, пласт, фразеологический, образ, культура, единица, лингвистика, понятие.
UDC 811.111-26
There are many stable combinations that give the language of any nation a special flavor. Phraseological units represent a special layer of vocabulary of any language. They are figurative and capacious language units that most clearly capture the images created by man. The phraseological units give the language identity and uniqueness, they contain special symbols and associative links fixed in the consciousness of native speakers, because they are not created in the process of speech, and are used in it in a ready-made form [4].
The phraseological units visually demonstrate the way of life, geographical position, history, traditions of this or that community united by one culture [1]. The set of phraseological units reflects those subjects and phenomena which a person often faced in his life, namely those which caused special emotions and feelings. As the man throughout his history, one way or another, dealt with representatives of animal world, the set of phraseological units - zoo phraseological units are connected with them. Birds are also representatives of fauna, which were constant companions of man, that's why in languages there are often units with component-ornithonim - ornithonim idioms, which concretize the general concept of "zoonim" and specialize in birds.
The works of R. A. Ayupova, K. A. Sahibullina, E. V. Krepkogorskaya, L. R. Sakaeva, T. S. Spirina, E. S. Yakovleva and many other linguists are devoted to the comparative study of the phraseological units with an ornithonym component in different languages [2].
Ornithonyms are an essential part of any language, and many of the names of birds are an active part of its vocabulary. They are also broad in scope: they are used in all forms of language existence -in codified literary language, in territorial dialects, in social dialects, in simple speech, etc.
The meaning of ornithonim, as well as the meaning of any word, is "an element of the structure of a sign situation, which provides an associative connection between the plan of expression of a lexical unit and its denomination and its concept" [3]. In our case, the denotate means both a separate bird and a phylogenetic community of birds, and by the concept we call the notion of a denotate within a linguistic or social community; a tan of expression (i.e., a sound and graphic designation of a denotate in a specific language).
Studies have shown that the "bird" theme is presented not only in phraseology and various metaphorical uses. Images of birds are actively used in other types of folk art (bylinas, fairy tales, songs, riddles, etc.), in religious and philosophical teachings, in fiction; they help to express joy and grief, to give a positive or negative assessment to people, their actions, the results of their activities, to celebrate victories and defeats.
No matter how far science goes, in fairy tales, parables and songs of peoples birds will remain as our ancestors saw them, and this perception captured in the language is an integral segment of the national picture of the world. Bird names, like other zoonims, are also used in figurative meaning, which provides additional material for judging how to expand the semantic capacity of words and language in general, especially with examples of transferring bird names to humans, to constellations, flora and social categories (heraldry).
• Pigeon's milk - что-либо несуществующее;
• Stiffen (stone) the crows! - черт возьми! Нечего сказать! Вот те раз! (выражает досаду, удивление) ;
• "make the eagle scream" - произносить патриотические игры, превозносить американский образ жизни связан с орлом, изображенным на государственном гербе США;
There are components of ornithonyms which are present in the language system of the foreign and native languages. But for a number of historical, economic or social reasons, they are contained or absent in the phraseological system of the languages being compared.
The presence in English of quite a large number of phrases with the component "turkey" - turkey is associated with trade relations of the British with America, as well as the fact that this bird has become the main dish of the British and Americans on Christmas and Thanksgiving:
• (as) red as a turkey - красный как рак ;
• Like turkey voting for Christmas - «как индюшки, которые голосуют за Рождество», означает, что человек принимает решение, которое со временем ухудшит его жизнь.
Agriculture in England has led to the emergence of a large number of phraseological units, one component of which are the names of poultry: "chicken", "goose", "rooster", "cock", "duck". For example:
• Cook one's (own) goose - уморить себя, стать жертвой собственных интриг, рыть самому себе могилу;
• Tame as a chicken - очень покорный, смирный;
• Live like a fighting cock - жить на большую ногу, преуспевать; жить - не тужить.
When studying a foreign language, acquaintance with the national and cultural peculiarities of phraseological units helps to understand the figurativeness of phraseology, therefore, it contributes to better memorization of phraseology. Consideration of idioms from the point of view of linguocountry studies is interesting in the general educational plan, because the history of the emergence of idioms in the language have cognitive value [4].
References / Список литературы
1. Ayupova R.A., Sahibullina K.A. Estimated component of value of phraseological and paremiological units with a component ornithonym (on the material of English, Tatar and Russian languages) // Philological sciences. Questions of Theory and Practice, 2014. № 4 (34). P.p. 28-31.
2. Akramova N.M., Dekhkonboy Nabirasi O. Phraseological euphemisms in modern English // Problemy Nauki, 2019. № 12-2 (145). [Electronic Resource]. URL: (date of access: 11.02.2020).
3. Усмонова Д.С. Роль и особенность соматических фразеологизмов различных языков. // "Mirovaya nauka". № 9 (30), 2019. [Electronic Resource]. URL: (date of access: 11.02.2020).
4. Abbasova N.K. The importance of techniques in developing critical abilities of the learners in teaching English proverbs and sayings. // "Mirovaya nauka". № 9 (30), 2019. [Electronic Resource]. URL: (date of access: 11.02.2020).
Niyazova G.G. Email: [email protected]
Abstract: the present article is intended to cope with the study incomplete sentences and their stylistic forms within stylistic device - aposiopesis and the types of it to achieve for the success which presents a certain interest both for the theoretical investigation and for the practical language use. It is in the new approach to the question under study which lies on the cross of stylistics, text interpretation and cognitive linguistics. Scientific novelty of this study is also due to the use of cognitive analysis, while proving of informative value of the device by investigations according to practical results. Keywords: incompleteness, discourse, utterance, aposiopesis, fragment, interpretant, bilateral unit, stylistic.