Научная статья на тему 'ROLE AND FUNCTION OF IDIOMS'

ROLE AND FUNCTION OF IDIOMS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Beisenova D.T., Kudritskaya M.I.

The article considers the linguistic examination of idioms, the role of idioms in the English language. English idioms are one of the foremost curiously, questionable, and significant issues of linguistics and relevant theme nowadays.

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Текст научной работы на тему «ROLE AND FUNCTION OF IDIOMS»

УДК 373.1.02:372.8



Bui maqalakumandijane omirlikmanyzdy maseleleriniri biri bolyp tabylatyn agylshyn tilindegi idiomalar, zhane onyn lingvistiqalyq roli turaly zertteu.


Эта статья посвящена лингвистическому изучению идиом и их роли в английском языке, что является одним из самых любопытных, сомнительных и жизненно важных проблем в лингвистике на сегодняшний день.


The article considers the linguistic examination of idioms, the role of idioms in the English language. English idioms are one of the foremost curiously, questionable, and significant issues of linguistics and relevant theme nowadays.

Learning languages is not as simple as it seems, in case of difficulties which complicate the whole process of education. However it is significantly to understand that this list of complex topics is vastly important. One of this them is Idioms. Idioms are vital and natural part of language, and one of the principal part of native speaker's daily life speech. In the English language there are a lot of idioms, and even native speakers do not remark how often they use them in every day speech. But why do people use idioms for? The answer is: just to express their thoughts clearly and understandably. In every decades and even centuries people have desire to get each other much better than they were, that is why it is not out of the blue. It implies that idioms developed, and today we are able to see how popular it became [5]. Nowadays, we also are able to notice that they have unpredictable meanings. A Beginner learner, probably translates it word by word, a pre-intermediate level learner translates it and understands, because of his or her previous education, therefore English language learners should learn not only grammar rules, but the lexis too. It is a known fact that if you intend to emigrate in English-speaking countries, you should

Beisenova D. Т.,

student, KSPU named after O.Sultangazin,

scientific adviser: M. I. Kudritskaya,

Candidate of Ped. Sciences, KSPU named after O.Sultangazin, Kostanay City

Tihindi sözder: synonimder, kolokeishnder, idiomalar, frazeo-logizmder.

Ключевые слова: идиомы, фразеологизмы, фразы, синонимы, словосочетания, выражения.

Keywords: idioms, idiomatic expressions, word combinations, synonyms, collocations, expressions.

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understand their daily speech, because they use idiomatic expressions. Moreover, using idioms in speech show how colorful and unique your speech is [1-5].

One of the fascinating thing that idioms are cultural and historical part of the language. Researchers' point of view runs us that peoples could borrow idioms from another peoples. For example: Cherchez la femme - There is a woman in it. It's a common opinion that English version of this French idiom was borrowed from the French language, because perhaps it explains us what is about the French idiomatic expression [68].

As one of the scientists says, essential cause why people use idiomsis, because they do not want to repeat one word many times, in case of it, we are able to see list of synonyms, for instance: every now and then - occasionally. Make up one's mind - decide. Make yourself at home - feel comfortable, feel at home. Rub someone the wrong way - irritate, annoy. At random -without order. Be all in - be extremely tired. Get along with - have good relationship. Have a word with someone - to talk. Do something behind one's back - do things secretively. Be in charge of - be responsible for. It is the easiest way to replace words, and native speakers use it in every way. G It is clear that native speakers use a lot of <C idioms in their speech, but they do not fully o understand that they do it. It is as common pi thing in their point of view, as we use


o phraseologies. We as native speakers know

¿J what our companion wants to say, in case

w of our awareness of idioms. After all let see

o this made-up conversation [1,9-10]: C Person A: That Tom is really a chip off the

§ old block, is not he?

X Person B: Well, the apple does not fall far

§ from the tree.

^ Person C: Oh, my goodness - that reminds

o me, the apple pie needs to be put in the oven.

X I almost forgot.

Person A: Good thing you remembered.

You'd better strike while the iron is hot.

Person B: Yep. A stitch in time saves nine.

Person C: And I hate to waste money by buying a pie instead of making it. A penny saved is a penny earned, you know.

Now clearly, there are 9283498 idiomatic expressions into this conversation, but the fact is, you heard them all at one point or another. If you didn't learn English idioms, you might be completely confused about this conversation. Are native speakers talking about kids, sculpture, agriculture, metallurgy, sewing, or personal finance? When do they eat the pies?

Idiom allows you to understand the context and content of the conversation going on here. Here is the same conversation in normal, un-idiomatic English.

Person A: That Tom really resembles his father, does not he?

Person B: Well, there is definitely a resemblance between parents and children.

Person C: Oh, my goodness - that reminds me, the apple pie needs to be put in the oven. I almost forgot.

Person A: Well, good thing you remembered. You'd better make use of this opportunity while it lasts.

Person B: Yep. Taking action in advance can often forestall or prevent trouble some repairs later on.

Person C: And I hate to waste money by buying a pie instead of making it. Not spending money is like earning it, you know.

This example can show significance of learning idioms when you are learning languages, however you cannot overuse it. Halliday and Wallow affirmed that native speakers use; idioms and they consider them to be an important part of their cultural heritage. Despite of that, Halliday and Wallow underlined that non-native speakers overuse; idioms, it means that they neglect of using; idiomatic expressions. As usually non - native speakers can understand it in wrong way, if their levels are not well enough. It means that in all languages there are a great

number of expressions whose meaning cannot be inferred from the individual words of the phrase. An expression in one language may not exist in some other languages or the language may have a very different expression to convey the same meaning [1113].

After all, why are idioms important and worth studying? Because idioms are a common part of normal everyday language use. They are also fascinating parts of the language. As Fernando (1996, 25) states "idioms not only ensure that our communication is coherent and cohesive, but they also produce discourse that is socially acceptable as well as precise, lively, and interesting". Furthermore, it is commonly agreed that a native-like command of a language demands familiarity with idiomatic expressions and the ability to use them fluently and appropriately [14-15].

According to this article, it seems that non- native speakers finally understand why they have to learn idioms for and why it is not beautiful when they overuse idioms in their speech, but how much colorful and unique their speech will be if they do not underestimate idiomatic expressions.


1 ,https://www.quora. com/Why -ar e - idioms-import ant-for-Engl ish-1 anguag el e arner s://study english. info/ everydayidioms.phphttps://www. englishdom.com/blog/vvodnye-slova-v-anglijskom/ (date of address: 23.03.2020)

2. http://study-english. info/every day-idioms.php (date of address: 23.03.2020)

3 .https://www.digitalpolyglot.com/


idioms-important-achieve-fluency/ (date of address: 23.03.2020)

4. http s://www. science direct, com/ science/article/pii/S0957417415003759 (date of address: 23.03.2020)

5 .https ://pedsovet. org/publikatsii/ angliyskiy-yazyk/sravnenie-frazeologizmov-v-russkom-i-angliyskom-yazykah://journalpro.ru/articles/ import ance-of-idioms-in-communication/ (date of address: 23.03.2020)

6. http s: // www. y e scenter. ru/blog/article s/ yazykovye-interesnosti/to_english_from_ french/ (date of address: 23.03.2020)

7.https://www. smart-words.org/quotes-sayings/idioms-meaning.html (date of address: 23.03.2020)

8. https: //en. m. wikipedia. org/wiki/Idiom (date of address: 23.03.2020)

9. http://study-english. info/everyday-idioms.php (date of address: 23.03.2020)

10.http://linguistics-konspect. org/?content=7809 (date of address: 23.03.2020)

11 .http://study-english.info/everyday-idioms.phphttps://ekaterinafirsanova. wixsite.com/idioms/idioms (date of address: 23.03.2020)

13. https://www. theidioms.com/work/ (date of address: 23.03.2020)

14.https://www.google.com/url?sa=t& source=web&rct=j&url=https://examples. S yourdictionary. com/idiom.html&ved=2ahU < KEwj2qcDp9KvpAhWRwqYKHbP9AiEQ O FjAoegQIBBAC&usg=AOvVaw20biQxjof gj mBEn9Zt65igVE O

15. https://www. excellentesl4u.com/ u idiom-examples.html (date of address: w 23.03.2020) o


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