Научная статья на тему 'Results of Kamchatka ethno-linguistic expedition'

Results of Kamchatka ethno-linguistic expedition Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Текст научной работы на тему «Results of Kamchatka ethno-linguistic expedition»


Golz E.

My research work on Kamchatka during the period from 11.08. till 25.10.2003 was realized on the basis of the agreement of co-operation between Cologne University and International Centre of traditional cultures of the people of Kamchatka on the basis of the Kamchatka State Teacher Training University. The establishment of the contact as well as to the Centre and with native speakers in Palana passed with the help of friends of Doctor Alexander King from the Aberdeen University. This research work was carried out within the framework of the dissertation about text structures of colloquial Koryak language (Chavchuvensky dialect) at the University in Cologne. The purpose of work was to create a lot of the tape-recordings corresponding to a theme which would confirm a dialect.

The first stage of the research work was taken place in a summer International profile camp - expedition “Heritage” (07.08 -27.08.2003). There were got the first regional geographic knowledge of Kamchatka within the framework of seminars and first contacts were established there. Among the heads of seminars of the camp there was Galina Kavavovna Avev, the worker of the Institute of improvement of teachers in Palana, who was the bearer of Chavchuvensky dialect of Koryak language. First tape-recordings were made with her. As Galina Kavavovna Avev knows the written Koryak language she was charged to record her own texts to tape-recordings. The necessary spelling corrections were carried out by Eudokiya Pavlovna Pronina.

Last week of the work of the camp passed in national village Esso. There and also in the next village Anavgay, other native speakers (see the applied list of tape-recordings) were found. Galina Kavavovna Avev and Eudokiya Pavlovna Pronina accompanied with me up to a place of the meeting with native speakers and helped with an interpretation of texts. We had an experience about the work with native

speakers and understood that interrogators preferred the following kinds of texts in their stories: fairy tales, legends of traditional Koryak folklore, biographical stories (about their own origin and family history, interesting facts of their own biography), stories about important events of their own way of life, of culture and of a landscape.

On the 29th of August the research work was transferred to Palana where the main part of tape-recordings was made. Through the mediation of Valentina Romanovna Dedik contacts with native interrogators of Chavchuvensky dialect were established. There were made records of 11 native speakers. Records were added with the fragments which were taken from programmes of political matter of a local radio station. Record of tapes was held with the help of Ekaterina Ivanovna Dedik and Galiny Kavavovny Avev. As recording and its correction were connected to a great waste of energy and time it was made up the most part of the work. During the conversation with Galina Kavavovna and Ekaterina Ivanovna all obstacles were removed. The record on a computer will be done in Cologne. As on Chavchuvensk dialect it was talked on the territory of Koryak autonomous region there were established regional features of some native speakers.

In whole the work in Palana was complicated because of such daily problems as lack of water and infringement of electric supply. Thanks to the fact that interrogators were ready to help and due to co-operation of Institute of improvement of teachers the work was made rather well. One of the interrogators was written down in the village Koryak.

During the selection of the material I was interested on one hand regional geographic aspects such as a traditional way of life and feed of the Koryaks and on the other hand an establishment of contacts with other scientists in this sphere (Erich Kasten and Yukar Nagayama).

My work attracted people’s attention due to the interview on a local television.

With the purpose of research processing of the collected material it is planned the work on a computer with the help of the morphological, analytical program “Shoebox” in the Cologne University. Probably, it will be necessary to choose texts from the collected material for processing. On the one hand in the center of the analysis there should be typical peculiarities of a spoken language such as the insufficient organization of a macrostructure, syntactic infringements and features of the lexicon of a spoken language. On the other hand tests of tape-recordings should be shared on blocks which borders will be marked with pauses of various lengths. As the spoken language does not correspond to the classical definition of the syntactic structures, i.e. complete sentences, the spoken language will be considered with a support on Wallace Chafe as the colloquial unity being the basic source of the information about the structure of the language. Then various aspects of the structure of the text in micro and macrospheres should be constructively investigated. Theoretical development of the concrete statements of questions is still necessary.

The list of main tape-recordings:


Amma Kechgikovna Ukipa

(17.11.1921, v. Sobolevo, Sobolevsky region), Anna Kachevna Pelet (10.12.1924, v.

Соболево, Sobolevsky region): conversations with Eudokia Pavlovna Pronina and Galina Kavavovna Avev on various themes: these tape-recordings had not been fixed in written form yet.


Evvakh Vikivovna Chachim

(25.8.1932, v. Kolpakovo, Sobolevsky region): fairy tales, stories about her own family and the way of life.

Yatti Amontovich Ukipa (28.3.1944, v. Sobolevo, Sobolevsky region): legends,

stories about his own way of life, fairy tales.

Paul Ivanovich Rultjutegin (February, 1943, Chailina, Aliutorsky region): the story of his own biography and special events of the life, stories about the way of life and actual problems (the pension maintenance). Three

fairy tales, legends.


Valentina Romanovna Dedik (v. Top Pakhachi): different fairy tales, the story about her biography.

Ekaterina Ivanovna Dedik: the story about the biography, about events from own life, about the family, a way of life, fairy tales, the message about the Koryak writer Kessaj Kekketjun.

Antonina Vlasova: record of the

message from the archive of Koryak interrogator of the language.

Lukerya Penelkutovna Kisilyova (3.5.1949, Palana, Tigilsky region): three stories about the native nature and the Koryak way of life, four fairy tales, the story of her own birth.

Lyudmila Jakentovna Avilova (5.9.1940, v. Sedanka, Tigilsky region): the story about the Koryak image and a standard of living, legends.

Konstantin Nikitovich Avilov (1.9.1947, v.Belogolovje, Tigilsky region): the story about the biography, fairy tales, the text about processing of skins.

Oleg Kotavovich Omaj (24.11.1941, v. Voyampolka, Tigilsky region): the story of his own biography.

Olga Nikitichna Zhivaderova: Koryak riddles, two texts about education of children, two fairy tales.

Paul Cheche (25.8.1962, v.Talovka, Penzhinsky region): two fairy tales.

Anna Stepanovna Jakovas (v. Chailino): the story of the biography, three fairy tales, two stories about Koryak customs, the text about native plants, the text about her own school education.

Galina Kavavovna Avev (10.12.2003): four fairy tales, the text about a native landscape, the text about Koryak game for children, events from her own life, a song, the text about native plants.

Enclosure to the article

Nesterov Aleksey Egorovich

- Мэкннгн rblHHH?

- Tmmmo?

- B’a!

- Tmmmo Nesterov Alexey Egorovich. Enpich Nesterov Alexey Kirillovich.


- Ыллыгын в’аямлакин, grandmother, grandfather ...

- And grandfather мэки гынин в’эемлэкин?

- Ван, гымык ыллыгин


- And surname?

- Айгулатка. He has no surname. Grandmother Irina; чакэгыт итыткын - Irina Г’эйн’ав’, Irina.

- Гытта мэн’ ки мэйн’ ати?

- Гыммо тымэйн’атык Пытк’ агыйн’ ык.

- Гытта так’ ык вэтатэ Пытк’ агыйн’ ык?

- After school in 1950 I began to

study, secondary school. Pustoretsky sovkhoz итылк’и н’анык, тырэйталк’and school, for hunter тын’ъёк’ вэталк’ы. В’ыйин-ван-к’ун, в’ алат-ван никэлг’ у, тыв’ ълг’ у

титылк’ивыткы: ытти ман’ки

нанн’ивылкулк’и, н’анык к’этылк’и. That is игыньн’инэ в’ыйин-ван тын’ъёк’ тынмалк’ивыткына мэмыло. Мри, н’анин, никэ-к’ун, place, a rich island. Кыплёта мытынтылк’ ивыткына и никэтэ,

в’амалкута, игынн’инита. Well, н’ичачан’ тытгивык hunter, н’ анык, after school, and then чинин н’альвыльг’ыпи н’анык итылк’и мургина чининкин, two hundred and forty-six deer. And к’онпы интак’ нурок н’ альвыльг’ ыпи мытов ’ йипламык


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