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Ключевые слова
strategic Alliance / knowledge management / organizational learning processes / стратегический альянс / управление знаниями / процессы организационного обучения

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Tan Pengwei, E.V. Sumina

Obtaining foreign advanced technology (or knowledge) as the main reason for Chinese enterprises to participate in international strategic alliances, this article starts from the perspective of Chinese enterprises, analyzes the influencing factors and learning methods of alliance organizations, and then reveals organizational learning mechanisms in international strategic alliances.

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Получив зарубежные передовые технологии (или знания) как основную причину участия китайских предприятии в международных стратегических альянсах, эта статья начинается с точки зрения китайских предприятий, анализирует факторы влияния и методы обучения в стратегических альянсах, раскрываются организационные механизмы обучения в международные стратегические альянсы.


УДК 334.7


Tan Pengwei Scientific supervisor - E. V. Sumina

Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology 31, Krasnoyarskii rabochii prospekt, Krasnoyarsk, 660037, Russian Federation E-mail:1459438271@qq.com

Obtaining foreign advanced technology (or knowledge) as the main reason for Chinese enterprises to participate in international strategic alliances, this article starts from the perspective of Chinese enterprises, analyzes the influencing factors and learning methods of alliance organizations, and then reveals organizational learning mechanisms in international strategic alliances.

Keywords: strategic Alliance, knowledge management, organizational learning processes.


Тан Пэнвэй Научный руководитель - Е. В. Сумина

Сибирский государственный университет науки и технологий имени академика М. Ф. Решетнева Российская Федерация, 660037, г. Красноярск, просп. им. газеты «Красноярский рабочий», 31

E-mail: 1459438271@qq.com

Получив зарубежные передовые технологии (или знания) как основную причину участия китайских предприятии в международных стратегических альянсах, эта статья начинается с точки зрения китайских предприятий, анализирует факторы влияния и методы обучения в стратегических альянсах, раскрываются организационные механизмы обучения в международные стратегические альянсы.

Ключевые слова: стратегический альянс, управление знаниями, процессы организационного обучения.

First we discuss the influencing factors of inter-organizational learning in the International Strategic Alliance. The process of inter-organizational learning in the International Strategic Alliance is a process in which the knowledge receiver (Chinese) learns, absorbs, and applies supplier (foreign) knowledge, and this process is affected by knowledge supplier factors, knowledge receptor factors, Knowledge factors, alliance factors, distance factors, and knowledge transfer channel factors.

Актуальные проблемы авиации и космонавтики - 2020. Том 3

Knowledge supply factors are mainly composed of knowledge transfer motivation, knowledge transfer capacity, and willingness to transfer knowledge; knowledge receptor factors are mainly composed of knowledge recipients' motivation to absorb knowledge, absorption willingness, absorption capacity, and knowledge mining ability; knowledge factors are composed of complex knowledge It consists of factors such as nature, form, specificity, quantity, etc .; the knowledge transfer channel (path) consists of network transmission, mutual technical personnel, and joint research and development; the distance factors of the two sides consist of knowledge distance, cultural distance, space distance, and management mode distance; alliance Factors consist of the type (structure) of the alliance, and the degree of trust among the alliance members. [1]

Second, let's discuss the way of inter-organizational learning in the League of Nations. Regarding alliance learning methods, there are different divisions from different perspectives. This paper adopts the dual orientation of organizational learning into single-ring learning, double-ring learning from the perspective of organizational learning, maximizing public interests and maximizing private interests. In this way, the opposite interests of the public and private spheres are concentrated on administrative personnel. As an individual, an administrative member is a member of the private sphere and takes personal interests as actions; however, because he plays the role of an exerciser of public power, it also determines that he has a series of responsibilities and obligations to safeguard public interests. Through legislative and institutional arrangements, the effective realization of personal interests is guaranteed from the mechanism, and the infringement of administrative officials' personal interests on public interests is avoided. By increasing the probability and rate of punishment of moral hazard behaviors, the expected cost of administrative personnel engaging in moral hazard behaviors is greater than the expected benefits. First, refine the legal system. [2] In this way, on the one hand, administrative staff who implement the legal system cannot be freely modified, their discretion is limited to the greatest extent, and the system loopholes in which they engage in moral risk behavior are eliminated as much as possible; on the other hand, administrative staff are The alliance adjustment phase is the second phase of alliance cooperation. At this stage, the two sides of the alliance have a certain understanding, the trust is increasing, and the communication between the two sides is gradually deepening. Through face-to-face contact, they can learn from each other (that is, interactive learning); and interactive learning is conducive to the acquisition of tacit knowledge. Therefore, at this stage, with the deepening of learning, the nature, value, and basic assumptions of organizational goals will be re-evaluated, that is, double-loop learning. Therefore, the main organizational learning method in the adjustment phase is double-loop learning, accompanied by single-loop learning.

Finally, we talk about the construction of the Chinese learning mechanism in the International Strategic Alliance. The main reason for China's participation in international strategic alliances is to acquire advanced foreign technologies (mainly advanced management technologies or knowledge). Obtaining explicit knowledge is relatively easy, the key is obtaining tacit knowledge. Considering the factors influencing the study of the characteristics of the motivational knowledge of Chinese participation in the League of Nations, the way of learning, and other aspects, a mechanism for organizing learning in the International Strategic Alliance was established. In international strategic alliances, Chinese companies generally lag behind well-known foreign companies in terms of technology and management. In order to effectively obtain advanced foreign knowledge (management and technical knowledge), joint ventures and minority equity alliances with close cooperation relations can be selected. These two types of alliances are suitable for tacit knowledge transfer between organizations. When an international strategic alliance is established, it is best for

Chinese companies to clarify the knowledge and technical know-how learned from their partners in advance. -The aspect is because the content of learning is clear, which makes Chinese learning targeted and can improve the efficiency of organizational learning. On the other hand, it can make both partners have a realistic expectation, thereby reducing the "taste of gunpowder" in the learning process. Here, the Deming cycle, which is the "plan-implement-inspect-improve" cycle (or PDCA cycle), can be used to acquire knowledge. [3] This can reduce the differences between the two parties in the alliance, enhance mutual trust between the alliance partners, and enable the successful transfer of knowledge between the two parties. In the international strategic alliance, the main body of the alliance is the enterprises of different countries. Due to the huge differences in language, it has brought inconvenience to the communication between the two sides and caused learning obstacles. Therefore, after the alliance is established, we must work hard to learn the language and culture of the other country, and reduce learning difficulties caused by differences in language and culture. In addition to the factors that affect Chinese learning of foreign advanced technology (or management) knowledge, in addition to its own willingness to learn and knowledge itself, absorptive capacity is also one of the key factors. Absorptive capacity refers to a company's ability to recognize, evaluate, accept, and sell external knowledge and to commercialize it. And the organization can only learn through the members of the organization, and the personnel assigned to it are the main learning agents. [4] Both sides of the alliance must conduct effective learning. In addition to clearly specifying the knowledge transfer responsibilities of the knowledge provider in the alliance contract, they must also design a reasonable benefit distribution mechanism based on their contributions to the alliance. Because it is impossible to do everything in the contract, it is necessary to supplement the income distribution based on the contribution of the knowledge donor in the process of transferring knowledge. Establishing a reasonable benefit distribution mechanism can promote the willingness of knowledge donors to transfer knowledge. The combination of the two can effectively promote the transfer of knowledge in the alliance. Knowledge management runs through organizational learning, and organizational learning revolves around knowledge. Through effective knowledge management, knowledge can be fully shared among employees. Effective knowledge management can be achieved by building a knowledge warehouse and setting up a knowledge director as mentioned earlier. In addition, it is also possible to enhance the quality of employees and enhance their ability to absorb the knowledge of alliance partners by strengthening training of employees. [5]


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© Tan Pengwei, 2020

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