Научная статья на тему 'Innovative activity of Ukrainian enterprises under conditions of the world economic space'

Innovative activity of Ukrainian enterprises under conditions of the world economic space Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Bulakh T., Lytvyn O.

This article is based on the analysis of the current tendencies and major problems of the innovative activity of enterprises of Ukraine. A structure of the funding sources is given. The influence of external and internal factors on the innovative activity of enterprises of Ukraine is determined. Measures for increasing of the innovative activity of enterprises of Ukraine are offered

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Текст научной работы на тему «Innovative activity of Ukrainian enterprises under conditions of the world economic space»

3. Мацаков В.А. Конституционно-правовое регулирование деятельности таможенных органов в системе обеспечения национальной безопасности Российской Федерации: Автореф. дис. ... канд. юрид. наук. - М., 2011. 35с.

4. Аникина Ю.А., Рагозина М.А. Методика функционально-стоимостного анализа в принятии управленческих решений. Часть первая: Аналитическая // Экономика и предпринимательство. 2016. №12-4 (77-4). с.805-812.

5. Анализ российского экспорта нефтепродуктов [Электрон.Ресурс]: Информационный портал №1 по анализу импорта и экспорта. Режим доступа: WorldWide Web.URL:

http://customstat.ru/reports/exportoilproducts.php (дата обращения 07.03.2018)

6. Итоги внешней торговли России в 2017 году: цифры и факты [Электрон.ресурс]: Информационно-аналитическое издание «Провэд». Режим доступа: WorldWideWeb.URL: http://про-вэд.рф/analytics/research/32060-itogi-vneshney-topgovИ-possii-v-2015-godu-tsifpy-i-fakty.html WorldWide Web.URL: http://xn--b1ae2adf4f.xn--p1ai/artide/46348-statistika-vneshney-torgovli-v-2017-godu--tsifry-i-fakty.html (дата обращения 07.03.2018)



Bulakh T.

PhD, Associate professor, Management of Foreign Economic Activity Department, National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit, Kiev, Ukraine

Lytvyn O.

PhD, Associate professor, Economics and Management Department, Ukrainian Banking University, Kiev, Ukraine


This article is based on the analysis of the current tendencies and major problems of the innovative activity of enterprises of Ukraine. A structure of the funding sources is given. The influence of external and internal factors on the innovative activity of enterprises of Ukraine is determined. Measures for increasing of the innovative activity of enterprises of Ukraine are offered.

Keywords: innovative activity, innovation, innovative policy, competitiveness, innovative activity, innovative development.

Actual issue. The innovative activity of enterprises of Ukraine is a determining description of competitiveness of the country's economy. The fate of Ukraine depends on it, either it will join the developed countries or remain a stagnating country on the roadside of scientific, technical and social progress [6].

Analysis of researches and publications. A large attention is paid to the problems of the innovative activity of enterprises in the countries with the developed market economy. A significant contribution to the research of these issues was done by such known scholars as: G.O. Androshchuk, I.T. Balabanova, A.O. Kasich, V.G. Medinskiy, G.I. Pashigoreva, V.V. Popkov,

V.E. Sapelkina, V.P. Solovyov, R.A. Fatkhutdinov, Y.V. Shlenov, J. Schumpeter and others. However, a noted issue needs a subsequent research in Ukraine.

Basic material. The innovative activity is determined as a purposeful activity of enterprises in relation to constructing, creating, mastering and producing new types of high-quality technique, objects of labour and intellectual property (patents, licenses etc.), technologies, and introduction of the perfect forms of labour organization and production management [5].

Nowadays the level of the innovative activity of enterprises remains very low in Ukraine despite a positive dynamics in separate years (Table. 1) [9].

Table 1

Dynamics of the innovative activity of domestic enterprises

Year Market share of enterprises engaged in innovations, % Total costs, mln UAH

2000 18,0 1760,1

2005 11,9 5751,6

2010 13,8 8045,5

2011 16,2 14333,9

2012 17,4 11480,6

2013 16,8 9562,6

2014 16,1 7695,9

2015 17,36 13813,7

2016 18,9 23229,5

Source: [9]

The data of the Table 1 indicate that a market share of domestic enterprises engaged in innovations was 18,9% in 2016, and increased only by 0,9% in 20002016. The total costs for the innovative activity also rose 21469,4 mln UAH. It can be considered a positive dynamics but taking into account a world experience, a market share of the innovative active enterprises is higher in developed countries compared to Ukraine. For example, it makes up 70-80% on average of their total amount in the USA, Japan, Germany and France [1]. Such a poor level of the current innovative activity

of Ukrainian enterprises determines a low competitiveness in the nearest prospective.

Furthermore, substantial patterns of the innovative activity do not meet the needs of a modern stage of the enterprise's development. The Ukrainian enterprises need an active introduction of new technologies especially materially and energy saving ones [7]. The data of the Table 2 highlight that there are no required system changes. Despite increasing of introduced new technological processes, the output of innovative products - a basic type of the innovative activity remains unstable.

Table 2

Dynamics of innovations' introduction in the industrial enterprises

Year Market share of enterprises introducing innovations, % Introduced new technological processes Production of innovative types of products New types of technique (among them) Market share of sold innovative products in the volume of industrial, %

2000 14,8 1403 15323 631 9,4

2005 8,2 1808 3152 657 6,5

2010 11,5 2043 2408 663 3,8

2011 12,8 2510 3238 897 3,8

2012 13,6 2188 3403 942 3,3

2013 13,6 1576 3138 809 3,3

2014 12,1 1743 3661 1314 2,5

2015 15,2 1217 3136 966 1,4

2016 16,6 3489 4139 1305 ---

Source: [9]

Hence, the introduction of new technological processes in the industrial enterprises increased by 59,8% in 2000-2016. The adoption of innovative types of products decreased by 3,7 times (from 15323 in 2000 till 4139 in 2016).

The effectiveness of the innovative activity remains low. Its basic result is the volume of innovative products sold by the enterprise. Taking into account data of the Table 2, it is possible to mark worsening of the situation. A market share of sold innovative prod-

ucts remains at a low level - 1,4% in 2015. It has diminished by 6,7 times in 2000-2016.

It is evident that there should be an identification of reasons that make a situation worse and necessary measures that would allow to change negative tendencies in the development of the innovative activity of Ukrainian enterprises [7].

The main reason of braking of the innovative activity of Ukrainian enterprises is a deficit of financial resources (Table. 3) [9].

Table 3

Funding sources of the innovative activity in Ukraine

Year Total costs, mln UAH Including funds, mln UAH

enterprises state foreign investors other sources

2000 1757,1 1399,3 7,7 133,1 217,0

2005 5751,6 5045,4 28,1 157,9 520,2

2010 8045,5 4775,2 87,0 2411,4 771,9

2011 14333,9 7585,6 149,2 56,9 6542,2

2012 11480,6 7335,9 224,3 994,8 2925,6

2013 9562,6 6973,4 24,7 1253,2 1311,3

2014 7695,9 6540,3 344,1 138,7 672,8

2015 13813,7 13427,0 55,1 58,6 273,0

2016 23229,5 22036,0 179,0 23,4 991,1

Source: [9]

The data of the Table 3 indicate that basic sources investment was only 1% (3,7% and 0,4% relatively in of financing of the innovative activity were enterprises' 2011), other sources - 4,2% (45,6% in 2011). funds - 94,9% of total charges in 2016 compared to 52,9% in 2011. A state financial aid and foreign direct

Consequently, it is possible to draw the conclusion that the state plays the least role in support of the innovative activity of Ukraine. And it is the main problem of the innovative activity of domestic enterprises. Moreover, there is a low level of investment attractiveness of the innovative sector for the foreign investors. This compares to developed countries where 80% innovative financing is state funds and 25% - loan investment resources.

A low level of the innovative activity of Ukrainian enterprises is determined not only by tight money but insufficiency of stimuli, privileges and lack of the substantial innovative policy. Nowadays in Ukraine there are 14 laws, over 50 bylaw acts issued by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. There are also over 100 legal acts of the department profile, which regulate the issues of the innovative activity of enterprises. At the same time, the majority of the state aid and tax stimulation, foreseen by the acts, cannot be applied in full. The amount of normatively issued legal and legislative acts has not changed a situation in relation to systems approach and a single public policy in the sphere of innovations [2].

Besides specified problems, it is also possible to emphasize as following: a weak interrelation between science and business which leads to the low level of commercialization of innovations; the absence of effective economic stimuli for updating capital assets and investing the development of innovative potential; insufficient effectiveness of domestic sector of R&D, in particular, a low activity of public scientific institutions in the field of patenting and licensing of intellectual ownership rights; prevailing of a particular branch in realization of the innovative activity above functional approach; a lack of development of innovative infrastructure; a decline of stimulant role of paying for labour, labour productivity and yield on capital investment in

Preventing factors of the innovative

scientific intensive industries of economy; insufficient support domestic exporters of innovative products by the state under a high competitiveness in the world market of highly technological commodities; a lack of priority support of breach technological innovations; a constraint of the unique leading governing body on transferring technologies; a constant reorganization of state governing bodies of scientific activity.

Enterprises that are involved into the innovative activity have also met other problems. Firstly, there is always a question of choice of the necessary technology in the terms of dynamic development of production technologies. Secondly, a question appears in relation to an alternative either to buy a technology in the market, or to introduce own developments. In addition, domestic enterprises give an advantage to the purchase new technologies abroad than to order them in Ukrainian R&D centers. It is caused by no-confidence to the quality of developed domestic technologies and through ignorance of existing ones by businessmen. Some technologies can be even already developed but there is no a unified framework of all technological R&D in Ukraine [8].

Thirdly, so as the technology can bring in a return, enterprises should decide the following question either to supply own developments to the market, or to use them only for internal demand. There are also internal obstacles for R&D at the enterprises, such as: a lack of foreign direct investments, shortage of skilled employees, difficulties to get a state aid or subsidies for innovations, and non-availability of partners for cooperation [4].

All above-listed issues enabled to select a number of factors which hinder from the innovative activity of Ukrainian enterprises. They negatively influence competitiveness of domestic products and economic development on the whole (Table. 4).

Table 4

Factors Share of enterprises, %

Preassure for money 83,0

Insufficient sponsorship of the state 56,6

Large charges for innovations 55,9

High economic risk 38,9

Imperfection of legislative base 37,7

Long term of innovations' payback 34,6

Customers' preassure for money 31,7

Lack of information about new technologies 19,5

Non-availability for cooperation with other enterprises and scientific organizations 18,5

Lack of information about product market 18,3

Shortage of skilled personnel 17,2

No market for the goods 16,0

Non-acceptance of enterprises to innovations 14,5

Source: [7]

The noted information is also confirmed by the results of the world innovative rating of Global Innovation Index (GII). In 2017 it has included 143 countries from all over the world. It was made on the basis of the analysis of 81 indicators which represented both their

innovative possibilities and results that were possible to measure. In 2017 the first top ten countries of rating were, such as: Switzerland, Sweden, Netherlands, the USA, Great Britain, Denmark, Singapore, Finland, Germany, and Ireland [10].

These leading countries of GII have created closely interrelated innovative ecosystems within the framework of investments into human capital in combination with a strong innovative infrastructure that support high levels of creativity. In particular, 25 leading countries according to GII index have obviously the highest ratings after the most indicators. They also have strong positions in such spheres as: an innovative infrastructure (including informatively communicative technology), a level of business development (such indexes as: workers of mental work, interconnection between innovations and knowledge mastering) and the results of the innovative activity (such indexes as: creative goods and services, and on-line creativity) [3].

However, Poland is on 38th position, Russia -45th, Moldova - 54th, Belarus is on the 88th place. Ukraine has only taken the 50th position (56th -relatively in 2016).

Conclusions. Thus, as a result of the undertaken survey, a range of issues and basic factors which restrain the innovative activity of Ukrainian enterprises are outlined. In our opinion, to tackle these problems it is necessary to make the following arrangements as:

- creation of the attractive investment climate;

- generation of the effective mechanisms and stimuli to increase an interest to innovations' introduction at the enterprise level;

- increasing of the state financial provision;

- development and strengthening of the finance and credit institutions' actions that provide continuous financing of innovative projects (venture companies, innovative funds);

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- improvement of the mechanism of protection of intellectual property and patent procedures of innovations rights;

- enhancement of the system of providing of the informative innovative activity;

- certification and introduction of R&D, preparation and retraining of personnel;

- promotion of international scientific and technical collaboration in R&D, innovations, and others.

The implementation of the offered measures will enable to increase the level of the innovative activity of

enterprises and effectively integrate Ukraine to the world economic space.


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