Научная статья на тему 'The role and significance of strategic alliances in scope of international innovation and Technical development'

The role and significance of strategic alliances in scope of international innovation and Technical development Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Kuzmina Tatyana Ivanovna

The article describes the factors affecting the changes in market strategies of international companies at the present stage of global economic development, their role in the process of transformation of inter-firm interactions. Today, many companies seeking to transnationalization, retreating from the practice of mergers and acquisitions and seek strategic alliances as a more modern form of inter-firm interactions. In the field of innovative and scientific-technical development of strategic alliances become an effective organizational model for accelerating the development and introduction of new market innovations, implementation of unique projects that revolutionize world market and provide members of the Alliance leadership in terms of tightening international competition. Many firms seek to conclude as many of the "cross" strategic alliances with the aim of monitoring of international market of innovations and high technology products that allows you to control tendencies of innovation processes in the world.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The role and significance of strategic alliances in scope of international innovation and Technical development»

экономические науки

Кузьмина Татьяна Ивановна РОЛЬ И ЗНАЧЕНИЕ ...

УДК 334.726



© 2017

Кузьмина Татьяна Ивановна, доктор экономических наук, профессор кафедры мировой экономики Российский экономический университет им. Плеханова (117997, Россия, Москва, Стремянный пер., 36, e-mail: tutor007@list.ru)

Аннотация. В статье рассмотрены факторы, влияющие на изменение рыночных стратегий международных компаний на современном этапе мирового экономического развития, показана их роль в процессах трансформации межфирменных взаимодействий. Сегодня многие компании, стремящиеся к транснационализации, отступают от практики слияний и поглощений и стремятся к созданию стратегических альянсов, как на более современную форму межфирменных взаимодействий. В сфере инновационного и научно-технического развития стратегические альянсы стали эффективной организационной моделью ускорения разработок и внедрения новых рыночных нововведений, реализации уникальных проектов, которые революционируют мировой рынок и обеспечивают участникам альянса лидерство в условиях ужесточения международной конкуренции. Многие фирмы стремятся заключить как можно больше «перекрестных» стратегических альянсов с целью мониторинга международного рынка инноваций и наукоемких товаров, что позволяет контролировать тенденции инновационных процессов в мире.

Ключевые слова: стратегические альянсы, мировое инновационное развитие, конкурентоспособность стратегических альянсов.


© 2017

Kuzmina Tatyana Ivanovna, doctor of economics, professor, department of world economy Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (117997, Russia, Moscow, Stremyanny lane 36, e-mail: tutor007@list.ru)

Abstract. The article describes the factors affecting the changes in market strategies of international companies at the present stage of global economic development, their role in the process of transformation of inter-firm interactions. Today, many companies seeking to transnationalization, retreating from the practice of mergers and acquisitions and seek strategic alliances as a more modern form of inter-firm interactions. In the field of innovative and scientific-technical development of strategic alliances become an effective organizational model for accelerating the development and introduction of new market innovations, implementation of unique projects that revolutionize world market and provide members of the Alliance leadership in terms of tightening international competition. Many firms seek to conclude as many of the "cross" strategic alliances with the aim of monitoring of international market of innovations and high technology products that allows you to control tendencies of innovation processes in the world.

Keywords: strategic alliances, world innovative development, competitiveness of strategic alliances.

The current stage of world innovation and scientific and technological development is characterized by a change in the general strategic directions of the companies. The transformation of strategies is directly related to the intensification of the processes of developing and implementing the latest electronic and telecommunication technologies, as well as the globalization of consumer standards. The impact of these factors led to the buildup of the following trends in global production and the world market:

- differentiation and increase of the competition of the offer, expressed in the rapid growth of the range of products and services. In this case, the consumer enjoys a wide choice, and the capabilities of the Internet can significantly speed up the search for the necessary goods and services that meet his individual needs;

- combination of technologies, both in the production sector and in the consumption. So, for example, mobile communication today gives the buyer an opportunity to find the necessary goods on the Internet, as well as pay for their purchases using electronic purses;

- harmonization of international standards for goods and services. Strengthening of the unification and standardization of products and services leads, on the one hand, to the development of a world market for efficient technologies, and on the other hand, to increase of the awareness and competence of consumers-users. Active standards in the field of technology, ecology, statistical and accounting reporting, education have become widely applicable;

- explosion in the field of communications. Electronic communications form systems that allow one center to manage production located in different countries, while the quality of effective management does not deteriorate;

- information exchange is available in real time. There are constantly emerging new forms of product marketing; there is a revolution in the spheres of management and marketing. Access to financial management and investment allows you

to instantly make transactions;

- increased requirements for professionalism and competence of employees of international firms;

- access to open innovation and international innovative cooperation. Companies actively borrow know-how and innovations from partners and competitors. There is an active renewal of products, technologies of business processes.

In the current trend, strategic alliances are undergoing transformation, both organizationally and institutionally, being influenced by the basic principles of management theory, which is called today "knowledge management" [1].

There is a concept of the life cycle of strategic alliances. Researchers of strategic alliances T. Dez and N. Rakhman have formulated the stages of their development (see Table 1).

Table 1- Strategic alliances development stages [2]

Stage Specification

Establishment stage Partners look for approaches to each other, create an alliance and exchange resources. Alliance is only possible if there is a high level of collective capabilities apd low level of conflicts

Operational stage At this stage, the alliance either grows, develops and expands, or ceases to operate. Partners implement all agreements concluded within the alliance

Resulting stage The results of creating a strategic alliance at this stage materialize. There are four possible options for further development: stabilization, transformation, descent or termination

Considering the stages of development of strategic alliances proposed by scientists, it should be noted that this algorithm lacks the main advantage of this form of interfirm cooperation, which many foreign experts outlined at the end of the 20th century. They considered strategic alliances as almost the only instrument of international innovation development, which is carried out through the "diffusion" of knowledge - specific skills and technologies of doing business, know-how, which represent the company's unique assets, which allow to receive significant additional


Азимут научных исследований: экономика и управление. 2017. Т. 6. № 3(20)

Кузьмина Татьяна Ивановна РОЛЬ И ЗНАЧЕНИЕ ...

economic sceinces

profit thanks to the "innovative" image of participating firms [3].

Today, it is indisputable that the competitiveness of an enterprise in the international market is determined by its ability to generate innovative solutions. Innovations allow the company to become a market leader in science-based and high-tech products only for a period of time limited to the moment when competing companies start copying and introducing this innovative product into their own production. Therefore, successful companies are forced to continuously participate in active innovation processes and work on the creation and production of more and more perfect goods and services. This requires enterprises to increase innovative activity, which is easier to implement, using current widely applicable practice of creating multiple cross-alliances. Participants of multiple cross-alliances consolidate intellectual, scientific, technical, production and financial resources to jointly develop promising innovations and know-how. Companies decide to join such multiple project alliances, guided by the following opportunities.

Firstly, the strategic project alliance serves for an extension of the intellectual capital of participating companies. Partners gain access to technological innovation, managerial know-how and organizational cultures of each other.

Secondly, the combination of intellectual and financial resources makes it possible to reduce the time needed to move from the stage of experimental development to the creation of prototypes, and as a result - finished products.

Thirdly, by creating a strategic alliance for the implementation of the existing innovation project, companies choose reliable partners who will actively support the distribution of new products later when they enter the market.

Fourthly, participation in the project alliance minimizes the company's financial and reputational risks in case of failure.

Thus, strategic alliances in the sphere of innovative and scientific and technological development have become an effective organizational model for accelerating the development and introduction of new market innovations, implementing unique projects that are revolutionizing the world market.

Many companies seek to conclude as many «cross» strategic alliances as possible in order to monitor the market of innovations and knowledge-intensive products, which allows them to control the general trends of innovation processesl.

Examples of innovative strategic alliances are as follows: inter-firm integration of such successful companies as Toshiba, IBM, etc. (Fig. 1, 2).

Figure 1. Strategic project alliances of Toshiba

At the current stage of development of the international economy the role and expansion of strategic alliances is growing. Heads of enterprises consider this form of interfirm integration as a flexible method of cooperation based on mutual trust and benefit. Many companies striving for transnationalization deviate from the practice of mergers and

acquisitions and opt for creating strategic alliances as a more modern and effective form of cooperation.

Figure 2. Strategic project alliances of IBM

There are many types and forms of international strategic alliances that partner companies can choose. It is extremely important at the initial stage to take the right course for further development of joint activities, since the success of such cooperation is based not only on the choice of a reliable partner, but also is dependent on the following factors: correctly chosen strategic goals, type and form of the alliance, effective governance and long-term business plan. Strategic alliances are primarily established in the innovation sphere, which gives companies a number of advantages in comparison to other forms of business combinations, their resources and capabilities in the field of R&D. The conclusion of strategic alliances significantly increases the competitiveness of partner firms in the global market in the face of global competition.


1. Gridchina A.V., Kuzmina T.I., Mal'tseva A.A. Evolyutsiya metodologii upravleniya v usloviyakh ekonomi-cheskoy transformatsii. Monografiya. Tverskoy gos. un-t. Tver', 2015. - 138 s.

2. Gridchina A.V., Dobryshina L.N., Kuzmina T.I. Metodologiya ekonomicheskoy nauki i kontseptual'nyye voprosy formirovaniya vysokoeffektivnykh organizatsiy: monografiya. Tverskoy gos. un-t. Tver', 2014. - 284 s.

3. Zobov A.M. Innovative role of strategic alliances: international practice and the situation in Russia [Electronic resource] / Zobov AM / / Vestnik PFUR - 2012. - №4 - P. 38-48.- Access Mode: http:// journals.rudn.ru/economics/ar-ticle/download/11940/11370.

Статья поступила в редакцию 16.07.2017.

Статья принята к публикации 25.09.2017.


Azimuth of Scientific Research: Economics and Administration. 2017. Т. 6. № 3(20)

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