Научная статья на тему 'Sciences bases of the student’s competitiveness formation'

Sciences bases of the student’s competitiveness formation Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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European science review
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future students and а future specialist / industry required reevaluation / schoolchildren / competitiveness formation / education

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Zhulaeva Aida, Aidarzhanova Kulparshin, Zhubatyrova Botagoz

The transition of Kazakhstan to market relations in the sphere of economy and industry required reevaluation the state policy in the field of secondary and higher education.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Sciences bases of the student’s competitiveness formation»

Section 7. Pedagogy

Section 7. Pedagogy

Zhulaeva Aida, Aidarzhanova Kulparshin, Zhubatyrova Botagoz, Aktobe Regional State University named of ter Kudaibergen Zhubanov E-mail: botagoz.alga@mail.ru

Sciences bases of the student’s competitiveness formation

Abstract: The transition of Kazakhstan to market relations in the sphere of economy and industry required reevaluation the state policy in the field of secondary and higher education.

Keywords: industry required reevaluation, schoolchildren, future students and а future specialist, competitiveness formation, education.

Formation of society with a high level of citizen participation and social solidarity is possible under the state policy in the field of education will be education of socially responsible persons with the sense of patriotism, who understands their in sustainable social development.

Today’s student is a unique, integral person, developing and self-actualizing in the process of personal and professional formation. Today among the universal values are information, education and self-education, whose interconnection will help the rising generation to make successfully their own active life decisions under the complex social conditions.

The transition of Kazakhstan to market relations in the sphere of economy and industry required reevaluation the state policy in the field of secondary and higher education. Nowadays the society needs to prepare a well-educated, competent, competitive person [1], today’s schoolchildren, future students and a future specialist as stated in the Concept of a 12-year secondary education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The actual implementation of the organizational form of competence-based approach in the 12 years of education should be a specialized education in upper secondary school. The system of training teachers for the implementation of school education should be tailored to suit the laws of teaching competence education and variant ways of implementing the educational opportunities and the needs of students.

Modernization of the education system can not be realized without the support of the education system qualified teaching staff and support state and society. Professional development of teachers and the formation of a new composition of the teaching corps, relevant needs of modern life, is regarded by us as a necessary condition for the modernization of the education system in Kazakhstan.

Learning at higher school is not only the process of acquisition of knowledge and skills required for mastering the

future profession, but also the formation of civic position of a young professional.

Rapidly developing and changing society, the growing amount of information lead to the fragmentation in the perception of the essence of the world and culture by a man. This resulted in our appeal to the synergetic approach (V I. Andreev, V G. Budanov, V. A. Ignatov, E. N. Knyazev, etc.) as an interdisciplinary field of science, studying the process of evolution, becoming of reality, self-organization and “controlling” chaos.

From the point of view of synergistic approach education is an open system in which there are constant communication processes between students and teachers, the processes aiming at getting information, new ideas, methods and means of education that, in its turn, changes the content of education. Openness implies interdisciplinary education in various fields, the constant exchange of information and energy with the environment. The content of education is constantly changing, as it may not coincide with the knowledge and skills of students at the given moment. In such situation, there is a nonlinearity of both the process and the result of education.

It must be noted that efforts of teachers to create and develop skills training activities are uncoordinated and unsystematic. From year to year the number of subjects, leading to an overload of students, requires frequent switching attention from one discipline to another, complicating the learning process. Hence, there is a need to find new ways to improve the content of education in the formation of a competitive person, one of which is seen in the humanization of the educational process. The formation of a competitive person is connected with the problem of finding general pedagogical conditions, technologies, mechanisms of pedagogical process, aimed at the development of personal qualities, implementation potential opportunities and abilities of students, the awakening of humanistic principles. At the present stage, there is an inadequate response to the needs of the educational system of the labor market due


Sciences bases of the student’s competitiveness formation

to a lack ofelaboration of the theoretical background and practical advice on the organization and implementation of the process of preparation of a future competitive specialist.

Today the ideals of humanism content are filled with new meaning, which enriched its content. The humanism involves rejection of the idea of violence, oppression, domination, not only of a man, but a man over the nature. The humanism considers freedom as an attitude, when partners accept each other and recognize the value of influences and interaction changes. The core of humanistic world outlook and the system-forming factor is a person who demonstrates in a variety of relations to a man, society, spiritual values, and to the world on the whole. The humanity of personality shows up in all of it. In a basis of the modern Concept of education of children and student’s youth in Kazakhstan the principle of humanization and democratization of processes of training and education is laid. In modern conditions of social, economic reforms in the country a problem of education of children and youth with use of system of humanistic education get a cardinal importance. In this vein, the development and introduction to the theory and practice of the modern education and training provisions of the basic ideas and humanistic pedagogy is particularly relevant.

In the general sense of humanism is understood as a historically changing system of views, which recognizes the value of man as an individual’s right to freedom, happiness, development and expression of their abilities, which considers human benefit criterion of social institutions, and the principles of equality, justice, humanity are as desired norm of relations between people. The humanism usually acts as a worldview, the basic principles of which are love for people, respect for human dignity, concern for the welfare of people. In general sense of the term the humanism means a focus on the man himself. As a theoretical concept of humanism, the right to freedom, happiness, development and expression of their abilities and creative potential of the future expert is recognized. These features appear in the humanistic concept as the main criteria for evaluation. In the relations between the members of society, the humanity recognizes as normal principles of equal opportunity, social justice, the manifestations of high culture communication and humanity.

Humane ideas in the education and training are at the center of such progressive pedagogical figures as Yan Kamenskiy, I. G. Pestalozzi; Student-centered pedagogy of the West is based on the humanistic psychology, founded in the1960s of the twentieth century by R. May, Maslow, K. Rodgers. In the Russian tradition of teaching humanism as a science is developed by Pirogov, K. Ushinskiy, Tolstoy. Great experiences were in school-commune at the beginning of the 1920s. Psychological foundations of humanization are justified by Vygotsky and implemented in practical activities by such innovative teachers as Sh. A. Amonashvili, I. P. Ivanov, E. N. Ilin, V. F. Shatalov, and M. P. Schetinin, etc.

Some definite experience has been accumulated in the formation of copyright humanistic educational systems (A. A. Zakharenko, V. A. Karakovsky, A. A. Katolikov,

B. O. Polyanski, etc.). I. P. Ivanov’s collective creative education technique has identified itself. There is a long experience of humanistic educational activities in a number of educational systems of Kazakhstan.

Rapid changes taken place in social and economic life require sociocultural transformations, creation of a new concept for the development of society, fundamental changes in the spiritual and psychological image of people. The education system tends to the most comprehensive conformity of social changing.

The education system tends to most comprehensive meet changing social needs. The modernization of education is responsible for new requirements for the quality of higher education, providing conditions for training a socially protected and competitive specialist.

A modern man must be adequate, sustainable, be able to change, radically rearrange his living conditions and himself, manage his own life and self-education. It is obvious that in these circumstances, the important place is given to the question of analysis of the essence, mechanisms, driving powers, the ways of improving the learning process, its dynamics, and understanding of its features.

One of the leading human needs is his desire for self-determination, which generates personality’s internal activity; it focuses on of success achievement, self-sufficiency. Activation of internal systems, external refractive effects, promotes the qualities of competitiveness.

However, the activities of the modern educational institutions have not been fully transferred to tracks of humanistic pedagogy in order to make a student the center of all the educational activities.

Humanistic aspects of the educational process in the modern universities have been studied insufficiently. There is a contradiction between the philosophy of humanizing the educational institution and its practice; between axiological character of education which involves not only the creative participation but also the restructuring of their relationship and communication in the humanistic basis; between the orientation of many teachers in the humanistic parameters of educational activities, understanding that there is no alternative humanist pedagogy, and the weak, both theoretical and practical training in this area.

In this regard, the issues of a student’s competitiveness formation in the education process require a special study. Necessity to develop theoretical provisions, organizational facilities that promote the formation of a competitive student, is predetermined by number of contradictions actualizing the research problem:

- between the requirements for the formation of a

competitive education system, focused on the individual, and the traditional system of training;

- between potential opportunities of higher educational institute and the lack of actual space for a student’s self-realization;

- between the necessity of the formation of competitiveness as integral qualities of the person and the lack of elaboration of this problem in science.


Section 7. Pedagogy

The problem is that in order to solve these contradic- be identified and theoretically justified, contributing to the

tions the most effective ways and means of implementing formation of a new type of student — competitive in the labor

the humanistic foundations of educational activities should market, as general pedagogical principle.


1. The Concept of a 12-year Secondary Education in the Republic of Kazakhstan//12-year Education, - 2006, - P. 6.

2. Slivina T. E. The Formation of a Future Competitive Specialist in Educational system of the University., Abstract of the thesis, - Krasnoyarsk, 2007, - P. 52.

3. Amonashvili Sh. A. Reflections on Humane Education/Sh. A. Amonashvili. - M: Publishing House of the “House of Shalva Amonashvili”, 1996. - P. 494.

Zaitseva Evgenia Anatolievna, Senior Lecturer of Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Childhood, ost-graduate Student, Ural State Pedagogical University, Ekaterinburg, Russia E-mail: e. a.zaitceva436@yandex.ru

Korotaeva Evgenia Vladislavovna, Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, Head of the Chair of Pedagogy and Psychology of Childhood, Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Childhood, Ural State Pedagogical University, Ekaterinburg, Russia

Possibility of educational dialogue in the development of social intelligence of younger schoolkids

Abstract: The paper describes the possibility of social intelligence junior student with the help of the educational dialogue on the lesson.

Keywords: social intelligence, dialogue, educational dialogue, development of younger students.

The situation of contemporary schooling requires the child active new solutions of complex social problems. Given the setting federal state educational standards primary education, children should be formed interest in the social world, history, culture and religion. Junior high school students entering a period of greater development of spiritual values not only the Russian people, but also other peoples of Russia, as well as around the world. Children are members of the communities in which there are representatives of different nationalities, religions and national cultures religion. Firstly, social the situation of children has changed [6]. Junior high school student must adapt to a new school and social environment in which it must be accepted. In this regard, developing function of training comes to the fore. It provides a greater extent the personality of the younger schoolboy and disclosure of his individual abilities.

The basic position of “fundamental core of general education” is the idea that the development of personality in the education system is provided in the course of formation of educational activity or “ability to learn” This involves the formation of a complex educational skills, which is the basis for the intelligence of the individual.

Intelligence is an important structural component of the psyche human. The term intelligence is often used to

emphasize the specificity of human psychological activity. In terms of domestic psychologists (S. L. Rubinstein, B. M. Teplov, B. G. Ananiev, V N. Druzhinin) Intelligence is a set of general abilities, ability to adapt to new situations, using the experience and ability to adapt to the environment.

Today, more and more often used the term “social intelligence.”

The term is controversial, its content, structure, little research methods are developed. However, this phrase is understood in two aspects: cognitive and affective. This gives the key to understanding social intelligence as an interdisciplinary phenomenon.

Any psychological phenomenon can be understood in the context of its taking into account the diversity of manifestations of the factors affecting it. The social intelligence in this sense can be studied in terms of cognitive and social psychology. It can also be studied in the framework of developmental psychology with different conceptual approaches: within the cultural-historical theory (Vygotsky), activity theory (Leontiev, S. A. Rubinshteyn), as well as natural science tradition (P. K. Anohin, N. A. Bernshtein, Luria, I. M. Sechenov et al.). The definition of this concept in modern psychological studies, it is necessary in order to fully analyze the phenomenology of social intelligence.


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