Научная статья на тему 'Russian competence-oriented model of education of public and municipal employees in the conditions of globalization'

Russian competence-oriented model of education of public and municipal employees in the conditions of globalization Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Cherkasova Tatiana Pavlovna, Bandurina Irina Alexeevna

The article presents a competence approach, realized by Russian universities in the training of public and municipal employees for the regional economy, taking into account globalization processes and ethical values. Its fundamental principles are: focus on the management, command and communicative competences; continuous education; individualization of the content of educational programs; the modularity of the educational process; the priority of interactive educational technologies. The proposed competence-oriented model of professional training of public and municipal employees meets the courses of modernization of the state personnel policy of the Russian Federation on the formation of qualified staff of the public service, ensuring the efficiency of public administration and local self-government.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Russian competence-oriented model of education of public and municipal employees in the conditions of globalization»

В результате теоретического обзора и анализа результатов, ранее проведенных экспериментов в рассматриваемой нами области знаний, мы пришли к следующему заключению: участие в совместной деятельности позволяет членам сообщества выступать и в роли активного участника, и в роли наблюдателя одновременно. Различные направления совместного творчества являются основными средствами культурно-образовательных технологий в социокультурной среде. Таким образом, культурно-образовательная деятельность - одно из наиболее развивающихся направлений социально-культурной деятельности, которое предполагает реализацию программ творческой реабилитации, интенсивного отдыха, социально-психологической консолидации общественных групп.


1. Бабченко, А.П. Организационно-педагогическая работа по детскому туризму как условие ук-

репления здоровья старшеклассников : дис. ... канд. пед. наук. - РГБ, 2006. -144 с.

2. Бабченко А.П. Оптимальная региональная модель социальной защиты детства (в контексте гуманистической парадигмы образования) / А.П. Бабченко // Казанский педагогический журнал. -Казань, 2011,- №2.-С. 135-141.

3. Киселева, Т.Г. Социально-культурная деятельность: история, теоретические основы, сферы реализации, субъекты, ресурсы, технологии / Т.Г. Киселева, Ю.Д. Красильников. - М., МГУКИ, 2001. -136 с.

4. Мамбеков Е.Б. Организация досуга во Франции: Анимационная модель : дис.... канд. пед. наук. -СПб., 1992.-С. 9-10.

5. Dumazedier J. Revolution culturelle du temps libre. 1968-2008. - P.: Meridiens Klincksieck, 2008. - 198 p.

6. Kurki, L. Sociocultural animation in learning. L Lin E Lifelong Learning in Europe, 2000, 5(3), P. 162-167.

7. Thapalia, C.F. Animation and leadership. In J. Servaes,T.L. Jacobson & S.A. White (Eds.), Participatory communication for social change, 2006 P. 150-161.


Черкасова Татьяна Павловна, доктор экономических наук, доцент, факультет Политологии, Южно-Российский институт управления - филиала Российской академии народного хозяйства и государственной службы при Президенте Российской Федерации, Ростов-на-Дону E-mail: tcherkasova @uriu.ranepa.ru

Бандурина Ирина Алексеевна, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, кафедра Иностранных языков, Ростовский государственный университет путей сообщения, Ростов-на-Дону E-mail: bandurina_ irina@mail. ru

В статье представлен компетентностный подход, реализуемый российскими вузами в подготовке государственных и муниципальных служащих для региональной экономики. Его основными принципами являются: ориентированность на формирование управленческих, командных и коммуникативных компетенций; непрерывность образования; индивидуализация содержания программ обучения; модульность учебного процесса; приоритетность интерактивных образовательных технологий. Предложенная компетентностно-ори-ентированная модель профессиональной подготовки государственных и муниципальных служащих отвечает направлениям модернизации государственной кадровой политики РФ по формированию квалифицированного кадрового состава государственной службы, обеспечивающей эффективность государственного управления и местного самоуправления.

Keywords: компетентностьш подход; обучение государственных и муниципальных служащих; управление образованием; непрерывное профессиональное образование, глобализация; этические ценности.



The article presents a competence approach, realized by Russian universities in the training of public and municipal employees for the regional economy, taking into account globalization processes and ethical values. Its fundamental principles are: focus on the management, command and communicative competences; continuous education; individualization of the content of educational programs; the modularity of the educational process; the priority of interactive educational technologies. The proposed competence-oriented model of professional training of public and municipal employees meets the courses of modernization of the state personnel

© Cherkasova T.P., 2016 © Bandurina I.A., 2016

policy of the Russian Federation on the formation of qualified staff of the public service, ensuring the efficiency of public administration and local self-government. Ключевые слова: competence approach; education of public and municipal employees; education management; continuous vocational education; globalization; ethical values.


The twenty-first century is marked by global changes in all spheres of social life: politics, economy, culture and education. The financial crisis of 2008-2009 in the United States spread quickly to the entire global economic system, demonstrating the ineffectiveness of the national and supranational levels of governance. For Russia the actuality of reconsideration of the competence of public and municipal employees, is also determined by the inability of the modern system of public and municipal management to ensure the recovery of the moving forces of the country's economic growth. Up until now all the measures taken at the background of unresolved geopolitical issues, political and economic sanctions by the European authorities of the country have led only to stagnation of the national economy. Therefore, in the current socioeconomic conditions the training of public and municipal employees should be realized taking into account the ongoing globalization processes.

It should be noted that globalization is not a new phenomenon. In the history of mankind there were attempts to create global economic and political structures.The economy had global character in such states, like the Roman Empire, China, which was based on mentality and culture. However, modern forms of globalization are very different from previous manifestations of global culture and economy due to following reasons:

1. The acceleration of the trends, associated with the idea of "knowledge society". The trends may be cultural, which find their manifestation in cultural evolution; economic, associated with the transfer of economic relations to non-profit activities; technological, consisting in the development of information and communication technologies.

2. Incompatibility between acceleration, generating intense innovation, instability, and rational principles, which form the basis of the welfare state. This group of causes can be described by the word "uncertainty", when along with "knowledge society" there is a "risk society" [1].

We point out the following globalization processes which should be considered in the process of education of public and municipal employees:

1. The emergence of global multicultural values. Collaborative research contributes to the appearance of moral values, not distorted by national, political, racial and religious prejudices.

2. The creation of information technologies and the Internet, which suggests a powerful process of innovation in education and opens a new era in the development of education as a social institution. Present information-computer revolution (ICR) is realized as the process of informatization of all spheres of social life. The basis of the information and computer revolution forms a technological system and information technology, the final result of which should be the creation of a new information civilization. Change of the means of transmission, processing and production of information modifies the system of values of the people towards knowledge orientation [2]. A key concept of

CHERKASOVA Tatiana Pavlovna, DSc of Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Political science, South Russian Institute of Management -branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Rostov-on-Don tcherkasova /S>uriu.ranepa.ru

BANDURINA Irina Alexeevna,

PhD of Pedagogical science, Associate Professor, Chair of Foreign Languages, Rostov State Transport University, Rostov-on-Don bandurina_irinaigimail.ru

information paradigm is information. Problems of development of information are connected with the changing roles of information in society, in the organization and realization of scientific research and educational programs.

Globalization processes have a synergetic, unpredictable character owing to the fact that these are ethical reference points of the public and municipal employees that have to become the invariable dimension, which will be inherent in them throughout their professional activity.

We think that a significant amount of the definitions of the concept "value" which are available in scientific literature can be classified on the basis of such criteria as the personal developing nature ofvalues1 influence, imperative nature of the impact ofvalues on people's acts and integrative character of the values' nature. It is possible to point out the following tendencies in the interpretation of this category:

- a value represents the peculiarity of the human thought, orientation, a ban which find their expression in the form of standard ideas about the good, justice, beauty, the admissible and the forbidden;

- the nature of values contributes to self-determination of the person in the surrounding reality and is caused by the social culture;

- the system of values changes with the appearance of new cultural phenomena, renewal of social, economic and political conditions;

- a value is characterized by a number of signs, such as the importance, usefulness, necessity, etc., inherent in forms of public consciousness.

We consider that ethical values are the difficult, multidimensional concept reflecting the result of acquisition of experience of ideals realization and influencing all kinds of activity of the specialist through social and moral regulation of the relations.

We suggest distinguishing the following main ethical values of the public and municipal employees.

Critical thinking which reveals itself in the ability to estimate and analyze independently the received information, to choose from a flow of information the one which is necessary for the solution of a specific objective.

The value of the need for professional perfection is the integral feature of the highly skilled professional, a person of culture, and reflects the tendency of "life-long education" which becamethe main slogan of the information society.

The value of moral and social responsibility assumes aspiration to take socially oriented

decisions and to make good acts. Responsibility is the main indicator of the specialist in which all qualities of the personality are integrated (civic consciousness, humanity, democratic character, honesty, diligence, service to business).

High strictness to yourself as a public employee and to people around is the ethical value which consists in the critical approach to the work, and this, in its turn, allows to expect from others the best results of the work.

The respect for yourself and people around assumes partnership and equality in the course of activity. The manifestation of respect is the interest to the identity of the other person, trust, tolerance, respect of the opponent.

The value of readiness and need for cooperation is perceived as an important criterion of the skill of the modern professional. It is necessary to show desire to cooperate with colleagues, to help to look for new solutions of research tasks collectively, to be glad about the progress of others.

Honesty is the fundamental ethical value, the highest form of the person's ability for moral self-checking. Honesty acts as the initiator of moral improvement of the personality.

Tolerance is the ethical value which has to be shown in daily work, in relation to colleagues.

Unselfishness assumes aspiration of the public and municipal employee for high-quality of work fulfillment, but not for wealth, glory, honors.

Democratic character is manifested in the fact that the expert has to be able to listen to opinions of the colleagues. Everyone has the right for equal recognition of his point of view.

The globalization processes designated above, ethical values of the public and municipal employees, and also economic and political problems force to reassess the concept and methodical approaches to training of competent public and municipal employees, to overestimate their professionalism in development of a timely effective state policy, in dialoguing with foreign political and business partners, in upholding of national interests and their realization.

The desire of Russia to build partnership with the European Union and to be integrated on equal bases in separate fields of activity and branches is predetermined by the necessity of formation of a mature civil society and as a result formation of the cultural traditions of the last which are shown in the developed local self-government. The municipal service was standardly fixed in the system of modern Russian statehood and started developing since 1998. During the same period in Russia a special group

of professional experts - municipal employees appeared. The main objective of local authorities is the ensuring of interests of inhabitants of municipalities and the effective organization of providing municipal services to them. Interests of inhabitants of municipalities consist in the growth of the level and quality of life. It imposes on local authorities tasks of elaboration of a municipal policy of development and realization of effective marketing of territories for the purpose to increase their investment attraction and creation of the new productions, expanding possibilities of employment of citizens. These tasks are especially important for municipalities of the South of Russia which border with the territory of the Ukraine.

Today, the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA) is almost the only institution of higher education with modern educational innovation infrastructure and methodical and educational support. It also has an extensive branch network of educational centers in the form of institutions of governance in all federal districts. RANEPA is characterized by the presence of single high methodological standards of training of public and municipal employees. It should be noted that the head institute of higher education focuses onthetraining of public employees for the federal level of government, the institutions of governance (established in all federal districts) prepare public and municipal employees for the regional level. Such methodical unity of the educational system of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration provides training for public and municipal employees with a unified ideology, the same perception of reality and understanding of the interests of the country and tools for their achievement, professionalism, reflected in the high level of necessary knowledge, abilities and skills.

Another distinctive feature of the training of public employees in RANEPA is to implement the concept of continuous education, realized in the existence of several levels of education: higher education (in the form of Bachelor's programme, Master's programme and postgraduate courses); professional retraining for professionals who do not have basic management education, and professional development courses focused on the systematic updating of knowledge of public and municipal employees in connection with the change in legislation and taking into account recent trends in the economic and sociopolitical development of the country and its regions, etc.

The South Russian Institute of Management, the branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, trains public and municipal employees in four departments: the Department of Management (specialization of state and municipal management), Political Science (specialization of political management), Economics (specializations of international Economics, taxes and taxation), Law Department (according to specializations of public law, civil law, criminal law). In addition, in the South Russian Institute of Management the Department of Additional Professional Education was created in 2014 to implement one of the principles of the public personnel policy -continuity of learning. It focuses on the courses of professional development and professional retraining of public and municipal employees on the basis of educational programs. In the Institute there are also postgraduate and doctoral courses, as well as a network of dissertation councils of RANEPA.

At present all the departments of the Institute use the competence-based approach in the education of publicand municipal employees, the methodological characteristics of which vary depending on the level of training. This provides a strong correlation between the increasing of the individualization of the educational process and improvement of the education level. Competence-oriented model of professional training of publicand municipal employees in the institute rests on the generated set of interrelated and interdependent principles [3]:

- taking into account the professional competencies necessary for modern public and municipal employees, while developing the programs of professional disciplines and programs of the student's choice;

- individualization of the content of programs in the context of individual competence deficit thanks to the use of a modular approach to building of educational programs.

- realization of the transition from knowledge assessment to the assessment of the degree of competencies development in the course of diagnosing of the effectiveness of the educational program;

- the priority of interactive educational technologies in the educational process.

These principles are implemented in the following fields of activity of the faculty of the institute:

- usage of the developed educational infrastructure of the institute in the realization of the basic educational program: polygon of the

Multifunction Centre, polygon of state and municipal procurement, center for personal and professional development assessment of management personnel;

- the participation of potential employers (representatives of the Government of the Rostov region and of the Council of municipalities of the Rostov region) in the development of the basic educational program and its implementation, as well as experts in the procedures of the state final certification.

- the implementation of scientific developments of the faculty of the institute, obtained as a result of participation in numerous grants, international research projects and conferences, during the preparation of highly qualified personnel (graduate and doctoral students) in the educational process of bachelors, masters, in the course of professional retraining and professional development of public and municipal employees.

The negative attitude of citizens to the qualifications of officials of different levels and effectiveness of their work, the unconformity between the competence characteristics, contained in regulations for positions of public and municipal service, inefficiency of assessment of the competencies of candidates for the positions of public and municipal service, etc., determine fields of improvement realized by the university model of higherand further education, as well as methods and technologies of the staff training.

The experience in the use of the competence-oriented model of education of theSouth Russian Institute of Management - branch of RANEPA, identified the need for its improvement in the following areas.

1. Functional analysis of activities of each particular group of public and municipal employees and the allocation of a number of functions which should be implemented in the realization of certain activities.

2. Identification of the complex of competencies, ensuring the implementation of official duties of employees of the professional group by means of surveys, testing and interviewing.

3.The designation of the competence deficits for public and municipal employees studying according to Master's degree programs and courses of additional professional education.

4. Ranking of the competence deficits on universal and individual ones, and the selection of appropriate modules of the educational program.

5. The use of technologies of distance and online learning to optimize and individualize the training system.

Competence-oriented model of education at the institute has primarily an applied nature, which is implemented in the following fields: -organization of training and work practices, research practice (for masters) and practical training in authority to develop the competence skills and experience of certain functions implementation, and also studying the best practices; - involvement of professionals into reading of lectures, conducting oftrainings, panel discussions, round tables, workshops; -participation in student government.

Contacts with key ministries, departments and municipalities also form the career prospects for graduates. The institute concluded agreements on mutual cooperation with the Government of the Rostov region (the Ministry of Internal and Information Policy, Ministry of Housing and Communal services, etc.), the Legislative Assembly of the Rostov region, the Regional Election Commission of the Rostov region, the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of the Rostov region, Diplomatic missions of foreign states on the territory of Rostov-on-Don, the Council of Municipalities of the Rostov region; the Administration of Rostov-on-Don and other administrations of municipalities of the Rostov region.

Another vector of the educational activity of the institute aimed at consolidating the block of professional competences is the organization of students' participation in socio-political activities of federal, regional and local levels, in political clubs, youth parliaments and other governing bodies.

The Rostov State Transport University (RSTU) is another university in the South of Russia, which trains specialists for the public and municipal service. The university implements the program of preparation of bachelors in the field of public and municipal management since 2013. The specificity of the university is to focus on the training of public employees for the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation. However, the university uses in its educational activities, the experience and traditions of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.

In conditions of modern globalization processes for both universities the focus on training of municipal employees is important. While developing educational programs for municipal employees, it is vital to take into

account that municipal service plays a key role in solving all the problems of the local community, therefore, it is particularly important to form and develop professional competencies in the following areas:

- knowledge and use of modern regulatory legal acts governing the sphere of professional activity;

- identification of the role, place and functions of municipal government in the public service;

- management according to the results in the system of local self-government;

- technology of interaction in the system of bodies of power vertically, horizontally, and also with the institutions of the business community and civil society;

- state regulation of the economy at the municipal level;

- legal support of realization of municipal functions and rendering of municipal services;

- implementation of procurement policy for municipal purposes;

- documentation support of the municipal administration;

- implementation of ethical norms of conflict-of-interest law and of business conduct.

Summarizing, we note that the organization of the implementation of basic educational programs in the institute on the basis of competence-oriented model allows to prepare highly qualified specialists for municipal service, competent politicians, strong in contemporary political and economic processes, who are able to make strategic management decisions and to have a dialogue with representatives of civil society.


1. Bandurina I., 2010, Scientific school as an environment for the development of ethical values of the scientific youth in the era of globalization: the dissertation of Candidate of Pedagogical Science, Rostov-on-Don, 224 p.

2. Rakitov, A. 1991, Philosophy of the computer revolution, Moscow, 287-14.

3. Cherkasova T., 2015, 'Competence approach to training of public and municipal employees in Law Department of the South Russian Institute of Management - the branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration', Science and Education, Agriculture and Economics; Entrepreneurship; Law and Management, № 4 (59), p. 14.






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INTERNET TECHNOLOGIES IN THE ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT OF INDEPENDENT WORK OF STUDENTS Shevchenko Galina Ivanovna, PhD of Pedagogical sciences, Associate Professor, E-mail: [email protected]

Ivantsov Evgenii Alexandrovich, Post-graduate Student, E-mail: specialforce26igimail.ru

Chair of Computer Science, Institute of Information Technologies and Telecommunication, North-Caucasian Federal University, Stavropol

In article examines the issues of rational organization and systematic management of independent work of students

in the modern education system with the help of modern Internet technologies.

Keywords: independent work; information and communicational technology; Internet-technologies.


В статье освещаются вопросы рациональной организации и планомерного управления самостоятельной работой студентов в условиях современной системы образования с помощью современных Интернет-технологий. Ключевые слова: самостоятельная работа; информационные и коммуникационные технологии; Интернет-технологии.

УДК 378.14

© Шевченко Г.И., 2016 © Иванцов Е.А., 2016

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