TO THE QUESTION OF INNOVATIONS OF UNIVERSITY LIBRARY MANAGEMENT MODE IN THE INFORMATION AGE Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Liu Bo

With the rapid development of the information age, new requirements have been put forward for the management of university libraries. This paper sorts out the current situation of Chinese university library management, analyzes the existing problems in the management of Chinese university library, and puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions to optimize the management process of Chinese library. It was especially noted that libraries should become a platform for people who have not only the need for knowledge, but also for communication. They should provide readers with access to the necessary professional knowledge, reference and consulting services and documents.

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II. Beketov A.N. Ispolzovanie instrumentov marketinga dlia upravleniia finansovoi ustoichivostiu torgovogo predpriiatiia Vestnik RGTEU - 2014 - 12 91.

12. Salakhieva M F., Nikolaeva Liu. Razrabotka modelei diagnostiki i prognozirovaniia veroiatnosti bankrotstva predpriiatii Audit i finansovyi analiz - 2012 - 3 - S 178-186

13. Vasin N.S., Chistiakov V.V. Upravlenie ustoichivostiu predpriiatii na osnove monitoringa i diagnostirovaniia ego vneshnei i vnutrennei sredy Ekonomicheskii analiz teoriia i praktika - 2014 - 48 399 - S 58-65

14. Bukhov N.V., Aliev S.A. Finansovaia ustoichivost predpriiatiia v usloviiakh tsifrovoi transformatsii ekonomiki Finansovye issledovaniia - 2019 -1 62 - S 126-134

15. Bogdanova T.K., Shevgunov, T.J., Uvarova O.M. Primenenie neironnykh setei dlia prognozirovaniia platezhesposobnosti rossiiskikh predpriiatii obrabatyvaiushchikh otraslei Biznes-Informatika - 2013 - 2 24 - S 40-48.

АСТАФЬЕВА ОЛЬГА ЕВГЕНЬЕВНА - кандидат экономических наук, доцент, заведующая кафедрой «Экономика и управление в строительстве», Государственный Университет Управления (aoe@list.ru).

ШАРИПОВА ЕВГЕНИЯ АНАТОЛЬЕВНА - старший преподаватель кафедры «Экономика и управление в строительстве», Государственный Университет Управления (ilinur@mail.ru).

ASTAFIEVA, OLGA E. - Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Economics and Management in Construction, State University of Management (aoe@list.ru).

SHARIPOVA, EVGENIYA A. - Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics and Management in Construction, State University of Management (ilinur@mail.ru).

УДК 338.24 DOI: 10.24412/2308-264X-2023-2-298-301



Ключевые слова: информатизация; управление библиотекой; оптимизация процесса.

С бурным развитием информационной эпохи к управлению университетскими библиотеками предъявляются качественно новые требования. В статье рассматривается текущая ситуация с управлением библиотеками в китайских университетах, анализируются существующие проблемы в управлении библиотеками, предлагаются некоторые предложения по оптимизации процесса управления библиотекой в Китае. Особо отмечено, что библиотеки должны стать платформой для людей, имеющих не только потребность в знании, но ив общении. Они должны предоставить читателям доступ к необходимым профессиональным знаниям, к справочно-консультационным услугам и документам.




Key words: Informationtization; library management; process optimization.

With the rapid development of the information age, new requirements have been put forward for the management of university libraries. This paper sorts out the current situation of Chinese university library management, analyzes the existing problems in the management of Chinese university library, and puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions to optimize the management process of Chinese library. It was especially noted that libraries should become a platform for people who have not only the need for knowledge, but also for communication. They should provide readers with access to the necessary professional knowledge, reference and consulting services and documents.

Chinese library construction has a very important value in the modern fast-developing information age, so the library construction should keep up with the development of the information age in order to meet the contemporary college students' desire for knowledge and our daily learning life, and the college library has an important role and a place in the knowledge composition of the contemporary college students and even in the future for the national construction. The university library is an important and indispensable component of the educational resources for the students, and is responsible for the important tasks of teaching and student development in the university. The university library is the core of the trinity of literature collection, management and service, and it is also an important part of school informatization and social informatization. With the rapid development of the computer information era, computer information technology is widely used in various fields, driving people's economic development and social progress, as well as the progress of mankind. The development of the computer information era has changed the traditional economic model, for example, the traditional agricultural development introduced computer information technology makes agricultural development more rapid, freeing people's hands to

rely on physical problems, not only in agriculture, the rapid development of computer information technology at the same time also promotes the development of higher education to digital, networked. At the same time, university libraries have also changed from the most traditional mode of relying on human resources for statistical registration to the modern management mode of relying on computer information technology. Although the research on the management mode of university libraries has had high achievements, especially the introduction of knowledge management theory and process management concept has greatly improved the construction and management effectiveness of university libraries, but it is far from enough to reach our desired goal.

Optimize the business process of China library

Research ideas of business process optimization in Chinese libraries

The object of our research is university libraries, and our goal is to reengineer and optimize the management mode of university libraries to better meet the needs of contemporary college students. By introducing the management concept and technology of business process reorganization and reengineering in the management of library literature and information resources, we construct a complete system of models and strategies for effective management of university libraries in the knowledge-based economy, and take a university as an example for business process practice . We found out the problems of college libraries in the application for contemporary college students in the information era, and then optimized the reengineering of library business processes under the corresponding problems; then we investigated and studied the the college students and people who use college libraries by asking questions, and then investigated the degree of completeness of college library literature and information resources, moreover the degree of old and new information resources, finally, found the problems we need to improve. For the management of literature and information resources in college libraries, the survey was conducted to find the areas that need to be improved, and it was proposed that the optimization of business process reengineering in college libraries should be the target task, and the optimization of business process reengineering in college libraries should be further modified and designed. To achieve what we expect to do today in the rapid development of information technology to achieve business process reengineering optimization of college libraries to meet the current needs of college students.

Research methodology of business process optimization of in libraries

College library business process optimization is a more complex and comprehensive problem, therefore, we investigate the optimization to use different expertise, used a variety of research methods to analyze the problem from different perspectives, our main research used several methods such as, a literature research method; what we need to study is the problem of college library business process reengineering optimization, at home and abroad on the issue of college library optimization has excellent We can find the literature about the process reorganization, business operation optimization, environment design, service quality improvement and space layout design of college libraries to achieve the purpose we need to achieve for the relevant research. Secondly, practical survey method; we can use practical survey, survey college library managers, and college library students, etc., summarize our survey, get the problems about college library management, conduct fieldwork in each library, communicate with the relevant person in charge, and finally analyze, summarize and generalize the suggestions and data from the survey.

The current situation and problems of library management in Chinese colleges and universities

Overview of the current situation of literature and information resources in university libraries

In the era of information technology with the rapid development of computer, we need more and more knowledge, and the field of knowledge we need is more and more extensive. In the era of rapid development of computer, our demand for information also increases, and, we also pursue more and more fast and convenient information inquiry to avoid tediousness. What we need to do now is the contradiction between the needs of modern people and the relatively backward, slow progress and long period of literature resources construction, low efficiency, resulting in inefficient services, seriously lagging behind the demand for literature and information resources of teachers and students. In particular, from the perspective of diversification of collection resources, the library is mainly based on paper books, but in recent years the introduction of electronic paper books has driving the rapid development of computer information technology, people need more and more complex and diverse knowledge system, the

development of computer information technology, the electronic information library gradually by the library's attention and concern, the computer Under the influence of the development of computer informatization, the electronic information base has gradually received the attention and concern of the library, and the computer informatization and the library are cooperated more perfectly to provide better services for the university students.

Business Processes and Problems of College Libraries

Firstly, the problems in documentary information resources collection, and the main problems faced by university libraries are listed below. Nowadays, university students concerned far more than before, and with the increasing demand for information, but at the same time, it causes certain difficulties to librarians, which affects the full use of readers; the funding of library resources is insufficient, so that librarians cannot replenish new books in time, but university students, the rapid expansion of the number of academic, per capita possession of books declined; books can not be updated in a timely manner, in today's information technology told the development of various fields of expertise is also very rapid, if they dp not timely replenishment of books, can lead to temporary stagnation of expertise, making the value of books far less important than before, students can not update the knowledge they have. The copyright of traditional paper books is doing better than the electronic books that are now developing at a high speed. Now for the copyright of electronic literature resources, we do not have a universally recognized effective method to solve it, and although the high-speed development of computer information technology brings many advantages, at the same time, it has many disadvantages, and the information on the network is arbitrary, free and uncontrollable, leading to the electronic information knowledge that we The electronic information knowledge of the query is full of untrue and incorrect information.

Secondly, the information service environment problem; although colleges and universities have begun to pay attention to the development and construction of libraries, most of them have introduced electronic information into libraries, but due to some following old rules and regulations, the information management system is far behind the pace of development of modern libraries.

Thirdly, the necessity of business process management innovation in university libraries; one is the demand of environmental changes. As mentioned earlier, our modern society is a computer high-speed development of society, computers have driven the high-speed development of many industries, people live in this world, comply with and adapt to the development of society, we need to update more and more knowledge, need to involve more and more knowledge, for a college student, shoulders the development of a society, is the hope of the future of society, to bring about the development of a country, in the library. In such a fast developing society, it is obvious that the speed of updating paper knowledge and the wide spread of knowledge cannot keep up with the development of the society nowadays, so we introduce information technology into the contemporary business process reengineering innovation of university libraries, so as to provide information management services to university students and ensure that the library can play the role it needs to play. Secondly, it is the demand of the development of socialized service level. In China, the main service objects of university libraries are university teachers and professors and university students, but in foreign countries, university libraries have been open to the society, so that more and more people to understand knowledge, query knowledge, for this kind of open university libraries, as well as extending their own value, the object of borrowing and returning books and querying electronic documents to expand into the society with the needs of We should also learn about the relevant institutions. We should also learn the relevant system to expand the service objects of university and college libraries to meet the needs of the development of socialized service level.

Analysis of business processes in Chinese university libraries Objectives and principles of design improvement program

With the rapid development of computer information technology, electronic information technology has been introduced into university libraries, and the library management mode has changed from relying on human management to relying on computer management. The goal of designing the design improvement plan of university library business process reengineering is to seize the opportunity of rapid information development, combine information technology better, and provide a strength to the optimization of library business process reengineering so that university libraries can face more people and So that the university library can get better development. The principles of designing a business process reengineering program for college libraries are, first, feasibility. For the principle of feasibility,

we should propose and improve a plan based on the premise that the plan can be implemented, so that the plan can be best developed to meet our ideal goals. Second, the principle of continuous improvement. We can try to start from a small change and keep optimizing, so as to get better results. Third, people-oriented, that no matter what we do, the first thing is to think of people, and everything is implemented from a human-centered starting point.

Business Process Reengineering Design for College Libraries

We optimize the business process reengineering of university library, for the first time, according to the transformation from the traditional library business process, combining paper document information and electronic information technology, introducing electronic books and information technology management book mode, turning the traditional human statistics books, statistics borrowing and returning books into self-entry by computer, and quickly updating and replacing electronic books. The paper books in the traditional library mode are of course essential, so what we need to do is to build a modern library with electronic and paper books as one and complementary. In response to the specialized and hierarchical subject needs, a subject-oriented service group or team based on subject knowledge can realize deep and specialized information value mining of information resources, which can improve the flexibility, polygon and compatibility of library information services. This information acquisition is an optimization of the traditional mode of library to obtain information by human, and the use of computers to statistically enter relevant information can greatly save manpower, in a more optimized and faster way, moreover in a kind of load-shedding for people. The statistical data will be organized and classified in a database, and the information will be analyzed and summarized by computer, and further stored in our pre-prepared database, which will improve the target of information collection and greatly reduce the time and manpower consumed.

Business Process Reengineering Model for College Libraries

In addition to providing borrowing and returning books and inquiring information like traditional university libraries, the library can also become a platform for people who mostly have needs in the society and provide them with corresponding professional knowledge, and should open a reference consulting service and documentary information guarantee service in the library. The library should also set up its own website, so that people can go online without the library to check the professional literature they need, and upload all their electronic data to provide a better service for those who need it, so that it can better play its value.


Literature information is an important resource of university library, which plays an important role in students'study, teachers' teaching and scientific research. Under the information age, it is necessary to reform the traditional management mode, apply the information technology to the library management, connect the information technology with the library resources, and then better serve the teachers and students in colleges and universities.

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ЛЮ БО - младший библиотекарь-исследователь, Хэйлунцзянская академия социальных наук; Харбин, Китай. LIU BO - Associate Research Librarian, Academy of Social Sciences, Harbin, China (909008612@qq.com).

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