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Ключевые слова
E-Research / libraries / research data / knowledge sharing space / электронные исследования / библиотеки / данные исследований / пространство для обмена знаниями

Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Liu Bo

The development of E-Research has changed the paradigm of research communication and brought new opportunities for the development of Chinese libraries. In order to respond to the development of E-Research, Chinese libraries should build a knowledge-sharing space with a more complete system. The article introduces the significance of building a knowledge sharing space in Chinese libraries in the E-Research environment, explains the direction and obstacles of building a knowledge sharing space in libraries, and finally proposes suggestions for building a knowledge sharing space in Chinese libraries in the E-Research environment.

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Развитие электронных исследований изменило парадигму исследовательской коммуникации и открыло новые возможности для развития китайских библиотек. Чтобы отреагировать на развитие электронных исследований, китайские библиотеки должны создать пространство для обмена знаниями с более полной системой. В статье рассказывается о важности создания пространства для обмена знаниями в китайских библиотеках в среде электронных исследований, объясняются направления и препятствия в создании пространства для обмена знаниями в библиотеках и, наконец, предлагаются предложения по созданию пространства для обмена знаниями в китайских библиотеках в Электронная исследовательская среда.


УДК 351.85 DOI: 10.24412/2308-264X-2023-6-335-339



Ключевые слова: электронные исследования; библиотеки; данные исследований; пространство для обмена знаниями

Развитие электронных исследований изменило парадигму исследовательской коммуникации и открыло новые возможности для развития китайских библиотек. Чтобы отреагировать на развитие электронных исследований, китайские библиотеки должны создать пространство для обмена знаниями с более полной системой. В статье рассказывается о важности создания пространства для обмена знаниями в китайских библиотеках в среде электронных исследований, объясняются направления и препятствия в создании пространства для обмена знаниями в библиотеках и, наконец, предлагаются предложения по созданию пространства для обмена знаниями в китайских библиотеках в Электронная исследовательская среда.




Key words: E-Research; libraries; research data; knowledge sharing space

The development of E-Research has changed the paradigm of research communication and brought new opportunities for the development of Chinese libraries. In order to respond to the development of E-Research, Chinese libraries should build a knowledgesharing space with a more complete system. The article introduces the significance of building a knowledge sharing space in Chinese libraries in the E-Research environment, explains the direction and obstacles of building a knowledge sharing space in libraries, and finally proposes suggestions for building a knowledge sharing space in Chinese libraries in the E-Research environment.

With the current technology development, the resource sharing and communication between Chinese researchers and librarians have gradually developed in the direction of digitalization, which has led to great changes in the construction of shared knowledge space in libraries. E-Research is a comprehensive concept that refers to the application of information, and technology to each stage of the research process with the development of information and technology. E-Research includes Innovation, collaboration, development, processing, and sharing and research data. The concept of E-Research has created a new digital, interdisciplinary model of scientific research, which is supported by technologies such as cloud computing, data organization and mining. As a centralized resource location, the construction of knowledge sharing space in digital libraries can provide researchers with a more comprehensive resource query system to assist them in their research. Researchers can also provide the library with more research results and data to enrich the library's database. Therefore, building a knowledge sharing space for users and libraries in the E-Research environment can not only enrich library resources, but also provide researchers with a more convenient and efficient way to search for resources.

1. Significance of constructing the knowledge sharing space of the library in E-Research environment

1.1. Relying on the development of informationization and adapting to the digital era

Under the development of informationization and digitalization era, the creation of library knowledge and information sharing space has become the trend of the times. With the development of the Internet and information technology, more and more readers rely on the Internet for literature access. In the E-Research environment, researchers in the new era are gradually getting used to learning with the help of information technology. In the age of information technology, it is faster and more efficient to obtain research results and materials from the Internet, and it has become inevitable to use the resource sharing platform to query and obtain knowledge.

1.2. Promote scientific research reform and change scientific research methods

Nowadays, most research institutions have changed the traditional research mode based on paper-

based data to one based on information-based research results in order to comply with the development of the information era. The construction of knowledge sharing platform in E-Research environment can help researchers get rid of the limitation of time and space, effectively improve the efficiency of researchers and transform the traditional research mode.

1.3. Respecting researchers and meeting their needs

The development of the Internet and the information age has enabled researchers to use the Internet to obtain information, and the Internet has become the main way to obtain knowledge. In this context, researchers have increasingly high demands on the digitization of libraries. The library has taken

corresponding countermeasures to meet the needs of researchers, namely, the creation of a knowledge sharing space. The main purpose of creating a knowledge sharing space is to provide better services for users, to meet their needs to the maximum extent possible, and to promote the dissemination and sharing of research data. To meet this need, the library has created a basic process for building a Knowledge Commons, in which librarians integrate data and upload it to the database. Users can both upload and access data. At the same time, librarians need to integrate and process data well, and strengthen the cooperation between libraries and research departments to build a better library knowledge sharing platform [1].

2. New directions of library knowledge sharing system space construction in E-Research environment

The development of E-Research has triggered the change of modern information dissemination mode, which provides new opportunities and directions for the construction of library knowledge sharing space.

2.1. Open management of research data results and materials

With the development of modern informationization, paper resources are decreasing and digital resources are increasing, and digital resources have become the main body of modern scientific research results. digital scientific research environment under E-Research environment has made great changes in the information communication mode, data transmission efficiency and knowledge sharing characteristics of researchers. The interaction of information and the transferability and sharing of data have also become the new demands in the E-Research environment. E-Research is a kind of scientific research activity built on the Internet technology, which integrates various key technologies such as network technology and virtual reality technology, and aims to provide a secure and shared information-based data platform for researchers. Therefore, E-Research is built on a more accurate data set, which requires libraries to realize the sharing of research data results and information as soon as possible to accelerate the research process.

2.2. Strengthening the management of research data and materials

With the widespread use of information technology resources and the large-scale circulation of research data results, libraries should strengthen the level of data storage and management in addition to meeting the basic needs of scientific research. At present, there are still some limitations in the knowledge sharing between research institutions and libraries in China. In foreign countries, in order to better adapt to the E-Research environment, many countries have formulated the responsibilities of different subjects from the legal level, requiring libraries and research institutions to open up research data results and provide data bases for more research projects. For example, the UK has introduced several regulations to require research institutions to take responsibility for data sharing and encourage researchers to share data. In recent years, China has also promulgated a relevant law, the Method of Scientific Data Management, which elaborates the responsibilities of scientific research institutions and data confidentiality measures and requires the establishment of an effective data management system in order to effectively promote the construction of a space for sharing scientific data results and information [2].

2.3. Construction of scientific data results and information guarantee system

In the E-Research environment, the number of scientific research data results has proliferated, and the process of handling and processing these data consumes a lot of human and material resources. In the increasingly complex information-based research environment, there are many data that need to be processed urgently. Therefore, more and more researchers are eagerly looking for libraries to provide data refinement, integration and analysis services to reduce the human and material costs incurred in data processing and provide stronger support for research. e-Research development has effectively changed the research model, realized cross-space and cross-disciplinary research communication, and provided a good environment for rapid data transfer and sharing. Under such circumstances, libraries should respond to the requirements of E-Research, build a research data results and data guarantee system according to the needs of researchers, and better play the role of library knowledge sharing space in scientific research.

3. Analysis of obstacles to the construction of library knowledge sharing space under E-Research environment

The development of scientific research activities relies on accurate data, which requires scientific research institutions to manage data so that they can be effectively processed, preserved and shared. Although libraries, as research service institutions, have already had some experience in data storage, there are still obstacles in knowledge processing and sharing.

3.1. Challenges in the security of data storage

Under the development of the information age, the scientific data results are growing faster and faster, and the number of unstructured data is increasing, which poses difficulties to the data management of libraries. There are certain problems in integrating and screening data as well as storing them. Scientific data results are time-sensitive, and not all data need long-term storage, so libraries need to classify and store long- and short-term data. Currently, data from different disciplines are stored categorically, resulting in poor connectivity of data from related disciplines. There are also differences in the way data are stored and searched in different disciplines, which has an impact on the user's search experience, and the long-term storage of data inevitably has the potential for data loss and leakage.

There is a risk of data loss and leakage in the long-term storage of data. Although libraries have adopted certain protection measures to protect research data results and resources, the frequent circulation of data in the information age and the adoption of open networks by most libraries pose certain difficulties to the security management of data.

3.2. Insufficient coordination between scientific research institutions and libraries

In the E-Research environment, research workers are one of the main service objects of libraries, and libraries play a good role in supporting research work. Research users have high professional requirements when searching data, which requires more specialized data management in libraries. With the development of E-Research, more and more researchers have a demand for open access to knowledge sharing space, which requires libraries and research institutions to further open up the scope of data access. However, there are still many libraries that only open data to special institutions and have independence in knowledge sharing, which is not conducive to the construction of library knowledge open sharing space. Even many libraries adopt the traditional resource delivery method and do not develop new resource delivery system, which leads to scientific research institutions not being able to access the required data smoothly.

The lack of coordination between research institutions and libraries hinders the construction of the open knowledge sharing space under E-Research environment.

3.3. Lack of complete hardware facilities in libraries

Advanced technologies such as visualization and virtual reality technologies in the E-Research environment are new tools for data management in libraries today, which facilitate the sharing of data. Many libraries today need to build specialized databases to store data more scientifically and efficiently. The construction of knowledge sharing spaces requires advanced data management and transmission technologies, which need to be supported by high-end servers to enhance the storage space. Currently, however, many libraries suffer from insufficient funding and incomplete infrastructure, which tend to negatively affect the maintenance and updating of the system, and thus impede the storage and sharing of data [3].

4. Suggestions for the construction of library knowledge sharing space under E-Research environment

4.1. Establishing a good model of library knowledge sharing space

To comply with the development trend of E-Research, libraries need to establish an open ecosystem of science and technology data results services and compose a knowledge sharing space model to organize and analyze data for querying data, as shown in Figure 2. the model is divided into three layers, which are application sharing layer, association analysis layer and basic data layer.

4.1.1. Application sharing layer

The library should load the interrelated data into the service system and create an interface that can show the relationship between the data and help users to retrieve and browse the data. Researchers can also interact with users at this layer and make their own suggestions for the knowledge sharing platform. This not only facilitates the construction of the platform, but also creates a good academic atmosphere. In this one model, more high-end search methods can be used to strengthen the association between different databases, which is conducive to the expansion of search scope and guarantees the professionalism of library services.

4.1.2. Association Analysis Layer

Libraries can integrate different data resources, use existing data for semantic transformation, and promote the matching between existing data and correlated data.

The library can integrate different data resources, use existing data for semantic transformation,

and facilitate the matching between existing data and linked data. Data management is achieved by using appropriate URI naming, and then PDF technology is used to semantically relate data between different disciplines, integrate data, and form data sets and output. In order to increase the sharing scope of the sharing platform, it is also necessary to establish connections to related data, clarify the relationship between different data, and share data in a larger scope.

4.1.3. Basic Data Layer

The library mainly acquires data through cooperation with research institutions and integrates and analyzes research results. Due to the differences between different disciplines, metadata standards describing different disciplines differ, and the format and quality of data provided by different research institutions vary, which brings obstacles to the dissemination of data. Libraries should establish unified data standards, and researchers should also upload data scientifically and comply with platform specifications for information transfer to ensure the effectiveness and security of data sharing [4].

4.2. Establishing a reasonable scientific data sharing policy

The generation, dissemination and use of scientific data results and materials involve many subjects such as libraries and scientific research institutions. To build a good library knowledge sharing space, it is necessary to make knowledge sharing policies according to the characteristics of different subjects. The state should formulate relevant laws and regulations on knowledge sharing to provide guidance for the construction of library knowledge sharing space in the E-Research environment. Scientific research institutions should set up data sharing specifications according to organizational needs, clarify the format of basic metadata and data dissemination requirements, etc.; they should also formulate reasonable storage methods and intellectual property protection measures, etc. Libraries, on the other hand, should carry out good storage of data according to national requirements and do a good job of protecting intellectual property rights.

4.3. Develop a well constructed technical system

Under the Research environment, the effective application of advanced technology not only helps to upgrade the overall service system of libraries, but also improves the management efficiency of knowledge circulation in libraries. From the hardware perspective, in order to realize a more perfect library knowledge sharing space construction, technologies such as big data and virtual reality should be utilized to build a good scientific data results and resource management platform to provide support for the integration of data. It should also make use of cloud computing and other high technologies to establish a systematic security authentication system to realize the integration of data collection, integration, analysis and utilization and avoid information leakage. For example, the libraries of Peking University and Wuhan University have carried out the construction of data management platforms to provide a secure environment for the sharing of library information. From the software level, libraries should not only develop data management and storage tools, but also need to cooperate with research institutions to unify the standards and specifications of data management and realize unified data management.

4.4. Building a complete service system

Scientific research data results and information come from scientific research activities, and different scientific research organizations have different requirements for the management of data. In practice, many scientific research projects require the participation of multiple organizations, and if good data sharing is not possible, it is easy to cause the waste of resources and time. As the main body of data services, libraries should carry out different services to address the key points of different organizations and enhance the service awareness of multiple subjects. To this end, libraries should strengthen the cooperation with government departments and research institutions to form a multi-subject service system and realize the interoperability and sharing of multi-subject information.

4.5. Formation of Scientific Management Standards

In order to better meet the needs of libraries in the E-Research environment In order to better meet the needs of library users for scientific data results in the E-Research environment and to build a library knowledge sharing space, libraries should coordinate all efforts and form scientific management standards to promote data sharing and communication. Library users need to provide specific services in accordance with the relevant management specifications, which is the basis for ensuring the effective use of scientific data results and the premise of unified management specifications. Libraries should choose open links for management, develop unified standard specifications, provide web services, provide data retrieval platforms and interfaces for users, and carry out good co-construction of knowledge sharing platforms

between scientific institutions and libraries [5]. 5. Conclusion

Libraries are centers of scientific data results and resources, academic institutions for research and teaching. In the E-Research environment, the paradigm of scientific research based on Internet technology has gradually formed and changed the way of scientific research, which has put forward higher requirements for the open sharing of library knowledge. Therefore, libraries need to understand the development trend of E-Research and pay attention to the issues related to the construction of library knowledge sharing space, so that Chinese libraries can become supporters of scientific research.

References and Sources

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ЛЮ БО - бакалавр, младший библиотекарь-исследователь, Хэйлунцзянская академия социальных наук, провинция Хэйлунцзян, Китай (1909008612@qq.com).

LIU BO - B.S., Associate Research Librarian, Heilongjiang Academy of Social Sciences, Heilongjiang Province, China.

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