SALES STIMULATION AS IMPORTANT INSTRUMENT OF MARKETING Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Ключевые слова
sales stimulation / customer / loyalty programs

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Valishvili T., Genelidze L., Lukhutashvili N.

For every business it’s important to have loyal customers, who cares not only buying products, also shares its values and views. Over the few decades, companies around the world have refined the art of Mass Marketing. In this process they have developed effective methods of advertising through the media to support their mass mar-keting strategy. Typically, this companies invest millions of dollars in media. However, the 21st century has brought Marketing managers to new reality. Nowadays, the most significant impact on marketing communications has this two factors: first, in terms of market fragmentation, marketers refuse mass marketing. They’re developing focused marketing programs for micro markets. Second, development of information technology facilitates to shift market segmentation.

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ный диагноз главной причины возникновения инфляции в РФ. Оказывается, следуя контексту его публичных рассуждений, совсем немалую долю «налога на бедных» ввела и неукоснительно следит за его исполнением никто-ни будь, а автор вышеприведенного афоризма - Эльвира Сахипзадовна Набиуллина. В этом совсем не сложно убедиться, просмотрев серию его интервью по теме откровенного подыгрывания Банка РФ заокеанским «партнерам» связанной с ослаблением рубля самыми примитивными на сегодняшний день, но с участием спекулянтов, методами [4], [5], [6].

Несложно убедиться в правоте позиции бывшего советника президента РФ и на примере последствий скандала, возникшего по инициативе руководства ЦБ РФ в отношении мнения, им публично высказанного. Вместо признания ошибочности курса Центробанка, его руководство не только закрылось от общественности по поднятым в выступлениях вопросам, но еще и предпочло обратиться с жалобой на возмутителя спокойствия в Минэкономразвития, чем в еще большей степени повеселило этим демаршем своих оппонентов [7]. Подводя итог нашим, прямо скажем, не самым радужным размышлениям, направленным на поиск

времени экономического роста, снижения инфляции рубля до уровня нулевой, то, судя по всему, в ближайшей перспективе россиянам об этих категориях бытия едва ли следует им всерьез мечтать. 11.06.2021


1. «Фонд национального благосостояния», Е. Березина, Р. Маркелов, М. Трубилина, РГ, 4 июля 2021

2. https://m.wikipe-dia.org/wiki/%D0%9F%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B5% D0%B3%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%B2_%D1%8D%D0 %BA%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%BC%D0% B8%D0%BA%D0%B8

3. https://ru.wikipe-dia.org/wiki/Инфляция_в_США#:~:text=Инфляция %20в%20США%20—


ние,в%20США%20был%20относительно%20стаби льным

4. https://youtu.be/Nqb0STFMtvo

5. https://youtu.be/Sm4fWz4xfo4

6. https://youtu.be/YaOJv0Uu7G4

7. https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/4328648


Valishvili T.

Associate Professor of Akaki Tsereteli State University Associate Professor of Kutaisi University

Genelidze L.

Visitng Teacher, Akaki Tsereteli State University

Lukhutashvili N.

Assistant Professor of Akaki Tsereteli State University Associate Professor of Kutaisi University


For every business it's important to have loyal customers, who cares not only buying products, also shares its values and views. Over the few decades, companies around the world have refined the art of Mass Marketing. In this process they have developed effective methods of advertising through the media to support their mass marketing strategy. Typically, this companies invest millions of dollars in media. However, the 21st century has brought Marketing managers to new reality. Nowadays, the most significant impact on marketing communications has this two factors: first, in terms of market fragmentation, marketers refuse mass marketing. They're developing focused marketing programs for micro markets. Second, development of information technology facilitates to shift market segmentation.

Keywords: sales stimulation, customer, loyalty programs

In the new communication environment, Marketers need to re-understand the role of a variety media and sales stimulation complex. Media advertising has long dominated for consumer product manufacturing companies; it was the best way to increase sales. however, despite the important role of television, magazines and other media sources, their emphasis is diminishing.

"The purpose of business is to create and keep a costumer"-Peter Drucker said. To create and keep cos-tumers is the most important task for Georgian business too; one of the important components for this, is to work properly and productively in the field of sales.

Developing a sales strategy is the most important task for a commercial organization, because the whole organization is focused on sales. If we can't develop comprehensive sales strategy, it will be very difficult to mobilize the funds that needed for development of the organization. That's the reason why all companies, operating in the commercial field, has created sales strategy that includes several parameters. In order to work out the right strategy, we need to know market volume too. If we don't have this information, it's too difficult to determine what is the share of our company in this

market. Therefore, all organizations operation in commercial field must develop specific marketing plan, that defines where to find our costumer, what to advise them, what type of product to buy, where to buy this product and etc.

The company should consider the type of trade object when selecting the trade network and location. If we are talking about hypermarket-type shopping store, which is price-oriented, it can be in large shopping malls, or out of town too. The price-oriented consumer will take a long distance to buy what s/he wants. The same should be said for the costumer, who is focused on the range of products. It is a simple principle: if the buyer knows that interesting products for him are out of town, s/he will definitely go there and buy them. If it's daily consumption objects, then we need to choose crowded places. This issues are studied by the science with the name "Location Management"; it teaches us how to choose the best location for different companies. Many different methods are used in Georgia: count how many cars are driving nearby, how many people live near the shopping spot, whether it is located at a crossroads and etc. if the store is located in the street, it's better not to have stairs, because often people are lazy to climb stairs. The store needs to have stained glass to see what is happaning there, from outside. Competitors who operate at the same street are very important too. In retail details means a lot. Even costum-ers are focused on details too and this details have great importance for them.

In order for products to be displayed well and correctly on the shelves, there is science with name "merchandising", that works in two directions. First, how to create layouts for merchants that determine what type of products should go where, for more selling. Second, how to arrange the products. There is lot of feature to consider, for example people don't like to lean or tilt for products, so the most profitable shelves are located at human eye level; some users are more attentive with small selling points in the shop or last parts of shelves; also packing and decoration is important too, when something looks beautiful it's more desired; some users like to read information about product and etc. In addition, the tasting promotions work very well, however the behavior of the promo staff shouldn't be annoying or disturbing. If customer feels that s/he is forced to do something, s/he neither tastes, nor buy anything.

The success of any business depends not only on top managers, but also the employees of that company. Consequently, employee motivation is one of the main factors that contributes to the success of the company. Sometimes employees are negative towards the employer, go on strike or express obvious dissatisfaction. In this situation human resources management service must create different incentive system, be ready for this situation and have plan B.

In Georgia, last year there was the strike of couriers, half of them was unsatisfied with payment system and demanded to increase salary. After two days, the company made decision to increase payment for every courier in the company. If an employee is important for a company, obviously need to keep them up. The combination of optimal salary and good work environment

is the most important parameter for successful organization. If employees can't see any perspective, have low motivation and soon they will run out. This will influence the company at first, so every manager should think about the satisfaction of employees, motivate them to stay on the job longer.

The most important principle in sales field for companies is to be customer oriented, because this is what drives the sales of your products. We can't force the customer to do or buy what s/he doesn't want. Therefore, we must examine the will of the user carefully, find out their requirements thoroughly and offer what s/he likes. Also there is another way too: provide more information about our products and let the customer decide for himself what to buy or what not.

When the market mechanism works properly in the county, then fierce competition begins between the companies at the market, to attract users who will buy their goods or services in the future. In such situation, the most important among their competitive strategies is the sales stimulation system, which is aimed to sell product, but also attract customer and gain their trust. This process increases the possibility of gaining an advantage over competitors. Sales stimulation includes short-term incentive activities to push us to buy products and services.

In order to study the attitude of Georgian consumers towards various sales stimulation we conducted a survey. We sent pre-prepared questionnaire to customers of different ages, genders and incomes through social networks. Total number of respondents is 330 users, across the country. The survey was anonymous and respondents recorded the acceptable answers for them.

The first part of the questionnaire aimed to determine the age, sex, marital status and income level of respondents. Out of 330 respondents 60% are employed, 10% are unemployed and 30% are students. Most of the respondents, which makes up 51% are single, while the remaining 49% are married. 34% of respondents mentioned that the monthly income is up to 500 GEL; 21% of respondents' monthly income is 5011000 GEL; 18% of respondents' monthly income is 1001-1500 GEL; 9% of respondents' monthly income is 1501-2500 GEL; 4% of respondents' monthly income is over 2500 GEL. It's very sad that 14% of respondents don't have any income as a salary.

The most of the respondents- 38,48% make purchases in shopping malls; the next popular places are open markets with 29.70%; Urban shops are very topical issue for Georgian reality, 14,24% of respondents choose it; 7,27% of respondents uses branded shops, and 6,97% of respondents answered specialized trade establishments. As for negative answer - "I don't use" answered by 3.33% of respondents. 43% of respondents mentioned that visits shop or commercial establishments once a week; 21% of respondents visits shopping malls once a month; answer- "several times a week" checked by 15% of respondents; 18% of respondents visits shopping malls several times a month, and as for negative answer - "never" answered by 3% of respondents.

The next question was about the reasons why cos-tumers are visiting their advisable commercial establishments. The purpose of the question was to find out what is the most attractive for consumers nowadays and which factor they prefer. The study found that more than half of the respondents - 50% prefers certain advisable commercial establishment because of the price; quality is the reason for 23% of respondents; location preference was the reason for 17% of respondents; it turned out that the lowest rate is prestige factor, only 6% of respondents answered; as for negative answer -"I don't use" answered by one person.

Next question was about which type of promotions do consumers enjoy the most. As a result, discount system has a clear advantage for 78% of respondents; next is special offers - 19% of respondents; and finally raffles/lotteries - 3% of respondents. The vast majority of respondents - 95% says that they have used various discounts and promotions at least once.

Finally, we tried to find out what attitudes does consumer has about different stimulus methods. According to the results of the survey, 56% of respondents evaluate positively different type of promotions and expect them; 21% of respondents think that promotions and discounts are bait for customers; 16% of respondents say that they buy certain categories of goods only during the period of discounts or promotions. Only 7% of respondents evaluate negatively the existence of discounts and promotions system.

Finally, we can say that the demand for marketing activities increases with the intensification of competi-

tion, while the healthy competition contributes to develop both, the market and the economy of the whole country, and the most important, has positive impact on consumers. Certain trends became even more active during the pandemic period. Companies tried to find different ways to connect with customer and keep them loyal. Merchants in the Georgian market are gradually improving their abilities to use sales stimulation. They should pay more attention to the study of customers desires, needs and requirements for better results.


1. Stosic-Mihajlovic, Ljiljana, Trajkovic, Svetlana (2020) The importance of marketing instruments for market approach and operation of export companies. Journal of Process Management -New Technologies, International Vol. 8, No 1, 2020. Pp.18-23. DOI - 10.5937/jouproman8-24859

2. Sales Promotion: Objectives, Importance, Techniques, Examples, Methods, Types and Tools. https://www.businessmanagementideas.com/sales-promotion-2/sales-promotion-objectives-importance-techniques-examples-methods-types-and-tools/18225

3. Push,Pull Marketing Strategies. http://marketing-made-simple.com/push-pull-marketing-strategies/

4. Difference between Pull and Push Marketing. http://smallbusiness.chron.com/difference-between-push-pull-marketing-31806.html

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