ROLE OF SHUKHRAT IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF UZBEK LITERATURE OF THE XX CENTURY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Soatova N.I.

This article is devoted to the study of the role of the famous writer and poet Shuhrat in the development of Uzbek literature of XX century. The article discusses the poems and novels of the poet and writer, reveals, analyzes and interprets their ideological and artistic aspects.

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УДК 894 375 (093.03)

Soatova N.I., PhD associate professor Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute named after A. Qodiriy Uzbekistan, Jizzakh


Annotation: This article is devoted to the study of the role of the famous writer and poet Shuhrat in the development of Uzbek literature of XX century. The article discusses the poems and novels of the poet and writer, reveals, analyzes and interprets their ideological and artistic aspects.

Key words: poet, writer, playwright, artistic skill, situation, spiritual experience, artistic expression.

Thanks to national independence, we have the opportunity to study our spiritual values, objectively evaluate their place in the spiritual life of our people. The first President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov said: "There is another powerful tool for revealing a person, his spiritual world, and this is the art of speech, fiction. It is not by chance that literature is described as anthropology, but poets and writers are engineers of the human spirit" [1;79]. In modern conditions, when the basic principles of national ideology are being formed, there is a need to approach Uzbek literature of the twentieth century and the works of many representatives based on new views. Indeed, literature occupies a place in the socio-political and cultural life of a nation as a process directly related to the human psyche, spirituality, and worldview.

In this regard, the words of Abdulla Aripov: "In the mountains of our literature, the image of Shukhrat is always visible, like a snow peak" is a true recognition of the work of Shukhrat.

A talented poet, a friendly writer, Shukhrat was the owner of a talent that attracted the attention of thousands of readers with his poems, epics, short stories, dramatic works, especially his extensive novels. Shukhrat plays an important role in our prose, his contribution to the development of our poetry is also invaluable. Prior to this, his work did not receive full value. At a time when much attention is paid to spirituality and literature, it is important to deeply study the life and work of Shukhrat and determine his place in the history of Uzbek literature of the twentieth century.

Awarding a group of writers with order "For great services" by Decree of the first President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, including Shukhrat, is a fair assessment of the writer's contribution to the development of Uzbek literature. As the beloved writer of our people, Shukrullo noted: "The writer remained faithful both in art and in life. His exemplary quality is what he did not create works with greediness. He did not chase after awards and titles. He did not choose a friend

based on his career and relationship with leaders. He behaved freely, doing what his conscience commanded. He was free".

Shukhrat is one of the most prolific writers of Uzbek literature. The poems "Mehrol", "Dream and Revenge" (1940) and the novels "Our Street" (1947), "Breath of Life" (1948), "Brothers" (1950), "Your Love" (1961), "Burning in Love"" (1964), "Lyrics" (1973), "The Years of Chinelli" (1959), "Stainless Gold" (1965) and "Seekers of Paradise" (1971) were widely accepted by readers, researchers and published several times. As can be seen from the above, there is a significant literary heritage from Shukhrat number of studies have been conducted in Uzbek literature on Shukhrat's work. In particular, Maqsud Shaykhzoda was one of the first to study the poetry of the poet and wrote a long article [2]. U.Normatov wrote the first literary portrait of Shukhrat, studied the themes of war and man, homeland and people in writers novels, epics and poems, and expressed conclusions on them [3]. A.Azimov's dissertation covers the issue of a positive hero in Shukhrat's novel "Stainless Gold" and aspects of the art of the work[4]. The articles of such scientists as O.Sharafiddinov, N.Karimova, Jamol Kamol, O.Ikramov, N.Khudoyberganov, B.Fayziev, J.Khojimatov express their views on some aspects of writer's works[5].

An important quality of Shukhrat's poetry is that he saw life only with a unique look, through the eyes of a person with a rich and productive life experience. In his poems you feel the warmth of a passionate, burning heart.

In particular, the transparency and clarity of human life is manifested in harmony with the essence of life - the ability to directly attach importance to the colors of life. Deep observations of the life, work, beauty, humanity of man, in fact, become the philosophical basis of the poet's thoughts about life and happiness, about life and the fate of man. Reading the poet's poems, we feel that in his poems there is nectar close to the human heart, which satisfies his spiritual needs. Because the poet's poems have an attractive, pleasant, magical tone that glorifies humanity. In this melody there is an expression of the spirit and nature of our people:

Vatanga muhabbat vijdon amridir, Sadoqat va poklik imon amridir. Imonsiz yashashdan o'zni tiy, ey jon, Beburdni ayblamoq zamon amridir[6;35.]. (Patriotism is a commandments of conscience, Loyalty and purity are the commandments of faith. Refrain from life without faith, Oh soul, Blaming unreliable is a commandment of time) [7].

In this quatrain of the poet one can see all the nuances of human emotion, the most subtle vibrations of the soul that resonate with all events and happenings in life. Indeed, it did not appear spontaneously in the philosophical observation of the poet, it passed through the poet's heart and aroused the poet's excitement and rebellion. For this reason, when the poet writes about the motherland, optimism and vitality resound in his poems:

Sen borsanki, mening qalbim butundir,

Sen borsanki, luqmai totli yutimdir. Senborsanki, orzum sig'mas dunyoga, Sen bo'lmasang, muhabbatim yetimdir[p.127]. (If you are with me, my heart is whole, If you are with me, my bite is a sweet swallow. If you are with me, I have big dreams If you are not here, my love is an orphan).

In this quatrain, the whole content of the poem about the homeland is expressed concisely and impressively. This poem of the poet, which passionately sings about the motherland and the beauty of the human heart, is a living poem that glorifies the motherland with love. The lyrical protagonist's emotions, rebellious feelings, ideas, and love for the holy mother earth in the poem are extremely high. While absorbing the value of the Motherland in these lines, the poet does not use beautiful words, metaphors, lofty expressions, but follows the path of simple expression.Shukhrat draws attention to life, its colorful, complex, intricate aspects, and brings it to the pen: Kechqurun shafaqni o'g'irlab kecha, Ertalab ufqqa qaytadan sochdi. Kechqurun o'kinchdan xo'rsingan g 'uncha, Ertalab shod-xandon labini ochdi[p.119]. (The night stealing the dawn at night, In the morning hit it to the horizon again. Sad sighing bud in the evening In the morning opened lips with joy).

There is nothing superfluous in this beautiful, magical landscape of nature. The poet urges a person to be like a bud, giving harmony between nature and man, that is, complete harmony with nature and personal harmony.All the poems of the poet about man, about his difficult and complex life, about the qualities that make a person a real human. These thoughts penetrate the poet's life experience and are very instructive, because they come from the deepest parts of his heart: Dushmanning oshidan, do'st toshiyaxshi, Shirin so'z yurakning bezagi, naqshi. O'zga yurt bahori, chaman yozidan, Ming bora a'lodir ona yer qishi! [p.144]. (Better a friend's stone than an enemy feast, The sweet word is the decoration of the heart. Motherland's winter is a thousand times better, Than spring and summer of another country!)

It should also be noted that some complex, controversial aspects of the poet's personal life, his creative destiny, naturally, leave a certain mark in his poetry. In some poems, the poet is embodied in his personal intimate world, such sad feelings are probably born from the fact that the lyrical hero is a lonely person who remains only in the narrow sense of the poet's personality. But such verses attract attention because they are written with the pen of an artist with pain and passion. Perhaps these verses will help to explore some controversial, complex

aspects of the poet's life and work, to identify aspects that are "obvious to him, unclear to others."

His poems express deep thoughts about the secrets of life. We know that the life and work of Shukhrat were not smooth. In addition to torture in prison, his "friends" around him threw stones at the great writer, sometimes openly and sometimes secretly. But the brave and kind poet overcame everyone with kindness and good deeds.

Sha'nimga otilgan ta'na toshlari Oxiri yig'ilib ulkan tog' bo'ldi. Men uning ustiga chiqqanim sari, G'ururim oshdi-yu, ko'nglim chog'bo'Idi. Men uning ustidan mag'rur, tik boqib, Hayotning ufqini yorqinroq ko'rdim. (Stones thrown at my honor Became a huge mountain. As I climbed on top of it, My pride grew and my heart rejoiced. From the top with pride, I glanced, And saw the horizon of life brighter.)

Apparently, in the lyrical hero of the poems of Shukhrat, emotions are strong. The complex character of the lyrical hero, skillfully revealed a big heart. Each poem teaches people to think deeply, to understand the essence of life. At the same time, an important feature of Shukhrat's poems is that they are depicted with vital details, vivid and clear scenes, and vital facts. In most of his poems, he tries to be as deep as possible in his thoughts. For this reason, the poet's personality, his dreams, his notes on time, his appeal to peers, his appeal to the reader, his sincerity to friends and teachers, his deep thoughts and artistic analogies are characteristic in many of his poems. "... The poet is a master of capturing instantaneous sighs of the heart. This skill allows you to open the inner world in a new way, in a new situation, not always in one state. As a result, we see how wide and high the heart of our contemporaries is" [8]. Do'st achchiq gapirsa, qulog'ingni tut, Gar og'ututsa ham indamasdan yut. Har achchiq gapining lazzati bolcha, Har tomchi og'usi malhamdir va qut[p.143]. (If a friend speaks bitterly, listen, Even if he gives poison, swallow it silently. The taste of every bitter word is like a honey, Each drop of poison is an a blessing).

The essence of each word here acquires an extremely deep philosophical depth. When we look at the verses of Shukhrat, it is natural to ask what makes them unique. Literary critic Jamal Kemal's words about Shukhrat's lyrics is worth mentioning: "The principle of a constant attempt to mix real facts with a romantic spirit in order to create a unique subtle lyrical environment around concrete facts of life, are the defining features of Shukhrat's individual poetic style. All the

individualities inherent in his poetics are manifested in these traits or to a certain extent connected with them" [9;134]. So, in the verses of Shukhrat there is a combination of magic words, melodies and bright decorations:

Lochinga ko'z kerak, burgutga qudrat,

Insonga ikkisi va yana odob.

Odob bu har kunga kerak bir kitob,

Varaqlab turganni kutar shon-shuhrat[p.174].

(The falcon needs an eye, the eagle needs power,

A person needs both, moreover good manners.

Etiquette is a book you need every day,

Glory awaits the one who looks through the pages.)

The literary world is well aware that poetry is always looking for the most important thing for a person, no matter what period. The poet seeks to solve the most important problems of life and survival. From the most unimportant things, it is always difficult to find the most important thing - an idea, event, experience. In our opinion, the lyrics of Shukhrat have two sides: an ideological upsurge and a life-lyrical wave.

The verses of Shukhrat depict a spiritually rich person who thinks about the fate of the whole world, constantly searches for the meaning of human life and discovers important truths in this search. The poetry of the poet is distinguished by its socio-aesthetic significance, artistic and philosophical understanding and interpretation of the world and man. Nature spiritually enriches our soul with images of perception and expression of social phenomena, the spiritual world of man, mysteries, the brightness of life details, the meaning and scale of poetic images.

The authenticity, sincerity and artistic perfection inherent in Shukhrat's poetry are also characteristic of his prose works. Indeed, between poetry and prose of Shukhrat there is a common integrity and lasting unity. This integrity and unity is manifested both in the content of themes and ideological content, as well as in the sequence of images, the harmony of internal logic and style. As in his poetry, the prose works of the author are devoted to depicting the events of the new century, demonstrating the growth and change of people's consciousness, creating diverse images, revealing the unique character and qualities of our people. His works include national characteristics, such as patriotism, humanity, heroism, industriousness, creativity, devotion in them. If the author's novel "Stainless gold" reflects the injustice, the imprisonment of innocent people, unreasonable punishment, in short, a living reflection of the dictatorial regime in the life of an honest Uzbek intellectual, then in the novel "Paradise Seekers" much attention is paid to the true depiction of the power of the free spirit of peoples.

Indeed, in the novel "Stainless Gold," the writer takes Sodik along the most difficult and difficult life paths, and he faces difficult days. But Sodik is not just a martyr, he is primarily a fighter. The protagonist cannot accept his fate even in difficult moments. On the contrary, he does not infect his conscience, he remains true to his noble ideas. The faith of the son of the Motherland, this is gold, the

nobility of this golden faith, textuality, triumph of trial, that is, the inviolability of gold, make up the philosophy of the protagonist, the main pathos of the novel.

The main character of the novel, Sodik, is a person who has great goals in life and high ideals in life, who can attract others with his behavior, who can properly educate his students, who can influence their spiritual world, and who can withstand any difficulties for their people and country.

By creating the novel "Paradise Seekers", in our opinion, Shukhrat dared to resist the pressures of the Soviet totalitarian regime. In the novel, colonialism and patriotism are sharply condemned, and independence and freedom are sincerely glorified. The novel is devoted to describing the fate of the patriots, and the writer khodji Saidakbar illuminates the fate of the patriots on the example of those around his family. "The novel" Seekers of Paradise "will help today's reader to better understand the historical processes of the 60s, the mood of the people of that time" [10;307].

The novel takes place in Uzbekistan and in one of the foreign eastern countries. The author incorporates into the plot of the novel the great idea that the real paradise is in the motherland, and real happiness is achieved through the liberation and prosperity of the motherland. Ummatali, a pure-minded Uzbek child, Nafisa, the director of the kindergarten, and Alikhodja Azimkhodjaev, the director of the state farm, have created bright and positive images.

In the novel "Seekers of Paradise", the theme of national awakening abroad, the pursuit of freedom against colonialism is also reflected in a much broader and more realistic way. The images of a conscientious, nationalist doctor, Abulbaraka, a free-spirited intellectual, Zeytun and, an ordinary foreign citizen, Zilol and their efforts in this field are real proof of our opinion. Abulbaraka objected to his father, khodji Saidakbar, who escaped from his homeland (Uzbekistan) in the 1920s and fled abroad, saying, "But first we need independence. I do not believe that one nation, no matter how great and civilized it may be, will save another nation. Every nation, big or small, must be separate, do its own business. It is useless for one to lean on other's shoulder and say, "I am going to Paradise" [11;356]. Although such stories and debates in the novel are taken from the lives of immigrants, the work is in fact imbued with the idea of condemning Russia's colonial policy, calling for the struggle for independence and freedom, a living spirit -independence. This is even more evident in the conversation between father and son:

"This is not true, " he said. No one was a burden to another. "It's just that. " Otherwise, what is the French gentleman doing here? Why is the administration in their language? - You see, people are simple. Can these people be given free rein now? They will kill each other. Let them recognize the owner and distinguish good and bad. - This is a big lie. The opinion of Parisian businessmen. However, in this country, where they eat their bread like camels, such cultures were once created and managed in such a way that it is now worth envying. They all mixed it with the earth. Now they choke on hiccups, saying: "Better to go this route." In any case, they will not go far. There have always been and still more and more people who pursue the national interests of their people, who even thus sacrifice their lives.

Oppression is heavy when inhaled. Like a teapot, water flows inside it, so Paris will not get rid of you until independence, right? - Khodji had no doubt that his son was with "them." Therefore, he said on behalf of the majority: Abulbaraka answered in the same tone: - No !! People's aspirations are a very powerful source, let dust fall, stick into their eyes, but one day it will burst ... The holiest thing is blood shed for national liberation " (p. 356-357).

In our opinion, a writer through the character of Abulbaraka shows the political system of his country. He dreams of true independence. Therefore, the novel "Paradise Seekers" directly serves to assess the independence of Uzbekistan, a deep understanding of the essence and enormous significance of the blessings of independence, and to educate the younger generation in the spirit of independence. It should be noted that the novel "Seekers of Paradise" accurately reflects the power of free people.

The main ideological and artistic features of the poetry and prose of Shukhrat are also characteristic of his stage works. During his career, he also created comedies such as "Five-Day Groom" and "Grow Old Together". These plays glorify national traditions and the remarkable qualities of our people. Positive qualities in life- devotion to love and spiritual, moral impurity is ridiculed.

Overall, Shukhrat is a talented person, a creator loyal to his people and country. The language of his works is simple, free, close to the language of people, more precisely, it is an artistic depiction of the hopes and dreams of people. For this reason, the literary heritage of Shukhrat is one of the best examples of Uzbek literature of the twentieth century and directly serves to educate the young generation in the spirit of good. In short, as the Uzbek national writer Utkir Khoshimov admitted: He left his name in both life and work. I hope this name will live for many years. "

In general, each character in the novel "Paradise Seekers" is skillfully created by a writer, following the example of which the writer encourages people to walk and work, rather than go astray. This means that Shukhrat's novel "Seekers of Paradise" was written on time and, most importantly, is an excellent example of Uzbek literature that has not lost its artistic value. Everything in life is exemplary in achieving the spiritual maturity that a person requires from an era. The writer has always sought from them this essence.

Sources used:

1. Karimov I. "High spirituality - an invincible force" "Manaviyat" - T.: 2008.

2. Shaykhzoda. M. Pen and duty"Sharq Yulduzi" Magazine, №5, 1967.

3. Normatov U. Shukhrat.- T .:G. Gulom Publishing House of Fiction, 1969

4. Azimov A. The problem of a positive hero in the works of Shukhrat. Dissertation for the degree of Ph.D.- Samarkand, 1975;

5. Sharafiddinov O. Conclusion and preface. "Sharq Yulduzi" Magazine, №2, 1962; Karimova N. Positive heros in the works of Shukhrat. Magazine "Uzbek language and literature", №2, 1972; Jamal Kamal. "Methodological features of the

poetry of Shukhrat". Lyrical poetry-Tashkent .: Science.1986; Ikromov O. The novel "Stainless Gold" of Shukhrat as an artistic expression of the Great Patriotic War. Materials of the II scientific conference of Samarkand prof-teachers Samarkand, 1963; The same. Positive heroes in Uzbek novels. T .: G. Gulom Publishing House of Literature and Art. 1973; Khudoyberganov N. "The meaning of life." Sharq Yulduzi" Magazine, 1960; Fayziev B Adulthood." Sharq Yulduzi" Magazine, №12, 1960.Khojimatov J. An artistic reflection of life. "Sharq Yulduzi "Magazine, №8, 1967; Togaev O "Stainless Gold". "Guliston" Magazine.

6. Shukhrat."Bemalol yashasang bo'ladi" -T .: Publishing and printing house named after G.Gulam, 2008. (Further quotations are taken from this edition, the page is shown in parentheses)

7. The English interpretation of each poem is given below them.

8. Ozod Sharafiddinov. "Thoughts on the work of Shukhrat" "Yosh Leninchi" Magazine, 1971, May 21, 1998.

9. Jamol Kamol. Methodological features of the poem of fame // Lyrical poetry. -T .: Fan, 1986.

10. Normatov U. Ijod sehri.-T .: Sharq, 2007.

11. Shukhrat. Selection. Two volumes. First volume. "Paradise Seekers". - T.: Gulom Publishing House of Literature and Art. (Further quotations are taken from this edition and the page is shown in parentheses).

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