SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL APPROACHES TO THE DEFINITION OF LAND MONITORING Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Ключевые слова
land monitoring / scientific and practical approaches / methods and models / geoinformation systems.

Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Trehub Y., Frolov V., Kondratyuk I.

It is determined that modern transformation processes require rethinking approaches to land formation and use based on the use of modern methods and models, taking into account the directions and features of development and implementation of land administration. It is established that the topic of the study on the systematization of scientific and practical approaches to the definition of land monitoring is relevant and timely. The purpose of the research on substantiation of scientific and practical approaches to the definition of land monitoring, taking into account modern transformation processes, has been achieved. To achieve this goal, the following tasks have been solved: systematization of scientific and practical approaches to determining land monitoring; the author's definition of land monitoring is proposed. Appropriate regulatory support has been developed to determine land monitoring. Land monitoring is carried out on the basis of technical means, methods and models (geodetic technologies, unmanned aerial vehicles, geographic information systems and technologies, qualitative, analytical, combined methods, methods of observation, monetary valuation of lands, models of economic incentives for rational use and protection of lands, valuation models lands and mathematical modeling, neural networks). As a result of generalization and systematization of theoretical and methodological approaches, it is proposed to define land monitoring as a set of interrelated actions for monitoring and control of land condition and use through the use of methods, models, tools, which allows to form geodetic, information-analytical and geoinformation support. quantitative basis for improving the efficiency of land use. To implement land monitoring, the interaction of different groups of stakeholders is carried out in accordance with the existing regulatory framework. For land monitoring it is proposed to use modern geographic information systems, the development and implementation of which includes the following areas: the formation of spatial support for the condition and use of land at different levels; determination of information and analytical support on the condition and use of land at different levels; formation of a system of factors influencing the condition and use of land; creation of a system of indicators for assessing the condition and use of land on the basis of quasimetric models; development of diagnostic and evaluation system of indicators of condition and use of lands; assessment of the integrated indicator of the condition and use of land; establishing causal relationships between factors influencing the integrated indicator of the state and use of land on the basis of mathematical modeling; forecasting changes in the integrated indicator of the state and use of land using the method of neural networks; formation of attributive information on the condition and use of land in geographic information systems; construction of monitoring geospatial maps on the integrated indicator of the state and use of land; construction of monitoring forecast geospatial maps on changes in the integrated indicator of the state and use of land; interpretation of the obtained results.

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7. Алматаев Т. О., Алматаев Н. Т., Мойдинов Д. А. Исследование триботехнических свойств композиционных полимерных материалов в период приработки // Бюллетень науки и практики. 2019. Т. 5. №11. С. 242-248. https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/48/27

8. Каримходжаев Н., Алматаев Т.О., Одилов Х.Р. Основные причины, вызывающие износ деталей автотранспортных средств, эксплуатирую-

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9. Юсупбеков Х.А., Собиров М.М., Юлдашев А.Р. Активные подвески автомобиля с амортизаторами переменной жесткости// Наука, техника и образование: электрон.научн.журн.2020. № 2(66)

10. Вохобов Р., Ёкубов Ё., Эргашев Д. Конструкция багаж автомобиля cobalt для автоматического закрытия// The scientific heritage: электрон.научн.журн.2020. № 46

11. Юсупбеков Х.А. Результаты испытаний свечей зажигания // Universum: технические науки: электрон. научн. журн. 2020. 11(80). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/10922.

12. Нумонов М.З. Методы обеспечения проектирование автомобильных деталей на компьютере // Universum: технические науки: электрон. научн. журн. 2020. № 7 (76). URL: https://7univer-sum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/9957


Trehub Y.,,

Dnipro University of Technology Frolov V.,

O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

Kondratyuk I.

O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv


It is determined that modern transformation processes require rethinking approaches to land formation and use based on the use of modern methods and models, taking into account the directions and features of development and implementation of land administration. It is established that the topic of the study on the systematization of scientific and practical approaches to the definition of land monitoring is relevant and timely.

The purpose of the research on substantiation of scientific and practical approaches to the definition of land monitoring, taking into account modern transformation processes, has been achieved.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks have been solved: systematization of scientific and practical approaches to determining land monitoring; the author's definition of land monitoring is proposed.

Appropriate regulatory support has been developed to determine land monitoring. Land monitoring is carried out on the basis of technical means, methods and models (geodetic technologies, unmanned aerial vehicles, geographic information systems and technologies, qualitative, analytical, combined methods, methods of observation, monetary valuation of lands, models of economic incentives for rational use and protection of lands, valuation models lands and mathematical modeling, neural networks).

As a result of generalization and systematization of theoretical and methodological approaches, it is proposed to define land monitoring as a set of interrelated actions for monitoring and control of land condition and use through the use of methods, models, tools, which allows to form geodetic, information-analytical and geoinfor-mation support. quantitative basis for improving the efficiency of land use. To implement land monitoring, the interaction of different groups of stakeholders is carried out in accordance with the existing regulatory framework.

For land monitoring it is proposed to use modern geographic information systems, the development and implementation of which includes the following areas: the formation of spatial support for the condition and use of land at different levels; determination of information and analytical support on the condition and use of land at different levels; formation of a system of factors influencing the condition and use of land; creation of a system of indicators for assessing the condition and use of land on the basis of quasimetric models; development of diagnostic and evaluation system of indicators of condition and use of lands; assessment of the integrated indicator of the condition and use of land; establishing causal relationships between factors influencing the integrated indicator of the state and use of land on the basis of mathematical modeling; forecasting changes in the integrated indicator of the state and use of land using the method of neural networks; formation of attributive information on the condition and use of land in geographic information systems; construction of monitoring geospatial maps on the integrated indicator of the state and use of land; construction of monitoring forecast geospatial maps on changes in the integrated indicator of the state and use of land; interpretation of the obtained results.

Keywords: land monitoring, scientific and practical approaches, methods and models, geoinformation systems.

Modem transformation processes require a rethinking of approaches to the formation and use of land based on the use of modern methods and models, taking into account the directions and features of the development and implementation of land administration. In recent years, land relations have been reformed, regulatory and legal support has been formed, but there has been a decrease in the efficiency of land use at various levels. There are imbalances in the system of land relations and their management, contradictions between different cadastral systems. In such conditions, there is a need to develop and implement land monitoring using modern geospatial tools and artificial intelligence. Thus, the research topic on the systematization of scientific and practical approaches to the definition of land monitoring is relevant and timely.

The formation and implementation of land monitoring is presented in scientific and methodological developments [1-6].

At the same time, issues related to the definition of land monitoring, taking into account current aspects of land use development, remain problematic.

The purpose and objectives of the study. The purpose of the study is to substantiate scientific and practical approaches to the definition of land monitoring, taking into account modern transformation processes.

To achieve this goal the following tasks are solved:

- systematization of scientific and practical approaches to determining land monitoring;

- propose an author's definition of land monitoring.

Main part. In the existing scientific developments there are no uniform approaches to the definition of land monitoring. In particular, the functional areas of formation and implementation of land use monitoring are focused on in the development of [7-8]. An instrumental approach that defines land use monitoring as a set of tools, technical tools that provide monitoring and control over land use, is presented in [9-12]. In the instrumental approach to the implementation and implementation of land use monitoring, special attention is focused on the use of geographic information systems and technologies as a modern tool for the development and implementation of monitoring measures. In this aspect, it should be noted works [13-18].

Within the system approach, monitoring of land use is considered as a system of monitoring the condition and use of land, taking into account the peculiarities of their use, legal and technical support, certification of land, survey, survey and research, detection and evaluation of changes, environmental impact, which forms a quantitative basis for making informed decisions. Developing a systematic approach, the point of view presented in [5] deserves attention, where monitoring is determined from the standpoint of systemati-zation of cadastral data and the creation of appropriate cartographic documentation that would allow appropriate management decisions on rational and efficient use and protection of land and more.

As a complex system of land monitoring, which is based on the collection, processing, analysis and sys-tematization of information on land status in order to timely identify any changes in them, as well as the development of scientifically sound recommendations for management decisions to prevent negative changes state of lands is considered in [4].

Land monitoring is defined as a system of monitoring the condition of land in order to timely identify changes, their assessment, prevention and elimination of the consequences of negative processes by collecting, processing, transmitting, storing and analyzing information on land conditions, forecasting their changes and developing scientific recommendations for adoption decisions to prevent negative changes in the state of lands and compliance with environmental safety requirements [19].

To determine land use monitoring, some scientists focus on the factors of its development and implementation:

- type and quality of land use;

- soil type;

- soil texture;

- physical properties of soil;

- physical and mechanical properties of soil;

- water properties of soil;

- chemical and physicochemical properties of


- biological properties of soil;

- soil pollution;

- desertification;

- secondary acidification;

- secondary salinity;

- secondary salinization;

- eutrophication;

- hydromorphism (gleying) [3].

Attention is focused on the formation and use of information for monitoring land use in [1, 2, 6].

Appropriate regulatory support has been developed to determine land monitoring. Land monitoring is carried out on the basis of technical means, methods and models (geodetic technologies, unmanned aerial vehicles, geographic information systems and technologies, qualitative, analytical, combined methods, methods of observation, monetary valuation of lands, models of economic incentives for rational use and protection of lands, valuation models lands and mathematical modeling, neural networks). In this context, modern geographic information systems should be singled out, the development and implementation of which includes the following areas:

- formation of spatial support for the condition and use of land at different levels;

- determination of information and analytical support on the condition and use of land at different levels;

- formation of a system of factors influencing the condition and use of land;

- creation of a system of indicators for assessing the condition and use of land on the basis of quasimetric models;

- development of diagnostic and evaluation system of indicators of condition and use of lands;

- assessment of the integrated indicator of the condition and use of land;

- establishment of causal relationships between factors influencing the integrated indicator of the state and use of land on the basis of mathematical modeling;

- forecasting changes in the integrated indicator of the state and use of land using the method of neural networks;

- formation of attributive information on the condition and use of land in geographic information systems;

- construction of monitoring geospatial maps on the integrated indicator of the state and use of land;

- construction of monitoring forecast geospatial maps on changes in the integrated indicator of the state and use of land;

- interpretation of the obtained results.

The monitoring system uses modern land administration systems, which include the functions of land formation and use, their assessment and forecasting of changes in their condition.

Conclusions and suggestions. As a result of generalization and systematization of theoretical and methodological approaches, it is proposed to define land monitoring as a set of interrelated actions for monitoring and control of land condition and use through the use of methods, models, tools, which allows to form geodetic, information-analytical and geoinformation support, quantitative basis for improving the efficiency of land use. To implement land monitoring, the interaction of different groups of stakeholders is carried out in accordance with the existing regulatory framework.


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