RELATIONS OF SOVEREIGN KYRGYZSTAN IN THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL SPHERES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Tobakalov Cholponbai

Kyrgyzstan strives to strengthen and deepen mutually beneficial cooperation in all sectors of the national economy. When forming economic and social ties, the Kyrgyz Republic also primarily paid attention to the development of relations with the CIS countries, especially with Central Asia and Kazakhstan. 90’s. in the first half of the year, Kyrgyzstan’s export-import relations were Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, and Belarus, followed by Kazakhstan.

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Бюллетень науки и практики / Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 6. №10. 2020

https://www.bulletennauki.com https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/59

UDC 947.1/58(575.2) (327.1) https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/59/36


©Tobakalov Ch., Ph.D., Osh Technological University, Osh, Kyrgyzstan, tobakalov70@bk.ru


©Тобакалов Ч. Б., канд. ист. наук, Ошский технологический университет, г. Ош, Кыргызстан, tobakalov70@bk.ru

Abstract. Kyrgyzstan strives to strengthen and deepen mutually beneficial cooperation in all sectors of the national economy. When forming economic and social ties, the Kyrgyz Republic also primarily paid attention to the development of relations with the CIS countries, especially with Central Asia and Kazakhstan. 90's. in the first half of the year, Kyrgyzstan's export-import relations were Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, and Belarus, followed by Kazakhstan.

Аннотация. Кыргызстан стремится укреплять и углублять сотрудничество во всех отраслях национальной экономики. При формировании экономических и социальных связей Киргизская Республика также в первую очередь уделяла внимание развитию отношений со странами СНГ, особенно со странами Центральной Азии и Казахстаном. В первом полугодии основными экспортно-импортными партнерами Кыргызстана были Россия, Казахстан, Узбекистан, Украина, Туркменистан, Таджикистан и Беларусь.

Keywords: international relations, regulation, societies, friendship.

Ключевые слова: международные отношения, регулирование, общества, дружба.

Kyrgyzstan supplies them with products made of leather, wool, cotton, silk fabrics, carpets, cotton fiber, rare ores, granite, marble, and ceramic slabs. b. export. There, Kyrgyzstan supplies fuel and lubricants, coal, cars, agricultural machinery, ferrous metal, gas, and other used materials.

Currently, Kyrgyzstan carries out economic, export-import relations with more than 40 countries of the far and 11 near abroad. 1995. Then there were changes in the trade and economic relations of Kyrgyzstan with the countries of the near and far abroad. If earlier Russia was the largest partner of Kyrgyzstan, now the first place was taken by the trade of the people's Republic of China. But mostly a lot of low-quality goods come from China. In terms of economic relations, the level of the countries of Russia, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan has become the same. 90's. in the economic context, imports predominated over Kyrgyzstan's exports [1].

In this regard, the main goal of the economic reform is to produce goods imported to the Republic from Kyrgyzstan and expand exports. During the economic reform, special attention is paid to the development of import-substituting sectors of the economy, the creation of basic enterprises that produce goods that are competitive on the world market. Foreign investment is increasingly being attracted to achieve this goal.

Бюллетень науки и практики / Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 6. №10. 2020

https://www.bulletennauki.com https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/59

International financial organizations, such as the international monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the international development Association, provide great assistance in rehabilitating the Republic's economy and building enterprises capable of producing export-oriented goods from local raw materials. The Asian Development Bank, the International Finance Corporation, and the Islamic Development Bank have recently been actively helping in this direction [2].

Currently, enterprises and companies in Kyrgyzstan created jointly with foreign countries are growing and operating from year to year. For example, Kyrgyzstan and the Canadian Corporation Cameco are developing the Kumtor gold deposits in the Issyk-Kul region and Zher UY in the Talas region. Economic ties also play an important role in the implementation of land and agrarian reform and the transformation of agriculture into an effective industry. Currently, Kyrgyzstan does not fully provide itself with food products. It has been scientifically proven that the Republic is fully capable of exporting agricultural products when fully utilizing its capabilities. Therefore, the World Bank allocated $ 60 million to Kyrgyzstan for grain production.

Special attention is paid to international relations and rehabilitation of sheep breeding, which has become the basis of agriculture in Kyrgyzstan. Together with the World Bank, Merino sheep breeding is being developed in the Republic. However, part of us $ 16 million allocated for the first stage, which was allocated for the development of a sheep farm, was impractical. In this regard, Kyrgyzstanis should understand that money received from abroad is transferred to debt, and when the time comes, it must be returned as a percentage. If in 1995 the Republic's external debt totaled $ 600 million in 2000 more than $ 2 billion. The maturity of the original debt will expire one after the other.

Therefore, it is necessary to keep in mind that the assistance provided will be directed at the level where it will be purposefully returned to production. In the future, Kyrgyzstan will be able to export more wool, fermented tobacco leaves, cotton, and seeds of perennial herbs, sugar beet, hybrid corn, vegetables, and melons to the international market.

When the number of imported goods decreases during the transition period, the organization of free economic zones is of great importance. In this regard, the Republic has created free economic zones Naryn, Karakol, Bishkek, and Mayak. These include the widespread use of foreign investment and the widespread introduction of technologies that use natural resources and minerals to produce energy, food, medicine, and light and heavy industry products [3].

The social sphere of sovereign Kyrgyzstan also expands international relations. This is evident primarily in the education system. Currently, more than 3 thousand Kyrgyzstanis study abroad. More than 1 thousand foreign students study in our Republic. With the support of the United States, the Kyrgyz-American University, the Kyrgyz-Russian (Slavic) University in Bishkek was opened, and with the support of Turkey, the Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University of a new type was opened. United Nations development program (UNDP) provides assistance in training new specialists in Kyrgyzstan, especially in improving educational activities in rural areas. Based on this program, the International University of Kyrgyzstan and the international school of business management were organized, and a number of schools were built in rural areas [4].

The Soros-Kyrgyzstan international Foundation makes a significant contribution to equipping higher educational institutions in Kyrgyzstan, especially secondary schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, textbooks, visual AIDS, technical means, improving the level of education, and improving the skills of teachers. 1993 the Soros-Kyrgyzstan Foundation center is currently working on 45 programs. They are mainly aimed at reforming educational institutions, paying scholarships to students and postgraduates, and publishing. This Fund was established in 1994-1998. Also, 16 million US dollars were allocated to improve the culture of the Republic. In recent years, with the help of firms in

Бюллетень науки и практики / Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 6. №10. 2020

https://www.bulletennauki.com https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/59

South Korea, Japan, the United States, and Turkey, the Republic's telephone service has been radically updated.

In Bishkek, with the support of the People's Republic of China, Dostuk and AK-Kem Pinara hotels are being built and operated together with Turkey.

The Kyrgyz national library also works hard to develop international relations. Currently, it contains more than 6 billion different publications in 70 languages of the world. The international exchange of books has been established to replenish the library's collection. Initiated by Kyrgyzstan in 2002. In October of this year, Bishkek hosted the Global mountain summit. It has developed a large special program dedicated to the development of mountain States and regions. Holding this forum in our Republic, and the participation of representatives of more than 50 countries, has significantly increased the prestige of our country.

The relations between Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan have long been characterized by disputes and contradictions based on the unresolved issue of border demarcation and delimitation. On this basis, there have been numerous incidents between the two States, during which military personnel was withdrawn to the border areas, borders were closed, the movement of enclave residents became more complicated, and so on. In addition, the Uzbek side has expressed both, directly and indirectly, its claims against Kyrgyzstan on water issues, and has repeatedly used energy levers to resolve certain issues. However, both States did not escalate incidents that could escalate into full-scale conflicts [5].

Recent developments in relations between Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan point to a promising future that will allow us to resolve the issues that have accumulated over two and a half decades.

After Shavkat Mirziyoyev came to power in Uzbekistan, ties with Kyrgyzstan, which had remained frozen for a decade, began to develop rapidly.

Thanks to the talks held in Samarkand in September during the funeral of President Islam Karimov, it became clear that both countries are more than ready to resolve issues of peaceful coexistence and good neighborliness. Then the Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic S. Jeenbekov and the then head of the government of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh. Mirziyoyev discussed the tense situation on the borders, burdened by the landing of Uzbek security forces and the arrest of Kyrgyzstanis. Later, thanks to the efforts of the government of S. Jeenbekov, the citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic were released, and all military equipment of the neighboring state was withdrawn from the undescribed section of the border.

This was a clear reflection of the fact that the talks between the two Prime Ministers laid the groundwork for the start of a reset in relations between the two countries.

It is noteworthy that the first official visit of the Kyrgyz delegation to Uzbekistan in many years, which took place on October 1, 2016, at the invitation of the Uzbek side, was one of the first steps in establishing bilateral cooperation. The warm reception organized in honor of the Kyrgyz side once again showed that Uzbekistan is ready to improve relations with neighboring Kyrgyzstan. During the trip to Uzbekistan, a Memorandum of mutual cooperation was signed between the three regions of the two countries.

At the end of October 2016, the Uzbek side made a return visit to Kyrgyzstan at the invitation of the Kyrgyz side, and this was a response indicator of the desire of Kyrgyzstan to solve all the existing problems with fraternal Uzbekistan. During the visit, representatives of the Republic of Uzbekistan visited cultural and festive events in the Central square of Osh and met with representatives of the Assembly of peoples of Kyrgyzstan. Also, the guests at the Babur drama Theater were shown a theatrical production of "Semetey — son of Manas". Moreover, bilateral documents were signed following the meeting.

Бюллетень науки и практики / Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 6. №10. 2020

https://www.bulletennauki.com https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/59

As the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Uzbekistan to Kyrgyzstan Kamil Roshidov noted in an interview with Kabar, the exchange of visits of our delegations to Osh and Andijan last autumn gave an impetus to the development of bilateral cooperation not only between the border zones but also the entire nature of bilateral relations [6].

"In addition, we are working on a document on cooperation in the border area. This will be a broad program, and the adoption of this document, I am sure, will give a planned character to our relations," the Ambassador stressed.

In August 2017, the Prime Minister of Uzbekistan paid a working visit to Kyrgyzstan to continue efforts to bring bilateral relations to a higher level.

For the first time in eight years, Bishkek hosted a meeting of the two countries ' intergovernmental commission on bilateral cooperation under the chairmanship of the heads of government of Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan, as well as a meeting of government delegations on the delimitation and demarcation of the state border, which has not met at the level of the intergovernmental Commission since 2009.

The presence of existing progress in relations between Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan was noticeable from the first minutes of the negotiations of the delegations: they were businesslike and immediately declared their readiness to intensify trade and economic cooperation and double the trade turnover by the end of the year, noting that in order to develop cooperation, we must strive to remove all existing barriers. The first signed Protocol actually defined the plans of Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan for the near future in the development of trade and economic cooperation, cultural and humanitarian ties [7].

The resumption of an active dialogue between Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan is undoubtedly important not only in the bilateral aspect but also has great significance for cooperation in multilateral issues. But it is even more important for the residents of the border areas of the two countries, who have received real hope for the restoration of broken ties and contacts that have United the countries for more than a decade.


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Бюллетень науки и практики / Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 6. №10. 2020

https://www.bulletennauki.com https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/59

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Ссылка для цитирования:

Tobakalov Ch. Relations of Sovereign Kyrgyzstan in the Economic and Social Spheres // Бюллетень науки и практики. 2020. Т. 6. №10. С. 410-414. https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/59/36

Cite as (APA):

Tobakalov, Ch. (2020). Relations of Sovereign Kyrgyzstan in the Economic and Social Spheres. Bulletin of Science and Practice, 6(10), 410-414. https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/59/36

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