Научная статья на тему 'Роль аутентичного материала в преподавании иностранных языков'

Роль аутентичного материала в преподавании иностранных языков Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Насирдинов Ойбек Абдубаннонович

Данная статья рассматривает методику преподавания иностранных языков, основанную на аутентичных материалах в условиях коммуникативно-ориентированного обучения. Автор статьи выявляет роль аутентичных материалов в процессе формирования иноязычной культурологической компетенции. Автор статьи считает, что аутентичный материал интересный и стимулирующий, его можно отобрать в зависимости от интересов учащихся, а также отражает действительное употребление языка в культурном контексте.

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The article under discussion depicts the technique of teaching foreign languages based on authentic materials in the conditions of communicatively-oriented teaching, the role of authentic materials in the process of formation of foreign-language culturological competence is revealed. The author of the article considers that authentic material is interesting and stimulating, it can be selected according to the students' interests and also reflects the actual use of the language in a cultural context.

Текст научной работы на тему «Роль аутентичного материала в преподавании иностранных языков»

THE ROLE OF AUTHENTIC MATERIALS IN TEACHING FOREIGN LANGUAGES Nasirdinov O.A. Email: Nasirdinov691@scientifictext.ru


Abstract: the article under discussion depicts the technique of teaching foreign languages based on authentic materials in the conditions of communicatively-oriented teaching, the role of authentic materials in the process of formation of foreign-language culturological competence is revealed. The author of the article considers that authentic material is interesting and stimulating, it can be selected according to the students' interests and also reflects the actual use of the language in a cultural context.

Keywords: authentic text, competence, authentic material, system, global, development, task, increase, role, influence, political life, culture, international.


Насирдинов Ойбек Абдубаннонович - преподаватель, межфакультетская кафедра иностранных языков, Кокандский государственый педагогический институт, г. Коканд, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: данная статья рассматривает методику преподавания иностранных языков, основанную на аутентичных материалах в условиях коммуникативно-ориентированного обучения. Автор статьи выявляет роль аутентичных материалов в процессе формирования иноязычной культурологической компетенции. Автор статьи считает, что аутентичный материал интересный и стимулирующий, его можно отобрать в зависимости от интересов учащихся, а также отражает действительное употребление языка в культурном контексте.

Ключевые слова: аутентичный текст, компетентность, аутентичный материал, система, глобальная, развитие, задача, повышение, роль, влияние, политическая жизнь, культура, международная.

UDC 372.881.1

During the years of independence Uzbekistan has become a part of the world community of states, a part of the world economic system with the global task to enter the most developed countries of the world community. The old age-old ties are not broken, but the development of economic relations gets a slightly different direction towards a broader international orientation. The impact of the economy on political life, and therefore on the education system, is undeniable. As a consequence of this influence, the role of foreign languages is increasing. Therefore, the task of second foreign language teachers is not only to educate, but also to promote the language and culture of the language being studied [3].

As is known, mastering the vocabulary and memorizing grammatical rules are not sufficient to master the communicative competence. The situation has radically changed in recent years. A huge number of people have an opportunity to travel abroad, cooperate with foreign companies, use Internet resources, read literature in English. Therefore, at the present stage, foreign language teachers are faced with the following goal: learning a foreign language culture, which includes both the development of linguistic abilities, mental processes and personality traits of the student, and learning the culture of the countries of the language being studied; education of the student's personality through the acquisition of

universal human values; mastering a foreign language as a means of communication and understanding the system of the language being studied.

Learning the culture of the countries of the studied language and understanding its system is possible only if authentic material is used.

The relevance of using authentic materials in foreign language learning lies in their functionality. By functionality we understand their orientation to real use, as they create the illusion of familiarizing with the natural language environment, which, according to many leading experts in the field of methodology, is the main factor in successful language acquisition.

Linguists refer to authentic materials:

• personal letters, jokes, articles, excerpts from teenage diaries, advertisements, maps, labels, charts and diagrams, schedules, cookery recipes, fairy tales, interviews, popular science and country texts, as well as TV and radio programs.

They also emphasize the importance of maintaining the authenticity of the genre and that genre-compositional diversity allows students to learn about speech clichés, phraseology, vocabulary related to a wide variety of spheres of life and belonging to different styles.

Authentic materials are materials taken from original sources, which are characterized by the naturalness of lexical content and grammatical forms, situational adequacy of the language means used, illustrates the cases of authentic word usage, and which, although not specifically designed for educational purposes, can be used in foreign language teaching [3].

The relevance of using authentic materials in foreign language teaching lies in their functionality. By functionality we understand their orientation to real use, as they create the illusion of familiarizing with the natural language environment, which, according to many leading experts in the field of methodology, is the main factor in successful language acquisition.

Currently, there are several classifications of authentic materials, let's consider some of them. Krichevskaya K.S. [1] gives a definition of authentic authentic literary, folklore, visual, musical works, objects of real reality, such as clothing, furniture, dishes and their illustrative images. Krichevskaya K.S. singles out materials of everyday life into an independent group of pragmatic materials (ads, questionnaires, signs, labels, menus and bills, maps, brochures on tourism, recreation, goods, work vacancies, etc.), which in terms of accessibility and everyday nature of application appear to be quite significant in creating the illusion of being introduced to the environment of native speakers and believes that their role is an order of magnitude higher than that of authentic texts from the textbook, although they may be inferior to them in volume.

It's believed that the concept of "pragmatic materials" should also include audio and audiovisual materials, such as information radio and television programs, news reports, weather forecasts, radio announcements at airports and railway stations. The use of such materials seems to us to be extremely important, as they are a model of a modern foreign language and create the illusion of participation in the daily life of the country, which serves as an additional incentive to motivate students.

Krichevskaya K.S. gives the following classification of pragmatic materials depending on their use in this or that area: educational and professional sphere of communication; social and cultural environment of communication; the sphere of everyday communication; commercial sphere of communication; family and household sphere of communication; sports and health sphere of communication.

Classification by E.S. Krichevskaya is largely identical to the definition of authentic materials given by G.I. Voronina [2], which defines them as authentic texts borrowed from the communicative practice of native speakers. She has identified two types of authentic texts, represented by different genre forms: functional everyday texts that perform an instructional, explanatory, advertising, or warning function: signs, road signs, signs, diagrams, diagrams, drawings, theatrical programs, etc.; information texts that perform an information function and contain constantly updated information: articles, interviews,

opinion polls, letters from readers to printed publications, current sensational information, announcements, explanations of statistics, graphics, advertising, commentary, reportage, etc.; the classifications of E.S. Krichevskaya and G.I. Voronina were considered by us for the general coverage of the problem raised, since, in our opinion, they do not cover the whole range of authentic materials.

Advantages of using authentic material in an audience:

• they are interesting and stimulating;

• they can be selected according to students' interests, or they can be selected by students themselves for their own purposes;

• authentic material reflects the actual use of language in a cultural context.

Thus, authentic materials are materials taken from original sources, which are characterized by the naturalness of lexical content and grammatical forms, situational adequacy of the language means used, illustrates the cases of authentic word usage, and which, although not specifically designed for educational purposes, but can be used in foreign language teaching [1].

References / Список литературы

1. Krichevskaya K.S. Pragmatic materials acquainting students with culture and environment of inhabitants of the country of the studied language // Foreign languages at school, 1996. № 1. P. 78.

2. Voronina G.I. Organization of work with the authentic texts of the youth press in high schools with profound study of the German language // Foreign languages at school, 1999. № 2. P.p. 67-78.

3. Umaraliev Z.B., To'ychiev I.K., Akramova N.M. Problems encountered in learning English for specific purposes // Вопросы науки и образования, 2019. № 3 (47). [Electronic Resource]. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/problems-encountered-in-learning-english-for-specific-purposes/ (date of access: 03.07.2020).

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