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Key words: corruption / social development / moral responsibility / justice / legal factor.

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Nurmatova N.N.

Abstract. This article presents a scientific analysis of the negative impact of corruption on the socio-economic development of society. In the article, the author commented on the emergence of corruption and the factors of its formation. He analyzed the factors leading to corruption in social life.

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Nurmatova N.N.

Department of Social Humanities Andijan State Medical Institute



Abstract. This article presents a scientific analysis of the negative impact of corruption on the socio-economic development of society. In the article, the author commented on the emergence of corruption and the factors of its formation. He analyzed the factors leading to corruption in social life.

Key words: corruption, social development, moral responsibility, justice, legal factor.

Corruption crime today can confidently be called a traditional and fairly widespread type of crime, existing not only in our state, but also in many other civilized countries of the world.

The social appearance of the word corruption is "disruption of power, it means "buying with rotting orca". Corruption is illegal use of a person's position or service position for personal interests or the interests of other persons for the purpose of obtaining simple or immaterial benefits, as well as unlawful presentation of such a position (Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Combating Corruption", Article 3)).

Like any complex social phenomenon, corruption does not have a single canonical definition. There are many definitions of corruption. Corruption (from the Latin word corrumpere - to spoil) is the use by an official of his powers and the rights entrusted to him for personal gain, contrary to established by law and rules. Perhaps the most succinct (and accurate) of these is: "the abuse of public power for private gain" (Joseph Senturia). Corruption has accompanied humanity since ancient times. Punishment for bribery (bribery) was provided for by the laws of Hammurabi (four thousand years ago), established by the Egyptian pharaohs.

of the UN on October 31, 2003 The Convention "Against Corruption" was adopted by Uzbekistan on July 7, 2008. Anti-corruption adopted on September 10, 2003 within the framework of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development The Istanbul plan of wrestli ng was joined by Uzbekistan in March 2010.

Historical reference. The historical roots of corruption are probably go back to the custom of giving gifts to leaders or priests in order to gain their favor.

An expensive gift distinguished a person from other petitioners and helped ensure that his request was fulfilled. Therefore, in primitive societies, payment to the priest or leader was the norm. It should be noted that initially corruption was more of a moral problem. In particular, in the book "Corruption. Ethics and Power

in Florence in 1600-1770." its author, Jean-Claude Vaquet, wrote that during the period under review, the discourse on corruption was not a discourse about the state, but about human nature."

Of particular concern in ancient times was the birth rate judges, since it led to the illegal redistribution of property and the desire to resolve the dispute outside the legal framework.

It is no coincidence that leading religions condemn bribery of judges first of all among all types of corruption. In particular, the Bible says: "Do not accept gifts, for gifts make those who see blind and pervert the work of the righte ous." The Qur'an says: "Do not misappropriate one another's property and do not bribe judges to deliberately take part of other people's property."

As Thomas Hobbes wrote, corruption "is the root from which flows at all times and under all temptations contempt for all laws." As the state became more complex and the administrative apparatus appeared, professional officials appeared who, according to the rulers' plans, had to be content only with a fixed salary. In practice, officials sought to take advantage of their position to secretly increase their income.

The study of historical monuments confirms the fact that science has studied and is studying corruption for several centuries. It is clear that sociologists, management specialists, economists, lawyers and ordinary citizens interpret this concept differently. Sociologists, for example, can argue that corruption is "the refusal of expected standards of behavior on the part of government officials for the sake of illegal personal gain." But in terms of the vagueness of the definition, specialists in public administration quite compete with sociologists, according to whom corruption is: "unauthorized, as a rule, condemned act for the purpose of obtaining some significant personal gain." Most of the crimes listed in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation fit this definition. Lawyers can, with their characteristic meticulousness, formulate more precisely: "In the broad sense of the word, corruption is a social phenomenon that has affected the public apparatus of government, expressed in the disintegration of power, the deliberate use by state and municipal employees, other persons authorized to perform government functions, of their official position, status and authority of the position held for selfish purposes for personal enrichment or for group interests." A wide variety of theoretical concepts of corruption have been proposed in science: corruption is a socio-legal phenomenon, which usually refers to the bribery and corruption of government officials, officials, as well as public and political figures in general; this is nothing more than the abuse of power to obtain benefits for personal gain

Corruption is interpreted more broadly in the Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials adopted by the UN General Assembly on December 17, 1979: "Although the concept of corruption must be defined in accordance with national law, it should be understood that it covers the commission or omission of any or acts in the performance of duties or by reason of those duties as a result of gifts, promises or inducements sought or accepted, or the unlawful receipt thereof

whenever such act or omission occurs. An act of corruption also covers an attempt to corrupt" "The performance by an official of any actions or inaction in the sphere of his official powers for remuneration in any form in the interests of the giver of such remuneration, both in violation of job descriptions and without violating them." It should be noted that in this international legal act the concept of corruption includes not only the receipt of remuneration and gifts, but also the official conduct of an official carried out in connection with the receipt of such gifts. Based on this definition of corruption, the list of corruption crimes expands; in addition to bribes, it should include abuse of office and abuse of power. What is very important, this definition allows us to include in corruption the lawful, lawful official behavior of an official, if it was due to gifts received or promised.

In modern economic science, it is customary to note the multiplicity of causes of corruption, highlighting economic, institutional and socio-cultural factors. The economic causes of corruption are, first of all, low salaries of civil servants, as well as their high powers to influence the activities of firms and citizens. Corruption flourishes wherever officials have broad powers to dispose of any scarce goods. This is especially noticeable in developing and transition countries, but is also evident in developed countries. For example, in the United States, many manifestations of corruption have been observed during the implementation of a program of preferential housing for needy families. 7 Institutional causes of corruption are considered to be a high level of secrecy in the work of government departments, a cumbersome reporting system, a lack of transparency in the lawmaking system, and weak state personnel policies that allow the spread of sinecures and opportunities for promotion regardless of the actual performance of employees. The socio-cultural causes of corruption are demoralization of society, lack of awareness and organization of citizens, public passivity in relation to the willfulness of "those in power." In those countries where all three groups of factors operate (these are, first of all, developing and post-socialist countries), corruption is the highest. On the contrary, in the countries of Western European civilization these factors are much less pronounced, and therefore corruption there is more moderate.

Most experts agree that the main reason for high corruption is the imperfection of political institutions that provide internal and external deterrence mechanisms (see the next section). In addition, there is reason to believe that some objective circumstances make a significant contribution: Ambiguous laws. Ignorance or misunderstanding of laws by the population, which allows officials to arbitrarily interfere with the implementation of bureaucratic procedures or inflate proper payments. Unstable political situation in the country. Lack of established mechanisms for interaction between government institutions. The dependence of the standards and principles underlying the work of the bureaucratic apparatus on the policies of the ruling elite. Professional incompetence of the bureaucracy.


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