Научная статья на тему 'ANALYSIS METHOD OF MARKETING'

ANALYSIS METHOD OF MARKETING Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Duan Rongxuan, Agalakova A. V.

Marketing strategy is an important part of the implementation of strategic plan and an important link in enterprise management. In the process of transformation from production concept to market concept, marketing has been raised to an unprecedented height. Numerous successful cases tell us that every enterprise must face the challenge of formulating appropriate marketing strategies, maximizing the use of marketing functions and focusing on marketing innovation under actual conditions. Therefore, we need to choose the appropriate marketing analysis methods for analysis, so as to formulate marketing strategies for enterprises.

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Маркетинговая стратегия является важной частью реализации стратегического плана и важным звеном в управлении предприятием. В процессе перехода от концепции производства к концепции рынка маркетинг поднялся на небывалую высоту. Многочисленные успешные случаи говорят нам о том, что перед каждым предприятием должна стоять задача разработки соответствующих маркетинговых стратегий, максимального использования маркетинговых функций и сосредоточения внимания на маркетинговых инновациях в реальных условиях. Поэтому нам необходимо выбрать подходящие методы маркетингового анализа для анализа, чтобы сформулировать маркетинговые стратегии для предприятий.

Текст научной работы на тему «ANALYSIS METHOD OF MARKETING»

УДК 339.13


Дуань Жунсюань Научный руководитель - А. В. Агалакова

Сибирский государственный университет науки и технологий имени академика М. Ф. Решетнева Российская Федерация, 660037, г. Красноярск, просп. им. газ. «Красноярский рабочий», 31

Е-mail: 1298158454@qq.com

Маркетинговая стратегия является важной частью реализации стратегического плана и важным звеном в управлении предприятием. В процессе перехода от концепции производства к концепции рынка маркетинг поднялся на небывалую высоту. Многочисленные успешные случаи говорят нам о том, что перед каждым предприятием должна стоять задача разработки соответствующих маркетинговых стратегий, максимального использования маркетинговых функций и сосредоточения внимания на маркетинговых инновациях в реальных условиях. Поэтому нам необходимо выбрать подходящие методы маркетингового анализа для анализа, чтобы сформулировать маркетинговые стратегии для предприятий.

Ключевые слова: 4Ps, 4Cs, маркетинг.


Duan Rongxuan Scientific Supervisor - A. V. Agalakova

Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology 31, Krasnoyarsky Rabochy Av., Krasnoyarsk, 660037, Russian Federation E-mail: 1298158454@qq.com

Marketing strategy is an important part of the implementation of strategic plan and an important link in enterprise management. In the process of transformation from production concept to market concept, marketing has been raised to an unprecedented height. Numerous successful cases tell us that every enterprise must face the challenge of formulating appropriate marketing strategies, maximizing the use of marketing functions and focusing on marketing innovation under actual conditions. Therefore, we need to choose the appropriate marketing analysis methods for analysis, so as to formulate marketing strategies for enterprises.

Keywords: 4Ps, 4Cs, Marketing.

The Marketing Theory of 4Ps, which originated in the United States in the 1960s [1], appeared with the introduction of marketing mix theory. In 1953, Neil Borden coined the term "marketing mix" in his inaugural address to the American Institute of Marketing, which means that market demand is more or less influenced by the so-called "marketing variables" or "marketing elements". Thus the marketing mix refers to four broad levels of marketing decision, namely: product, price, promotion, and place [2].

Products include core products, physical products and extended products. Broadly defined products can be tangible entities or intangible services, technologies, knowledge or wisdom.

Price: there are many methods of price setting, such as competition comparison method, cost addition method, target profit method and market gap method. The aim of these methods is to make products exchangeable. Enterprises aim at profit, so pricing should take into account both sales efficiency and enterprise efficiency. Fighting price war is a pricing and competition strategy, but low price is not always effective.

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Promotion in traditional sense is personnel promotion, advertising, public relations activities and sales promotion. These methods are widely used in the marketing process.

Place is the sales path of products from producer to consumer terminal. Common consumer goods will pass through the links of agents, wholesalers, shopping malls or retail stores. In B2C mode, there are also telephone direct selling, television direct selling, network direct selling, personnel direct selling, monopoly store direct selling and other modes. In B2B mode, it is possible to adopt the direct selling mode from the manufacturer to the manufacturer or the intermediate selling mode of selecting the agent.

With the increasingly fierce market competition, the speed of media communication is faster and faster, and 4Ps theory is more and more challenged. In 1990, Professor Robert Lauterborn, an American scholar, put forward 4Cs marketing theory corresponding to 4P of traditional marketing in his special paper New Marketing Litany: Four Ps Pass_: C-Words Take Over. 4C (Customer, Cost, Convenience, Communication) marketing theory is oriented by consumer demand, and redefines four basic elements of marketing mix: targeting consumer demand and expectation (Customer) [3].

Table 1

Targeting consumer demand and expectation (Customer)

4 Ps 4 Cs Definition

Product Consumer wants and needs They all refer to the means that can be used in order to deliver products to the target consumers, so as to maximize profits.

Price Cost Only products that meet the needs of customers are not enough, but also have attractive prices. If the price is too high, the best products will lose their market, that is, the so-called cost-effective ratio.

Promotion Communication There are also good promotional tools to let customers know about your products and channels.

Place Convenience There is also a good way for customers to buy products.

There is a substantial correlation between 4P and 4C. Consider how to design and develop products from the perspective of customer demand, and how to make the most reasonable price from the perspective of customer cost. In addition, customer demand itself has a direct impact on product price, considering the way of promotion and promotion from the perspective of how to communicate with customers, and determining the choice of enterprise access from the perspective of the convenience of customer purchase. As the basic theory of marketing, 4P and 4C marketing strategy combination principles are widely used in our daily marketing practice consciously or unconsciously.

Robert Lauteerborn, a famous marketing theory expert, is one of the founders of integrated marketing communication theory. In 1990, in his special article "4P retirement 4C debut", he put forward a new customer-centered marketing model, the famous 4C theory, namely customer, cost, Convenience and communication. Compared with the traditional 4P theory, 4C theory no longer focuses on products, pays more attention to customers, and pays more attention to how to communicate with customers. 4C theory emphasizes the communication between enterprises and customers, all from the interests of customers, to maintain customer loyalty. At present, the effective means of communication between enterprises and customers is to open a free telephone call center, but the accumulated purchase information, purchase time and purpose of customers have not established a systematic database. Most enterprises lose contact with customers after the completion of transactions with customers, which typically belongs to the transaction relationship, but do not regard customers as the most valuable resources of enterprises.

The origin of 4P and 4C theories lies in their different points of view. The 4P theory focuses on enterprises, that is, producers, while 4C focuses on consumers and develops from the perspective of consumers'requirements for enterprises. Therefore, from this point of view, 4C is more close to the customer's marketing theory, because only enterprises that truly meet customer needs can succeed.

Compared with product-oriented 4P theory, 4C theory shows strong customer orientation, aiming at pursuing customer satisfaction. However, this does not mean that 4C has replaced 4P. Customer, cost, convenience and communication are also products, prices, channels and promotions in the perspective of customers. Although 4C is more in line with the needs of today's market development and an inevitable response to the development trend that consumers take the initiative in marketing, 4P is still an indispensable four basic standpoints for enterprises to carry out marketing.

4C and 4P are interlinked, 4P is the means, 4C is the purpose. In other words, product strategy is a means to satisfy customers, price strategy is to reduce customers'purchase cost, distribution is to realize the convenience of customers' purchase, and the essence of promotion is information communication. Kotler absorbed the content of 4C in the Seventh Edition of Marketing Management: Analysis, Planning and Control, but did not deny 4P. Instead, he emphasized that 4C viewed 4P from the perspective of consumers.


1. Gronroos, Christian. "From marketing mix to relationship marketing: towards a paradigm shift in marketing." Management decision 32.2 (1994): 4-20.

2. McCarthy, Jerome E. (1964). Basic Marketing. A Managerial Approach. Homewood, IL: Irwin.

3. Lauterborn, B. (1990). New Marketing Litany: Four Ps Passé: C-Words Take Over. Advertising Age, 61(41), 26.

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