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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Prodius O.I.

The article deals with the research features of enterprises modern innovative development in the conditions of inclusive economic growth. The foreign experience of enterprises innovative development is emphasized. The concept definition of “enterprises innovative development” is developed. The models of innovative development that are specific for the countries of different development level are highlighted. The essence of: the Euro-Atlantic model, the East Asian model, the alternative model, and the model of «triple spiral» are discovered. In the process of research implementation it is defined, that each of the considered models of innovative development has its own advantages which are realized at operating conditions of one or another country.

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npodiyc O.I.

к.е.н., доцент, 3aeidyea4 кафедри менеджменту Одеський на^ональний полiтехнiчний утверситет,

Одеса, Украша


Prodius O.I.

PhD. in Economics, associate professor, head of the Department of Management, Odessa National Polytechnic University Odessa, Ukraine


Annotation. The article deals with the research features of enterprises modern innovative development in the conditions of inclusive economic growth. The foreign experience of enterprises innovative development is emphasized. The concept definition of "enterprises innovative development" is developed. The models of

44 Wschodnioeuropejskie Czasopismo Naukowe (East European Scientific Journal) #3(55), 2020 innovative development that are specific for the countries of different development level are highlighted. The essence of: the Euro-Atlantic model, the East Asian model, the alternative model, and the model of «triple spiral» are discovered. In the process of research implementation it is defined, that each of the considered models of innovative development has its own advantages which are realized at operating conditions of one or another country.

Key words: innovative development, inclusive growth, economy, foreign experience, models of innovative development.

The problem statement. Due to strengthening of globalization and competitiveness level in the world, formation of the methodological and methodical principles of countries' CAE increase today acquires the special actuality of features research of enterprises modern innovative development in the conditions of inclusive economic growth: foreign experience. Unfortunately, at present Ukrainian economy does not fit the context of modern scientifically technological and innovative development strategies of European socio-economic space.

Innovativeness is a determining feature of modern scientific and technical,

entrepreneurial, socio-economic and all public processes. Ukraine's fate depends on the acquirement of innovative development mechanisms: whether it will move in the direction of including to the number of the developed countries, whether it will remain a stagnant country on the roadside of scientific and technical and social progress. It is concerned with general principles of social development, in keeping with them there is a transition from mainly reproductive to the innovative type of development in the world. Innovativeness - it not only a key to a dynamic development, welfare, personal success, but also a means of a country's sovereignty, its competitiveness in the super complicated modern world. In the last decades the problem of innovative policy formation and realization increasingly come into the notice not only among scientists but also business leaders and political figures. Innovations influence the socio-economic development can result in radical structural changes in economy and society and considerably influence on all the cost creation chain - from suppliers to the end users. At the same time the innovative policy depends on the different subsystems of the general socio-economic system, whose structural descriptions and management mechanisms influence the political processes and proper results. It means that in any country it is necessary to develop the successive interdisciplinary flexible set of political tools in the field of innovations and activity related to them. The developed world countries actively use innovations in competitive activity on the world markets. They are gradually approached by fast-growing countries, in particular some Asian countries.

Today Ukraine also belongs to the countries which declare the innovations importance for the decision of the country's urgent socio-economic problems. At the same time structurally technological changes which have taken place in the independence years had elemental character to a great extent, and the basic mechanisms of growth continue to be concentrated in the group of industries, whose competitiveness mainly

depends on the extensive productive factors usage and needs in relation to a low level in innovative activity, based on the export of raw material commodities and products of lower productive redistributions, which stipulates the low economy competitiveness, unequal exchange and considerable country's lag in socioeconomic development.

The problems urgency is determined by the necessity of the most rapid economy transformation on the innovative development rails. Overcoming the crisis consequences and switching to sustainable growth direction depends on efforts efficiency of the state and business in the context of economy diversification processes development, its increase level, innovativeness and creation of conditions for realization of population's capabilities which in Ukraine has the European level of education.

Analysis of recent researches and publications. Such scientists were engaged in theoretical and practical features research of countries' innovative development in the world technological development: D. Vadsvorf, M. Hrubert, M. Meshko, M. Rykhtyk, T. Stadt and others.

A significant contribution in the problematic study of features of enterprises modern innovative development in the conditions of inclusive economic growth was made by such foreign scientists: A. Hradov, P. Druker, P. Zavlin, S. Ilienkova, M. Kondratiev, S. Kuznets, E. Mensfield, H. Mensh, A. Nikolaiev, B. Santo, D. Sakhal, R. Solou, B. Tviss, J. Tirole, P. Fatkhutdinov, P. Forrester and others. The financing issues of innovative processes in the necessity conditions of the model of innovative development were investigated by the following domestic scientists: I. Alieksieiev, A. Biliuk, V. Boponos, D. Vankovych, V. Hlushchenko, N. Demchyshak, Ya. Dropa, I. Yepifanova, I. Zhuhan, V. Yokhna, V. Kovalenko, O. Kolodiziev, V. Kostetskyi, M. Krupka, O. Melnyk, C. Onyshko, V. Oparin, Yu. Pasichnyk, S. Filyppova, L. Fedulova, B. Pshyk, I. Pevak, P. Svyderskyi, V. Stadnyk, V. Fedosov, Z. Yurynets and others.

Despite the importance of the current scientific developments, the issue requires further study in the field of its improvement in terms of present-day requirements. In particular, there is a need to deepen the content of enterprises modern innovative development in the conditions of inclusive economic growth: foreign experience. Further development requires a set of issues related to defining the state and finding priorities in the formation of providing innovative system, which corresponds to the national economy innovative development strategy.

The problem urgency, the theoretical and practical needs of practice, the importance and significance of

these issues have led to the choice of topic, goal setting and research objectives.

The aim of the article is to carry out a theoretical analysis and empiric features research of enterprises modern innovative development in the conditions of inclusive economic growth: foreign experience.

To realize the purpose of the study, it is necessary to solve the following problems:

- to find out the features of enterprises modern innovative development;

- to analyze the content of enterprises development in the conditions of inclusive economic growth;

- to consider the factors of enterprises modern innovative development realization in the conditions of inclusive economic growth;

- to investigate the foreign experience of enterprises modern innovative development.

The main part of the article. The traditional economic systems usually pursue the aim of the economic growth and prosperity, however, the economic growth does not always cause the intensive economic development. Countries with economies in transition must complexly take into account factors, that are necessary for economic development. In economic science and practice the implementation issues of new theory of economical development, which takes into account the innovative orientation of technological, administrative, organizational, institutional and other system transformations in the world economy [1-3]. The stable economy growth in each industrial branch of a country's economy depends on the development level of innovative sphere. Providing of swift and dynamic growth needs the proper level of technical, technological, scientific and staff supplying, introduction of new innovative projects and proper defense of scientific, innovative, intellectual and informative property of enterprises and their developments which are the innovative safety issues, as a component of enterprises economic security.

One of the first interpretations of the category "economic growth" was given by C. Kuznets in the work "The Economic Growth Measurement". By the analogy with classic determination of a living organism growth he interprets the economic growth as a process, which consists of separate co-operations as a result of which an economic matter enters national economy and is transmitted from one its part to the other one. In researches which were published later, under the economic growth he already understands the long-term increase of a holding's ability to provide the most various necessities of population by more effective technologies and proper institutional and ideological changes. He also notices, that an epochal innovation which characterizes a present economic epoch consists in the extended application of science for solving problems of economic production [7-9].

Unfortunately, in Ukraine the economic growth is achieved mainly by extensive, resource-consuming and provided a way mainly due to the development of extractive sector industry branches, ignoring the creation of intensive economic development due to the

innovative model of economic development which testifies to low efficiency of political and economic decisions, not able to provide steady country's socio -economic development and increase its inhabitants' welfare level.

Thus, quota of expenditure on innovative developments in the total sum of state expenditures is 6 - 7 % in the USA, 4 - 5 % in France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, 3 - 3,5 % in Japan. In Ukraine, in obedience to the law of Ukraine «On scientific and technical activity» - 1,7%. Positive is the fact that the state takes the lead and is the scientific programmes coordinator (in particular Conceptions scientifically technological and innovative development of Ukraine, Innovative development strategies of Ukraine on 20102020 in the conditions of globalization challenges and others) which have an important national value for the decision of problems of country's economy innovative development.

The contents of «innovations» was published in J. Schumpeter's work in 1913 «Theory of economic development» as such, and consists of five basic constituents:

- new commodities introduction (commodities which a consumer is not acquainted with, or commodities of a new kind);

- introduction of a new method of products manufacture (a method that has not been used in this production field before );

- a new market opening, whereon this country's industry branch has not been presented;

- new source of raw material and semi-finished products conquest;

- a new organizational structure introduction in any industry.

Thus, an innovation is specific social activity (function) which is carried out within the economic sphere framework with a commercial purpose, while an invention can be conducted everywhere, by somebody without the commercialization purpose.

In accordance with a modern international standard, fixed in the documents of the European commission, an innovation is examined as the final result of creative activity, that has obtained embodiment as the newest or improved products which will be realized at the market, or a new or an improved technological process which is used in practical activity [1].

Enterprises innovative development in the conditions of inclusive economic growth are innovations which are called to bring profit or result in cardinal changes in the activity of an enterprise or a state in ultimate total. The innovations establishment process begins with an idea, which through intention grows into an innovation or inventions which under act of business-environment factors and commercialization process become innovations.

The main implements of inclusive growth achievement are: investments realization in a human capital, new workplaces creation, providing economy structural transformation, development and realization of progressive tax policy, social protection effective

Wschodnioeuropejskie Czasopismo Naukowe (East European Scientific Journal) #3(55), 2020


system organization, prevention of discrimination, social integration providing of a company's separate members, a strong institutional base creation [2].

International experience of enterprises innovative activity formation and development has made a considerable way and proves that there are typical models of innovative development, namely:

> Euro-Atlantic (Great Britain, Germany, France, etc.);

> East Asian (Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan);

> Alternative (Thailand, Chile, Turkey, Jordan, Portugal, etc.);

> «triple spiral» model (The USA, a series of European countries).

The table. 1. ranks top ten countries during 20152019 after the development level of enterprises modern innovative development in the conditions of inclusive economic growth.

Table 1

Top ten countries ranking during 2015-2019 according to innovations development

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

South Korea South Korea South Korea South Korea South Korea

Japan Germany Sweden Sweden Germany

Germany Sweden Germany Singapore Finland

Finland Japan Switzerland Germany Switzerland

Israel Switzerland Finland Switzerland Israel

The USA Singapore Singapore Japan Singapore

Sweden Finland Japan Finland Sweden

Singapore The USA Denmark Denmark The USA

France Denmark The USA France Japan

Great Britain France Israel Israel France

According to the analysis result level of the innovation development one can say that the first place during the period under review remains after South Korea. One of South Korea's innovative development features is the state's purposeful support of mainly large companies in particular. Each of the countries, which is included in top ten leaders, develops itself after the innovative typical model.

An Euro-Atlantic model (traditional) is a model of complete innovative cycle - from innovation forming to applying in an industry. This model is used in the West European countries, where all the elements of research works are presented, namely developed: fundamental and applied science, test items development, their start-up.

In these countries (Great Britain, Germany, France and others) the state pays large attention to commercialization, innovative projects financing (grants), stimulation of research direction enterprises creation at higher education institutions. Methods, which are used for innovativeness stimulation in Great Britain, France and Germany, are sufficiently wide: from business incubators creation to young specialists integration which are able to initiate techno-technological innovations.

The East-Asian model of innovative development is peculiar to the countries of East-Asian region, such as: Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, China, Singapore. In such innovative systems models the fundamental ideas formation stage is absent. Countries that apply such innovative development model are oriented on the highly technological products export, but adopt technologies at the countries of «traditional» model.

The alternative model of innovative development is mainly used in agricultural countries, for example, in Thailand, Chile, Jordan, Portugal, Turkey. It is also used in countries, where agriculture plays a key role in economy. In such countries raw material inventory is

particularly absent, and also potential in the area of fundamental and applied science. Hereupon not only the fundamental and applied science block but also highly technological component are poorly presented or in general absent in the innovative systems of these countries.

The countries of innovative development alternative model in the innovative policy, as a rule, emphasize on staff training in the spheres of economy, finances, management, sociology and labour psychology, and also on development of separate branches of light industry, creative industry and recreation. Great attention is also paid to management «growing» for the local representative offices of multinational corporations, world participating banks, international political structures, etc. It should be noted that such a re-orientation of innovative development from the high-tech to the high-hume often allows a very high level of economic respect to be achieved.

The model of «triple spiral», so-called «Triple Helix Model», has recently got a considerable distribution. The model of «triple spiral» has got most development in the USA, and it separate elements - in some developed countries of Western Europe, Nordic countries. It is based on the network mechanism of actions concordance and public consensus formation at making decision, which is based on the collaboration principle. The model of «triple spiral» is built in accordance with the inter-structural co-operations mechanism, which arise up as the result of economy and company development and lead to hybrid organizations appearance, which execute both traditional and unacceptable for them in the society roles [4-6].

This model peculiarity consists of universities, enterprises and state co-operation, on every stage of innovative product creation. Such partnership is given as a hybrid social construction, basic properties of

which is crossing of three plurals of relations and increased adaptability to the changes which take place in the external environment.

The innovative development model according to a «triple spiral» includes three basic elements:

I. in a society, based on scientific knowledge, characteristic strengthening of universities role in cooperation with industry and government;

II. three institutions - university, business, authority strive to collaboration, here an innovative constituent takes place from this co-operation;

III. in addition to traditional functions each of three institutions partly undertakes a role of the other one.

In Ukraine one distinguishes three types of innovative models of economies development (Fig. 1):

1) a resource model without a highly technological production (natural resources ^ production ^money);

2) an innovative model (money transformation on research into knowledge ^ knowledge transformation into workers trade and innovations ^ innovations converting into commodities ^ money);

3) an intellectually donor model (brief variant of model (II), of which the production stage is derived.

Fig. 1. Types of innovative models of economies development in Ukraine

As indicated by the practical experience of world countries with different level and economic development efficiency, the second model of economic recreation is the most effective. However, in Ukraine the first and third models prevail today: resource without a highly technological production (I) and intellectually donor (III). The mentioned models in a strategic prospect have a low efficiency level, as they result in country' resources exhaustion, to the factors leakage of national economy production to overseas

and do impossible for providing of high indexes of population's welfare level.

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Thus, as world experience has shown, most effective basic institution, where the noted co-operative work of innovative creation, higher educational institutions, material and technical and skilled resources which can provide all stages of innovative cycle and unite other - business enterprises and public institutions are concentrated in which, including research institutions and state grantors or state order.

A main formal barrier on this way in Ukraine is a budget-free organization status of overwhelming amount of leading universities and academic research institutions. According to the regulatory framework in place this status does not allow them to have an income from own commercial activity, that restricts their motivation to work on the innovative cycle final stage. Therefore it is very important to allow enterprise universities to get an income from innovative activity.

One of the effective forms of providing of higher educational institutions, business enterprises and public governmental and research institutions co-operative innovative activity , can be restrictions cancelling in entering into contracts about joint activity for research works implementation and works realization from the technologies transmission for budgetary organizations, which take part in joint innovative activity formation within the innovative model framework of «triple spiral». For this purpose it is also possible to involve privately public partnership mechanisms.

An important direction of innovative activity normative base stimulation improvement in Ukraine must become acceptances of the statutory provisions offered by specialists, which allow the partners of «triple spiral» model to combine their financial resources for the co-operative innovative project realization, in other words jointly use the money of both business structures and own money of universities and scientific institutions, and also budgetary facilities, from different state funds and programmes.

As a result of continuous co -operation between the basic institutional sectors of the national innovative system new knowledge is created which with the help of communications spreads between all economic agents, that gives the system integrity and dynamic firmness. The amount and speed of local triple spirals formation depends on the development level of partner environment, and consequently the country's capacity for innovative development.

Conclusions and perspectives for further researches. Thus, global tendencies of world economy testify to the innovations growing role in formation of national economies competitiveness and their structural constituents. In this connection scientific based understanding of processes, connected with introduction of innovations, must be taken into account in strategy of enterprises, industries, regions and economy financial activity on the whole. Unsatisfied condition of scientific and technical sphere development, prevailing of low-tech productions, necessitate insufficient level of Ukraine's innovative potential usage.

Foreign experience of innovative activity different types formation testifies that today most countries reconstruct the economy on innovative directions, electing the most adequate national features model. Therewith the model and instruments choice of innovative activity support is in a great deal conditioned upon the economic development level, the national systems features of education and science, and also is dependent upon the institutional constituent.

As our conducted analysis has shown, today successful innovative activity begins mainly on small and middle-sized enterprises. This collision can be solved by application of «triple spiral» administrative model, when it is combined innovative potential of universities and scientific institutions, which provides effectiveness of the innovative cycle first stages with production potential of enterprises which are able to commercialize these scientifically technological achievement. In Ukraine we have considerable financial potential for economic basement creation of the «triple spiral» administrative model introduction in the national innovative system. Every institutional constituent of innovative cycle, working separated, is not able effectively provide eventual commercial outcome of the created innovation. It takes place because each institution falls short of a creative collaboration and drawing on accomplishments, got by the other institution, which works on another stage of innovative cycle. Accordingly, low eventual innovative effectiveness of every innovative process limits the personal interest of investors in innovative processes financing. Provided that it concerns both private and state, investors, including Ministry of finance.

The administrative model of «triple spiral» allows to remove the noted failing, successfully to destroy innovations on the final commercial stage of innovative cycle, which will create a positive financial result which will attract investors for all institutional constituents of administrative model of «triple spiral».

Further researches can be focused on of existing innovative models improvement, which it is expedient to use on domestic enterprises, taking into account their location features and strategic orientation character. Theoretical generalization and analysis of features of enterprises modern innovative development in the conditions of inclusive economic growth: foreign experience can be used in future for more detailed study of this problem. Practical results can be used by economists, teachers, and also in the process for determination of enterprises modern innovative development in the conditions of inclusive economic growth.


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Shakhovskaya L.S.

Ph.D., Prof. of

the Department of Entrepreneurship Economics, Volgograd State Technical University Timonina V.I.

Master of Economics, Volgograd State University POSITIONING MODERN RUSSIA ON THE WORLD ENERGY MARKET

Summary. At present, the world energy market is enabling the expansion of CNG and oil production capacities. For example, the US plans to implement about ten new LNG projects. According to some reports, three projects are under implementation: Sabine Pass, Ventures Calcasieu and Golden Pass. In Russia it is possible to take final decisions on investment projects «Arctic CNG-2», «Baltic CNG», as well as on the third line of project «Sakhalin-2». So what is Russia's position on the world market?

Key words: Russia, oil, gas, near-abroad countries, Asia-Pacific region, cooperation, competition.

Formulation of the problem. Competition in the world gas market (especially related to the development of the energy sector in the Middle East) does not allow to say that Russia is the largest suppliers in the market of the Asia-Pacific region countries. However, interest in Russian energy resources is constantly growing in the Asian market. China is already present in the energy portfolio of Russian gas companies. This is due to geographical location with Russia, high hydrocarbon reserves in the Far East, supply security, low political risks, etc. Thus, Russian-Asian relations in the energy sphere are strengthening, and it is possible that in the future Russia will be able to take the place of a large supplier in the Asia-Pacific region market.

Analysis of recent research and publications.

20 years ago, the main importers of LNG were only nine countries, now their number has increased to 42, and the future is expected to bring new consumers to

the market. According to HIS Markit forecasts, in mid-2020 demand for gas will increase to 465 million tons per year (2018 demand amounted to 320 million tons), and by mid-2030 the indicator may reach 630 million tons [1].

Formulating the goals of the article. Research of world trends in the world energy market and the role of Russia in it.

Presenting of the main research material.

Definitive has conducted a study of the global CNG market with detailed consumption trends. Thus, world CNG shipments in 2018 increased by 36 bln. cubic m. . and reached a record value of 432 bln. cubc. m. Demand in ATP countries is expected to change [2].

The Asia-Pacific region has five largest gas importers: China, Japan, India, Korea and Taiwan. In three years, natural gas imports increased significantly: in China by 0.8%, in Japan by 0.95%, in South Korea by 1.05% (see fig. 1).

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