Научная статья на тему 'Research and educational school as a type of integration of teaching and research activity in higher education in the field of physical culture'

Research and educational school as a type of integration of teaching and research activity in higher education in the field of physical culture Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Theory and Practice of Physical Culture
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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Evseev S.P., Taymazov V.A., Zakrevskaya N.G., Filippov S.S.

In higher professional education domestic pedagogical scholar schools have always taken and are still taking a remarkable place in improvement of training of elite specialists for different branches of the country’s economy, in solution of major scientific problems. This situation is also not an exclusion for the sphere of physical culture and sport. The purpose of the study was to show the role of Lesgaft NSU pedagogical scholar schools in the integration of science and higher education in physical culture. The materials adduced in the paper prove that the organized scholar schools of NSU work quite effectively: have significant achievements in scientific research, in publishing of textbooks and teaching aids for classes; various actions are being carried out to include them in researches, to conserve and develop continuity of generations in such spheres of human activity as physical culture and sport.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Research and educational school as a type of integration of teaching and research activity in higher education in the field of physical culture»


S.P. Evseev, professor, Dr.Hab., Honorary worker of higher education of the RF, director of department of science, education and innovations of Ministry of sport of the RF, Moscow V.A. Taymazov, professor, Dr.Hab., Honorary worker of higher education of the RF, rector of Lesgaft NSU

N.G. Zakrevskaya, professor, Dr.Hab. S.S. Filippov, professor, Dr.Hab.

Lesgaft National state university of physical culture, sport and health, St. Petersburg

Key words: P.F. Lesgaft, pedagogical scholar schools, university, integration, science, education, training.

In higher professional education domestic pedagogical scholar schools (PSS) have always taken and are still taking a remarkable place in the improvement of training of elite specialists for different branches of the country's economy and in solution of major scientific problems. This situation is also not an exclusion in the sphere of physical culture and sport [1]. The purpose of this paper was to show the role of pedagogical scholar schools of Lesgaft NSU in the integration of science and higher education in the field of physical culture.

First, let's define the notion of PSS. In the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation there is the following definition: "the leading scholar school of the Russian Federation is an established team of researchers of different age groups and academic qualifications, related by conducting researches in the common research area and united in cooperative research activity" [5]. Today, as noted in the work [6], universities are the main base with the infrastructure for scholar schools where within departments research areas are created, formed and developed under the direction of leading scientists - doctors of science and professors.

And finally, there is one more definition given in the work [7]. According to the author, in the scientific community most researchers use the term "scholar school" "in relation to a relatively small research team, united not only by institutional framework, not just by a specific subject of study, but also by the overall system of views, ideas, interests, traditions - which are preserved, shared and developed during the alternation of scientific generations", and allocate the following features of scholar school:

common scientific interests of the school's representatives and scholarly importance of considered problems;

the level of the school's scientific results and its (school's) recognition in the country and


the role of a scientific leader;

stability and prospects of the school (succession of scientific generations, work with young scientists, working permanent scientific seminar).

From the above notions it becomes obvious that they have no fundamental differences but only complement each other to some degree. The analysis of scientific publications on the subject shows the breadth of criteria PSS is to meet. For this paper it is important to determine the substantial frames of the dialogue about the PSS of Lesgaft NSU. If to briefly recall the history of our university, since the establishment of the courses for educators and physical education instructors P.F. Lesgaft invited to teach the leading scholars and teachers of St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia. The teachers of the courses were I.P. Pavlov (physiology), A.F. Ioffe (physics), E.V. Tarle (history), M.M. Kovalevsky (sociology), A.A. Ukhtomskiy (physiology) and other outstanding representatives of the science in our country.

It was during these years when the scientific foundations of education in the field of physical culture were laid and first PSS in our field were formed. As it is rightly pointed out in the study [8], Peter Franzevich Lesgaft has not only created his own scholar school, but formed the background for the formation of affiliated schools.

It should be emphasized that not only the scientific areas related to biomedical problems, P.F. Lesgaft cared deeply about, but the new problem for Russia - physical training of military men were formed and developed. The preparation and publication of P.F. Lesgaft's fundamental works, such as "Training of gymnastics teachers in the countries" and "Guide on physical education of schoolchildren", were not the only result of two business trips to Europe (1875-1876) he had to study the methodologies of physical education existing in the world. These trips have pushed P. F. Lesgaft to create courses for officers - future teachers of gymnastics - "Educational gymnastic training courses for physical education teachers in military gymnasiums" (1879) and "Temporary courses for female physical education instructors" (1896) [9]. By doing so P.F. Lesgaft has initiated the new research area of physical education. Besides, there is a reason to believe that these events, speaking in modern terms, initiated the integration of science and education in the field of physical culture.

Pedagogical scholar school is a constantly developing social institution. In our view, it has been very accurately shown by Yu.F. Kuramshin on the example of the theory of physical culture, who notes in his work [10, P.77] that: Genetic roots of the theory of physical culture should be considered those academic subjects that have been studied in Russian civilian and military

educational institutions in the late XIX - early XX centuries. So, in 1896, at training courses for female instructors of physical exercises and games, organized by P.F. Lesgaft, he gave lectures on "Theory of physical exercises", "History and methodology of physical exercises". After the death of P.F. Lesgaft the lectures on these topics were given by A.A. Krasuskaya, and since 1914 - by V.V. Gorinevsky with his course "Theory and practice of sports exercises". The development of this PSS was graphically represented on Figure in the work of Yu.F. Kuramshin [10, p. 85].

Many famous scientists of our country such as professors L.A. Orbeli, A.F. Sulima-Samoylo, A.A. Krasuskaya, A.N. Krestovnikov, E.A. Kotikova, L.I . Chulitskaya and many others, who had made a great contribution to the creation and development of the educational and research environment, worked in Institute of Physical Culture named after P.F. Lesgaft who became the successor of the courses.

The literally huge science foundation, indicating the successful solution of the most important issues of the country's physical culture and sports movement, has been accumulated over the years by the efforts of many generations of teachers of the university. It was presented in a large number of monographs, research papers, master's and doctoral theses, textbooks and study guides. The scholarly works of the university's scientists became widely known in the domestic and international scientific communities during the existence of the university. This, in our opinion, suggests that PSS have originated and are operating in the university with the leading figures of domestic sports science standing at their origins. Among them, in the postwar period, we are to mention professors A.N. Krestovnikova (physiology), N.N. Yakovlev (biochemistry), A.Ts. Puni (psychology), A.G. Dembo (sports medicine), V.V. Belorusova (pedagogics), K.H. Grantyn', I.M. Koryakovsky (theory of physical education), G.D. Harabuga, N.I. Ponomarev (sports history) and many others.

Theory and Methodology of Physical Education

Theory of Sport


Theory and Methodology of adaptive physical culture


Theory and Methodology of Physical Culture

Theory and Methodology of Physical Education

2-nd period 1906-1917 1-st period: 1896-1905

Theory of bodily movements (P.F. Lesgaft)

History and methodology of bodily movements (P.F. Lesgaft)

Theory and practice of sports exercises V.V. Gorinevsky




conducting physical exercises


c \

Theory of






Training courses for female instructors of physical exercises and games (02.09.1896) Training courses for female physical education teachers and instructors (18.02.1898)

Fig. 1. The tree of development of theory and methodology of physical culture as an academic discipline

In 2012, the University team celebrated the 175th anniversary of professor Peter Frantsevich Lesgaft by holding the theoretical-practical conference on the topic: "From the scholar school of P.F. Lesgaft to modern scholar schools of the University". This conference was an excellent opportunity to assess what has been done by teachers and scholars of different generations in education in the field of physical culture, sports science, scientific and methodological support of mass physical culture and elite sport. This analysis is needed to pay tribute to the achievements in the designated areas as well as to move forward more vigorously considering the experience. The work [11] contains an analysis of the activity of the university scholar schools. However, the previous conference has given a new impetus for inspecting the performance of the University's PSS. The new edition of the "Regulations on pedagogical scholar schools of Lesgaft NSU" and converted PSS were approved by the academic council of the university. The currently operating PSS of the university are shown in Table 1.

The above PSS were listed in the University's application to be included in the list of the leading pedagogical scholar schools of St. Petersburg, which was created by the Committee on Science and Higher Education of the City Government.

The legal documents of the recent years regulating relations in the field of education and science, in the "Physical Culture and Sport" sector make us take a fresh look at the conventional processes taking place in the universities of physical culture. Primarily it concerns the new Federal law "On Education in the Russian Federation" [2], the new version of the Federal Law "On Physical Culture and Sport in the Russian Federation" [3], "Strategy of development of physical culture and sport in the Russian Federation until 2020" [4] and a number of other documents that define the guidelines for actions of PSS.

Without going into a detailed analysis of the PSS activity, let's focus on some of the most important, from our point of view, areas and indicators in the context of this particular subject of the article. It should be noted that some of these areas are fixed legislatively in the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" [2]. Thus, Article 72 "Forms of integration of educational and scientific (research) activities in higher education" contains the goals of such integration. First of all, it is staffing of scientific researches.

Table 1. Pedagogical scholar schools of Lesgaft NSU

№ n/n Department Name of PSS areas Head of PSS Name of the textbook prepared by PSS

«Med ical PSS»

1 Department of anatomy "Functional anatomy of sports activity" Tkachuk M.G. Head of the Department, Dr.Biol., Professor Anatomy: textbook for higher vocational education institutions, providing training in the specialization 032100 (62) - "Physical Culture" / M.G. Tkachuk, I. A. Stepanik. - Moscow: Sovetsky Sport, 2010. -392 P.: 11. - Classification of ERO of universities of the Russian Federation on education in the field of phys. culture. - ISBN 978-5-9718-0333-1 (In Russian)

2 Department of biochemistry "Biochemical methods for assessment and correction of athletes' performance" Mikhaylov S.S. Head of the Department, Honored Scientist of the RF, Dr.Med., Professor Mikhaylov S.S. Sports biochemistry: textbook for higher vocational education institutions, providing training in the specialization 032100 - "Physical Culture" / S.S. Mikhaylov. - [7th ed., St.], -Moscow: Sovetsky Sport, 2012. - 346, [1]. : 11. -Classification of ERO of universities of the Russian Federation on education in the field of phys. culture. - ISBN 978-5-9718-0504-5 (In Russian)

3 Department of "Physiology "Physiological mechanisms and patterns of adaptation in Solodkov A.S. Honored Scientist of the RF, Solodkov A S. Human Physiology. General. Sports. Developmental: textbook for higher

named after professor A.N. Krestovnikov" elite sport" Dr.Med., Professor of Physiology schools, providing training in the specialization 032100 - "Physical Culture" / A.S. Solodkov, E.B. Sologub. - 4th ed., rev. and sup. - Moscow: Sovetsky Sport, 2012. - 619 p. 1. - Classification of ERO of universities of the Russian Federation on education in the field of phys. culture. - ISBN 978-5-9718-0568-7 (In Russian)

«Humanitarian PSS»

1 Department of "Theory and Methodology of athleticism" «Modern sports, recreational and health improving technologies of athleticism» Vinogradov G.P. Head of the Department, Honored Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Dr.Hab., Professor Vinogradov, G.P. Athleticism: theory and methodology of training: textbook for higher schools / G.P. Vinogradov. - Moscow: Sovetsky Sport, 2009. - 327 p.: 11. - Classif.: Suppl. by Federal Agency of Physical Culture and Sport. -References: p. 323-327. - ISBN 978-5-9718-0296-9 (In Russian)

2 Department of "Theory and methodology of adaptive physical culture" «Theory and methodology of adaptive physical culture» S.P. Evseev Director of the Department of Science, Education and Innovations of the Ministry for Sports of Russia, Honored Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Dr.Hab., Professor Theory and organization of adaptive physical culture: textbook for higher education institutions: in 2 volumes Vol. 1: Introduction to the specialization. History and general characteristics of adaptive physical culture / ed. by S.P. Evseev. -Moscow: Sovetsky Sport, 2010. - 291 p. - Classif.: Suppl. by Federal Agency of Physical Culture and

Sport. - ISBN 978-5-9718-0450-5 (In Russian) Theory and organization of adaptive physical culture: textbook for higher education institutions: in 2 volumes Vol. 2: The content and methods of adaptive physical culture and characteristics of its main types / ed. by S.P. Evseev. - Moscow: Sovetsky Sport, 2009. - 447 p.: illustr. - Classif.: Federal Agency of Physical Culture and Sport. -ISBN 978-5-9718-0402-4 (In Russian)

3 Department of "Theory of Physical Culture" "Modern tendencies of development of Theory of Physical Culture" Kuramshin Yu.F. Head of the Department, Honored Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Dr.Hab., Professor Theory and Methodology of Physical Culture: textbook for students of higher educational institutions providing training in the specializations 521900 "Physical Culture" and 022300 - "Physical Culture and Sport" / ed. by Yu.F. Kuramshin. - [4th ed., St.], - Moscow: Sovetsky Sport, 2010. - 464 p.: - Classif.: Sup. by Federal Agency of Physical Culture and Sport. - ISBN 978-5-9718-0431-4 (In Russian)

4 Department of "Hydrorehabilitati on" "Human hydropedagogics" Mosunov D.F. Head of the Department, Honored Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Dr.Hab., Mosunov, D.F. Paralympic swimming for athletes with spinal cord injuries: Textbook / D.F. Mosunov, Yu.A. Nazarenko. - St. Petersburg: Plavin, 2008. - 79 p:. - ISBN 978-5-901440-37-7 (In

Professor Russian)

5 Department of "Psychology named after Professor A.Ts. Puni" "Psychological support of success of sports activity" Rodygina J.K. Head of the Department, Dr.Med., Associate Professor Serova, L.K. Professionally important personal qualities of athletes: textbook / L.K. Serova, A S. Martynov, St. Petersburg, 2010. - 137 p. - Classif. of ERO on Education in the field of physical culture. (In Russian)

6 Department of biomechanics "Biomechanics of strength abilities" Samsonova A.V. Head of the Department, Dr.Hab., Professor Popov, G.I. Biomechanics of motor activity: textbook / G.I. Popov, A.V. Samsonova. - Moscow: Academia, 2011. - 314, [1] P.: illustr. - (Higher Professional Education. Bachelor's programme). -Classification of ERO on Education in the field of physical culture. - References: 311 p. - ISBN 978-5-7695-7995-0 (In Russian)

7 Department of "Theory and methodology of boxing" "Theory and Methodology of individual training of elite boxers" Tajmazov V.A. Rector of Lesgaft NSU, Honored Worker of Higher Education of he Russian Federation, Honored trainer of the Russian Federation, Dr.Hab., Professor Boxing. Theory and Methodology: textbook / S.M. Akhmetov [et al.]; ed. by Yu.A. Schulik, A.A. Lavrov. - Moscow: Sovetsky Sport, 2009. - 766 P.: 11. - Classif.: Sup. ERO of Russian universities on education in the field of physical culture. -References: 751-758 p.- ISBN 978-5-9718-0414-7. -ISBN 978-5-903876-12-9 (In Russian)

8 Department of" Theory and "Methodological justification and Improvement of training Tarakanov B.I. Head of the Department, Honored Zamyatin, Yu.P. Freestyle wrestling: Textbook / Zamyatin Yu.P., Petrov S.I., Denisenko A.N.;

methodology of wrestling" methods of athletes in different types of wrestling" Worker of Higher Education of he Russian Federation, Honored trainer of the Russian Federation, Dr.Hab., Professor National State University of Physical Culture, Sport and Health, named after P.F. Lesgaft, St. Petersburg. - St. Petersburg: [s.n.], 2012. - 157 p. (In Russian)

9 Department of "Theory and methodology of games" "Didactic transformation of the content of athlete and teaching trainer's activities in team sports" Yakhontov E.R. Honored trainer of the Russian Federation, Dr.Hab., Professor Yakhontov, E.R. Physical training of basketball players: textbook / E.R. Yakhontov. - St. Petersburg., 2008. - 134 p. (In Russian)

Secondly, it is improvement of the quality of training of students who learn in accordance with the educational programs of higher education. Thirdly, it is involvement of students to conduct scientific researches under the researchers' supervision. Fourthly, the use of new knowledge and achievements of science and technology in educational activity.

If to see the activities of the university's PSS through the prism of these legislative regulations, it is possible to note the following.

As we know, the annual data collection module, which the university submits to the Russia's National Accreditation Agency, is the source of analytical information for the state accreditation procedure [12]. This document contains information about the main research areas of scholar schools, results of scientific and educational work. Our colleagues note that researchers of the University have prepared and defended 18 doctoral and 73 master's theses, published 127 books and 965 articles in journals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission over the past five years [13].

It should be emphasized that favorable conditions have been created in the university not only for translation of scientific results obtained by teachers in their studies, but also for displaying the performance of PSS. The university is publishing periodicals and incoming scientific publications:

"Uchenye zapiski NGU im. P.F. Lesgafta" (Scientific notes of Lesgaft NSU)

(published since 1944, included in the list of HAC RF);

"Adaptivnaya fizicheskaya kul'tura" (Adaptive physical culture) (published since 2000, included in the list of HAC RF);

"Gimnasticheskiy mir Sankt-Peterburga" (Gymnastics world of St. Petersburg) (published since 1999);

"Trudy kadefry biomekhaniki" (The studies of the Department of Biomechanics) (published since 2007);

"Nauchno-metodicheskiy vestnik. Basketbol" (Scientific-methodical bulletin. Basketball) (published since 2007);

"Vestnik instituta ekonomiki i sotsial'nykh tekhnologiy" (Bulletin of Institute of Economics and Social Technologies) (published since 2011).

The resolution of the University Academic Council on issuing special collected scientific papers of representatives of the university's PSS, "Yearbook of pedagogical and scholar schools of Lesgaft NSU" was a logical development of the publishing activity. It contains papers by leading scientists of PSS and young specialists, which present the most significant results obtained during the year. The first issue of the "Yearbook - 2012" was published in 2013. In addition, the information about the PSS activities is given on the university website


Along with scientific publications, scientific conferences dedicated to anniversaries of the leading scholars of the university are used as another important scientific communication channel that spreads the information on the scientific achievements of the university's teachers. This is a good reason to pay tribute to what has been done by our predecessors. All-Russia scientific conferences dedicated to the 100th anniversary of professors V.V. Vasil'eva, A.B. Gandelsman, V.V. Belorusova, the 90th anniversary of professor N.I. Ponomarev were held in the University in recent years. We are convinced that these traditions related to holding of anniversary scientific conferences should be carried on.

The integration of educational and scientific activities is most seen in the preparation of textbooks and teaching aids for higher schools of physical culture. The textbooks prepared by the university's PSS teachers are listed in Table 1.

One of the major tasks of PSS, as it has already been noted, is the formation of succession of scientific generations and work with young scientists. This area is of primary importance for each university school. Today we can say that the university has an established system of activities on involving students to research activity. It starts first of all from the introduction to the personality of P.F. Lesgaft, who has left the rich scientific and pedagogical legacy, which has not lost its value over the years.

As it is stated by the authors in the work [9, p.36], the main scientific and educational goal of Peter Frantsevich Lesgaft was to create an open university-type institution. The scientist's dream came true in 2005. After our institution has got the status of University, annual University Weeks are held in September, dedicated to the memory of P.F. Lesgaft (born in 09/20/1837). During these weeks first-year students are shown the exposition in the University Museum, revealing the major milestones of life and pedagogical work of P.F. Lesgaft. There is an exhibition with his scientific heritage in the library. At the student conference students are introduced into the organization and the areas of student science in the university. The university week is completed with visiting the grave of P.F. Lesgaft. Thus, from the first course, students are introduced to the traditions, including scientific ones, of the university which they have chosen for their studies. And finally, in order to facilitate good progress in studies, enhance social activities of the University students, preserve educational, scientific, sports and patriotic traditions of the university, the following personal scholarships for students are established: of professors P.F. Lesgaft; D.P. Ionov; A.Ts. Puni; A.N. Krestovnikov; N.I. Ponomarev; V.V. Belorusova. The scholarships are recommended by the dean's offices of the departments and approved by the Scientific Council. The amount of scholarship is twice the amount of the standard one. In the end, it should be pointed out that the materials adduced in the paper prove that the

organized scholar schools of Lesgaft's NSU work quite effectively: have significant achievements in scientific research, in publishing of textbooks and teaching aids for the educational process; various actions are being carried out with students and postgraduates of the university to involve them in research activity, to conserve and develop generational continuity in such important spheres of human activity as physical culture and sport, giving the general description of the processes of integration of educational and scientific activities in this area. Such important areas of PSS as research activity, scientific and methodological support of national teams of the country and the city, such a hot topic as formation and development of sports and pedagogial schools, which are extremely important for our industry, were not covered in the present paper. But these are separate, independent topics.

Most of higher schools of physical culture in the area have their own pedagogical scholar schools, educational, scientific and sports traditions and certain results achieved. In our opinion, it is time to discuss the pressing issues of the PSS activities to be solved and to share the accumulated experience in this field within a conference or using other forms of communication.


1. Evseev, S.P. University pedagogical scholar schools as a factor of modernization of higher education in the field of physical culture / S.P. Evseev, V.A. Taymazov, S.S. Filippov // Vysshee fizkul'turnoe obrazovanie v Rossii. - 2013. - № 7. - P. 15-21. (In Russian)

2. On education in the Russian Federation: Federal law of the Russian Federation dated December, 29 2012 № 273-FL / President of the Russian Federation // Administrator obrazovaniya. - 2013. - № 3. - P. 2-96; № 4. - P. 11-45. (In Russian)

3. On physical culture and sport in the Russian Federation: Federal law: adopted by the State Duma, November, 16 2007 // Sbornik ofitsial'nykh dokumentov i materialov. - 2007. - № 12. -P. 3-35. (In Russian)

4. The strategy of development of physical culture and sport in the Russian Federation for the period till 2020: adopted by the decree of the government of the Russian Federation date August, 7 2009 № 1101-r // Vestnik Ministerstva sporta, turizma i molodezhnoy politiki Rossiyskoy Federatsii. - 2009. - № 3 (27). - P. 3-32. (In Russian)

5. On the measures of government support of young Russian scientists- Ph.D.'s and doctors of science and leading research schools of the Russian Federation: decree April, 27 2005 № 260 (ed. Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation ot 25.05.2009 № 443, dated 08.09.2010, dated 06.06.2012 № 561) / Government of the Russian Federation // The information-legal system Consultant+. (In Russian)

6. Zakrevskaya, N.G. On development of scholar schools / N.G. Zakrevskaya // Proceedings of the University theor.-pract. conf. devoted to professor Lesgaft's 175th anniversary: from Lesgaft's scholar school to modern university schools. - St. Petersburg, 2013. - P. 16-20. (In Russian)

7. Grezneva, O.Yu. Scholar schools (educational aspect) / O.Yu. Grezneva; RAE, Institute of theory of education and pedagogics. - Moscow: Publ. h-se of RAE, 2003. - 69 P. (In Russian)

8. Pronin, S.A. Monism of the scholar school of Lesgaft NSU / S.A. Pronin // Proceedings of the University theor.-pract. conf. devoted to professor Lesgaft's 175th anniversary: from the Lesgaft's scholar school to modern university schools. - St. Petersburg, 2013. - P. 69-72. (In Russian)

9. Taymazov, V.A. Peter Franzevich Lesgaft. The history of life and activity / V.A. Taymazov, Yu.F. Kuramshin, A.T. Mar'yanovich. - St. Petersburg: Pechatny dvor im. A.M. Gor'kogo, 2006. - 480 P. (In Russian)

10. Kuramshin, Yu.F. The origin and development of the theory of physical culture / Yu.F. Kuramshin // University pedagogical scholar schools / Research works. Annals-2013. - St. Petersburg, 2013. - P. 77-91. (In Russian)

11. Gorelov, A.A. Research work in Lesgaft SPbSUPhC: formation, state and perspectives / A.A. Gorelov, S.M. Ashkinazi // Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury. - 2006. - № 10. - P. 22-26. (In Russian)

12. On adoption of criteria of indices required to define the kind and type of educational institution of higher professional and secondary professional education: decree October, 25 2011 № 2267 / Federal Education and Science Supervision Agency// The information-legal system Consultant+. (In Russian)

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13. Orekhov, E.F. Development of university scholar schools within the procedure of state accreditation / E.F. Orekhov, M.Yu. Schennikova // Proceedings of the University theor.-pract. conf. devoted to professor Lesgaft's 175th anniversary: from Lesgaft's scholar school to modern university schools. - St. Petersburg, 2013. - P. 7-13. (In Russian)

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