Научная статья на тему 'Sart Kalmyks of the Issyk Kul province, Kirghizstan: the analysis of field data'

Sart Kalmyks of the Issyk Kul province, Kirghizstan: the analysis of field data Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Balinova Natalia, Khomyakova Irina

The Sart Kalmyks are a small group of Oirat origin now living in the Ak-Suu District, Issyk Kul Province, Republic of Kirghizstan. It is impossible to accurately determine their number at present: according to the 2009 census, 3800 people were counted, but ¾ of the Kalmyks were recorded as Kirghiz for social reasons. The headcount in four villages Chelpek, Burma-Suu, Tash-Kyya and Beryu-Bash, where 90% of the population are Sart Kalmyks is about 12 thousand people. Due to their Western Mongolian origin the Sart Kalmyks speak a language which is very close to Kalmyk. At this moment, only few of its speakers have remained, mostly the elderly. Original ethno-cultural characteristics are gradually giving way to Kirghiz and general Muslim traditions. The language, ethnography, and history of the Karakol Kalmyks were studied by scholars such as A.V. Burdukov (1935), Sh. Dondukov (1973), E.R. Tenishev (1976), N.L. Zhukovskaya (1980), D.A. Pavlov (1984), A.N. Bitkeyeva (2006), B. Nanzatov, and M. Sodnompilova (2012). The Sart Kalmyks rarely became the object of bioanthropological research. The few studies include that by D.O. Ashilova (1976), who made a number of conclusions based on anthropometric data. Though the ethnographic group of Sart Kalmyks incorporated into the Kirghiz nation in the past was related to the Western Mongolian ethnic group by common ancestry, language, and culture, now they differ in appearance from groups belonging to the Central Asian anthropological type (Kalmyks, Mongols, and Buryats) and show the closest affinity with Kirghizes. During our expedition in 2013, we conducted a comprehensive anthropometric and genetic study among the Sart Kalmyks. We have collected anthropometric data on 84 women and 119 men, made 830 photographs for creating generalized portraits, and studied the diagnostically important descriptive characteristics of the face. We also collected material for genetic analysis 197 blood samples of 101 women and 96 men. Regarding ethnicity, the following distribution was observed: 111 persons stated that both their parents were Sart Kalmyks, and about a half of them (51 persons) knew the tribal affiliation of parents. Forty individuals are hybrids between Sart Kalmyks and Kirghizes, 29 have both parents of Kirghiz origin, and 8 people mentioned Kazakhs, Uyghurs, Tatars, and Bashkirs among their ancestors. Based on these materials, we will trace the origin and history of the Issyk Kul Kalmyks in comparison with Kalmyks living in Russia and China; assess the demographic and genetic structure of Karakol Kalmyks; and calculate genetic distances and the degree of relationship with Russian Kalmyks. Based on individual photographs, generalized portraits of the Sart Kalmyk men and women will be created. In sum, this research will highlight the most recent trends in the development of this ethnic group.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Sart Kalmyks of the Issyk Kul province, Kirghizstan: the analysis of field data»




Aksyanova Galina

Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

The Russian school of physical anthropology is one of the oldest in Europe. Russian researchers have been actively engaged in studying modern and ancient populations in multinational Russia and abroad. In the 19th century N.N. MiklukhoMaklay described several ethnic groups of the Malay Peninsula and Oceania. In the 20th century a wide range of methods and hypotheses relating to craniology, anthropometry, dental anthropology, dermatoglyphycs, and genetics was introduced, and further studies of various populations of the world were carried out. In 1956-58, N.N. Cheboksarov worked in China. He studied northern and southern Chinese and other ethnic groups in Guangdong - Huay, Yao, Miao, Li (see Ethnic anthropology of China, in Russian, Moscow, 1982). Data on the peoples of China are important for elaborating the classification of Asian Mongoloids. According to Cheboksarov, Mongoloids fall into the Continental and Pacific branches. The latter branch is divided into Eastern (Arctic and Far Eastern) and Southern Mongoloids. All native peoples of South China, Southeast Asia, and several neighboring regions form the southern Mongoloid area. Cheboksarov described the Eastern Himalayan anthropological type of southern Mongoloids together with the TaiMalay and Indonesian varieties. Anthropometric and dental variation in Thay (three local groups), Khmu, northern Viet, Cham, and Churu was studied by I.M. Zolotareva, A.G. Kozintsev, and G.A. Aksyanova during the SovietVietnamese ethnographic and anthropological expeditions in 1976-78 and 1984 (see in The Paths of Mankind's Biological History, in Russian, Moscow, 2002). Three major phenomena were described: (1) contacts between Mongoloids and VeddoAustraloids in Southeast Asia; (2) increase of Mongoloid features in Vietnam from the Bronze Age onward; (3) the affinities of the northern Viet with the Far Eastern racial type. In 1987, V.P. Alexeev studied the aboriginal groups of the Tay Nguyen plateau and in 198890 V.A. Sheremetieva studied several groups of northern and southern Viet (unpublished results). East and Southeast Asia remain the key areas for field work and theoretical research.

Key words: physical anthropology, Russia, China, Indochina, Vietnam

Contact information: Aksyanova Galina, e-mail: gaksyanova@gmail.com.



Balinova Natalia1, Khomyakova Irina2

11nstitute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

2Research Institute and Museum of Anthropology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

The Sart Kalmyks are a small group of Oirat origin now living in the Ak-Suu District, Issyk Kul Province, Republic of Kirghizstan. It is impossible to accurately determine their number at present: according to the 2009 census, 3800 people were counted, but % of the Kalmyks were recorded as Kirghiz for social reasons. The headcount in four villages - Chelpek, Burma-Suu, Tash-Kyya and Beryu-Bash, where 90% of the population are Sart Kalmyks - is about 12 thousand people. Due to their Western Mongolian origin the Sart Kalmyks speak a language which is very close to Kalmyk. At this moment, only few of its speakers have remained, mostly the elderly. Original ethno-cultural characteristics are gradually giving way to Kirghiz and general Muslim traditions. The language, ethnography, and history of the Karakol Kalmyks were studied by scholars such as A.V. Burdukov (1935), Sh. Dondukov (1973), E.R. Tenishev (1976), N.L. Zhukovskaya (1980), D.A. Pavlov (1984),

Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Series 23 ANTHROPOLOGIYA — 3/2014

19th Congress of the European Anthropological Association Lomonosov MSU, Moscow, Russia, 25th - 29th August, 2014

A.N. Bitkeyeva (2006), B. Nanzatov, and M. Sodnompilova (2012). The Sart Kalmyks rarely became the object of bioanthropological research. The few studies include that by D.O. Ashilova (1976), who made a number of conclusions based on anthropometric data. Though the ethnographic group of Sart Kalmyks incorporated into the Kirghiz nation in the past was related to the Western Mongolian ethnic group by common ancestry, language, and culture, now they differ in appearance from groups belonging to the Central Asian anthropological type (Kalmyks, Mongols, and Buryats) and show the closest affinity with Kirghizes. During our expedition in 2013, we conducted a comprehensive anthropometric and genetic study among the Sart Kalmyks. We have collected anthropometric data on 84 women and 119 men, made 830 photographs for creating generalized portraits, and studied the diagnostically important descriptive characteristics of the face. We also collected material for genetic analysis - 197 blood samples of 101 women and 96 men. Regarding ethnicity, the following distribution was observed: 111 persons stated that both their parents were Sart Kalmyks, and about a half of them (51 persons) knew the tribal affiliation of parents. Forty individuals are hybrids between Sart Kalmyks and Kirghizes, 29 have both parents of Kirghiz origin, and 8 people mentioned Kazakhs, Uyghurs, Tatars, and Bashkirs among their ancestors. Based on these materials, we will trace the origin and history of the Issyk Kul Kalmyks in comparison with Kalmyks living in Russia and China; assess the demographic and genetic structure of Karakol Kalmyks; and calculate genetic distances and the degree of relationship with Russian Kalmyks. Based on individual photographs, generalized portraits of the Sart Kalmyk men and women will be created. In sum, this research will highlight the most recent trends in the development of this ethnic group. This study was partly supported by a grant from the Russian Foundation for the Humanities, # 12-01-00063a.

Key words: physical anthropology, anthropometry, population history, Sart Kalmyks


Baresic Ana, Pericic Salihovic Marijana, Janicijevic Branka

Institute for Anthropological Research, Zagreb, Croatia

The aims of the study were to evaluate the genetic diversity and explore linkage disequilibrium (LD) patterns in three Roma populations of different migration origin, socio-cultural and dialect category using seven microsatellite (STR) loci in the Xq13.3 region of the X chromosome. These loci (DXS983, DXS8037, DXS8092, DXS1225, DXS8082, DXS1066 and DXS986) were analyzed in 189 Roma males from three populations in Croatia (Medimurje, Baranja and Zagreb), who belong to different migration and dialect groups. Several diversity indices (e.g. gene diversity, expected heterozygosity, mean number of pairwise differences) were calculated and the level of LD was inferred using exact test and D' statistics. Results suggest that Medimurje Roma population has the lowest genetic diversity (n = 4.756) and is significantly different from Baranja (n = 5.395) and Zagreb (n = 5.429) populations. Linkage disequilibrium analyses showed that Medimurje Roma population has the highest level of linkage disequilibrium while Zagreb population has the lowest. When compared to other isolates, Medimurje population shows highest similarity to small and stable isolated populations while Baranja and Zagreb Roma populations resemble large, more open isolated populations. In addition, results point to possible early separation of all the three populations despite the fact that Medimurje and Baranja populations belong to the same migration category and speak the same dialect. All three populations were most likely separated as early as the beginning of slavery in Romania, which was approximately 500 years ago.

Key words: Vlax Roma, Balkan Roma, Bayash, microsatellites, X chromosome

Contact information: Balinova Nataliya, e-mail: balinovs@mail.ru, Khomyakova Irina, e-mail: irina-khomyakova@yandex.ru.

Contact information: Baresic Ana, e-mail: ana.baresic@inantro.hr.

19 Конгресс Европейской Антропологической Ассоциации МГУ имени М.В.Ломоносова, Москва, 25-29 августа, 2014

Вестник Московского университета. Серия XXIII АНТРОПОЛОГИЯ — 3/2014

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