SEARCHING FOR STRATEGIC FOCUS OF STATE ACTIVITIES (BASED ON MATERIALS OF WORLD EXPO 2020) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Yaskova Natalya Yurievna, Zaitseva Larisa Igorevna

The article reviews the World Expo 2020, which opened in October 2021 in Dubai (UAE) and became the largest exhibition in its 150-year history, in the context of reconsidering the particularities of public administration in modern conditions. The Expo 2020 aims to set priorities for the development of states, considering global trends and the national identity of each country. The essencial aspects presented in the states’ pavilions, representing national development priorities, are supplemented by non-standard architectural solutions, making it possible to experience the space differently and understand the features of «smart» buildings. The significance of the World Expo is also expressed by the opportunity to realize the role and functions of each particular state in achieving priority development goals. By setting ambitious goals and new tasks, Expo 2020 predetermines further systemic activities and defines the direction of public administration in the new realities to create a sustainable and prosperous future. Upon completion, the World Expo will become an ecosystem of innovation, another example of ongoing development, the capitalization of resources, and a significant increase in the project’s economic efficiency.

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международный опыт


Поиск стратегической фокусировки деятельности государства

(по материалам Всемирной выставки Expo 2020)

НАТАЛЬЯ ЮРЬЕВНА ЯСЬКОВАа йО!: 10.22394/2070-8378-2022-24-5-59-64


а Российская академия народного хозяйства и государственной службы при Президенте Российской Федерации

Аннотация: В статье представлен комплексный обзор крупнейшего мероприятия - Всемирной выставки «Экспо-2020», открывшейся в октябре 2021 года в Дубае (ОАЭ) и ставшей крупнейшей за 150-летнюю историю выставок (в контексте переосмысления особенностей государственного управления в новых реалиях). Целью «Экспо-2020» является установление приоритетов развития государств с учетом глобальных трендов и национальной идентичности каждой страны. Объединяющее начало, которое четко прослеживается в концепции «Экспо-2020», свидетельствует о формировании доминирующей системы ценностей и коллективной ответственности за будущее человечества. Сущностные аспекты, представленные в павильонах государств, характеризующие национальные приоритеты развития, дополнены нестандартными архитектурными решениями, позволяющими по-новому ощутить пространство и понять особенности «умных» строений. Важность и значимость Всемирной выставки как уникальной площадки подтверждается также возможностью осознать роль и функции каждого конкретного государства в достижении приоритетных целей развития. Ставя масштабные цели и качественно новые задачи, «Экспо-2020» предопределяет дальнейшую системную деятельность по определению конкретных направлений государственного управления в новых реалиях для формирования устойчивого и счастливого будущего. А будущее самой Всемирной выставки, которая после завершения сделается инновационной экосистемой, станет очередным примером непрерывного развития, капитализации ресурсов и существенного повышения экономической эффективности проекта.

Ключевые слова: «Экспо-2020», государственное управление, сотрудничество, создание будущего, устойчивое развитие, смарт-технологии, «умные города», креативный разум Дата поступления статьи в редакцию: 4 февраля 2022 года.

Searching for strategic Focus of state activities (based on materials of World



а Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

Abstract: The article reviews the World Expo 2020, which opened in October 2021 in Dubai (UAE) and became the largest exhibition in its 150-year history, in the context of reconsidering the particularities of public administration in modern conditions. The Expo 2020 aims to set priorities for the development of states, considering global trends and the national identity of each country. The essencial aspects presented in the states' pavilions, representing national development priorities, are supplemented by non-standard architectural solutions, making it possible to experience the space differently and understand the features of «smart» buildings. The significance of the World Expo is also expressed by the opportunity to realize the role and functions of each particular state in achieving priority development goals. By setting ambitious goals and new tasks, Expo 2020 predetermines further systemic activities and defines the direction of public administration in the new realities to create a sustainable and prosperous future. Upon completion, the World Expo will become an ecosystem of innovation, another example of ongoing development, the capitalization of resources, and a significant increase in the project's economic efficiency.

Keywords: Expo 2020, public administration, cooperation, building the future, sustainable development, smart technologies, smart cities, creative mind Received: February 4, 2022.


Views on the state's role in development change according to cyclical fluctuations of the complex characteristics in the conditions of technological progress. In the «fat years» in some sectors of the economy, the coordinating actions of the state are minimal, during a crisis, the control of the government increases significantly. The state's systemic efforts are more effective during such periods when the degree of state presence and influence in the social processes of production and consumption is most notable. The mega-project to counter the crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic required a concentration of efforts from all sectors and regions, rapid situation management and immediate response to stress factors, assistance, and support at the human, business, sectoral, and national economic levels. The level of preparedness and manageability directly affected the information, digital, and service environment of all countries, as well as the speed of decision-making and the effectiveness of the fight against the pandemic.

The World Expo 2020

The contemporary practice has dispelled ideas of unstoppable globalization, a «free world without states», and self-sustaining security. World Expo 2020, opened in October 2021 in Dubai (UAE), despite the unifying trends and meanings of development, and organized in three key directions: «Sustainable Development», «Mobility», and «Opportunities», emphasized the importance of individual states, the need to consider national peculiarities, and to combine the ideas and efforts of bearers of different values1. In this context, the state's primary functions are security, value-strategic focus, and ideological support become a new concept for creating dialogical regimes of conflict-free interaction between different cultures, economic mechanisms, and ideological attitudes2.

For the first time in the history of World Expos, Expo 2020 in Dubai was not only a demonstration of countries' achievements in the new technological reality but also a presentation of their role in securing a joint future. Each country followed the general concept of the exhibition - «Uniting minds and creating the future», based on the existing scientific and production potential and the dominant system of values. Four fundamental principles to address the most critical challenges to humanity were outlined: «Building bridges», «Leaving no one behind», «Life in a balanced environment», and «Developing together». We must address the challenges through the prism of cultural heritage, social and environmental, and economic development3.

1 https://www.expo2020dubai.com/en

2 Dubai to host Expo 2020: The anticipated economic boost. https:// www.jonesday.com/en/insights/2014/05/dubai-to-host-expo-2020-the-anticipated-economic-boost

3 https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/24/world/world-expo-dubai.html

We can also see the unifying nature through the thematic weeks, which focus on the most pressing issues inherent to most nations, namely: climate change and biodiversity preservation; development of outer space programs; urban and rural planning; tolerance and inclusion; travel and transportation (this part includes discussions on balancing the virtual world and reality); health and well-being; food resources, agriculture, and sources of income; the use of water resources. The vast majority of issues will require spatial restructuring, which, in turn, will entail significant changes in the investment and construction sphere4. The most urgent questions are:

• The development of urban planning to reduce inequality, to overcome social, economic, environmental, and other challenges. Without planning, megacities could create disparity in both property and culture. Particular attention is paid to the «work on mistakes» in the field of spatial planning, as well as to technologies and innovations aimed at qualitative changes.

• Construction of «smart» cities focused on people and a comfortable living environment, including the transport infrastructure, allowing significant savings in time resources. Such cities are assumed to have technologically advanced urban infrastructure, high-quality urban resource management, and an emphasis on economic efficiency, including the service component. However, this requires more than just the digitalization and automation of processes but also a comprehensive increase in the efficiency of urban infrastructure5.

• Creation of eco-cities (green cities) assuming zero carbon emissions, solar energy use, and other renewable energy sources. As an example, we can mention Masdar City, a green city project implemented in the Abu Dhabi area with much media publicity. The city was meant to be the embodiment of the UAE's new non-resource economy, designed to accommodate about 50,000 people and provide 1,500 business centers in an area of six square kilometers. Despite the city's difficult location (in the desert) and climatic conditions, innovative architectural solutions, the city should maintain a comfortable temperature - of about 20 degrees Celsius. This will be achieved with the 46-meter wind tower to regulate the temperature by pumping in cool air

4 After a year's delay, Dubai's Expo 2020 opens to an expected 25 million visitors. https://www.france24.com/en/middle-east/ 20211004-after-a-year-s-delay-dubai-s-expo-2020-opens-to-an-expected-25-million-visitors

5 We should remind you that at the initiative of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities, the Russian Federation launched a project «Smart City» project under the national project «Housing and Urban Environment» and «Digital Economy» national program.

from above and delivering it to the city streets below6. Currently, there are about 500 people who live and work in the city's research centers. As a result of the expo, interest in Masdar has increased, and the scientific community became concerned with specifying the rational location of the new settlements of such type7. • The introduction of the Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method (BREE-AM) into project management, a method of environmental assessment of buildings and structures, which implies: managing the process of design, construction, putting into operation, post-sales service; comfortable environment, favorable impact on health and indoor environmental quality, energy efficiency, reduction of carbon emissions, quality of transport infrastructure, use of alternative transportation, efficient water and materials use, life cycle assessment of buildings, waste management and their minimization, environmental impact assessment and land use management, pollution control at the construction site, the use of innovative approaches and technologies8. The ideas of unity and cooperation engaged all states in a large-scale discussion concerning global challenges. Nevertheless, the national identity and characteristics of a particular state caused by its location, mentality, traditions, and international ties are visible in the pavilion themes and national mottos among the participating countries.

Each state focuses its efforts according to its sustainable development capabilities. In Andorra, it is «security and stability», while in Austria, it is «creating a comfortable atmosphere for creativity and a new understanding of tradition and its reunifying factor among peoples». Australia represents «optimism and creativity, diversity and cooperation, together with a future of limitless possibilities». Singapore develops the ideas for the unity of nature and architecture, as well as the triad of «Nature. Education. Future». Azerbaijan attracts investment in «seeds for the future», Finland «shares future happiness», Japan prepares a place for a «meeting of ideas», and the UAE focuses on «crossroads of people, goods, and ideas», as the state demonstrates a desire for integrated development, emphasizing the logistical, productive and personal components9.

6 Similar projects are implemented in Denmark, China, Cyprus, Japan, Russia, and other countries.

7 Masdar City: The world's first eco-city of the future. http:// royaldesign.ua/ru/masdar-city-pervyiy-v-mire-eko-gorod-buduschego.bX69f/

8 Comprehensive assessment for compliance with sustainable development criteria. https://www.breeam.com/

9 Explore some of the best pavilions at the expo 2020 Dubai. https://



Analyzing the UAE vision

An analysis of the countries' approaches to forming the image of the future showed that the UAE presented the world with its version of an expanded long-term plan for the government (UAE Vision 2071). Its particular feature is a focus on the capitalization of the reputational advantage. The plan focuses on investing in future generations and developing the knowledge and competencies needed in a rapidly changing world. The UAE has set the ambitious goal of becoming the best state in terms of development and quality of life by 207110.

The main theses of the UAE plan are:

1) focusing the state authorities' activities on the future;

2) ensuring a high level of happiness in society;

3) creating an exceptionally positive image of the state;

4) maintaining the highest level of education, as well as educational institutions, which are to become the largest scientific centers;

5) implementing economic diversification through interaction between the business community and the scientific sphere;

6) forming a safe, consolidated, and tolerant society with a high level of ethics, morality, a decent standard of living, and the valuable inclusion of women in all spheres.

The UAE expects to produce its last barrel of oil in 2030 and completely replace the income from natural resources. Thus, the UAE presents an example of a state capable of assuming the broadest range of functions and playing a defining role in ensuring the sustainable, balanced, and environmentally friendly development of the state.

Programs of other participating countries

Some countries, such as Singapore and Malaysia, demonstrated examples of zero-energy and zero-carbon eco-buildings. In Denmark, sustainable-environmental architecture and engineering are particularly notable. Luxembourg presented the concept of zero-waste production, implemented in the country at the government's initiative11. Specific symbols of promising ideas, transformation, and inspiration included water and the forest. They are the main components of the pavilions of Belarus, Sweden, Hungary, and Tajikistan.

Studies of the mottos of the participating countries' programs show that the modern period of creating a

10 The main theses of the UAE's long-term development program by 2071. https://u.ae/en/about-the-uae/strategies-initiatives-and-awards/federal-governments-strategies-and-plans/uae-centennial-2071

11 At expo 2020 Dubai. https://www.designboom.com/architecture/ luxembourg-pavilion-metaform-architects-expo-2020-dubai-11-24-2021/

«United future» is characterized by total Smartization and, as the slogan of the People's Republic of China says, we need to «create a community with a unified future»12. Using the same basis, France is trying to «reinvent our world». Its pavilion of «Light» symbolizes the source of inspiration, knowledge, and creativity. Kazakhstan opens the «gate to tomorrow». Latvia is «connecting the unconnectable» and linking past trials and accumulated experience with new ideas to form invincible development technologies. The Israel pavilion presents the value of time, activism, and the urgency of cooperative efforts. Spain demonstrated the need for limitless intellectual development. Its motto was «Intelligence for life». Solving arising issues will require learning, understanding, and using new knowledge13.

The conceptual approach of the Dutch government deserves individual analysis. Based on nature-like technology, they managed to «combine water, energy and food resources» and placed 3,500 edible plants on the walls of the pavilion, provided with energy from solar panels and water (up to 1,000 liters) collected from the desert air14. By promoting such technologies, the government creates an exemplary image of its country and a competitive advantage for national producers15.

Transforming the global system

Considering the ideas and concepts presented at the expo, beyond their apparent simplicity, we can see the severity of the current crisis of the international order associated with the transformation of the global system model. States, as the essential subject of social structure, have experienced a significant identity crisis caused by active migration, a simultaneous increase in positive and negative expectations from globalization, and the deepest penetration of communication technologies in all spheres of life. And this affected:

1) the understanding that safety is the core of ensuring sustainable development. Digitalization has distinct advantages in providing a resource-economy regime, creating a comfortable environment, and accelerating all socio-economic processes. At the same time, the cost of systemic failures is so high that it requires

12 https://rg.ru/2021/11/10/kitajskij-pavilon-na-vystavke-expo-2020-dubai-otkryt-vo-vremia-provedeniia-nedeli-shansi.html

13 Expo 2020 participants. https://www.expo2020dubai.com/ru/ understanding-expo/participants

14 Watering hope in a desert: the blooming of the Dutch Biotope at Expo 2020 Dubai. https://www.stirworld.com/see-features-watering-hope-in-a-desert-the-blooming-of-the-dutch-biotope-at-expo-2020-dubai

15 The most spectacular pavilions at Expo 2020 Dubai. https://edition. cnn.com/travel/article/expo-2020-dubai-spectacular-pavilions-spc-intl/index.html

all countries to unite and create effective preventive mechanisms for cybersecurity16;

2) a value-strategic focus that requires expanding its boundaries and evaluate the benefits and harms of «transhumanism» (human-computer symbiosis), the «atomization of society» (isolation and distance), or «posthumanism» with a basic income and the actual exclusion of humans from labor.

Despite the diversity of approaches, the World Expo in Dubai demonstrated tremendous leaps in developing information and communication technologies, science, education and health care, space and robotics, agricultural production, and nature-like technologies. Expo 2020 showed a systemic view of Man as the foundation of a planetary system capable of understanding, creatively transforming, and developing nature and society17. It was expressed in the Russian pavilion, which resembles a planet, and the multimedia show «Mechanics of Miracle» stated: «Russia is an infinite source of creativity»18. The main idea was a call for cooperation, interaction, and ideas exchange. According to the creators of the pavilion, «We can describe the future of humanity in one word - cooperation», and this is what the interaction of states should strive for. In addition, they respected the creative efforts of Russian scientists, who have made impressive progress. Particular attention is paid to the fundamentals of the brain, its complexity, and admirable productivity. These concepts are universal: we can apply them in various fields, from specific technologies to the organization of society19. The narrative component of the exhibition is dedicated to the «five kinds of mind» reflecting the five primary aspects of human consciousness:

■ The learning mind helps people learn about the world with incredible speed and efficiency.

■ The creative mind provides the ability to create, to imagine something fundamentally new. Moreover, this ability is inherent in man from birth, and we only need to reveal the potential of each individual:

■ The emotional mind allows us to understand and empathize with each other. Emotional reactions significantly affect the intensity of the brain's functioning and its creative component.

■ The cultural mind is a reflection of human coex-

16 Yaskova N.Yu., Kolosova T.N. The Investment and Construction Activities Transformation at the Modern Development Stage of Russia // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 2020. C. 062050. https://Iopscience.iop.org/article/10/1088/1757-899X/869/6/062050

17 https://www.expo202 0dubai.com/ru/understanding-expo/ participants/special-pavilions/mobility

18 «We will show creative Russia to the world». https://www. businessemirates.ae/content/pr/430/13047/

19 The Russian pavilion in Dubai became the most popular. https:// www.vesti.ru/article/2648262

istence. In addition, cultural diversity greatly enriches their interaction. As a result of empathy, the brain learns the characteristics of its environment.

■ The social mind allows individuals to exist in a society. At the same time, the very structure of the brain's connections is similar to the social organization of society. Just as neurons form brain networks and hyper networks, people form communities and groups.

The Russian pavilion

The architecture of the Russian pavilion expresses the ideas of avant-garde and reflects the Dubai spirit of celebration, brightness, pulsation, and volume; it was created by the «SPICH» design bureau lead by S. Cho-ban. The emotional source of the search for the idea is associated with Suprematism, a highly geometric abstract painting style. The appearance of pavilion is shaped like a planet - a symbol of multinational people and multiconfessionalism. The structure consists of many aluminum rings and tubes coated with a colorful polymer compound. You can find some similarities with the architecture in Russia in the XV-XVI centuries (e.g. St. Basil's Cathedral). The pavilion's interior is a domed space, reflecting the cathedral principle. This format allows visitors to interact, symbolizes the exchange of ideas, and expands the boundaries of shared learning.

This way was defined our country's desire to break the stereotypes, associated with outdated competitive advantages: vast territories, qualified workforce, and natural resources (from mineral resources to water and biological resources), and to present the country as an infinite source of creative intellectual resources. Innovation, informational, and nature-like technologies, along with the creative environment and intellectual resources, are transforming the state, changing its position in the group of leading countries.

Despite the significance and effectiveness of the ideas presented in the Russian pavilion, the question of the role and functions of the state in realizing the stated goal, namely, using the potential of human interaction and the limitless possibilities of the mind in creating the future, remains unresolved. The state's participation in this process requires further analysis and consideration.


Comprehensive assessment for compliance with sustainable development criteria. https://www.breeam.com/. In Russian

"We will show creative Russia to the world". https://www.busi-nessemirates.ae/content/pr/430/13047/. In Russian

New Scale2Dubai partnerships boost economic growth. https://

District 2020

The goal of Expo 2020 is to ensure a sustainable future, which is confirmed by the future fate of the territory and the states' pavilions after the World Expo: they will be used to host District 2020. District 2020 is a promising innovation ecosystem bringing together representatives of various industries and making a unique contribution to Dubai's prosperity: logistics and transportation, construction and real estate, tourism and education20. At the same time, institutions, centers, and business community members will be able to use the best digital technology to improve operational efficiency. Companies that showed best practices in using innovative technologies at Expo 2020 (blockchain campus construction, Smart logistics, software development, DP World Cargospeed's hyperloop technology, etc.) will become District 2020 participants. Examples of such companies include Atlas Capital, DP World Cargospeed, Siemens, Germany's Merck KGaA, etc. The District 2020 will be based on a SMART component, a sustainable character, and a focus on people and their comfortable living environment, which fully corresponds to the WELL Community standard. The WELL Community is a system dedicated to measuring, certifying, and monitoring the properties of buildings around the world affecting human health and well-being. Also, the WELL standard added the ability to certify city districts (WELL Community)21. This is another step to creating a unified approach to forming a comfortable living environment22.


The concepts, development priorities, and challenges outlined at Expo 2020 raise fundamental questions for the international community and the governments of individual countries in ensuring and strengthening new aspects of further cooperation, introducing modern standards in urban planning, environmental management, educational technology, and smart consumption. In today's context, it is countries (at the level of national development projects and strategies) that must become the bearers of values and goals related to overcoming disunity and confrontation, both within states and in international relations.

20 New Scale2Dubai partnerships boost economic growth. https:// www.expo2020dubai.com/ru/news/district-2020-scale-2-dubai

21 WELL Community Standard Guide. https://www.3blmedia.com/ news/your-guide-well-community-standardtm-pilot

22 The Ecosystem of the Future. https://www.district2020.ae/

www.expo2020dubai.com/ru/news/district-2020-scale-2-dubai. In Russian The main theses of the UAE's long-term development program by 2071. https://u.ae/en/about-the-uae/strategies-initia-tives-and-awards/federal-governments-strate-gies-and-plans/uae-centennial-2071. In Russian


международный опыт

Masdar City: The world's first eco-city of the future. http:// royaldesign.ua/ru/masdar-city-pervyiy-v-mire-eko-go-rod-buduschego.bX69f/. In Russian The Russian pavilion in Dubai became the most popular.

https://www.vesti.ru/article/2648262. In Russian WELL Community Standard Guide. https://www.3blmedia. com/news/your-guide-well-community-standardtm-pilot. In Russian

The Ecosystem of the Future. https://www.district2020.ae/ In Russian

Expo 2020 participants. https://www.expo2020dubai.com/ru/

understanding-expo/participants. In Russian Dubai to host Expo 2020: The anticipated economic boost. https://www.jonesday.com/en/insights/2014/05/dubai-to-host-expo-2020-the-anticipated-economic-boost. In English After a year's delay, Dubai's Expo 2020 opens to an expected 25 million visitors. https://www.france24.com/en/middle-east/20211004-after-a-year-s-delay-dubai-s-expo-2020-opens-to-an-expected-25-million-visitors. In English At expo 2020 Dubai. https://www.designboom.com/architec-ture/luxembourg-pavilion-metaform-architects-ex-po-2020-dubai-11-24-2021/. In English Explore some of the best pavilions at the expo 2020 Dubai. https://www.designboom.com/architecture/expo-2020-du-

bai-pavilions-roundup-10-13-2021/. In English The most spectacular pavilions at Expo 2020 Dubai. https:// edition.cnn.com/travel/article/expo-2020-dubai-spectacu-lar-pavilions-spc-intl/index.html. In English Watering hope in a desert: the blooming of the Dutch Biotope at Expo 2020 Dubai. https://www.stirworld.com/see-features-watering-hope-in-a-desert-the-blooming-of-the-dutch-biot-ope-at-expo-2020-dubai. In English Yaskova N.Yu., Kolosova T.N. The Investment and Construction Activities Transformation at the Modern Development Stage of Russia // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 2020. 062050. https://Iopscience.iop.org/arti-cle/10/1088/1757-899X/869/6/062050. In English Expo 2020 Dubai UAE official website. https://www.

expo2020dubai.com/en. In English A World-Class World Expo. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/

10/24/world/world-expo-dubai.html. In English China Pavilion at Expo 2020 opens during Shanxi Week. https:// rg.ru/2021/11/10/kitajskij-pavilon-na-vystavke-ex-po-2020-dubai-otkryt-vo-vremia-provedeniia-nedeli-shansi. html. In Russian "Alif" - "Mobility" pavilion. https://www.expo2020dubai.com/ ru/understanding-expo/participants/special-pavilions / mobility. In Russian

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Информация об авторе:

НАТАЛЬЯ ЮРЬЕВНА ЯСЬКОВА, доктор экономических наук, профессор, заведующая кафедрой инвестиционно-строительного бизнеса и управления недвижимостью

Российская академия народного хозяйства и государственной службы при Президенте Российской Федерации (Российская Федерация, 119571, Москва, проспект Бернадского, 82). E-mail: yaskova-ny@ranepa.ru

ЛАРИСА ИГОРЕВНА ЗАЙЦЕВА, кандидат юридических наук, доцент кафедры инвестиционно-строительного бизнеса и управления недвижимостью

Российская академия народного хозяйства и государственной службы при Президенте Российской Федерации (Российская Федерация, 119571, Москва, проспект Бернадского, 82). E-mail: pa-journal-igsu@ranepa.ru

Для цитирования: Яськова Н.Ю., Зайцева Л.И. Поиск стратегической фокусировки деятельности государства (по материалам Мировой выставки Expo 2020). Государственная служба. 2022. № 5. С. 59-64.

Information about the author:

NATALYA YURIEVNA YASKOVA, Doctor of Sci. (Economics), Professor, Head of the Department of Investment and Construction Business

Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Russian Federation, 119571, Moscow, Vernadsky Prospekt, 82). E-mail: yaskova-ny@ranepa.ru

LARISA IGOREVNA ZAITSEVA, Candidate of Sci. (Law), Associate Professor, Department of Investment and Construction Business

Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Russian Federation, 119571, Moscow, Vernadsky Prospekt, 82). E-mail: pa-journal-igsu@ranepa.ru

For citation: Yaskova N.Yu., Zaitseva L.I. Searching for strategic focus of state activities (based on materials of World Expo 2020). Gosudarstvennaya sluzhba. 2022. No. 5. P. 59-64.

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