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Russian-Ukrainian crisis / Eastern European space / geopolitical architecture

Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Cebotari Svetlana, Eremia Natalia, Plop Sergiu

Repercussions of the Russian-Ukrainian crisis on the establishing of the new architecture of the East-European space represent a process of reconfiguration and achievement of the national interests of the Russian Federation. Analyzing the consequences of annexation of peninsula Crimea and city Sevastopol to the Russian Federation, we are present to the geopolitical changes of the world map. Thus, subjecting to attention the last events that took place between Russian Federation and Ukraine, there can be underlined the consequences which conditioned the changing of the «new geopolitical architecture» of the East-European space. The present article underlines the consequences of the Russian-Ukrainian crisis on the architecture of the Eastern European space.

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Cebotari Svetlana, Eremia Natalia, Department of International Relations, Republic of Moldova

E-mail: svetlana.cebotari@mail.ru E-mail: eremia.natalia@gmail.com

Plop Sergiu,

Military Academy «Alexandru cel Bun»,

Republic of Moldova

E-mail: sergiu.plop@academy.army.md

Abstract. Repercussions of the Russian-Ukrainian crisis on the establishing of the new architecture of the East-European space represent a process of reconfiguration and achievement of the national interests of the Russian Federation.

Analyzing the consequences of annexation of peninsula Crimea and city Sevastopol to the Russian Federation, we are present to the geopolitical changes of the world map. Thus, subjecting to attention the last events that took place between Russian Federation and Ukraine, there can be underlined the consequences which conditioned the changing of the «new geopolitical architecture» of the East-European space. The present article underlines the consequences of the Russian-Ukrainian crisis on the architecture of the Eastern European space.

Key words: Russian-Ukrainian crisis, Eastern European space, geopolitical architecture

Carefully watching the ongoing transformations in Eastern European space we notice that the content of geopolitics centered on the ability of states to divide the geographical space has changed rapidly. The new architecture of the Eastern European space represents the process of configuration of interests of geopolitical actors, of forms of manifestation and realization of national interests.

Analyzing the consequences of annexation of peninsula Crimea and city Sevastopol to the Russian Federation, we are present to the geopolitical changes of the




world map. Thus, subjecting to attention the last events that took place between Russian Federation and Ukraine there can be underlined the consequences which conditioned the changing of the «new geopolitical architecture» of the East-European space:

1. Russia has acquired strategic control over the entire region of the Black Sea through the fact that peninsula Crimea is placed in the center of the Black Sea and Azov Sea. Russia considerably increased the possibilities of controlling the sea and air space in the Black Sea region. Russia also has obtained unlimited control over maritime fleet in Sevastopol base which allows it to modernize the Black Sea fleet, and with these, it got all ports and military bases in Crimea.

2. With the annexation of the peninsula there were practically totally destroyed the Naval Forces of Ukraine, there has been destroyed their ordering system as well as the system of training of military personnel. The Azov Sea through the control of Kerch Strait is currently under Russian jurisdiction. The economic zones of the countries in the basin of the Black Sea have cardinally changed. We note that the changes are totally against Ukraine which lost about 70% of previously owned exclusive economic zone. With the loss of control over the Strait of Kerch Ukraine lost the control entirely over the Azov Sea [5, p.34]. Two of the 27 Ukrainian regions passed under Russian jurisdiction, and two others declared their independence [6. p.101]. The loss of Donbas and the collapse of a considerable part of industry in the Eastern zone make Ukraine lose its regional leadership and its industrial and energetic importance. The dependence of European states on Russian gas again contributes to closeness of EU to Russian Federation.

3. Another negative impact of the Russian-Ukrainian crisis on the Ukrainian territory is its ability to be subjected to a territorial division. Taking into account the majority of population speaking the language and following traditions, the linguistic and ethnic peculiarities of the population in the border areas between Ukraine and neighboring states, Ukraine can be divided into areas of responsibility of the Russian Federation, Poland, Romania [6, p.73].

4. If Russia before the annexation paid an annual fee for crossing the strait both for the navy and the merchant fleet now the situation is totally different. As a result of the annexation of the Crimean peninsula and the city of Sevastopol the Russian Federation obtains equal status with Turkey in the exclusive area with about 40% of the Black Sea basin, and more than that, obtains de facto control over the Black Sea, because its area is arranged geographically in the center of the sub-region [5, p.34].

5. The Russian-Ukrainian crisis has also given Belarus a new geopolitical role in the region. There has already occurred a partial transfer of Ukrainian technology industry to Belarus. The best example is the initiation of construction of military helicopters at the aircraft building plant from Or§nsk, the company «MotopChh». Also a transfer of Ukrainian military industry to Belarus takes place. Currently Belarus




began to hold a position that was previously held by Ukraine. It has received an order from Russia to manufacture annualy 1500 military helicopters. In the future the modernization and construction of armored technique, of military aircraft, missiles and anti missile system is expected. Belarus has also benefits from the transit of territory by Russian heavy machinery to Europe. This leads to modernizing and building of terrestrial routes of communications. Currently Belarus is a regional leader. The situation in Eastern Ukraine turns Belarus into an energetic knot between the eastern and western areas becoming a much more important partner for Russian Federation in comparison with the period prior the Russian-Ukrainian crisis. The Russian-Ukrainian crisis also gave Belarus a new impetus in the development of relations with Russian Federation.The construction in Belarus of an APP (atomic power plant) with the support of company «Rostam» and the Russian investments. As a result of the visit of D. Rogozin in Belarus in 2014 the Russian official stressed the new quality of Belarus for Russian Federation [6].

6. Russian-Ukrainian crisis has an impact on relations of the Balkan states with the Russian Federation. The project of AES (Atom Energetic Station) construction in Hungary contributed to fostering the process of two issues. Avoiding the territory of Ukraine, the construction of the pipeline « Iujnii Potoc» became tense.

As a result of annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation, a change of «geopolitical architecture» of the Eastern European space has practically taken place and consequently the role of the Black Sea basin. The annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation is regarded by the West as a threat to European security. As a result, the reaction of NATO, under the pretext of ensuring the security of both European states-members of NATO and the entire European area, has the purpose to strengthen its presence in the area. The events in Ukraine have drawn attention of the US which in turn elaborated a new strategy for the development of US maritime forces. The modernization of Russian Armed Forces, the illegal annexation of Crimea requires the involvement of NATO to ensure the European security. The same opinion is supported by the former commander of NATO Armed Forces in Europe, Admiral G. Stavridis as well as commander of NATO exercises in the Black Sea basin, Admiral B. Williams [7]. Similar opinions have also deputy director of the International Security Center of the Atlantic Council R. Greimer who considers necessary to strengthen NATO presence in the Black Sea basin. The Black Sea basin is a strategic knot, it is a crossroad of energetic and trade ways between Europe, Central Asia, Turkey and the Russian Federation [3].

For the European Parliament (EP) the geostrategic change of landscape and the development of military infrastructure in the basin of the Black Sea denote «serious problems after the end of the Cold War». European states must have an answer to all the actions of the Russian Federation, must update the foreign policy and the military security policy in EU Strategy for the Black Sea. Especially in case Russia's presence




in the Eastern European space strengthens in the immediate vicinity of EU, including Romania, Poland, and the Baltic States. In such a way, according to estimates, made by the US agency Stratfor about the situation in the basin of the Black Sea, after the annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation, the balance of power in the region has changed which led to NATO appropriate reaction [8].

NATO increases its presence in Europe to deter any military operations of Russia. NATO Strategy «Anaconda 2016» totaled 31,000 troops from Poland, the United States and 17 other member states of NATO (is the five partner countries), equipped with 3.000 military vehicles, 105 planes and helicopters plus 12 warships, equipment deployed from the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea [1]. NATO exercise «Anaconda», which had to take place in Poland, was the most important military event in the modern history of the country involving more than 27,000 troops from 22 countries [4].Also, from May 30 until June 9, 2016, in the Estonian town of Tapa exercises were conducted within NATO operation Saber Knight, that were attended by approximately 10.000 troops from 13 NATO member countries [2].

When conducting military exercises of NATO and Ukraine in the Black Sea basin, the commander of Maritime Forces 6th Fleet of the USA, G. Foggo on 31 August 2015 promised the use of «right to move freely around the Black Sea» of maritime forces as well as the permanent presence of the US fleet in the basin of the Black Sea, and financial assistance from the US to Ukraine for modernization of armed forces. The exercises in the Black Sea basin can be considered as the most extensive and far-reaching in the history of NATO, which were attended by 2, 5 thousand soldiers (of which 1,000 representatives of the US Armed Forces). There also participated in the exercises 4 fighting warships, 2 submarines, planes and 6 helicopters, 40 units of technical equipment - under auspices of Pentagon. The Ukrainian part involved 1000 soldiers, 9 warships, dozens of border patrol service vessels, 8 planes and 8 helicopters, and 80 units of technical equipment. The total area of military exercises - sea water area of the Black Sea, Armed Forces Polygon of Ukraine, military aerodromes «§colinaii» from Odessa, «Kulibakino»from Nicolaev, «Cernobaevka»from Herson, land landing from Ociakovo, as well as islands Pervomaisk, the international airport «Odessa», commercial-sea port « Iujnaii» from Odessa, military port Ociakovo (Nikolaev region).

The structure of the contemporary world is dynamic, in the process of transformation. The political reality increasingly focuses on «global political instability» which proves the erosion of the system from Westfalia. International relations focused towards a pluricentric principle contribute to the formation of a «new geopolitical architecture» in general, but also of that of Eastern European one in particular. On the other hand the world system focused towards principles from Ialta-Potsdam is destroyed.

Thus, analyzing the process of establishing the «new geopolitical architecture»




of the Eastern European space, but also the sharing of influence of power centers (in this case between the West, represented by the EU, US and NATO on the one hand and the Russian Federation on the other hand), we could make a first attempt to define this phenomenon. The «new geopolitical architecture» of the Eastern European space represents the area constituted as the result of disappearance (case of Soviet Union) and the consequences of sharing the influence in this area. The «new geopolitical architecture» of the Eastern European space represents a space created as a result of sharing the influence sphere between two centers of power.

Although in the Eastern European space from the geographical point of view, as it was mentioned above, Belarus, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Moldova, Poland, Russian Federation, Romania, Slovakia, Ukraine, Hungary are included, from the geopolitical point of view the Eastern European space can expand its area including also the Caucasus region.


1. Электронный ресурс. - URL: http://www.romania-actualitati.ro/ anaconda_2016_unul_dintre_cele_mai_mari_exercitii_militare_nato-90777

2. Электронный ресурс. - URL: http://www.aktual24.ro/exercitii-nato-de-amploare-tarile-baltice-participa-peste- 10-000-de-soldati/

3. Электронный ресурс. - URL: https://openrussia.org/post/view/12704/

4. Электронный ресурс. - URL: http://www.realitatea.net/nato-pregate-te-anaconda-un-amplu-exerci-iu-militar-vor-participa-22-de-ari-inclusiv-romania_1894706.html

5. Багрова Л.А., Боков В.А., Багров Н.В. География Крыма. - Киев: Лыбидь, 2001. - 300 с.

6. Особенности современных интеграционных процессов на постсоветском пространстве. Крым - новая реальность. Международная жизнь. 2015. № 1. p.72-122

7. Электронный ресурс. - URL: http://ru.krymr.com/a726911877.html

8. Электронный ресурс. - URL: http://news.wikilex.com.ua/2016/07/06/ protivostoyanie-v-chernom-more-chego-dobilas-rossiya-posle-anneksii-kryma-2/

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