Научная статья на тему 'Information management system labour market'

Information management system labour market Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Shuvaev A.V.

The analysis of information subsystem of regulation of labor market at the level of the region is provided in article; offers on mitigation and the prevention of unemployment, taking into account information approach are proved.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Information management system labour market»

Современные информационные технологии в экономической деятельности 149

7. Шугаев А.В. Информационность как основное свойство региональной социально-экономической системы // В сборнике: Моделирование производственных процессов и развитие информационных систем. - 2012. -С. 118-121.

8. Шуваев А.В. Регулирование сельской занятости как фактор развития аграрного сектора // Аграрная наука. - 2006. - № 10. - С. 2-4.


© Shuvaev A.V.*

Stavropol state agricultural university, Stavropol

The analysis of information subsystem of regulation of labor market at the level of the region is provided in article; offers on mitigation and the prevention of unemployment, taking into account information approach are proved.

Keywords: information support, information approach, information system of employment, unemployment, labor market.

Researches show that formation of adequate system of information support of a state policy of the employment of the population providing realization of the following directions has to provide efficiency and flexible response to changes of market condition of work in the region:

- coordination of the most actual problems of employment and current analysis of unemployment;

- development and improvement of monitoring of regional labor market and social and labor sphere;

- informing the population (including - unoccupied) and employers about a condition of labor market through electronic and printing mass media, including specialized periodicals of bodies of an employment service;

- ensuring the correct and timely charge of doles;

- realization of actions for modernization and improvement of system of the analysis of market information of work and actions of bodies of an employment service of the population in the region;

- further information of an employment service for improvement of quality of service of the citizens addressing to job-centers, including reduction of time necessary for selection of workplaces;

Therefore, at the regional level continuous interaction with employers concerning granting vacancies for the unemployed has to be carried out, be made purposeful selection of the unemployed on the available vacancies. In system of

* Профессор кафедры Информационных систем, доктор экономических наук.

bodies of public service of employment of the population the automated databank according to the list of specialties and experts from among the busy population, is constantly improved by the person interested to replace a work place.

It is established that at the regional level in general access to data of bank of experts for purposeful selection of shots is provided to employers. Constantly work with employers in the «automated fairs of vacancies» direction which helps looking for work quickly it to find extends, and to employers to complete the enterprises with necessary shots. In the regional markets of rural and city work, besides government institutions of employment of the population, different information commercial personnel organizations work. Now only in the territory of the region. Generally they render legal services to the population and assistance in employment, as a rule, to the competent experts.

Information system of employment in labor market promotes effective carrying out professional orientation and consulting work with the unoccupied population. Considering the differentiated approach to professional orientation work with various categories of jobless citizens, in regional job-centers special methodical recommendations for each category of unoccupied citizens are developed. These recommendations are used further in individual and in group work with the unemployed.

According to experts of an employment service, these recommendations should be used and during fairs of vacancies as any visitor can use necessary information. So, concerning career guidance and psychological support there are in development some types of methodical recommendations for various categories of the unemployed:

- for having a break in work more than 1 year;

- for finished school or educational institution and taking the first steps in the professional world;

- for experiencing the difficulties at employment connected with age;

- for come back from places of imprisonment and trying to find the place in the professional world.

For optimum regulation of regional labor market specialists of regional services of employment of the population have to see off regularly at the enterprises planning mass dismissals of workers, exit information consultations concerning the current legislation, and at release of workers to organize temporary information consulting points. Thus most of the released workers should provide quickly information on existence of free workplaces and vacancies at the enterprises of the region, opportunities of retraining and redistribution of labor at the enterprise.

Now use of information of those HR departments and agencies which directly contact through the global Internet is of special interest and provide information on existence of vacancies not only in this region, but also in other regions of the country or abroad. In this regard we will consider information aspects of labor market. Relevance of this direction is that recently in connection with a situation

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aggravation in labor market and existence of a large amount of vacancies on it wider circulation is gained by a new look modern information of technologies connected with job search and the subsequent employment of labor through a computer global network.

Thus the open databases placed in a network provide to persons interested an extensive information about possibility of employment, as in large regions of Russia, and practically in any country of the world. Only during 2014 through world famous search Internet system Rambler it was possible to find over 97 thousand sites containing concrete requirements of the employers to the vocational level of labor and the corresponding demands who are looking for work. It is counted that the specified sites of intermediary recruitment agencies and firms are visited daily on average by more than 63 million Internet users. Quite often, thanks to it, many of them find the application for the labor.

Job search or profitable occupation by means of modern information technology considerably reduces financial, labor and moral expenses of the competitor. Therefore for expeditious employment it is necessary wider to use everything opportunities not only services of the existing employment services of the population, but also actively to apply the last achievements in the field of the Internet communications connected with management of a situation in the market of labor.

Researches of information on various sites show that the vast majority of vacancies are generally intended for the highly qualified specialists having, as a rule, experience of auditor, management, financial or commercial work in the large organizations or the enterprises at the exchanges or in banks. At the same time there is a certain demand and for such specialties as clerks, secretaries, commodity researchers, direct-sales representatives, merchandisers, couriers, etc. However, requirements to the level of their preparation and qualification quite high. Employers pay special attention not only on vocational characteristics of the competitor, but also on what higher educational institution he finished, what its intellectual potential and desire to be improved. In this regard the applicant is quite often offered to respond to a number of special tests following the results of which competitive selection of candidates is made previously.


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