SCIENTIFIC APPROACH TO PROTECTION OF BUSINESS INFORMATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Компьютерные и информационные науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по компьютерным и информационным наукам, автор научной работы — Troshkov A.M., Shuvaev A.V.

Questions of protection of business information and access to a cloud of information resources based on introduction of a biometric code and the subsequent information analysis are proved.

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© Troshkov A.M.1, Shuvaev A.V.2

Stavropol State Agricultural University, Stavropol

Questions of protection of business information and access to a cloud of information resources based on introduction of a biometric code and the subsequent information analysis are proved.

Keywords: business information, information resources, electronic characteristics of the subject, cloud of information resources, digital codes.

Now the special attention is given to questions of design and introduction of information models. It is connected with increase of the importance and relevance of use of information technologies and multimedia systems, introduction of robotics and high-performance «clever» chips. Applied aspects of protection of information resources play a special role [1, 4, 13]. Problems of information security take the paramount place among numerous unresolved production problems. At the same time in modern scientific literature the insufficient attention is paid to these questions, scientific approach to development of qualitative algorithms of protection of business information, including a manufacturing sector of economy is not reasonable.

The specified problem can be solved because of creation and application of an electronic biometric key. He can be used at identification of the PC user. It is mainly about the staff of firm who uses a cloud of information resources. Access to these resources has to be controlled, including by means of the electronic mandate allowing using business information [2, 3, 14].

The principle of authentication of the user on access to a cloud of information resources consists in carrying out the qualitative biometric analysis of individual parameters of the employee of the enterprise. It means application of the special electronic password in the form of biometric characteristics of the employee of firm.

In this case, the complex biometric characteristic of the person is a key of management of access to confidential business information. It can be a stomatology matrix, the visual electronic analyzer or and the acoustical identifier [6, 8, 10, 12]. Thus, basic data of the applicant for carrying out the analysis of personal information are biometric and anthropometrical features of a human body, which the user presents, in the form of the biometric characteristic of controlled biometric parameters. The analysis consists in formation of a digital biometric code by a technique based on programmable information platforms [5, 11]. It allows using access in an electronic cloud of information resources of firm.

1 Доцент кафедры «Информационные системы», кандидат экономических наук.

2 Профессор кафедры «Информационные сисеты», доктор экономических наук.

From the mathematical point of view, functioning of an electronic key there is a N-dimensional vector of biometric characteristics and individual parameters of the employee of firm (1).

N = {Sj}, j = 1 ... z. (1)

Here each Nj component (j = 1, 2 ... z) corresponds to the next biometric parameter presented during T time.

For adequate application of a formula (1), it is necessary to have individual standards of M of the biometric parameters (2) which are earlier presented by the user.

K = {Nj}, j =1 ... M. (2)

It is proved what in biometric system for management of access of r to the closed information base by security service of firm can be registered the D PC users, each of which will be presented by the standard (3).

D = {kj, k2, ... kx}, E = {bj,b2, ... bx}. (3)

In this case, unambiguous display of set of users of D on a set standards E is formed, i.e. for formation of standards, E the legitimate great number of D will be used.

At the solution of such tasks on the personal computer, procedure of authorization of the user by means of a special PIN code is necessary. The specified procedure is reduced to definition of login by the principle of implication of logical statements: a ^ «its», b ^ «stranger». The initial analysis is consolidated to the admission of participation of the employee in a control system of information resources. This results from the fact that the nature of biometrics of the person has selective character, according to the shown electronic mandate on use of the closed business information.

Besides, with mathematical the points of view, it is necessary to consider credibility chosen biological characteristics in relation to a certain threshold of requirements to characteristics and parameters. In this case, comparison of density of biological characteristics and density of reference biological parameters is made. After that, permission to the admission to information base of the enterprise is carried out. The specified making identifications of the user use also the principle of distribution and crossing of parameters of the employee. This range assumes minimization (maximizing) of necessary parameters. At the same time, the choice of an electronic key is made. He also considers the principle of credibility of components.

Thus, if to consider biometric system of the person in the simplified look, then it is possible to offer a control algorithm of information resources in the following look:


1. Identification of the concept and «stranger», and dynamics of behavior of biometric parameters, which are described by a binary digital information row.

2. Creation of special electronic devices for an identification of biometric parameters, so-called system of biometric authentication.

3. Generation of continuous correction of changeable and new biometric characteristics of the subject.

In this case, the model of biometric protection should be projected with accumulation of necessary biometric parameters. Further, depending on the application for a segment of information resources, information «mandate» with biometric characteristics is shown. This the structure is called «the modeling action».

Efficiency of processing of information resources uses parallel distributive calculations with big set of local interactions, including in structure of biometric systems of the person.

In the conclusion, we will note: modern scientific and technical developments in the field of information security contain certain problems at the level of methodology and a technique of qualitative algorithms of information security. The presented technique has the practical expediency as has real practical confirmation and approbation in the form of the developed software products [7, 9]. They allow not only registering unauthorized access to information, but also if necessary completely to identify the identity of the PC user.

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