ROLE OF STUDY OF TOPONYMS OF STAROSKOL DISTRICT IN THE UPBRINGING OF THE YOUNGER GENERATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Пример, слова: «aqua» (аква) они читают - «акуа»

Lingua (лингва) - лингуа

Это объясняется тем, что узбекскому языку не свойственны сочетания двух или более согласных, поэтому здесь следует увеличить количество примеров и закреплять на нескольких последующих занятиях, на упражнениях по чтению.

Большинство студентов местной национальности имеют тенденцию не различать произношение и написание звуков «е», «i».

Соответственно, вместо sinister произносят и пишут senistеr

Это происходит под влиянием родного языка. В разговорном узбекском языке нет резкого разграничения в произношении звуков 'э', 'и'. Мы часто встречаемся с фактом одна и та же фамилия пишется через 'э' и 'и': Эргашев или Иргашев, Элак и Илак. Но всё же при прохождении этих букв мы сравниваем латинскую фонему "е" с узбекским "э" в начале слова, как в словах Эркин, Элак для того, чтобы не прочёл её как узбекскую фонему "е" словах келмок, емок, и замечаем им, что в латинском языке нет фонемы "е". Латинскую фонему "i" сравниваем с узб. "и" на примере следующих слов - ип, игна, инклоб и т.д.

В узбекском языке звук (л) произносится твёрдо, тогда как в латинском языке он всегда среднеевропейский, более мягкий. Соответственно студенты и произносят: sulcus [сулькус]-[ сулкус], alaris [алярис]-[аларис].

Поэтому, при прохождении этого звука необходимо уделять внимание на артикуляцию и давать больше упражнений на произношение.

Буквосочетание "ti" перед гласными в латинском языке читается, как сочетание "ци", а студенты читают "ти". Это связано опять таки с тем, что в узбекском языке нет звука "ц", а те, что встречаются в современном языке, это заимствования из интернациональной лексики, такие слова как: интернационал, трансляция, станция, нация, социализм и т.д. и поэтому медицинскую лексику на "ti", надо дать после объяснения этого сочетания на интернациональной лексики.

Очень часто студенты-узбеки вместо "ф" употребляют "п", например в таких словах как: phosphorus [фосфорус]-[поспорус], camphora [камфора]- [кампора], forma [форма]-[порма]

Эта тенденция замечается особенно у студентов, приезжающих из северных районов Узбекистана, как Кара-Калпакия, Хорезм.

При объяснении этой буквы, мы опираемся опять на родной язык, говорим, что он произносится как в узбекских словах Фаёз, Фуркат, фасли и т.д.

Следовательно, элементы сопоставления двух языков - латинского и узбекского, является ценным методическим приёмом, повышающим усвоение учебного материала.

Список литературы:

1. Латинский язык и основы медицинской терминологии. 1989 г.

Под общ. ред. М. Н. Чернявского - 2 издание

2. Латинский язык, лотин тили. М.Г.Травицкая, Ф.И.Мучник, Х.Х.Халматов. 2-е издание; 1991 г.

3. Лотин тили.

Под общ. ред. Л.И.Ходжаевой. 2005 г.

4. Сопоставительная грамматика русского и узбекского языков. Морфология. Пособие для студентов.

5. А. Азизов. Ташкент 1960 г.



Ромашкина Анастасия Ивановна

Студент-магистрант НИУ БелГУ, г. Белгород,

научный руководитель Прокопенко Ю. А.

In the modern education system, much attention is paid to the study of humanitarian disciplines, such as Russian language, literature, history. However, very little importance is attached to the study of the history of the native region. Of course, various disciplines are introduced to inform students in this area. However, the study is carried out only at a superficial, generalizing level. And the urge to learn more about the place where you were born, where you said the first word, where you took the first steps, is nothing but a manifestation of patriotism. One of the tasks that pedagogy sets itself is to educate patriotic feelings.

The concept of "Homeland" includes many factors: territory, climate, nature, organization of social life, peculiarities of language, life. The first step in instilling in the younger generation a love for the Motherland is to familiarize itself with its history. One of the possible and most interesting forms of study of the history of the native region is the study of the names of individual geographical objects. In scientific terminology, such names

can be combined by the term toponyms. Sometimes students wonder: "Why is the city I live in named exactly that?." In order for the teacher to answer this question, he must one way or another plunge into the history of the region. The toponyms of any region can prove this. The most interesting to us was the study of toponyms of Old Oskol and Staroskol district. Toponyms, undoubtedly a linguistic source, carry information about the linguistic characteristics, history and culture of our ancestors, as well as the peoples before them.

From the 1960s to the present day, the study of toponyms has been of particular interest to scientists of different profiles: linguists, historians, local scientists, entologists, etc. Toponymy, like any developing science, is characterized by processes of differentiation. It includes place names of different types in the structure: gidronima (the name of water objects), oykonima (names of settlements (settlements), oronima (the name of objects of a relief (a ravine, the mountain, a beam, the hill, the valley, etc.), urbanonima (an intracity object, a part of the settlement (names various residential districts in the city)), street names (the name of a linear object in the city (the street, the avenue, the lane, the boulevard, the embankment)), drimony (the name of the wood / a forest land). The object of our research will be in most part oikonims of Starokoski district [2, c. 12].

All oikonims of Old Oskol, depending on their characteristics by semantics, can be divided into such groups as names of natural-geographical character and names of cultural-historical character.

The first section of the natural-geographical names group includes oikonims derived from river names. Similar names of settlements of Staroskok district, formed from the names of rivers, are the oldest formation in the history of our region. With the development of language and culture, the population of the Slavs of our region adapted foreign-language words to their phonetic system.

An example of such an arrangement of Old Skolsk toponyms is the city of Oskol, the village of Prioskolje and the village of Potudan. It is not difficult to guess that the first two oykonim took their names from the hydrim of the Oskol River. But the question arises where the river's name came from. Fasmer M., author of the etymological dictionary of the Russian language, so interprets this name: "Oskol - the left tributary of Sev. Donza, etc. - Russk. Oskol (Ipatiev Record) 1) is identical in translation from Church-Slavonic, oskol means "rock"; 2) also from the Polish language Oskola - "collection of take juice with the help of special incisions"; 3) Otherwise Potebnya compares Oskol to the Polish translation of Oskola, as well as to the Lithuanian Skalauti, skalauju "rinse, wash" and Indo-roepean, Ksalati "flows." [4, c. 160]. From the proposed interpretations it is possible to make some assumptions according to which the banks of the river were populated by people who used its waters in economic needs.

Oikonim s. Potudan took its name from the river on which this village was based. As well as the "Oskol" hydronim, "Potudan" is not interpreted unambiguously. In the Grand Encyclopedia Dictionary of Brockhouse and Efron such a definition is given to this word: "Potudan - the river of the Voronezh province, the right tributary of the river Don. It originates in Nizhnedevice County. According to popular legend, to the borders of this river Mongols collected tribute, from where it is as if and called "sweat-tribute" [5, c. 345]. V.I. Prokhorov, author of the book "Inscription on the Map," reports that the river was previously called "Potudon." The name of the river is allegedly of Alan origin (IX - X century), related to the word "Don" - water, river. There is a version of the translation of the first part of the word "Sweat," if you turn to Sanskrit, the most acceptable translation is given as: patu - "violent, suitable for drinking." It can be assumed that the river had a strong course, but in doing so carried clean water in its banks, used by people in the farm.

The second section of this group of oikonims will characterize the features of the terrain. The specificity of the relief of Staroskok Krai is one of the main reasons for the diversity and unusual composition of local appeals. There is frequent alternation of lowlands and elevations within the area, causing the formation of numerous beams, ravines, logs and tops. Oykonim of this section include such names of our region as the village of Rogovot, the village of Luganca, the village of Long Polyana, the khutor of Lipyagi, the khutor of Plota.

It can be assumed that "Horny" is related to the fact that the root "horn" as well as "isrog" and "orog" in the speech of the local population act as indications of various features of ravines, in particular, the horn "long ravine, branch from ravine." And indeed, by the beginning of the 17th century, the area where the village of Rogovataya is located was an elevated surface in the intercommunity of Skupoy and Borova Potudani, on all sides surrounded by deep beams, which have grown wild forest.

Oikonim "Luganca" is related to the designation of lowlands. This is due to the origin of the dialect lexem lugan "low-lying river banks" [1, p. 271]. The plain nature of the area is indicated in our province by the term "polyana." The Oikonim "Long Pole" apparently denotes a large length of plain relief. The oikonim "Lipyagi" originates from the appeal "lipyag," the meaning of which can be interpreted as "forest on high ground" or "ravine with forest." In the formation of the oikonim "Raft" played the role of applying the raft, which means "log or beam, split."

Next we will pass to the second group of oikonim, which include names of cultural and historical nature. This group of oikonim, like the one we discussed, has several sections.

The first section of this group are oikonims formed from anthroponyms. In our area, among these oikonim are those that go back to ancient Russian non-canonical names and nicknames. S. Babaninka and the village of Neznamovo have names that reflect the kinship or degree of kinship. "Babaninka" from the term of the relationship of the baba, baban, when the attractive adjective babanine was fixed on the pupil of the grandmother and her

favorite and became a nickname. "Neznamovo" from the ancient Russian name Neznam (probably one who did not know his parents) [2, c. 48].

There are also names that characterized when the settlement was founded by its representatives in a certain kind of activity or profession.

The villages of Bocharovka and Shepherd have names that denote a kind of profession, such as a bochar and shepherd, respectively. And the last variety of this section is oikonims, which are based on the names of fauna. In Starokskaya area, examples of such toponyms are the names of Kotovo and Snake.

The following section includes oikonims, the topographies of which reflect the types of villages. Among the toponyms of this section are such as the village of Soldiers. The etymology of oikonim "Soldiers" explains the history of the foundation of this village. According to legend, the first settlers and founders of the village were soldiers - brothers Thomas and Jacob Kortikov, who served on the Belthe line. In connection with the armistice in the Russo-Japanese War, the brothers arrived at the visit and settled here. Hence the name - Soldiers. At that time, as a fee, soldiers were allowed to find free land and settle on it - perhaps soon other fellow Kortikov settled in this way nearby. Since the land was fertile, there was the purest river, meadow and forest nearby - a large village formed here over time.

In our province there is a village, which received its name in honor of its founder. It is the village of Shatalovka. To prove this fact, let 's turn to the history of the village. According to the Census Book of the Old Skok County for 1718, he was the first to settle in the places here, in the village of Potudani Christmas Parish (the future village of Shatalovka), landlord Athanasiy Petrovich Shetalov from the copeymen (category of serving people).

Over time, the name "Shetalovka" changed to the well-sounding "Shatalovka" [3, c. 255].

In the Staroskol district there are seals named after a church holiday or by the name of a church built there. In this regard, it can be assumed that the village of Znamka was named after the Celebration of the Sign of the Holy Virgin. And she sat Archangel and Preobrazhenka respectively on the Archangel and Preobrazhenskiy churches.

The conducted research allows to claim that toponyms of Staroskol district are unique monuments of the history of the region, cultural traditions of our ancestors, features of relief. That is why the study of toponyms in school is a very important aspect for the education of patriotic feelings of schoolchildren. Not knowing the history of the place where you were born and raised means not respecting yourself and your ancestors.

This was said wonderful by Soviet and Russian philologist, cultural scientist, art historian D.S. Likhachev: "The sense of the Motherland needs to be carefully nurtured, instilled spiritual residence. If there are no roots in the native side - there will be a lot of people, similar to the dried-up plant skewy-field. " We agree with the opinion of academician Lihachev and believe that instilling a sense of patriotism is an integral part of education. That is why the study of the history and traditions of the native region in school needs to be paid as much attention as possible.

List of literature

1. Bondaletov V.D. Russian Anomaly: Study. Ped student allowance. Moscow: Enlightenment, 1983. 224 p.

2. Zhilenkova I.I. Toponyms of the Belthe region (system lingvoanalysis of names of settlements): educational manual on linguism. Prod. 2nd - Belgorod: ID "Belgorod," 2012. 124 p.

3. Nikulov A.P. Old Oskol (Historical Study of the Oskol Region.). - Kursk: GUIPP "Kursk," 1997. - 329 p.

4. Fasmer M. Etymological Dictionary of Russian Language/Per. With him. (with additional). - M.: Progress, 1971. - Vol. 3. - 160 p.

5. Encyclopedia Dictionary of F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron. - SPb.: "Terra," 1993, - 355 p.


Goga D.A.

Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod, Scientific adviser —Candidate of Sociological Sciences, docent

Prokopenko Yu. A.

Abstarct. This article discusses stylistic techniques and means of creating journalism in Federal and regional print media in 2016-2018. The main lexical and syntactic means of both creating publicity and artistic expression, which have an emotional impact on the reader, are identified and studied.

Keyword: mass media, artistic journalism, stylistic device, expression._

The mass media have become one of those components of the psychosocial environment of mankind, which claims to be a very powerful factor in the formation of the worldview of the individual and the value orientation of society [Polikarpov, 2002 : http]. Besides, having a certain topicality, the media, namely artistic journalism, is a reflection of modern Russian speech, presenting it in the process of development.

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