RESULTS OF RESEARCH ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF A 5LP LINTER WITH AN IMPROVED AGITATOR PADDLE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Numonov Mirjalal

This article presents the results of research conducted on the 5LP linter machine used in cotton primary processing enterprises. The agitator, which is one of the main working parts of linter machines, has been improved and compared with existing linter machines. Due to the high efficiency of the 5LP linter proposed as a result of the research work, according to the new requirements, cotton ginning enterprises should use 7 improved 5LP linters instead of 8 existing 5LP linters in the technological system, and in this case, 30.6 kW of electricity per hour from the reduction of one 5LP linter in the technology energy and, accordingly, spare parts consumption savings are determined. In this case, in order not to have a negative effect on the amount of oil extracted from the seed during technical seed lintering, it was determined that the distance between the saw teeth in the saw cylinder with the improved paddle tips should be set at 9-10 mm, and this distance should be set at 12 mm in order to prevent damage to the seed when linting the seed.

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апрель, 2023 г.

DOI - 10.32743/UniTech.2023.109.4.15233


Mirjalal Numonov


Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Republic of Uzbekistan, Namangan E-mail: mirjalolnumanov@gmail.com


HyMoHoe Мирджалал Абдумалик оглы

научный сотрудник, Наманганский инженерно-технологический институт, Республика Узбекистан, г. Наманган


This article presents the results of research conducted on the 5LP linter machine used in cotton primary processing enterprises. The agitator, which is one of the main working parts of linter machines, has been improved and compared with existing linter machines. Due to the high efficiency of the 5LP linter proposed as a result of the research work, according to the new requirements, cotton ginning enterprises should use 7 improved 5LP linters instead of 8 existing 5LP linters in the technological system, and in this case, 30.6 kW of electricity per hour from the reduction of one 5LP linter in the technology energy and, accordingly, spare parts consumption savings are determined. In this case, in order not to have a negative effect on the amount of oil extracted from the seed during technical seed lintering, it was determined that the distance between the saw teeth in the saw cylinder with the improved paddle tips should be set at 9-10 mm, and this distance should be set at 12 mm in order to prevent damage to the seed when linting the seed.


В данной статье представлены результаты исследований, проведенных на линтерной машине 5ЛП, используемой на предприятиях первичной переработки хлопка. Ворошитель, являющаяся одной из основных рабочих частей линтер машин, усовершенствована и по сравнению с существующими линтерной машинами. В связи с высокой эффективностью предложенного в результате НИР линтера 5ЛП, согласно новым требованиям, хлопкоочистительные предприятия должны использовать в технологической системе 7 усовершенствованных линтеров 5ЛП вместо 8 существующих линтеров 5ЛП, и в этом случае 30,6 кВт электроэнергии в час от сокращения одного линтера 5ЛП в технологической энергии и, соответственно, экономии расхода запасных частей. При этом, чтобы не оказывать отрицательного влияния на количество масла, извлекаемого из семян при техническом опушивании семян, было определено, что расстояние между зубьями пилы в цилиндре пилы с усовершенствованными лопастными наконечниками должно быть установлено на уровне 9 -10 мм, и это расстояние следует установить равным 12 мм, чтобы предотвратить повреждение семян при опушении семян.

Keywords: linter, agitator, parcher, saw cylinder, working chamber, seed roller, cotton, seed, fluff, hairiness, damage, productivity, quality.

Ключевые слова: линтер, ворошитель, пропеллер, пильный цилиндр, рабочая камера, посевной каток, хлопок, посевной материал, пух, ворсистость, повреждения, производительность, качество.

Introduction. Drawings of the industrial-experimental copy of the improved agitator, the paddles of which are selected on the basis of theoretical and practical studies in order to increase the productivity of the linter, improve the quality of seed and fluff, save electricity and spare parts consumption, the tips of which are bent at 60 degrees towards the rotation of the seed roller, "Cotton Industry Scientific Center" JSC prepared in the design department (Fig. 1). The prototype produced was installed on the 5LP linter at the seed linting shop of the

Kasansay cotton ginning enterprise of Namangan region "Namangan Pakhta TEKS" LLC, and the linter was improved (Figures 2, 3).

As a result of research conducted in laboratory conditions, effective linting process in technical seed lintering in the proposed agitator, improvement of the quality of produced seed and fluff is achieved by using the saw cylinder with agitator paddles in the range of 9 mm and 10 mm, and in the linter of seed seed in the range of 12 mm. taking into account that it was carried

Библиографическое описание: Numonov M. RESULTS OF RESEARCH ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF A 5LP LINTER WITH AN IMPROVED AGITATOR PADDLE // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2023. 4(109). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/15233

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out at a distance [1, 2], comparison tests were carried out at the above-mentioned distances between the agitator paddles and the saw cylinder.

For comparison-testing, seed linting with the improved 5LP linter was carried out on a 5LP linter with an agitator of an existing design selected for the experiment in the technological system. A saw cylinder with 160 new saws with an outer diameter of 320 mm and number of saws was installed on both linters. The rotational speeds of the saw cylinder and agitators in both 5LP linters were the same as in their passport, the saw cylinder was 730 rpm, and the agitator was 500 rpm [3].

Comparison-test work was carried out after 4 hours of use of new saws. Tests were conducted on I and III varieties of Andijan-36 selection cotton with initial

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moisture content of 9.3% and 12.1%, contamination of 4.8% and 7.6% [4, 5].

In the technology, there are 3 pieces of 5DP-130 type sawed seeds, the hairiness of the seeds produced from sawed seeds is 10.2% and 11.5% on average in the I and III varieties, and the damage is 3.4% and 3.57 was %. To determine the seed performance of the linters, the seeds produced from the 5LP linters selected for the experiment and offered were individually collected at 3-minute intervals and then weighed. Fluff efficiency was measured after 15 minutes of fluff was collected and weighed. Then, the seed and lint performance of the proposed and available 5LP linters selected for the experiment was determined.

1- shaft, 2- cross, 3-paddles Figure 1. A drawing of an industrial-experimental replica of an improved agitator paddle

In order to study the effects of 5LP linters on the hairiness, damage, lint contamination, and staple length of the linters, samples were taken and analyzed in the company's laboratory. In order for the results of the analysis to be accurate, the samples were repeated 7 times and their average values were obtained.

Working chamber of 5LP linter with agitator and 5LP agitator with existing construction agitator of Andijon-36 selection grade I seed at 9-12 mm change

of distance between agitator and saw cylinder from 0.34 (abs)% to 0.27 (abs)% , showed an average of 0.36 (abs)% to 0.4 (abs)% less than damaged (Fig. 4). The mass fraction of impurities and whole seeds in the lint produced changed from an average of 5.96% to 5.38%, compared to the mass fraction of impurities and whole seeds in fluff produced from the 5LP linter with the existing construction agitator. (abs)% decreased to 0.77 (abs)% (Fig. 5).



1-working chamber, 2-improved agitator paddle Figure 2. A linter with an improved agitator paddle

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The staple length of the fluff is 6/7 mm, and due to the improvement of its quality, according to the state standard UzDst 645:2016 "Cotton fluff" "Technical conditions", it corresponded to class I grade B type "Middle". In this case, the linter productivity averaged from 693 kg/h to 745 kg/h for seed, and from 27.9 kg/h to 24.8 kg/h for fluff, with the existing design agitator

taken for the experiment. The 5LP linter was found to be 70 kg/hr to 34 kg/hr higher than seed and 2.5 kg/hr to 3.1 kg/hr lint. Andijon-36 selection grade III seed with a hairiness of 11.5% and damage of 3.57% produced from 5DP-130 type sawing gins in technology in a 5LP linter with an existing agitator has an average hairiness level of 7.57 - 8.64%, damage was 5.76-5.16% [6, 7].


Impurities in lint, mass fraction of whole seed and lint separation, %

1, 3- in an existing agitator linter,

2, 4- in an improved agitator linter

Figure 4. Dependence of the hairiness and damage of the seed coming out of the working chamber on the distance between the saw teeth in the saw cylinder and the agitator

The mass fraction of dirty mixtures and whole seeds in the fluff produced from the linting process was on average 6.42-6.10%, and according to the quality indicator, it corresponded to the II type B type "Ilfos" class [8]. In this case, the productivity of the linter was 615-688 kg/hour for seed, 24.6-21.4 kg/hour for fluff. This indicator shows that in the 5LP linter with the proposed agitator, the distance between the agitator bent paddles and the saw cylinder is 9-12 mm. , and showed 0.15 (abs)% to 0.19 (abs)% less hairiness and 0.28 (abs)% to 0.4 (abs)% less damage than existing stirred 5LP linters (6 - picture). The mass fraction of impurities and whole seeds in the lint produced averaged 5.73-5.35%,

which is 0.69 (abs )% was found to be less than 0.75 (abs)% (Fig. 7). The staple length of fluff is equal to 6/7 mm, and due to the improvement of its quality, according to the state standard UzDst 645:2016, it corresponded to type II type B "Middle" class [9]. In this case, the productivity of the linter is an average of 672-734 kg/h for seed and an average of 27.1-23.2 kg/h for fluff, compared to the productivity of the 5LP linter with the agitator of the existing design. it was found to be higher from 57 kg/h to 46 kg/h for seed, and 1.8 kg/h for fluff from 2.5 kg/h.

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% £ f 3


Impurities in lint, mass fraction of whole seed and lint separation, %

1.3- in an existing agitator linter,

2.4- in an improved agitator linter

Figure 5. Dependence of the mass fraction of impurities and whole seeds in fluff and the separation of fluff with the stirrer and the distance between the saw teeth in the saw cylinder

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During the test period, the acceleration of the linter seed exit from the working chamber of the 5LP linter with an improved agitator was observed. As a result, the supply of new seeds from the linter supplier to the working chamber increased. Due to this, an increase in

the speed of rotation of the seed roller along the length of the chamber without jamming the seed roller in the working chamber occurred, and the process of effective lintering of the seed was carried out.

The distance between the agitator paddles and saw cylinder, mm

1, 3- in an existing agitator linter,

2, 4- in an improved agitator linter

Figure 6. Dependence of the hairiness and damage of the seed coming out of the working chamber on the distance between the saw teeth in the saw cylinder and the agitator

Due to the increase in productivity of the proposed improved 5LP linter, the coordinated technology of cotton preliminary processing - based on PDI70-2017, it is aimed to use 7 improved 5LP linters instead of 8 existing 5LP linters in the technological system for seed lintering of

cotton-textile cluster cotton ginning enterprises. lib, the reduction of one 5LP linter in the technological system results in a saving of 30.6 kW of electricity per hour and, accordingly, spare parts consumption [10].


vu Ш

E 9 10 11 12

The distance between the agitator paddles and saw cylinder, mm

1, 4- in an existing agitator linter,

2, 3- in an improved agitator linter

Figure 7. Dependence of the mass fraction of impurities and whole seeds in lint and the separation of lint with the stirrer and the distance between the saw teeth in the saw cylinder

Summary. Based on the results of the comparison research, in order to increase the productivity of the linter, to improve the quality of the seed and fluff, it is aimed to bend the ends of the paddles in the agitator by 60 degrees towards the rotation of the seed roller, and to make the length of the bent part 16 mm. was

studied. In this case, in order not to have a negative effect on the amount of oil extracted from the seed during the lintering of the technical seed, the distance between the saw teeth in the saw cylinder with the improved paddle tips should be set at 9-10 mm. It was determined that it should be installed in mm.

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1. Q. Jumaniyazov, M. Nomanov. A study of the influence of the bending direction of the agitator paddles on the 5LP linter on the acceleration of the linting process of the seed. Scientific-technical journal of Machine building. Special issue №6, 2022, Andijan, Uzbekistan.

2. M.Nomanov. Analysis of improvement processes of cleaning technologies from various impurities in cotton seed linting process. Scientific and technical journal "Problems of production technology" /ISSN 2181-8622/ - Special issue №6, 2022.

3. Pasport of saw linter 5LP.-Tashkent, 1981.-18 p.

4. UzDst 644:2006. Cotton. Moisture detection methods. Tashkent, 2006.-17 p.

5. UzDst 615:2018. Cotton. Technical conditions. Tashkent, 2018.- 4 p.

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7. UzDst 597:2016. Technical seed of cotton, Technical conditions. Methods for determining the mass fraction of defective seeds. Tashkent, 2016.- 10 p.

8. UzDst 662:2016. Cotton wool. Methods for determining the mass fraction of impurity mixtures and whole seeds. Tashkent, 2016.- 14 p.

9. UzDst 660:2016. Cotton wool. Methods of determining length. Tashkent, 2016.- 12 p.

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

10. Coordinated technology of cotton preliminary processing (PDI 70-2017). A.S. Under the general editorship of Kamalov. "Cotton Industry Scientific Center" JSC. Tashkent, 2017. - 91 p.

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