SCIENTIFIC AND THEORETICAL FUNDAMENTALS OF THE STUDY OF AGRICULTURAL TERMS IN LINGUISTICS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Saidova Z.Kh.

It is well known that language is a kind of mirror that shows how developed a society is. Undoubtedly, the role of language in the rise of a nation to the level of a nation, in uniting the people who make up this nation in the path of dreams and goals, is invaluable. We all know that the language issue is at the forefront of efforts to achieve national independence in our country. Agriculture is carried out on very large areas and under a variety of regional conditions. It uses land (the main means of production), light, heat, water and living organisms - plants and animals. The period of agricultural production does not coincide with the period of labor. The main industries of Qx are agriculture and animal husbandry. They, in turn, are subdivided into smaller sectors (agriculture - horticulture, vegetables, melons, horticulture, forestry, etc .; livestock - cattle, sheep, horses, pigs, poultry, beekeeping, silkworms, etc.); In turn, the agricultural and livestock sectors are grouped by crop (grain, rice, cotton) and livestock (cattle, sheep, horses, camels). We will use the terms used in this field in our article.

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Saidova Z.Kh. senior teacher Karshi State University Uzbekistan, Karshi


Annotation: It is well known that language is a kind of mirror that shows how developed a society is. Undoubtedly, the role of language in the rise of a nation to the level of a nation, in uniting the people who make up this nation in the path of dreams and goals, is invaluable. We all know that the language issue is at the forefront of efforts to achieve national independence in our country.

Agriculture is carried out on very large areas and under a variety of regional conditions. It uses land (the main means of production), light, heat, water and living organisms - plants and animals. The period of agricultural production does not coincide with the period of labor. The main industries of Qx are agriculture and animal husbandry. They, in turn, are subdivided into smaller sectors (agriculture -horticulture, vegetables, melons, horticulture, forestry, etc .; livestock - cattle, sheep, horses, pigs, poultry, beekeeping, silkworms, etc.); In turn, the agricultural and livestock sectors are grouped by crop (grain, rice, cotton) and livestock (cattle, sheep, horses, camels). We will use the terms used in this field in our article.

Keywords: agriculture, field, vegetable growing, melon growing, horticulture, forestry, etc .; in animal husbandry, land, grain, rice, cotton.

It is well known that language is a kind of mirror that shows how developed a society is. Undoubtedly, the role of language in the rise of a nation to the level of a nation, in the unification of the people who make up this nation in the path of dreams and goals, is incomparable. We all know that the language issue is at the forefront of the efforts made in our country to achieve national independence.

Indeed, only due to independence has Uzbek become a state language, a language used in negotiations with other countries, the creation of laws, the writing of scientific research. As the first president said: "Scientific research in the field of linguistics, first of all, the granting of Uzbek the status of the state language and its significant expansion, its inclusion in the list of languages used in international relations is a great achievement in recent years."

Language is a social phenomenon that develops and becomes rich in connection with the life of the people to whom it belongs. Therefore, any change in society is first and foremost reflected in language. One of the important tasks before the science of linguistics is to regulate the changes that take place in the language, in general, to ensure that the development of the language is on the right track.

The excellent language policy pursued in the Republic of Uzbekistan provides for the creation of all conditions for the sustainable development of the languages of the existing peoples of our country.

The comparative study of languages belonging to a sister and different system has a long and rich history, and it covers a number of areas.

It is well known that agriculture has become a global concept in a broad sense. The science of the environment is also important. Scientists also say that it is expected that it will change the direction of human development, or more precisely, move to a different kind of evolutionary channel, which will bring Mother into harmony with nature. In Uzbek, as in any other language, agricultural terms serve to express a system of scientifically based concepts or actions that reflect the achievements of a particular worldview and technical progress. The global experience of mankind in this field shows that changes in the state, socio-political and economic scale play an important role in the emergence and development of terms. In the emergence of new terms, science plays an important role as a key nonlinear factor. By agriculture we mean the accumulation of knowledge about the economics of nature, that is, the study of the set of interactions of animals with the environment around them. This includes both organic and inorganic environments, friendly or hostile relations with animals and plants with which the animal comes into direct or indirect contact. In short, "agriculture is the study of all the complex relationships that Darwin called the conditions that give rise to the struggle for survival. "In the process of formation of ecological lexicon in Uzbek and English, as well as in other developed European languages, the word "agrarianism" has become a key term and the most productive word-formation tool in this system of terms.

In general, we can give the following tariffs for "agriculture".

Agriculture is the main source of food for the population. It currently supplies raw materials to a number of industries that produce consumer goods. For example, the share of agricultural raw materials (in terms of value) is 60% of all material costs in the cotton industry, almost 70% in the confectionery industry, and about 80% in the oil and dairy industry. All this shows that no best program to improve the living standards of the people can be implemented without the rapid development of agricultural production. The importance of agriculture is further highlighted by the fact that 27% of employees in the national economy work in this field. Agriculture accounts for about a third of the country's national income. Therefore, the growth rate of the country's economy as a whole and the welfare of the working people depend to a large extent on the level of development of agriculture. At the same time, it is important to take into account the socio-political aspect. The development of agriculture is the most important condition for strengthening the union of the working class and the peasantry. Emphasizing the importance of agriculture, VI Lenin said that without a solid agricultural base, no farm could be built.

Agriculture is one of the main branches of material production. It cultivates crops and raises livestock for agricultural and livestock production, and provides the population with food and raw materials for a number of sectors of the economy. Agriculture also includes various branches of primary processing of plant and animal products. Unlike all other spheres of material production, agriculture is carried out on a very large area and under different regional conditions. It uses land

(the main means of production), light, heat, water and living organisms - plants and animals. The period of agricultural production does not coincide with the period of labor. The main industries of Qx are agriculture and animal husbandry. They, in turn, are subdivided into smaller sectors (agriculture - horticulture, vegetables, melons, horticulture, forestry, etc .; livestock - cattle, sheep, horses, pigs, poultry, beekeeping, silkworms, etc.); In turn, the agricultural and livestock sectors are grouped by crop (grain, rice, cotton) and livestock (cattle, sheep, horses, camels).

Agriculture is one of the first types of human economic activity. Its origins date back to the end of the Stone Age. During this period, man worked the land with ordinary weapons to meet his economic and other needs, and began to domesticate some animals. Over the centuries, the farming system has changed and improved under the influence of various conditions; The beneficial properties of the animals have been preserved, and many breeds have been bred.

We use agricultural terms, for example. These terms are important in every agricultural sector and are used in all countries and their languages.

agrarian system-The dynamic set of economic and technological factors that affect agricultural practices in a particular region.

Agrarianism- A social or political philosophy which values rural society as superior to urban society and the independent farmer as superior to the paid worker. Agrarianism argues in favor of farming as a way of life that can shape ideal social values.

Agribusiness business of agricultural production, including the entire range of activities and disciplines encompassed by modern food and fiber production chains and those agents and institutions which influence them.

agricultural aircraft, agricultural cooperative-Also called a farmers' co-op or simply a co-op.

Any association of farmers or agricultural businesses who voluntarily pool their resources in order to meet their common agricultural needs and goals by cooperating in a jointly owned enterprise. Agricultural cooperatives may be distinguished between "service" cooperatives, which provide inputs for agricultural production (seeds, fertilizers, fuels, etc.) or transportation and marketing services to members who run their farms individually, and "production" cooperatives, in which members run their farms jointly using shared land, machinery, or other resources; an example of the latter is collective farming.

agricultural economics-A branch of economics concerned with the application of economic theory in optimizing the production and distribution of food, fiber, and other products of agriculture.

agricultural engineering-A branch of engineering concerned with agricultural production and processing. It combines elements of mechanical engineering, civil engineering, chemical engineering, and food science, among other disciplines.

agricultural land-Any land devoted solely to agriculture, i.e. the deliberate and systematic reproduction of living organisms in order to produce commodities that can be used by humans. In the broadest sense, agricultural land may also include certain types of land which are used only partially or seasonally for agricultural

purposes, such as pastures and wild forests. Colloquially, the term is often used interchangeably with farmland, cropland, and arable land, though these terms may also be considered technically distinct.

agricultural productivity- A measure of the economic productivity of a given quantity of agricultural land (or any other agricultural input), typically expressed as the ratio of agricultural outputs to agricultural inputs. In modern agricultural industries, "output" is often quantified as the market value of the agricultural product at the end of the production chain (i.e. immediately prior to its purchase by a consumer).

agricultural science-The science and art of cultivating plants, animals, or other organisms in order to produce any of a variety of products that can be used by humans, most commonly food, fibers, fuels, and raw materials.

Agritourism-Any primarily agricultural operation or activity that brings visitors to a farm or ranch, either for direct-to-consumer sales (e.g. farm stands and "You-Pick" operations), education, hospitality, recreation, or entertainment.

Agrobiology-The study of plant nutrition and growth, especially as a means of increasing crop yield.

Agroecology-The study of ecology as it pertains to agriculture, particularly the application of knowledge about ecological processes to agricultural production systems.

Agrology-The branch of soil science concerning the production of crop plants. The term is often used interchangeably with agronomy, agricultural science, and agricultural soil science.

Agronomy-The science and technology of producing and using plants for food, fuel, fiber, and land restoration.

biodynamic agriculture-A type of alternative agriculture which incorporates holistic ecological approaches and aspects of organic and integrated farming but also emphasizes various esoteric perspectives, including spiritual and mystical beliefs about nature. The efficacy of biodynamic agricultural techniques lacks scientific evidence, and the practice has been labeled a pseudoscience.

Biofertilizer,biofuel-Any fuel that is produced from recently living biomass, as opposed to fuels produced by slow geological processes such as fossil fuels. Biofuels such as bioethanol and biodiesel are commonly produced from agricultural energy crops.

Bioturbation-The mixing and turning of soil caused by organisms moving through the soil.[1]

Broadacre-An expansive parcel of land suitable for farms practicing large-scale crop production. The term is used primarily in Australia.

broadcast seeding-A method of seeding that involves scattering seed over a relatively large and imprecise area, either by hand or mechanically, as opposed to precision seeding and hydroseeding. Broadcast seeding is easier and faster than seeding in rows but usually requires more seed and may result in overcrowded and uneven distributions of plant cover. It is generally reserved for plants that do not

have strict spacing or depth requirements or that are easily thinned after germination.32

Browsing-A type of herbivory in which the herbivore feeds on leaves, soft shoots, or fruits of relatively tall, woody plants such as shrubs and trees, as opposed to grazing, which involves feeding on grasses and other low-lying vegetation. Browsing may also refer to feeding on any non-grasses, including both woody and herbaceous dicots.

bumper crop-Any crop that yields an unusually large or productive harvest. cash crop-Also called a profit crop. Any crop that is grown so that it can be marketed and sold for profit, as opposed to a subsistence crop, which is grown for the producer's own use. While historically cash crops have often been only a small part of a farm's total yield, almost all modern crops in developed nations are grown primarily for revenue.

catch crop-Any fast-growing crop that is grown between successive plantings of a primary crop on the same land. Its practice, known as catch cropping, is a type of succession planting.33

center-pivot irrigation

cereal-Any grass cultivated for the edible components of its grain, composed of the endosperm, germ, and bran. The term may also refer to the resulting grain itself (the "cereal grain"). Compare pseudocereal.

Chaff-chemigation.Often used interchangeably with fertigation. The practice of delivering any natural or synthetic chemical compound or mixture of compounds (such as fertilizers, pesticides, soil amendments, etc.) to crop plants via the water supply used for irrigation.

Citriculture-The cultivation of citrus fruit trees. co-op-See agricultural cooperative.

cold frame-An enclosure with a transparent roof, built low to the ground, that is designed to protect juvenile plants and small gardens from excessively cold or wet weather. Cold frames are used to extend the growing season by acting as miniature greenhouses.

collective farming-Also called communal farming.

Any type of agricultural production in which multiple farmers or producers run their holdings as a joint enterprise using shared land, water resources, machinery, equipment, or other agricultural inputs in order to meet common needs and goals. Communal farms may be either voluntary agricultural cooperatives or mandatory state farms owned and operated directly by a central government. combine harvester,Also simply called a combine.

A type of agricultural machinery designed to efficiently harvest a variety of different grain crops by combining three traditionally separate harvesting operations - reaping, threshing, and winnowing - into a single mechanical process. The

32 32 raK, 1990, c. 262

33 http://www.questia.com

harvested grain is stored either in an on-board compartment or offloaded into separate equipment, while the remaining straw is typically discarded on to the field.

companion planting-The practice of planting different crops in proximity for any of a number of different reasons, including as a means of controlling pests, aiding pollination, providing habitat for beneficial insects, maximizing the use of space, or otherwise increasing agricultural productivity. It is a type of polyculture.

Compost, conservation tillage,contract farming

Farming or other agricultural production carried out on the basis of an agreement between the buyer or consumer and the farmer or producer. Contracts typically involve the producer agreeing to supply certain quantities of a crop or other product according to quality standards and delivery requirements specified by the buyer, and the buyer agreeing to buy the product, often at a price that is established in advance; the buyer often also agrees to support the producer in various ways, e.g. by supplying inputs, assisting with land preparation, providing production advice, and helping to transport the finished product.

controlled-environment agriculture (CEA)

coppicing-A method of forest management by which the trunks and stems of young trees are regularly cut down to near ground level, exploiting the ability of many tree species to regenerate new growth from living stumps. After a number of years of growth, the intended products of the coppiced tree are harvested and the cycle begins anew. Pollarding is a similar process carried out at higher levels on the tree; both practices are important techniques in silviculture.

Copse-A forest that has been coppiced.

corporate farming-The practice of large-scale agriculture on farms owned or greatly influenced by corporations or large private businesses. The concept includes not only corporate ownership of farmland and the means of production, but also the roles such companies play in influencing agricultural education, research, and public policy through lobbying and funding initiatives.

cover crop-Any plant that is planted as soil cover rather than for the purpose of being harvested. Cover crops may be used to manage soil erosion, soil fertility, water content, weeds, pests, agricultural diseases, and biodiversity on land that is repeatedly farmed. They are commonly off-season crops planted after harvesting a cash crop in order to help conserve the integrity of the land through a fallow period.

Crop-Any plant, animal, or other product of a living organism that can be grown and harvested extensively for profit or subsistence. The term may refer to the organism or species itself, the harvested parts, or the harvest in a more refined state. Most crops are cultivated in agriculture and its sub-disciplines, most commonly (but not exclusively) as food for humans or fodder for livestock; other crops are gathered from the wild.34

crop residue-Any organic material left in an agricultural field or orchard after a crop has been harvested, such as stalks and stems, leaves, seed pods, etc., or after a crop is processed for consumer use, such as seeds, husks, roots, bagasse, or other

34 Dictionary of Ecology 1998

byproducts of processing. Field residues may be maintained as soil cover, burned, or ploughed into the soil as green manure; process residues are often used as animal fodder or soil amendments.

crop rotation-The practice of cultivating a series of different crops in the same space over the course of multiple growing seasons, often in a specific sequence that repeats in a cycle every few seasons. The alternative to crop rotation, monocropping, may gradually deplete the soil of certain nutrients and select for highly competitive communities of pests and weeds, decreasing productivity in the absence of high volumes of external inputs such as fertilizers and herbicides. Crop rotation can reduce reliance upon these inputs by making better use of natural ecosystem services from a diverse set of crops, often improving soil quality and reducing the probability of pests and weeds developing resistances to control measures.

crop weed

crop wild relative (CWR)-A wild plant taxon that is closely related to a domesticated plant taxon (e.g. a wild ancestor of the domesticated plant) and which therefore may be indirectly useful to plant breeders by presenting the possibility of introducing genetic material from the wild plant into the domestic relative by crossbreeding.

In conclusion, there are many agricultural terms in the Uzbek language, which we use to ensure the efficiency of this sector and its further development. During my research, I have collected and analyzed many terms. As a result of my research,

1 learned that the concept of tatams in agriculture is a comprehensive one.


Рейсмер 1993, Горелов 1998, Кобилянский 2003 ва б.

2 А Dictionary of Ecology / edited by Michael Allaby. - Oxford University Press, 1998.-440 p.

3. Dodson S.I. et al.. - New York: Oxford University Press, 1998. - 464 p. - URL: http://www.questia.com

4.Dictionary of Agraculture 1998

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