Volume 14' December 2019
Reliability evaluation of radial distribution system - A case study
Aditya Tiwary
Dept. of Fire Technology & Safety Engineering, IPS Academy, Institute of Engineering and science, Rajendra Nagar, Indore (M.P), India
Reliability evaluation of a system or component or element is very important in order to predict its availability and other relevant indices. Reliability is the parameter which tells about the availability of the system under proper working conditions for a given period of time. In this paper reliability evaluation of an electrical power distribution system is done and different parameter are evaluated. The electrical power distribution system taken for study is radial distribution system in nature.
Keywords: Reliability, Availability, Radial distribution system, Electrical power system.
I. Introduction
Reliability evaluation of a system or component or element is very important in order to predict its availability and other relevant indices. Reliability is the parameter which tells about the availability of the system under proper working conditions for a given period of time. A Markov cut-set composite approach to the reliability evaluation of transmission and distribution systems involving dependent failures was proposed by Singh et al. [1]. The reliability indices have been determined at any point of composite system by conditional probability approach by Billinton et al. [2]. Wojczynski et al. [3] discussed distribution system simulation studies which investigate the effect of interruption duration distributions and cost curve shapes on interruption cost estimates. New indices to reflect the integration of probabilistic models and fuzzy concepts was proposed by Verma et al. [4]. Zheng et al. [5] developed a model for a single unit and derived expression for availability of a component accounting tolerable repair time. Distributions of reliability indices resulting from two sampling techniques are presented and analyzed along with those from MCS by Jirutitijaroen and Singh [6]. Dzobe et al. [7] investigated the use of probability distribution function in reliability worth analysis of electric power system. Bae and Kim [8] presented an analytical technique to evaluate the reliability of customers in a microgrid including distribution generations. Reliability network equivalent approach to distribution system reliability assessment is proposed by Billinton and Wang [9].
Evaluation of Reliability indices accounting omission of random repair time for distribution systems using Monte Carlo simulation [10]. Determination of Optimum period between Inspections for Distribution system based on Availability Accounting Uncertainties in
Inspection Time and Repair Time, Tiwary et al. [11]. Jirutitijaroen et al. [12] developed a comparison of simulation methods for power system reliability indexes and their distribution. Determination of reliability indices for distribution system using a state transition sampling technique accounting random down time omission Tiwary et al. [13]. Tiwary et al. [14] proposed a methodology based on inspection repair based availability optimization of distribution systems using Teaching Learning based Optimization. Bootstrapping based technique for evaluating reliability indices of RBTS distribution system neglecting random down time was evaluated [15]. Volkanavski et al. [16] proposed application of fault tree analysis for assessment of the power system reliability. Li et al. [17] studies the impact of covered overhead conductors on distribution reliability and safety. Reliability enhancement of distribution system using Teaching Learning based optimization considering customer and energy based indices was obtained in Tiwary et al. [18]. Self-Adaptive Multi-Population Jaya Algorithm based Reactive Power Reserve Optimization Considering Voltage Stability Margin Constraints was obtained in Tiwary et al. [19]. A smooth bootstrapping based technique for evaluating distribution system reliability indices neglecting random interruption duration is developed [20]. The impact of covered overhead conductors on distribution reliability and safety is discussed [21]. Sarantakos et al. [22] introduced a method to include component condition and substation reliability into distribution system reconfiguration. Battu et al. [23] discussed a method for reliability compliant distribution system planning using Monte Carlo simulation.
II. Reliability evaluation of series system and its implementation
Physically a system configuration will be a series reliability network if system fails even if a single component fails or system survives if all the components are working successfully.
If one assumes time independent reliability r1,r2...rn, then reliability of series system is given
Fig. 1, [20] consists of 7 distributor segments and 7 load points from LP-2 to LP-8. For each and eveiy load point series path is considered from source to that load point.
Figure 1: Eightnode distribution system
III. Results and Discussion
Table 1 shows the initial data for the radial distribution system. There are seven distribution section and the initial data for the reliability are 0.4, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.2, 0.6, 0.8 respectively. Table 2 provides the evaluated reliability for each of the load points separately. For LP-2 to LP-8 evaluated reliability value is 0.4, 0.12, 0.06, 0.28, 0.056, 0.072, 0.0576 respectively. Fig. 2 provides the magnitude of evaluated reliability at different load points.
Table 1 : Initial data for the radial distribution system.
Distribution section 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Reliability value 0.4 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.2 0.6 0.8
Table 2: Evaluated reliability for each of the load points.
Load Point 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Evaluated Reliability 0.4 0.12 0.06 0.28 0.056 0.072 0.0576
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Figure 2: Magnitude of Reliability at different load points.
IV. Conclusion
Reliability evaluation of a system or component or element is very important in order to predict its availability and other relevant indices. In this paper reliability evaluation of an electrical power distribution system is evaluated. The electrical power distribution system taken for study is radial distribution system in nature. The parameter obtained is shown in Table-2 for the different Load points LP-2 to LP-8 respectively.
[1] C. Singh. (1981). Markov cut-set approach for the reliability evaluation of transmission and distribution systems. IEEE Trans. on Power Apparatus and Systems, 100: 2719-2725.
[2] R. Billinton. (1969). Composite system reliability evaluation. IEEE Trans. on Power Apparatus and Systems, 88:276-281.
[3] E. Wojczynski, R. Billinton. (1985). Effects of distribution system reliability index distributions upon interruption cost/reliability worth estimates. IEEE Trans. on Power Apparatus and Systems, 11:3229-3235.
[4] A. K. Verma, A. Srividya, H. M. R. Kumar. (2002). A framework using uncertainties in the composite power system reliability evaluation. Electric Power Components and Systems, 30:679-691.
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[6] P. Jirutitijaroen, C. singh. (2008). Comparison of simulation methods for power system reliability indexes and their distributions. IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, 23:486-493.
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[8] I. S. Bae, J. O. Kim. (2008). Reliability evaluation of customers in a microgrid. IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, 23:1416-1422.
[9] R. Billinton, P. Wang. (1998). Reliability-network-equivalent approach to distribution-system-reliability evaluation. IEE Proc. generation, transmission and distribution, 145:149153.
[10] L. D. Arya, S. C. Choube, R. Arya and Aditya Tiwary. (2012). Evaluation of Reliability indices accounting omission of random repair time for distribution systems using Monte Carlo simulation. Int. J. of Electrical Power and Energy System, (ELSEVIER), 42:533-541.
[11] Aditya Tiwary, R. Arya, S. C. Choube and L. D. Arya. (2012). Determination of Optimum period between Inspections for Distribution system based on Availability Accounting Uncertainties in Inspection Time and Repair Time. Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): series B (Springer), 93:67-72.
[12] Jirutitijaroen P, singh C. (2008). Comparison of simulation methods for power system reliability indexes and their distribution. IEEE Trans Power Syst, 23:486-92.
[13] Aditya Tiwary, R. Arya, S. C. Choube and L. D. Arya. (2013). Determination of reliability indices for distribution system using a state transition sampling technique accounting random down time omission. Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): series B (Springer), 94:71-83.
[14] Aditya Tiwary, L. D. Arya, R. Arya and S. C. Choube. (2016). Inspection repair based availability optimization of distribution systems using Teaching Learning based Optimization. Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): series B (Springer), 97:355-365.
[15] Aditya Tiwary, R. Arya, L. D. Arya and S. C. Choube. (2017). Bootstrapping based technique for evaluating reliability indices of RBTS distribution system neglecting random down time. The IUP Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, X:48-57.
[16] Volkanavski, Cepin M, Mavko B. (2009). Application of fault tree analysis for assessment of the power system reliability. Reliab Eng Syst Safety, 94:1116-27.
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[19] Aditya Tiwary. (2018). Self-Adaptive Multi-Population Jaya Algorithm based Reactive Power Reserve Optimization Considering Voltage Stability Margin Constraints. International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science & Communication Engineering, 4:341-345.
[20] R. Arya, Aditya Tiwary, S. C. Choube and L. D. Arya. (2013). A smooth bootstrapping based technique for evaluating distribution system reliability indices neglecting random interruption duration. Int. J. of Electrical Power and Energy System, (ELSEVIER), 51:307-310.
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