RUSSIA'S EDUCATIONAL POLICY IN TURKESTAN Текст научной статьи по специальности «Философия, этика, религиоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по философии, этике, религиоведению, автор научной работы — Juraev N.T.

This article discusses the education policy of the Russian Empire in Turkestan.

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УДК 37.01

Juraev N. T.

Namangan Construction Engineering Institute

Uzbekistan, Namangan


Annotation: This article discusses the education policy of the Russian Empire in Turkestan.

Key words: educational policy, national education, Russian-style schools, schools, madrassas.

The independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan has allowed us to study and cover our history objectively. In this regard, the invasion of Turkestan by the Russian Empire and the study of its well-thought-out colonial policy in the socioeconomic, political, spiritual, cultural and educational spheres of the country is also a topical issue for history. Prior to the invasion of Tsarism, old schools, mosques, barracks, and madrasas were common in the country. Since the establishment of the Governor-General of Turkestan on July 14, 1867, the imperial government has established control over madrassas and schools, which are the foundations of the spiritual culture of the indigenous people, as in all economic and political life. The imperial government had studied the activities of madrassas and schools and realized that they were of dangerous importance for the future of colonialism.

All the governors-general of Turkestan had a certain practice of Russification in the country. In most cases, this policy began in the field of Muslim education. In this area, even a program of the imperial government was developed.The first Governor-General of Turkestan, Adjutant-General K.P. von Kaufmann (1867-1882) supported the policy of Russification in relation to national education on the basis of non-interference in religious traditions and ceremonies. From the time of Kaufman, the colonial administration was tasked with inspecting the waqf lands of Muslim clerics. Governor-General Kaufman noted that more madrassas were more dangerous than schools, as madrassas were higher religious schools and had long cultivated scholars, fuzilu fuzalo, scholars, and sages of their time. The governor-general assessed the activities of madrassas as follows: "Apart from being an important political function as an institution that protects the power and privileges of Muslim religious aristocracy, madrassas still play a key role as the center and hearth of Muslim propaganda." That is why Kaufman believed that the importance of madrassas in the country should be eliminated as soon as possible.After the establishment of the colonial regime in Turkestan, the positions of Qazikalon and Sheikh-ul-Islam, chairman and trustee, which played an important role in the Muslim social life and were considered "Sharia Shariah", were abolished by Governor-General Kaufman. The imperial government has consistently supported the policy of restricting the activities of madrassas in Turkestan, as well as Russification. The activities of madrassas, a

type of religious school, have also come under various pressure from government officials. After the occupation of Tashkent by the imperial troops on June 17, 1865, the issue of reorganizing madrassas in accordance with the interests of the colonialists was raised. In 1870, in order to Russify the local population in the center of the empire, the law "On measures to educate Muslims living in Russia" was adopted. The law states that the main purpose of educating all indigenous peoples is Russification.Governor-General Kaufmann told the government in 1873, "People in Turkestanplan for the organization of education and training.

According to him, in contrast to the activities of religious schools, Russian schools were opened for the children of the local population. According to imperial officials and the government, only such schools could help Russify the local population. According to the decision of the Russian emperor on May 17, 1875, the post of Turkestan Department of Educational Institutions and Chief Inspector of Educational Institutions was established. The authority of this department was given the right to control not only Russian schools, but also local schools (schools, madrassas, sanctuaries). In 1877, one of the representatives of the imperial Russification policy, NPOstroumov, was appointed inspector of Turkestan public schools. On January 13, 1879, the Russian Minister of Education, Count D.A. Tolstoy approved the "Program for inspectors of Turkestan public schools." According to him, all religious schools in the country will be run by the educational administration. Paragraph 3 of the program stated: "Supervision of religious schools (schools and madrassas) is the responsibility of inspectors of public schools."Kaufman went on to take many measures to accelerate the crisis of religious schools and end them. Young people graduating from madrassas were restricted from holding certain positions. They were only hired for the lowest positions. Shortly afterwards, in February 1880, the State Council of the Russian Empire considered the question of educating the children of the local natives of the region together with the Russians. The Council made a special decision on the case under consideration.

This decision was also supported by Kaufman. He raised the issue of "bringing up the children of Russians and Tuzemets together." On March 4, 1880, religious affairs in Turkestan were completely separated from the control of the Orenburg religious administration, as Kaufman preferred to govern Turkestan on the basis of a special project. For this purpose, the "Regulations on the management of the Turkestan region" were developed. After Kaufman's death in May 1882, according to Senator FK Girs, who had come to inspect Turkestan in accordance with King Alexander III's order to inspect Turkestan, "253 judges from the Syrdarya, Fergana, and Zarafshan and Amudarya divisions were appointed. Twenty-five graduated from primary school and three did not attend school at all, meaning that 10 per cent of the judges were approved by the district chief, despite their low literacy (the rest were people who had attended a madrassa).The Governor-General of Turkestan, MG Chernyaev (1882-1884), was also a supporter of the policy of Russification, and throughout his career he sought to expand and develop the system of educational institutions. General Chernyaev: "Shymkent has allocated 100,000 rubles for the expansion of the city school and

has established a cash prize for women who want to study in this school." In 1884, Governor-General Chernyaev also issued his own ruling on Sharia law, proposing a "reorganization of local judges and magistrates." At the same time, special attention was paid to the teaching of the Russian language in many madrassas in Turkestan.N.I. Ilminsky, an adviser to the Imperial Ministry of Education, assessed the activities of madrassas and said that the inclusion of secular knowledge in madrassa programs would awaken the national consciousness of the population. We need to open Russian schools, "he said. After that, the issue rose to the level of state policy, and Russian-style schools began to open in the country. To the idea of Russian-style schools, Governor-General N.O. Rosenbach (18841889) founded it. The first Russian school was opened on December 19, 1884 in the Old City of Tashkent. Officials of the Russian Empire also pursued a policy of restricting and abolishing the foundations that were the economic basis of schools and madrassas. For this purpose, foundation reforms were carried out in Turkestan.

The reforms were mainly aimed at abolishing foundations. For this reason, the colonial authorities took strict control of the foundation's property.Issues related to the property of foundations in Turkestan were reflected in the "Regulations on the management of the Turkestan region" approved by the government in 1886. It is in this context that the implementation of foundation reforms has put religious schools and religious scholars in Turkestan in a difficult economic position. The fact that half of the proceeds of the waqf property belonging to religious schools is paid to the government has fueled protests among Muslim clerics. As a result, religious education in madrassas also declined. In conclusion, the education policy of Tsarism had a negative impact on the education system of the province. There was a constant struggle by the government to prevent the development of national education. As a result, the number of national schools and madrassas has decreased.

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