SELECTION AND PLACEMENT OF TOPONYMS INTO THE TOPONYMIC DICTIONARIES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
toponyms / toponymical dictionaries / survey / educational explanatory toponymic dictionary / gamification.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — G.Z. Ganieva

In world linguistics, scientific and theoretical ideas are put forward to reveal the features of toponyms of different languages. In particular, the creation of English toponymic dictionaries raises ideas about their analysis. Place names, which are a significant source of evidence of the spiritual wealth, cultural heritage, history, present, and way of life of every nation, were included in toponymic dictionaries. This article describes how to select toponyms the toponymic dictionaries, the effective and essential ways of choosing and placing them. Moreover, some scientific theories about dictionaries mentioned.

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G.Z. Ganieva1

In world linguistics, scientific and theoretical ideas are put forward to reveal the features of toponyms of different languages. In particular, the creation of English toponymic dictionaries raises ideas about their analysis. Place names, which are a significant source of evidence of the spiritual wealth, cultural heritage, history, present, and way of life of every nation, were included in toponymic dictionaries. This article describes how to select toponyms the toponymic dictionaries, the effective and essential ways of choosing and placing them. Moreover, some scientific theories about dictionaries mentioned.

Key words: toponyms, toponymical dictionaries, survey, educational explanatory toponymic dictionary, gamification.

It is known that the role of lexicography in saving from ancient times to the present day is invaluable. Lexicography, whether theoretical or practical, is one of the main and major branches of linguistics.

V.Dubichinsky2 described the process of compiling a dictionary as the formation of an author's team, drafting a dictionary, creating a dictionary card index (or computer bank of data), choosing a dictionary based on principles, developing the author's concept of the dictionary article structure, direct translation of selected language lexemes, preparing the dictionary for publication.

Professor M.I.Umarkhodjaev has a comprehensive approach to the principles of selection and placement of lexical units, mainly phraseological units in the dictionary. In particular, the scientist relied on general linguistic and phraseological principles in the selection and placement of phraseological units in dictionaries. According to M.I. Umarkhodjaev, in the placement of phraseological units, first of all, it is necessary to determine the lexical structure of phraseological units. Second, it is necessary to be able to see the environment of such units directly. Third, you need to be able to set the imagination. Otherwise it is not possible to determine the obligatory context of the phraseology3.

In our view, the principles outlined above can also be applied to the creation of a toponymic dictionary. In this case, first of all, it is enough to determine the layer of toponymic units, not phraseological units. Based on the principles and methods listed above we can recommend the following principles when compiling an educational explanatory toponymic dictionary:

1. It is necessary to determine the purpose of compiling a dictionary.

2. Identify the address of the dictionary, i.e., for whom it is intended.

3. The type of dictionary should be defined (annotated, encyclopedic, or other, as well as monolingual, bilingual, or multilingual).

4. The size of the dictionary (how many pages) should be specified.

5. It is important to determine the number of toponymic units in the dictionary (educational toponymic dictionaries should cover 1000-5000 toponyms).

6. Creating a dictionary structure.

7. Be able to see the environment of toponyms suitable for the dictionary.

1Ганиева Гулнозахон Захировна - докторант, Джизакский государственный педагогический институт, Узбекистан.

2 Дубичинский В.В. Лексикография русского языка. - Москва: Флинта-Наука, 2008.

- С. 370.

3 Умарходжаев М.И. Очерки по современной фразеографии. - Ташкент: Фан., 1977.

- С. 28.

8. To be able to use the visual method in the selection of toponyms in the toponymic dictionary.

9. Conduct a written or oral survey with those who reside in the area or visit the area where the toponym is selected or intended to.

10. Analyze the results of the survey and record what is needed.

11. Confirmation of the collected data.

12. Print sources. This is the final step; the collected sources are compiled and published as a toponymic reference or dictionary. This data set can be made available to the public in book form or in digital, i.e. electronic application mode. It should be noted that in the publication of the educational toponymic dictionary it is expedient to pay special attention to its polygraphic features.

It is known that lexicography not only organizes the lexical layer of selected words, toponyms, but also provides relevant information about this layer. In our opinion, the steps listed above by V. Dubichinsky can be directly applied in the construction of a toponymic dictionary.

We know that toponyms are more specific to the indigenous people living in that area, and it is through them that they appear, form, and spread. There are some cases when only the natives of that place can give information about a particular place. This required the study of toponyms, their collection by scientists, a special survey of the population of the area, scientific research. To date, not only scholars from all over the world, but also Uzbek scientists have been conducting extensive research on the collection and study of place names in their area of residence on the basis of scientific and theoretical methods. We believe that in the collection and selection of toponyms, special attention should also be paid to place names that have not been scientifically studied, have not yet been studied, or are not marked on maps. The reason is that, although in many cases the names of such places are small in terms of area, in terms of their underlying meaning, etymologically, they combine cultural, spiritual and historical heritage not only for science but also for the region itself. For example, Shohimardon, Vadil, Skipton, Shepshed, Shipston on Stour, and others.

They used a number of approaches to include them in dictionaries. The most common of these in modern terms, a survey. The first survey on toponyms in Uzbekistan was conducted by A. Ishaev1. He made a special mention of this in his article "On the collection of materials from Uzbek toponymy."

Later, K. Nazarov and T. Enazarov2 also paid special attention to this and created a methodological manual on the collection and collection of toponyms. It discusses in detail what to look for when collecting toponyms, communication with the indigenous population of the identified toponyms, questions asked to them and other important work that needs to be done. Inquiries required during the collection of toponyms are noted. Methods of studying the science of toponymy and classification of place names were also discussed. In addition to the above, T. Enazarov 3 also presents his methodological manual "Issues of nomenclature" and fills the given information with new ones.

To date, innovative methods of collecting and compiling toponyms are being used. New directions and technologies of mapping and surveys of toponyms create great opportunities for local experts to share their geographical and linguistic knowledge about toponyms and expand their contribution to the study of toponyms.

This can also be seen in the research work of world scientists. In 2013, British and Spanish experts jointly developed a new program for collecting place names -Gamification Program. This application is carried out in the form of a game, which is carried out mainly through a computer game adapted to a smartphone. Through this game, ie through the Gamification technique, users will be able to make changes to the database of given toponyms4.

1 Ишаев А. Узбек топонимиясидан материаллар йигишга доир// Адабиётшунослик ва тилшунослик масалалари. 5-к. - Тошкент, 1969. - Б. 571-574.

2 Назаров К., Эназаров Т. Жой номларини йигиш сурок;лиги. - Тошкент, 1995. - 33 б.

3 Эназаров Т.Ж. Номшунослик масалалари. - Тошкент, 2010. - Б. 68-74.

4 Castellote, J., Huerta, J., Pescador, J. & Brown M. Towns Conquer: A Gamified application to collect geographical names (vernacular names / toponyms). AGILE 2013 - Leuven, 2013. - P. 1-7.

With such a new approach proposed by scientists, citizens will be able to easily revise place names without any boredom. This mechanism provides an interesting way to achieve the set goal, that is, to collect toponyms without difficulty. It would not be wrong to say that such a modern view of the collection of toponyms is useful in achieving the scientific goals of all anonymous scientists.

A number of other experts have also developed a scientific approach to the collection of toponyms based on crowd sources1. This approach, i.e. public participation in the collection of toponyms, solves some of the problems that arise in the management of toponyms. These problems include limited human resources, access to these resources, and completeness of toponymic data.

It is well known that compiling toponymic dictionaries is a more difficult and responsible task than compiling other dictionaries. Having complete information about the name of the place you are looking for, and insufficient documentation about that place can make it difficult to find that toponym. This shows how much each toponymist, lexicographer has to work. The compilation of found names in dictionaries, on the other hand, imposes once again a responsible task for scholars, as the large-scale collection and compilation of place names takes a long time and is much more responsible.

We decided to list the methods we use the most in the collection of toponyms and the effective use of their sources. We were able to sort these methods according to their position in the source collection and fill them with examples.

The results of the effectiveness of the methods used in the selection of toponyms for dictionaries are shown (see Table 1):

Table 1

Methods used in the selection of to ponyms for dictionaries

№ Method Effectiveness (% ga) Explanation

1 Traditional survey 90-100 During the survey it is possible to find out not only the names of existing toponyms, but also their origin and meanings, and even find new place names that are not included in the dictionary, but are used among the people.

2 Social networks like Facebook, Telegram 70-80 It is possible to conduct a survey and find out the meaning and origin of both toponyms. This largely depends on the operating speed of the network

3 GoogleDocs 80-90 It is only possible to conduct a survey and provide alternative answers, ie using the "multiple choise" method

4 COCA and BNC 50-60 Only the usage of existing toponyms is determined

5 OpenStreetMap 60-70 Finding out exactly where the toponyms are currently located. But outdated toponyms that are available in toponymic dictionaries may not be found by this method

Placing any name in dictionaries can lead to misunderstandings in many cases, as some place names can have different meanings. Still, others may be present in more than one area at a time.

The creation of a dictionary of toponyms in any region is the most effective and useful event not only for that region, but also for the whole world. Because this toponymic dictionary contains the spiritual and cultural heritage of this people in a certain sense. Dictionaries of this kind mean a bridge built between this people and the whole world. As for the placement of toponyms in dictionaries, one of the most effective methods is to select the collected toponyms. Any dictionary scholar or researcher

1 Perdana A.P., Ostermann F.O. A citizen science approach for collecting toponyms. ISPRS international journal of geo-information, 7(6), 222. - 2018. - P. 1-18.

should have determined the purpose of compiling the dictionary and determined for whom this dictionary is intended.

Then, as in other dictionaries, a little more information is given, along with following the general rules. Dictionaries of this type should be able to provide information about toponyms, their place in human life, ethnographic information, as well as events related to history and language.

In compiling toponymic dictionaries, attention is also paid to how the definition - interpretation, interpretation - intra-linguistic translations (in monolingual toponymic dictionaries) are given. Also, when placing toponyms in dictionaries, it should be given in alphabetical order, paying special attention to the right and left parts, ie the parts of the keyword and commentary. In addition, whether the selected place name is new or obsolete, ie whether it is still in use - such features must be taken into account before compiling a toponymic dictionary.

According to the English toponymist D. Mills, when choosing names for dictionaries, it is not necessary to take them at first sight. With careful research in the selection of place names, it is possible to interpret them correctly only by carefully examining and confirming their initial pronunciation in terms of the dialectal development of the corresponding language sounds. That is, they can be selected only after extensive comparisons of similar or specific names have been made, or other similar linguistic, historical, and geographical factors have been taken into account.

In fact, always placing any name in dictionaries can lead to misunderstandings in many cases, as some place names can have different meanings. Still others may be present in more than one area at a time. In such cases, it would be useful to study their original meanings, clarify why they are so called, and then study their etymology, historical data, as well as their geographical location.


1. AddisonWilliam.Understanding English PlaceNames. -London: Batsford, 1978. -159 p.

2. Adrian Room. Alternate names of Places: a Worlwide dictionary. - Jefferson, North Carolina, and London, 2009. - 257 p.

3. Castellote, J., Huerta, J., Pescador, J. & Brown M. Towns Conquer: A Gamified application to collect geographical names (vernacular names / toponyms). AGILE 2013 - Leuven, 2013. - P. 1-7.

4. Eilert Ekwall. The Concise Oxford dictionary of English Place Names. -Oxford, 1947. -531 p.

5. George R Stewart. American Place-Names: A Concise and Selective Dictionary for the Continental United States of America. - New York: Oxford University Press, 1970. -550 p.

6. Mills A.D. A Dictionary of British Place-Names. - New York: Oxford University Press, 2011. - 518 p.

7. MillsA.D.A Dictionary of London Place-Names. - New York: Oxford University Press, 2010. - 352 p.

8. Perdana A.P., Ostermann F.O. A citizen science approach for collecting toponyms. ISPRS international journal of geo-information, 7(6), 222. - 2018. - P. 1-18.

9. Дубичинский В.В. Лексикография русского языка. - Москва: Флинта-Наука, 2008. - С. 370

10. Ишаев А. Узбек топонимиясидан материаллар йигишга доир// Адабиётшунослик ва тилшунослик

11. Назаров К., Эназаров Т. Жой номларини йигиш суро;лиги. - Тошкент, 1995. - 33 б

12. Умарходжаев М.И. Очерки по современной фразеографии. - Ташкент: Фан., 1977. - С. 28.

13. Эназаров Т.Ж. Номшунослик масалалари. - Тошкент, 2010. - Б. 68-74.

14. http://www.merriam-webster.com

15. https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/secret-norfolk-villages-7563 768

© G.Z. Ganieva, 2022.

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