and Applied Psychology 2023, No 4 H
ISSN 2310-5704 ppublishing.org
Shakhlo Urunova 1
1 Department of Uzbek language and literature, Andijan Machine-building Institute, Uzbekistan
Cite: Urunova S. (2023). Repetition Methodology in Effectively Storing Terminological Lexicon in Memory in a Foreign Language. European Journal of Education and Applied Psychology 2023, No 4. https://doi.org/10.29013/EJEAP-23-4-59-62
This article provides an information of methodical features and techniques of repitition in effectively storing terminological lexicon in memory in a foreign language.This article also deals with the data that shows the number of repititions of the terminological vocabulary respectively to the topics given in curriculums. We have used analytical-statistical and comparative-comparison methods in writing this article.As a consequence of observation we conclude that repetition of newly learned terminological vocabulary per two lessons gives us high effectiveness at the lessons of English for occupational purposes.
Keywords: repitition, terminologial words, curriculum, current repitition, memory
It is necessary to use the skills of students of technical universities to be able to understand the terms in authentic texts while reading the original scientific and technical literature. The importance in the teaching of professional English to students in non-philological higher education institutions is the teaching of field terms to them, and it is advisable to develop a methodological provision of repeating terms so that students can keep them in good memory during training sessions.The process of mastering the terminological dictionary goes through several stages, in each of which specific tasks are solved. It should be noted that the main purpose of the process of mastering these units is to develop the skills of their correct use, ac-
tive use in speech situations of professional communication.
Materials and Methods
One of the important tasks that should be solved in terms of the methodological organization of work on the study of terminology in the field of robotics is the removal of memory overload in order to help memorize and repeat each acquired term when presenting terminological lexicon. I. D. Salistra argued that in determining the content of teaching a foreign language on the basis of the direction of speech, the following basic questions should be solved: what speech materials should students work with and how to use it for educational purposes; language should determine a general approach to mastering
materials and the formation of their relevant skills (Khodzhimatova, G. M., 2011).
In this regard, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the organization and planning of repetition. Khodzhimato-va G. M separated types of verbal repetition such as immanent (natural), spontaneous (random) repetition, systematic repetition; primary (corrective) repetition, current repetition, generalizing repetition (Khodzhimatova, G. M., 2011). In our opinion, the following methods of repetition should also be used: current repetition of word terms (during each lesson), intermediate repetition of word terms (during intermediate control), generalizing repetition of new lexical units (during final control). The effectiveness of repetition methods will be associated with the development of an appropriate exercise system.
In the process of learning English, it should be noted that the repetition of the dictionary is a fan in mastering it. Traditionally, words included in textbooks are taught in a system of lexical exercises when working on text, but most words are not repeated at all or rarely occur in sequence.
Result and discussion
During scientific research, some questions arise, the solution of which allows you to determine the contours of scientific analysis of the problem as a whole:
1. Quantitative side of repetition, repetition rate (how many times to repeat).
2. Time characteristics of repetition (when and at what time frame to repeat).
3. Inventory aspects of repetition (which words from the total volume of the learned dictionary should be repeated at all, or repeated in a particular training segment).
4. Methodological foundations of repetition (how to repeat, what techniques, exercises and tools to rely on).
These issues require an integrated approach to solving them. By repeating the terminological lexicon, we mean the number of its use in texts and exercises. When mastering terminological units during work on the text, the repetition of terms becomes objective, repetition can be considered one of the valuable techniques of memorization. Another next technique is repeated training, which is carried out using special exercises. Among
the techniques for repeating a terminological dictionary, its systematization occupies a special place.
In teaching practice, there are many recommendations on the number of words necessary for repetition. However, Methodists argue that those who deal with this problem rightly emphasize the empiricism and inconsistency of these recommendations. Thus, I. L. According to Litvinov, ten repetitions over a year in a rational time frame do not provide for the storage of the necessary words in memory even for the best students. "According to the results of the study, the number of repetitions should be increased to 30-35 at least in the first year," suggests scientist Litvinov I. L. (Litvinov, I. L., 1968). However, according to the scientist, since many students did not perform this work as much as necessary, in this regard, he considers 20 repetitions sufficient for large classes. V. A. Kondratieva proposes fifteen-fold repetition of a word with proper distribution of repetition, and lists this number as sufficient to master passive vocabulary (Kondratieva, V. A. 1972).
For constant memorization of the dictionary, it is important not only the number of repetitions, but, above all, their distribution by time intervals. The general trend is that repetitions should be frequent at the beginning, then they may be less frequent as the psychological impact of the bite increases. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the nature of the educational material and the time interval when repeating the dictionary. In higher education institutions, it is necessary to choose a two-week text to repeat the terminological dictionary, since forgetting terms for such a text is almost not observed, while a six-week interval leads to forgetting about a third of the specific dictionary studied (Soifer, E. V., 1969).
Based on the opinion of the above scientists, as well as on the results of our research on non-philological OTMs in our republic, we came to the conclusion that, depending on the passing hour of English language science, which is included in the working curriculum in various OTMs, the number of ham repetitions of terms required for annual study is Soyfer E. We can conclude that the same training will depend on the amount of hours
spent in the hall, which has already given the opinion of E. V. Soifer.
In the table below, we have listed the number of annual training hours in English
for the requirements of the 2nd stage of robotics direction in non-philological universities and the number of repetitions of the terms studied during the year on this basis.
Table1. The number of annual educational hours in English for the requirements of the robotics direction 2nd stage is the amount of fees and term repetitions
Non-phylilogical university
Annual educational Number of repetitions of _hour_terms throughout the year
Andijon Machune-Building institute
Namangan Institute of Engineering Technology Tashkent Institute of Agriculture and irrigation
72 hour (36 pair)
120 hour (60 pair)
120 hour (60 pair)
The robotics direction of Andijon Ma-chune-Building institute which we have researched, is structured for 2 year students, according to the working curriculum, 72 hours are allocated during the year, which means the transition of 36 topics in the year, which means that the number of repetitions of terms during the year can be increased to 18-20. At Namangan Institute of Engineering Technology, the English language curriculum hours for Phase 2 students is 120 hours, which indicates that the number of repetitions of the terms studied in its queue can be increased to 30.
So, as you can see from the high analysis, repeating the terms learned after the two topics deals with useing exercises, tasks and modern technologies.
In the early period of acquisition of terminological units, passive repetition causes the data to be forgotten very quickly. The task of primary reinforcement of the learned term provides a hidden period of storage of the
lexical unit in memory. Its implementation is associated with compliance with the following conditions:
1. In the first half of the session, it is necessary to introduce a new lexical unit and create conditions for intensive work on new terms and repeat new terms during the lesson;
2. It will be dared to repeat the new lexical unit by students independently in turn from the day of acquaintance with the term.
The effectiveness of such organization of repetition and the performance of the task by students has qualified and experimental confirmation.The repetition conditions given above allow students to give a systematic character to repeat the terminological vocabulary, the effective use of which will be associated only with the Repetition technique, that is, its qualitative aspect with the exercise system.
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submitted 22.08.2023; accepted for publication 20.09.2023; published 28.12.2023 © Urunova, S.
Contact: urunovashahlo23@gmail.com