Научная статья на тему 'Researches on development grain grinder-crusher for small farmers'

Researches on development grain grinder-crusher for small farmers Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Astanakulov Komil, Kurbanov Nematilla

In Uzbekistan the cattle is being fed by private or peasantry farms, farmers and other types of agricultural organizations. There is no any grain grinder for farmers who have a few numbers of the cattle. Therefore, the small grain grinder-crusher was developed for them

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Текст научной работы на тему «Researches on development grain grinder-crusher for small farmers»

Astanakulov Komil, doctor of sciences, department "Agricultural machines", Tashkent institute of irrigation and agricultural mechanization engineers Kurbanov Nematilla, assistant, the faculty of chemical-technology, Namangan engineering-technology institute, Uzbekistan E-mail: komil_uzmei@mail.ru


Abstract: In Uzbekistan the cattle is being fed by private or peasantry farms, farmers and other types of agricultural organizations. There is no any grain grinder for farmers who have a few numbers of the cattle. Therefore, the small grain grinder-crusher was developed for them.

Keywords: livestock-breeding, grinder-crusher, work quality indicators.

In Uzbekistan productions of agriculture and cattle are mainly being produced by farmers and peasants. Therefore, it is being paid great attention to produce new technics and technologies for these farms and many actions have been carrying out [1; 2; 3; 4; 5].

The livestock-breeding is one of the important branches of agriculture of Uzbekistan. One of the particular aspects of cattle branch of Uzbekistan is the organizing the cattle branch in peasant or private house farms that have less number of cattle and mini producing power.

This method is servicing not only increasing the volume of producing, but also, it is servicing to employee the population too. Nowadays, in our Republic 88,1 per cent of the total cattle are being fed in peasant or private house farms.

Although livestock-rising is developing in peasant or private house farms. In these farms many operations such as feeding them, forage preparing are still being done by manual labor. Because, farms have no mini equipment and implements for rising cattle and forage preparing.

According to above observed analysis, it was aimed that to develop mini equipment which is used for preparing forage in peasant and private assistant farms and also basing its parameters that provide work-quality according to defined requirement.

The analyzing of present equipments showed that, the total defect of rotor grinder and their work organs might be illustrated that they work at high rotation number, therefore they demand high energy and the balance of the work organs is broken down very fast. Almost all ofthe produced hammer grinder-crusher machines were adapted to grind and crush straightly.

According to situation of issue and analyze of the done researches until today the above written defect of the hummer grinder-crusher equipment may be arranged by influencing to the grinding grain step by step, namely the supposition was guessed that at first grain is ground, then it is crushed. For this idea the particular grinder should be cre-

ated, that must break the grain at particular sizes, so it should be provided that grinding, then the ground grain should be crushed according to present requirement and come out. For this, the particular the first part of the grinder rotor should grind the grain, and the second part should crush the grain that ground and it should send the ready ground forage to the out side.

Depending on above written, we carried out researches on development the small sized grain grinder-crusher for farmers and peasantry farms that satisfies its work efficiency and price, it can answer to the present days requirements with together "Navai manufacturer plant".

As a result of the researches the constructive and technological scheme of the small sized grain grinder-crusher, the first requirement for preparing first sample and technical task were developed also according to them the constructive schemes of the equipment were prepared.

Thus it should be noted that, the three sized view of the grain grinder-crusher (fig. 1) and its constructive schemes were drawn by the special modern technologies on the program "COMPAS".

This gives opportunity the automatization completely to project the equipment and make its some mechanisms, serviced to make easy and fast of work that was done.

The experimental sample of the grain grinder-crusher was created according to its constructive scheme. The length of the grain grinder-crusher is 610 mm, its width is 390 mm, the height is 750 mm, the constructive weight is 150 ± 10 kg, and it consists of two grinding parts. The diameter of the both parts is equal to 300 mm. the diameter of the rotor is 295 mm, the rotation number is 2950 rpm.


Figure 1. Three sized view of the grain grinder-crusher; 1 - frame, 2 - bunker, 3 - measuring bar, 4 - grinding part, 5 - grinding rotor, 6 - unloader spout, 7 and 8 - augers, 9 - belt, 10 - electric motor, 11 - switcher button

The grinder bars are installed on rotor in the first grinding part, their numbers are 2 pieces, and width is 50 mm, thickness 6 mm. In the second grinding part the small grinder hammers are installed with hinges on rotor, their numbers are 16 pieces and thickness is equal to 3 mm. The experimental-testing was carried out for purpose of defining the work capacity of the developed grinder-crusher. Nowadays, the grain of the corn and its cob are used considerably to feed cattle animals, that is why the corn was used as grinding material during the experiment.

According to results that were taken from prime experimental-test the first data was achieved on work quality indica-

Experiments showed that, when the grain of the corn moved through the first grinding part of the grinding-crusher, the grinding level of the grain was that, namely the ground grain that up to 2 mm organized 22.9 per cent, between 2-3 mm was 46.4 per cent, and more than 3 mm was equal to 30.7 per cent.

When the ground materials with exactly these indicators were moved through the second grinding part the indexes were equal to 89.3 per cent, 7.5 per cent and 3.2 per cent.

When the corncob was ground in grinder-crusher, its grinding level was much differently.

tors (look at the table).

Table 1. - Work quality indicators of the grain grinder-crusher

№ Component of the ground mass Grinding level, %

grain of the corn ear of the corn

during the first passing:

1. up to 2 mm 22.9 18.2

between 2-3 mm 46.4 23.6

more than 3 mm 30.7 58.2

during the second passing:

2. up to 2 mm 89.3 74.4

between 2-3 mm 7.5 19.8

more than 3 mm 3.2 5.8

For instance, when the ear of the corn passed trough first grinding part of the grinder-crusher, the components

that up to 2 mm organized 18.2 per cent, between 2-3 mm mass made up 23.6 per cent, and mass that is more than

3 mm made up 58.2 per cent. The production which was ground first in first grinding part of the grinder-crusher was passed through the second part of the grinder-crusher, after that in the component of the ground forage the quantity of the mass up to 2 mm increased significantly and reached to 74.4 per cent. The component of the forage that between 2-3 mm decreased slightly and it was equal to 19.8 per cent, the part that more than 3 mm went down dramatically and made up 5.8 per cent.

The grinding level of the ear corn increased dramatically during the second treatment, but in the second step their grinding level was coarser than grinding level of the grain. Also for smaller grinding the grain it was achieved only after treatment in the second part of the grinder-crusher.

According to results of the prime experimental-testing of the developed grinder-crusher the quality level of the forage production that was ground by grinder-crusher was defined by feeding the cows, horned cattle that was more than 1 years old and sheep. However, for young lamb and calf the forage has to be ground considerably smaller and it should be mixed with easy digester forage.

Depending on results the first experimental-testing of the grain grinder-crusher, in some farms its main experiments were

tested. Thus, the ear corn and its grain, the grain of the wheat and barley were ground, tested and its work indicators were defined.

After grinding the ear corn, when its grain was ground, grinding efficiency was 99.6 per cent, crushing efficiency was 98.4 per cent, the work efficiency in the real work period was 172,5 kg/hour, spending energy was equal to average 3.6 kW. It can be seen that, the work indicators increased more when the grain of the corn was ground than its ear was ground, but spending the energy increased to 28 per cent.

The much better indicators of the grinder-crusher were determined when the grain of the wheat was ground. According to result the grinding efficiency was equal to 99.8 per cent, crushing efficiency was 99.1 per cent, the work efficiency in the real work period made up 185.8 kg/hour and spending the energy was less than grinding the grain of the corn, it was demanded average 3.2 kW. Also, the grain grinder-crusher could work without any difficultness.

Like this easy working was defined by the grain of barley. The work quality indicators of the grinder-crusher on grinding efficiency was 99.5 per cent, crushing efficiency was 98.7 per cent and its work efficiency was less than grinding the grain of the wheat it was equal to 157.0 kg/hour, spending the energy was 3.3 kW.


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2. Astanakulov K. D., Kodirov B. X., Fozilov G. G. Development a New Type Corn-Sheller Machine for Farms in Uzbekistan // International Journal of Applied Agricultural Research. - Vol. 9. 2014. - No. 2. - P. 115-120.

3. Astanakulov K. D., Fozilov G. G., Baratov A. Researching of machines for early harvesting the cereal crops on small farm // European science review. - Austria, Vienna. 2015. - No. 9-10. - P. 127-128.

4. Astanakulov K. D., Karimov M. Working out and implementation of the safflower cleaning machine // European science review. - Austria, Vienna. 2016. - No. 3-4. - P. 278-280.

5. Astanakulov K. D., Baymetov R. I., Fozilov G. G. Results of the done theoretical research for choosing the type of hole of the corn sheller sieve and determining its useful area coefficient // European science review. - Austria, Vienna. 2016. -No. 7-8. - P. 225-228.

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