SEMANTIC AND STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF TOURISM TERMS IN UZBEK, RUSSIAN AND UZBEK LANGUAGES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
Tourism / separate / lexical / layer / scope / native / borrow / term / word-building / terminalogy / society

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Gulnaz Turabekovna Turgunbaeva

This article is about the developing tourism and scientific research in our country today is the most diverse activity in the direction. Regardless of the interdependence of languages, a study that examines the degree of similarity of their structure the properties of the method that return to the field are shown.

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Gulnaz Turabekovna Turgunbaeva

Chirchik State Pedagogical University, master's student

English languge


This article is about the developing tourism and scientific research in our country today is the most diverse activity in the direction. Regardless of the interdependence of languages, a study that examines the degree of similarity of their structure the properties of the method that return to the field are shown.

Keywords: Tourism, separate, lexical, layer, scope, native, borrow, term, word-building, terminalogy, society.

There has been significant increase in number of theoretical and practical terms year by year. The scientists have been conducting deep research on the subject of peculiarities of terms relating to certain fields in society, the formation and word-building means of terms, and standards of terminology and analyzing them in broad scope. Needless to say, each branch of industry, policy, education, sport, art and etc. indeed necessitated the isolation of a whole layer of lexical units in an independent term system. As Birzhakov. M lstated "tourism became a separatesector of the national economy, which required availability and the formation of an appropriate lexicons" (m, tourism sector demands to have special sets of terminology in order to express only the notions relating to touristic activities. Among other languages English is the creator of touristic terms which are being accepted and widely used throughout the world. Etymologically, the vocabulary of the English language is divided into two groups -native and borrowed words. Not any other languages there arein contemporary world which did not enhance with loan words came from other languages with peculiar meaning. The origins of tourism vocabulary in English in connection with the development of Tourism industry. The word "tourism" itself borrowed to Englishfrom French in XIX century giving the meaning of special act of relaxation, but the broad content is knowledge of the world, the desire for a healthy lifestyle, getting new sensations. The origins of the word are associated with

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the French word "tourisme"that derived from the root "tour" -trip, walk. The primary meaning of word -in XIV century -a circle, rotation. However, only since XVIII century this meaning changed to "journey". The root of the word can be perceived in the English language as "turn". This feeling indicates an inherent desire to repeat such trips, walks and journeys. The term "tourism" emerged as the result of fulfilling human kind's needs meanwhile men began to become aware of the opportunities of recreation. Evenly, people added onemore demand to their "need's list", like traveling to another states or continents so as to have a rest or desire to face with completely unknown, also new culture and experience of others. As a consequence of this activity, special staffs and organizations settled to be in charge of creating conditions for travelers and providing them with needful equipment. Then, the people who were occupied with rendering a service to visitors seemed to have a need for particular "terms" to express uncommon conceptsrelating to recreational activities. Later, terminology sphere enriched with new terms belong to "tourism". The variety of targets and functions of tourism makes it difficult to briefly define it. But a broad definition, possibly, given by the UN Statistical Commission in 1993, "Tourism is the activities of people traveling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for leisure, business or other purposes for not more than one consecutive year." Though, the word "tourism" derived from French word, the further historical development of tourism, including globalization at the language level, have fixed English as the base language of international tourism.2The English language, found as the language of international communication, is officiallyrecognized as a tool for fixing, storing and disseminating the terms of tourism. Such words as tourism, tourist, boarding house, visa, voucher, transit, animation, cruise, studio, agency, were once borrowed to many languages, but today speakers of these languages perceive those borrowed words completely as the linguistic source of their native language. The progressive development of tourism in English-speaking countries has stimulated the emergence of new words to denote new realities in the tourism development. Tourism vocabulary in English presents a rich arsenal of nominative means. Semantic peculiarities of "tourism" terminology in terms of forming of vocabularies and their denotative and connotative meanings. Likewise, English is not exception to this process too (whereas the bulk of loan words is from the French language). Nevertheless, roughly 90% of "tourism" terms we are using today in a large scope

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originally stemmed from English words. In modern English touristic terms wereformed with the help following ways of word-building:Affixation. Predominantly, suffixation plays great role in building new vocabulary in tourism terminology rather than prefixation. For example, the noun "charter" -"the hire by contact of the whole or part of an aircraft, ship, train or bus", coined by appending the suffix to the root "chart" (the word "chart" represents semantically "diagram" or "graph" if it is noun, "to record information" if it is verb, but via adding suffix "-er" denotation converts into "to hire transport to travel", illustrates touristic term.) Word composition. Word composition is creating compound words by joining two or more stems. Compound words, in contrast to word combination, are structurally, semantically, phonetically and graphically whole units. Word building can also be presented in the nominative system of English lexicon system of touristic terms, for instance, the noun "airpasses" -an airplane tickets for extensive travel within large countries or areas, normally available to visitors who have to buy them in their countries of residence, formed by juxtaposition of two stems "air" and "passes"; adjective "all-in" including the cost of everything in the price charged. Complex words also made up of great percent touristic vocabulary, like noun "bungee-jumping" -"an extreme type of sport in which one jump off something very high with a long length of special rope that stretches tied to ones legs, so that one go up again without touching the ground", formed by adding to a complex base consisting of two elements, nominal "bungee" and verb "jump" with suffix "-ing. Abbreviation. In English tourism terminology abbreviations are also found; for example; an alphabetical abbreviation that is pronounced in alphabetical names of letters, "AIDA" -and acronym for Attention, Interest, Desire, Action describing "the sequence in the customer reaction to marketing stimulus"; truncation of the beginning of the word "fam" from "familiarization trip" -"trip commonly arranged by tourist boards and similar organizations for journalists, tour operators and travel agents in generating areas to visit destinations and to become acquainted with their attractions, facilities and services"3and etc. Conversion. In modern word building process on tourism terminology, semantic derivation can be observed too. With the help of simulations ("the semantic process proceeding on the basis of the connection of word meanings, combining concepts, reflects the community of entities of the objective world in the signs they detect lexical units created, like "slot" -"set time assigned to a flight for takeoff and landing at an airport" from "slot" -"a long narrow hole in a surface, that you can put

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ISSN: 2181-1385

Cite-Factor: 0,89 | SIS: 1,12 | ASI-Factor: 1,3 | SJIF: 5,7 | UIF: 6,1

something into"; the word "inn" -"a hotel or an eating outlet without overnight accommodation" from "inn" -"a public house in the country where lodging, drink and meals may be had". Word borrowings. Taking new words from other languages to the base of English touristic terminology can be considered to less common way of word formation. But, there are a number of words which come from another languages, for instance: noun "cabana" -"a tent or small wooden structure used for changing clothes at the beach or pool"borrowed from Spanish; noun "caravanserai" -"inn with a large inner courtyard where caravans put up" came from Persian language; English took terms from French that mainly illustrate restaurant service and eating habits: "table d'hote" -" a meal served in a restaurant at a fixed price, with a limited number of dishes you can choose from"; "a la carte" -"according to a menu or list that prices meals separately"; "maître d'hotel" -"someone who is in charge of a restaurant, welcomes guests, gives orders to the waiters". Generally, several sublanguage factors, say influence of practical activities of men, which develops steadily and progressively, the process of labor and related implementation of innovations lead to feel need to create designations of new objects and phenomena. Achievements of science and technology, as well as the development of the socio-political and economic life of countries require a constant expansion of the vocabulary of languages, the addition of new lexical units and obsolescence of obsolete ones. Sometimes new units enter the dictionary under the new name of an existing concept. E.A. Zemskaya points out how difficult it is to learn new words when they are not associated with old ones, and that the relationship of words in a language is a reflection of the relationship between the real object of existence and events. It is a process that, like general tokens, is also associated with terminology. Already, terms form the bulk of incoming new words. The prospects for science and technology and the improvement of terminology are interdependent phenomena of a proportional nature. After all, while science and technology provide a variety of terminology systems, the voluntary field of science and technology, which lacks its own theoretically based advanced terminology system, is in decline. Thus, the finalization and regulation of terminology in each area remains one of the urgent problems of modern lexicography. The fact that terminological systems are free from confusion, clearly and systematized is a factor that determines

the culture, spirituality and literacy of a country.

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However, the lexicography of terms is a relatively young aspect of theoretical and practical

lexicography, and it still has many problems. Problems with terminology inall areas, which Russian linguist D.S. Lotte spoke about several decades ago, still remain one of the most painful moments of modern lexicography.

1. The first problem is associated with the ambiguity of terms, which isfound in the terminological system of all industries. In fact, terms should clearly express the nature of the concept in a particular area, and its scope should be limited to that area only. Their important feature is that they are unambiguous in nature and do not have emotionally expressiveassociations, which distinguishes them from ordinary words. Indeed, the lexical meaning of the terms also requires this (the term comes from the Latin word terminus, meaning "border", "boundary marker", "restriction".

2. The second urgent problem is the meaning of terms. This leads to the abstraction and confusion associated with their consumption. In fact, the development of society requires that one of the significant options be excluded from the dictionary in the course of sociocultural selection. In this case, an option falls out of consumption that does not accurately express the content of the concept it expresses or causes inconvenience in the application (due to the fact that it consists of graphics, a sound shell, a large number of components). Butthis will take time. For this reason, terminological dictionaries constantly being updated and refined.

3. The next problem arises due to the fact that a specific term does not fully correspond to the essence of the concept it represents. The reason is to consider the translation of terms from a foreign language as an artificial and technical process, and not to be creative. As a result, the term loses its functional value and is depreciated. The scope of the terms introduced should be limited, clear and understandable and applied consistently in this voluntary context.

4. The next drawback is associated with the excessive length (more precisely, multicomponent) terms. Compactness and ease of use are critical for terminology units. "In such artificial conditions, first of all, the economy of speech is disturbed, which, in turn, negatively affects thinking. Secondly, the probability of an elliptical phenomenon (loss of speech elements) increases". Speaking in particular about the Uzbek language, the peculiarities of our language often require the

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translation of a one-component term from a foreign language as a combination of two or more components. For this reason, when developing terminological systems, it is very important to achieve maximum conciseness by critically approaching this process, without resorting to blind translation and using the rich internal capabilities of our language. In general, the formation of compound terms using the syntactic method is one of the most effective methods in any language, as evidenced by the fact that in any terminological system there are more compound terms than single-component terms. In fact, according to the universal opinion existing in linguistics, one-component terms are considered basic terms, and many other terms are derived from them (For example, tourism ^ tourism industry ^ green tourism, etc.).

5. Another disadvantage of synchronizing with the aforementioned problem is that complex phrases are inconvenient. But we must say that this problem is much milderthan in previous decades. Now the perception and knowledge of the middle class of the population of foreign languages (especially English) has increased. As a result, many foreign phonetic terms have become familiar to us. This is largely a contribution to the development of science and technology (especially the Internet).6. Another problem that is not so acceptable in lexicography is the filling of terminological systems with an excessive number of foreign terms. However, this lexicographic view is now somewhat liberalized, the main thing is to achieve functional equivalence in the assimilation of foreign terms. For example, if a foreign alternative evokes a clearer understanding of the concept in the minds of consumers than the "Uzbek" version of terms that represent a specific concept, then it should be given priority. After all, consumer choice is very important in the formation of terminological dictionaries. To conclude with above-mentioned factors, tourism is considered to be the field that is proliferating steadily and rapidly throughout the globe as a means of huge profit to economy of countries wherever rich in historical and spiritual heritage, or at least try to famous for its gastronomic tourism among foreigners who travel overseas inseek of adventure. Coming to these days, touristic terms are going to be need-toknow words, because someone want to go abroad for long-term or short-term travel according to several reasons, or somebody works for touristic agents to serve the tourists. Inorder to accommodate in a high quality to voyager and to meet their needs, the staff of touristic organizations must obtain old and new

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ISSN: 2181-1385

Cite-Factor: 0,89 | SIS: 1,12 | ASI-Factor: 1,3 | SJIF: 5,7 | UIF: 6,1

touristic terms, and of course, sightseers also should be aware of these words to make a comfortable journey with confidence.


1. Birzhakov M.B., Nikiforova V.I. The great glossary of terms for the international tourism. SPb.: «HeBCKHËOoHg», 2002.

2. Medlik S. Dictionary of Travel, Tourism and Hospitality. Butterworth Heinemann, 1997. -318 p.

3. Jacob M., Strutt P. English for International Tourism. -Longman, 1997. -312 p.

4. Nikitin M.V The lexical meaning of the word. -M.: Graduate school, 1983.

5. Birjakov M. Touristic firms. 2007.

6. Belan E. T. The features of the formation of new term systems in tourism: Synopsis of thesist for PhD in phililogy sciences. Moscow, 2009.

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