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Ключевые слова
China / Soft power / Culture / Huxiang culture / Hunan / Cultural exchange / Китай / мягкая сила / культура / культура Хусян / Хунань / культурный обмен

Аннотация научной статьи по политологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Wang Lu

Joseph Nye, who proposed the concept of soft power, emphasized the significance of cultural communication in the promotion of national soft power. Contemporary international political power is shifting from "having abundant capital" to "having abundant information". A country may have a legitimate political power because it has values that attract other countries to voluntarily follow. A country with rich cultural resources can strengthen its soft power only by effectively spreading its own culture external and being understood and recognized by foreign audiences. National culture itself is a complex, which is composed of cultures of different fields and regions. The dissemination of regional culture with local characteristics has become an important part of the external dissemination of national culture. If the external communication of regional culture lags behind for a long time, it will certainly affect the national macro strategy. Therefore, regional cultural communication plays an irreplaceable role in national image building. This paper takes Huxiang culture, a regional culture with rich local characteristics in China, as a case study. Firstly, it summarizes the connotation and specific performance of Huxiang culture, and then summarizes the characteristics of Huxiang culture in the process of external communication: the strong support of the government provides a lot of convenience and conditions for the external communication of Huxiang culture; In the process of external communication, Huxiang culture makes full use of favorable external conditions such as "One Belt, One Road". In the external communication of Huxiang culture, the common values of China and foreign countries are taken as the key content, and the culture is smoothly integrated into foreign cultural groups. The external communication of Huxiang culture has brought benefits to China: it has shaped the national image of China with extensive and profound culture, brought economic benefits to China and the local area, and strengthened the cultural exchanges between China and the rest of the world. Of course, there are also some problems and challenges in the external communication of Huxiang culture, such as insufficient diversification of communication subjects, unitary communication methods, and lack of communication talents. Generally speaking, as an important part of the regional culture of Chinese culture, Huxiang culture has enhanced China's national cultural influence and soft power through its external communication

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Джозеф Най, который предложил концепцию мягкой силы, подчеркнул важность культурной коммуникации в продвижении национальной мягкой силы. Современная международная политическая власть переходит от "обладания обильным капиталом" к "обладанию обильной информацией". Страна может обладать законной политической властью, потому что у нее есть ценности, которые привлекают другие страны к добровольному следованию. Страна с богатыми культурными ресурсами может усилить свою мягкую силу, только эффективно распространяя свою собственную культуру за пределы страны и будучи понятой и признанной иностранной аудиторией. Национальная культура сама по себе представляет собой комплекс, состоящий из культур разных областей и регионов. Распространение региональной культуры с местными особенностями стало важной частью внешнего распространения национальной культуры. Если внешняя коммуникация региональной культуры будет отставать в течение длительного времени, это, безусловно, повлияет на национальную макростратегию. Таким образом, региональная культурная коммуникация играет незаменимую роль в формировании национального имиджа. В этой статье в качестве примера рассматривается культура Хусян, региональная культура с богатыми местными особенностями в Китае. Во-первых, в нем суммируются коннотация и специфические характеристики культуры Хусян, а затем суммируются характеристики культуры Хусян в процессе внешней коммуникации: сильная поддержка правительства обеспечивает множество удобств и условий для внешней коммуникации культуры Хусян; в процессе внешней коммуникации культура Хусян в полной мере использует использование благоприятных внешних условий, таких как "Один пояс, один путь". Во внешней коммуникации культуры Хусян в качестве ключевого содержания берутся общие ценности Китая и зарубежных стран, и культура плавно интегрируется в иностранные культурные группы. Внешняя коммуникация культуры Хусян принесла пользу Китаю: она сформировала национальный имидж Китая с обширной и глубокой культурой, принесла экономические выгоды Китаю и местному региону и укрепила культурные обмены между Китаем и остальным миром. Конечно, во внешней коммуникации культуры Хусян также существуют некоторые проблемы, такие как недостаточная диверсификация предметов общения, унитарные методы общения и отсутствие коммуникативных талантов. Вообще говоря, являясь важной частью региональной культуры Китая, культура Хусян усилила национальное культурное влияние Китая и его мягкую силу благодаря своим внешним коммуникациям.



Wang Lu

MA, lecturer, School of Humanities and Arts, Xiangtan Institute of Technology 1754315194@qq.com


Abstract: Joseph Nye, who proposed the concept of soft power, emphasized the significance of cultural communication in the promotion of national soft power. Contemporary international political power is shifting from "having abundant capital" to "having abundant information". A country may have a legitimate political power because it has values that attract other countries to voluntarily follow. A country with rich cultural resources can strengthen its soft power only by effectively spreading its own culture external and being understood and recognized by foreign audiences. National culture itself is a complex, which is composed of cultures of different fields and regions. The dissemination of regional culture with local characteristics has become an important part of the external dissemination of national culture. If the external communication of regional culture lags behind for a long time, it will certainly affect the national macro strategy. Therefore, regional cultural communication plays an irreplaceable role in national image building. This paper takes Huxiang culture, a regional culture with rich local characteristics in China, as a case study. Firstly, it summarizes the connotation and specific performance of Huxiang culture, and then summarizes the characteristics of Huxiang culture in the process of external communication: the strong support of the government provides a lot of convenience and conditions for the external communication of Huxiang culture; In the process of external communication, Huxiang culture makes full use of favorable external conditions such as "One Belt, One Road". In the external communication of Huxiang culture, the common values of China and foreign countries are taken as the key content, and the culture is smoothly integrated into foreign cultural groups. The external communication of Huxiang culture has brought benefits to China: it has shaped the national image of China with extensive and profound culture, brought economic benefits to China and the local area, and strengthened the cultural exchanges between China and the rest of the world. Of course, there are also some problems and challenges in the external communication of Huxiang culture, such as insufficient diversification of communication subjects, unitary communication methods, and lack of communication talents. Generally speaking, as an important part of the regional culture of Chinese culture, Huxiang culture has enhanced China's national cultural influence and soft power through its external communication.

Key words: China; Soft power; Culture; Huxiang culture; Hunan; Cultural exchange

The concept of "soft power" was first put forward by Joseph Nye, an American scholar of international relations.2 Nye sees "Soft Power" as opposed to "Hard Power." Nye believes that the change of international politics after the Cold War is mainly manifested in "the change of world power" and "the change of the nature of power". In the past, the test of a great power was its strength in war. Today, the definition of power no longer emphasizes military power and conquest, and factors such as technology, education and economic growth are becoming increasingly important in international power. During the cold war, east and west against the axis is the "hard

1This paper is supported by The Research Project on Teaching Reform of Colleges And Universities In Hunan Province In 2022 : Study on the path of Huxiang Culture entering the classroom under the academy system model -- Take Tanzhou Academy as an example. (HNJG-2022-1368)

2 Joseph Nye, "Soft Power", in Foreign Policy, vol.80, 1990, pp.153-171.


power" (military machines and nuclear deterrent, etc.) ,especially the power to use military force to balance the power position of the international system. Realism also emphasizes the role of "hard power." Now, with the disappearance of the global military confrontation between the two superpowers, economic and cultural factors are playing an increasingly prominent role in international relations. In a changing world, "all nations, including the United States, must learn to achieve their goals through new sources of power: managing the international architecture of global interdependence and sharing human cultural values."1 Nye called this new source of power "soft power." "Soft power" of the new forms are emerging, especially in the aspect of culture, education and mass media. The nature of the "soft power" is not explained by traditional geopolitics and assessment. In the international relations of the 21st century, with the competition between countries, soft power is increasingly showing its unique value and function.

National culture is an important component of national soft power. National culture itself is a complex, which is composed of cultures of different fields and regions. Therefore, the dissemination of regional culture with local characteristics has become an important part of the external dissemination of national culture. If the external communication of regional culture lags behind for a long time, it will certainly affect the national macro strategy. In fact, most of what foreigners know about other countries is likely to take their own experiences, observations and feelings about one part of the country as the image of the whole country. Therefore, regional cultural communication plays an irreplaceable role in national image building.

In this paper, Huxiang culture, which is very rich in local characteristics in China, is selected as a case. By analyzing the mode, effect, experience and lessons of external communication of Huxiang culture, this paper considers how a country can give full play to its unique regional cultural resources, so as to promote the external communication of national culture and enhance the country's soft power.

What is Huxiang culture in China?

"Huxiang Culture" is an important part of traditional Chinese culture. From the perspective of the region, it refers to the cultural structure system with regional characteristics, which is based on the specific regional environment and humanistic tradition in Hunan and Hubei and derived from the objective relationship between human and nature and people in history.2 The traditional Huxiang culture is the organic unity of philosophical thinking. Practical philosophy and practical moral cultivation; "Gasification new day", unremitting self-improvement spirit of struggle; Intellectuals concerned about the country and the people's sense of community participation in politics; It is characterized by the military and political strategies of running a decisive victory and ruling the world.

After thousands of years of inheritance and development, Huxiang culture has both theoretical and secular forms, including politics, economy, astronomy, history, philosophy, folk customs and other cultural elements, which are widely distributed in different fields and disciplines, each element has a strict structure and close correlation, reflecting the continuous development of Huxiang culture.3 Gradually form the unique connotation of inclusiveness, learning from other people's strengths, pluralism, unique characteristics, knowledge, seeking truth from facts, applying to the world, practicing, worrying about the world and daring to be the first.

As an independent regional culture, Huxiang culture has a profound cultural heritage. It takes the traditional neo-Confucianism and practice thoughts as the core and local plots as the core, stresses the practical application of the world, continues its own tradition with regional

1 Joseph Nye, "The Changing Nature of World Power", in Political Science Quarterly, □ Vol.105, 1990, pp.177-192.

2 Zhu Hanmin, "Exploring the Source of Huxiang Culture", in Journal of Hunan University (Social Sciences Edition), Vol.4, 2011, pp.5-9.

3 Zhu Hanmin, "The basic elements and characteristics of hunan culture", in Journal of Hunan Forum, vol.5, 2000, pp. 59-61.

consciousness and the worship of rural talents, constantly strengthens its advantages in all aspects, enhances cultural confidence and cohesion, and forms a complete and rigorous, self-contained multi-level cultural system. Huxiang culture evolved into local unique social relations, value system, behavior pattern and extensive and profound kinds of concrete. In the course of its development, Huxiang culture has continuously imported new nutrients into the traditional culture, and its ideological spark and cultural essence have been deeply integrated into the traditional Chinese culture.

Characteristics of Huxiang Culture's External Communication

Huxiang culture has the following characteristics in the process of external communication:

1. Strong official support

In the process of Huxiang culture's external communication, the government played an important role. Through policy planning, financial support, tax incentives and other means, the government provides a lot of convenience and conditions for the external communication of Huxiang culture. The strategy of Hunan province strengthening culture gives policy support to the external communication of Huxiang culture. In November 2006, the Ninth Party Congress of Hunan Province proposed for the first time to implement the strategy of "strong culture province". Since then, Hunan province has continued to promote the construction of "strong culture province". The 10th and 11th Party Congresses continue to write "strong culture province" into the development strategy. In particular, the 11th Party Congress of Hunan Province in 2016, combined with the development trend of China's cultural construction in the new period and the actual development of Hunan's cultural construction, once again put forward the strategic goal of "strong culture province" and as an important content of the construction of "five strong provinces", emphasized "realizing the transformation from a big culture province to a strong culture province".1 It puts forward new goals, tasks and requirements for promoting the construction of "strong culture province" in the new period.

Hunan Province makes a detailed plan for accelerating the construction of "strong culture province". It proposes to organically integrate Hunan culture with the spirit of Hunan and the achievements of foreign civilization, enhance the radiation and cohesion of Hunan culture, and provide policy support and institutional guarantee for the external communication of Hunan culture. Under the strong impetus of the strategy of "strong culture province", Hunan takes "going out" as an important direction to strengthen cultural construction, and increases the support for export-oriented cultural enterprises, especially for cultural enterprises to expand the export of cultural products such as cultural performances, film and television programs, publications and so on, and gives strong policy support through international cooperation and other forms. Actively participate in the international cultural market competition, vigorously promote foreign cultural exchanges, to show the world the unique charm and profound culture of Hunan.

2. Favorable external conditions

Huxiang culture makes full use of favorable external conditions in the process of external communication. For example, "One Belt One Road" provides great opportunities for the external communication of Huxiang culture. China elevates external cultural communication to the height of national strategy for implementation. As a participating province of the Belt and Road, Hunan Province only integrates into the cultural communication project of the Belt and Road. It successively releases strategic action plans and actively integrates into the national construction of "Belt and Road". Actively participate in cultural brand exchange activities such as Cultural China Universal Spring, Kinship with China, Happy Spring Festival, "Silk Road Book Project" and "Silk Road Film and Television Bridge Project", and expand exchanges and cooperation with countries along the "Belt and Road" in cultural tourism, radio, film and television, press and publishing,

1 Du Jiahao, "Do not forget the original intention, continue to move forward, to build a rich, beautiful and happy new Hunan and strive hard",in Hunan Daily, 2016-11-16.

sports events, cultural performances and other aspects by virtue of national channels, national platforms and international mechanisms. Support a group of cultural enterprises with Hunan characteristics to go out with the help of the platform of Hunan enterprise and Hunan product, and promote the characteristic cultural industry, cultural creative industry and characteristic cultural products to "go out". The Belt and Road provides a broad market for the external traditions of Huxiang culture, making more and more people from countries along the Belt and Road feel the unique charm of Huxiang culture,1 deepen their further understanding of the extensive and profound Chinese culture, and be attracted by the Chinese culture.

3. Shared values in content

In the external communication of Huxiang culture, the common values of China and foreign countries are taken as the key content. In the external communication of Huxiang culture, the basic spirit of emphasis is often summarized into four aspects: "honest and sincere", "brave and military", "practical application of the world", "unremitting self-improvement". The contemporary Hunan spirit is in line with the Hunan cultural spirit. The connotation of "Hunan Spirit" is "loyalty, responsibility, seeking truth and striving for strength". As the values of contemporary Hunan people, Hunan spirit is not only the spiritual force to build a strong province of Hunan culture, but also an important content of external communication. Hunan spirit not only reflects the characteristics of today's Hunan, but also has a cultural commonality -- loyalty. First of all, "loyalty" is what people pursue all over the world. Loyalty is regarded as a noble and desirable virtue in all cultures. Secondly, the Hunan people's "strong temperament" and "courage to die" character continue to play a positive role in the contemporary economic construction and cultural development of Hunan Province.2 This character trait is very similar to that of many foreigners. Third, Hunan people advocate enterprising innovation and oppose conformism; Advocating reality, not just talk; Advocate simple and thrifty, oppose extravagance and waste. These are the values shared by Chinese and foreign cultures. Huxiang culture, represented by loyalty, has well broken the boundary between cultures. Through such consensus, Huxiang culture has been accepted and spread smoothly among external groups.

The Effect of Huxiang Culture External Communication

The external communication of Huxiang culture not only promotes the regional economic development and image construction of Hunan Province, but also promotes the foreign exchange and innovation of Chinese culture, becoming an important boost to the improvement of China's cultural soft power.

1. Build national image and Hunan image

With China becoming the second largest economy in the world, constructing a new national cultural image to enhance national influence has become an important proposition. After the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China put forward the development goal of building a strong socialist culture and cultural confidence. These requirements and objectives put forward higher standards for the construction of national cultural image in the new era. The construction of national cultural image is realized by all ethnic groups and regions in China. In the process of promoting the construction of national cultural image in the new era, Huxiang culture also promotes the construction of Huxiang cultural image in the new era.

Since the 21st century, Hunan's cultural institutions, enterprises, social organizations and individuals have been strengthening the external communication of Huxiang culture to build a strong cultural Hunan. Since its launch, the International channel of Hunan Satellite TV has attracted more and more external audiences with its wonderful content and novel arrangement. Among the packages of North American programs with the largest number of external paying users

1 Ji Hongqin, Zhong Junping, "Research on Huxiang Culture Communication Based on Audience Acceptance in Countries along the One Belt and One Road", in Journal of Qilu Normal University, vol.4, 2022, pp.134-141.

2 Zhu Hanmin, "Huxiang Cultural Tradition and Modern Development", in Hunan Social Sciences,vol.1, 2011, pp.1-4.


on the Great Wall Platform, the ratings of International Channel have overtaken those of Phoenix America Station, Phoenix Information Station and CCTV Film, which used to be the top ones, ranking second.1 In addition, Changsha, the provincial capital of Hunan Province, plans to expand its external influence by building itself into a "capital of media arts", which improves the image and reputation of both Changsha and Hunan. It can be said that it is through the external communication of Huxiang culture that the new image of a civilized, open and progressive Hunan has been more and more recognized by the world.

2. Bring economic benefits

The spread of culture abroad is not a cost-free endeavor. In today's world, cultural product trade is getting more and more attention, one of the main reasons is that cultural foreign trade can bring considerable income. The United States earns more from its exports of cultural goods than from its exports of military equipment. If the external cultural communication cannot bring economic benefits and only focuses on investment rather than return, then the sustainable development of the external cultural communication is impossible. In the process of external communication of Huxiang culture, it attaches great importance to the transformation of cultural resources into cultural commodities, obtains economic benefits through cultural foreign trade, and then invests in the external communication of Huxiang culture with higher quality.

With the help of WTO, the Belt and Road and other favorable conditions, Hunan actively develops cultural and economic exchanges with foreign countries. In December 2020, Hunan Province put forward the strategy of "three high and four new", stressing that Hunan should be built into an inland highland of reform and opening up. The cultural and creative industry, as the key industry of Hunan Province, has won the opportunity to further improve the quality and innovation. Hunan Province, with an international perspective, aims at the international market including the countries and regions along the "One Belt and One Road" to create a batch of fine cultural products for the external communication of Hunan culture and promote the quality improvement and innovation of Hunan's cultural industry. The guidance of cultural communication has also effectively promoted the development of Sino-foreign economic and trade relations. A large number of literary and creative products have landed in external markets, bringing rich economic benefits to Hunan.

3.Strengthen cultural exchanges and mutual learning between China and foreign countries

The external communication of Huxiang culture is not one-way but two-way. In the Belt and Road Initiative, cultural exchanges across different regions, cultures and religious beliefs are aimed at promoting mutual promotion among civilizations. In the process of external communication, Huxiang culture actively absorbs and learns from foreign culture, and then improves Huxiang culture according to the unique attributes of foreign culture, so as to spread it more effectively. This process is the mutual exchange and learning of Chinese and foreign culture, and the common development and progress.

Hunan embroidery, Hunan porcelain, Hunan tea and other cultural representatives of Hunan culture rose to prominence in the international communication, and had a certain international influence. At the same time, they further improved themselves in the process of communicating with external cultures. The well-known Anhua Black Tea, Nanyue Yunwu Tea, Guzhangmaojian, Junshan Silver Needle and Gaoqiao Silver Feng tea in Hunan are well known external. According to the survey of scholars, many foreigners have some knowledge of these local tea in Hunan. Among them, Guzhang Maojian has the highest awareness external, followed by Anhua dark tea. About 44% of respondents have bought Hunan tea and more than 50% have drunk it.2 Guzhangmaojian

1 WU Xianlu, "Problems and Countermeasures of the External Communication of Chinese Regional Culture -- A Case study of Huxiang Culture", in Chinese Literature and History Exposition, Vol.5, 2016, p.25.

2 Ji Hongqin, Zhong Junping, "Research on Huxiang Culture Communication Based on Audience Acceptance in Countries along the One Belt and One Road", in Journal of Qilu Normal University, Vol.4, 2022, p.136.


and Anhua Dark tea ranked the top two in terms of awareness and drinking. In 2008, Guzhang Maojian tea handicraft was listed in the second batch of provincial intangible heritage projects, and Anhua dark tea was listed in the second batch of national intangible heritage projects. The successful application not only means that more people will invest in the inheritance and development of these Hunan tea skills and culture, but also expands the international visibility and influence of Hunan tea. The unique charm of Hunan tea attracts many foreign tea customers to drink. In order to better suit local people's drinking, Hunan tea has made targeted improvements in taste and tea sets. The changes brought by such cultural exchanges further enhance the appeal of Hunan tea.

The Inadequacy of Huxiang Culture External Communication

The external communication of Huxiang culture has made a lot of achievements, but there are also some problems that restrict the external communication of Huxiang culture. These problems mainly focus on the subject of communication, communication mode, personnel training and other aspects.

1. Diversified communication subjects are needed

Only when individuals, civil organizations, social groups, various institutions and the government cooperate in external communication, can the spirit of Huxiang culture be fully displayed and the credibility of external communication. Cultural going out needs multiple channels. We should combine mass media channels, organizational communication channels (economic communication channels, educational communication channels, etc.) and interpersonal communication channels (academic communication channels, think tank communication channels, external Chinese communication, tourism communication), and promote the sustainability of Chinese culture going out by giving full play to the advantages of different channels.1

External cultural communication promoted by the government: the cultural department of the government is still the most important subject of the external communication of Huxiang culture. In recent years, Hunan folk cultural groups have performed abroad, all under the guidance and support of the government, to spread Huxiang culture abroad. Exhibitions of cultural relics and exhibitions of intangible cultural heritage held external are also conducted under the auspices of the cultural departments of the government. During the 2010 Shanghai World Expo, Hunan Activity Week with the theme of "Urban Peach Blossom Land", through 80 performances, Tours, exhibitions and other activities, fully displayed the colorful customs and unique charm of Hunan culture, and aroused a wave of praise from the media at home and abroad. It can be said that without official unified organization and planning, it is impossible to achieve such a communication effect.

External cultural communication driven by society: The external communication of Huxiang culture should also give play to the power from the people, and spread Huxiang culture in an all-round way by integrating different channels and paths of external communication. In this regard, we have already seen the emergence of this effect: the academic activity jointly established by Yuelu Academy and Phoenix Satellite TV -- "Millennium Forum", let many scholars at home and abroad see the hope of the revitalization of sinology represented by the "Huxiang School"; In Japan Fukushima nuclear power plant nuclear leakage accident critical juncture, Sany Heavy Industry donated 62 meters pump car played a key role, to this end, Japan's Tokyo Electric Power Company sent two engineers to Changsha to express gratitude, this action undoubtedly reflects the Huxiang business community selfless dedication of the great love spirit; The singer Song Zuying,

1 Hou Bin, "The External Communication of Chinese Culture from the Perspective of 5W Pattern", in News World, Vol.1, 2014,p.165.

who shot to fame with her song "Little Basket", has become the spokesperson of contemporary "Hunan women" and an "artistic name card" in foreign exchanges.1

Therefore, the communication of Huxiang culture needs multiple subjects, subjects in different fields to promote together, in order to achieve the success of Huxiang culture external communication

2. Network mode of communication is required

On the mode of communication, culture needs to diversify and enhance the ability of network communication. The current era is the era of network. The Internet is an important channel for cultural communication. Countries around the world attach great importance to this. In order to achieve its military purpose, the United States invented the Internet in the 1970s, and expanded its application to the commercial field in the 1990s. The Internet has brought great convenience to human life, but it has also penetrated into all parts of the world and people's life. Today's world Internet is actually controlled and dominated by the United States. The Internet was born in the United States. The language and technology used are all from the United States. More than 90% of the information on the Internet is in English. Based on this reality, as far as the external communication of regional culture is concerned, it is particularly important to pay attention to the dissemination of their own culture through foreign websites.

First of all, this new change is manifested as the integration of "traditional media" represented by television, newspapers, radio and magazines with "emerging media" represented by "Internet" to realize the communication of the so-called "all-media platform". Because the Internet has the characteristics of transcending the limitation of time and space, so "internal" and "external" communication has the trend of integration. For example, the "Mango TV" video website created by Hunan Satellite TV has realized the online transmission of all its resources. With the integration of traditional media and new media, "Hunan TV " will play an important role in the external communication of Hunan culture. Secondly, the arrival of the "micro era" characterized by "micro content" such as "microblog", "wechat" and "micro film" indicates that the communication mode of "we media" represented by "mobile Internet" is increasingly showing its importance and influence. In this age, everyone is both a receiver and a transmitter of information; Both consumers and producers of information. The external communication of Huxiang culture has thus entered an era of "downshifting of the center of gravity and pluralistic expression".2 Therefore, we should pay attention to the important role played by the folk, especially the cultural "elite class" in the external communication, and rely on their "international resources" in the external communication, to expand the new way of the external communication of Huxiang culture.

3. Systematic training of communication talents is needed

The key is to promote regional cultural communication and the cultivation and introduction of talents. The deepening of cultural globalization and the construction of "One Belt and One Road" has put forward new requirements and challenges to the practitioners of external communication of Huxiang culture. However, there is still a large distance between the current talent team of Huxiang culture external communication and the requirements of the new era and new situation. In particular, the lack of international cultural communication talents has become the most intractable problem of Huxiang culture external communication.

The specific performance is as follows: It is not only short of resource integrators, creators and producers who can transform Huxiang cultural resources into cultural products and brands, as well as cultural product operators and brokers with an international perspective, but also of Chinese communication talents, excellent translation talents, cultural management talents and excellent media communication talents with strong professional qualities and international cultural exchange

1 Peng Fengying, "Hunan culture under the background of new media mode propagation study", in Journal of publication wide-angle, Vol.4, 2021, pp. 80-82.

2 Huang Huang, "Research on Communication Strategies of Huxiang Culture under the Background of New Media", in News Research Guide, Vol.8, 2016, p.36.

awareness. Moreover, due to the lack of obvious geographical advantages, Hunan faces many difficulties in the introduction and retention of international cultural communication talents. On the one hand, in terms of talent introduction, although we have tried our best to introduce some in recent years, relative to the talent gap, it is a drop in the bucket. On the other hand, in terms of talent retention, Hunan mainly adopts the employment mechanism and management mode of public institutions, and there is a big difference between the personnel in the employment system and the staff in the establishment in terms of salary and welfare, personnel promotion, etc., which greatly reduces the ability to absorb talents, and the lack of a new mechanism to motivate outstanding talents, resulting in the loss of existing talents to the coastal developed areas. The current system also has certain restrictions on the policy of employing foreign experts and employees in the media, which also restricts the internationalization and specialization of the international communication talent team.

As one of the representatives of regional culture, Huxiang culture is faced with the problem of lack of communication talents, which is the common challenge faced by the external communication of culture in other regions of China. The shortage of communication talents seriously restricts the long-term, sustainable, healthy and effective development of Huxiang culture external communication.


Joseph Nye, in his study of soft power, emphasizes that contemporary international political power is shifting from 'having deep capital' to 'having abundant information', and that a country may have a legitimate political power because it has values that attract other countries to voluntarily follow. A country with rich cultural resources can strengthen its soft power only by effectively spreading its own culture external and being understood and recognized by foreign audiences.

In the external communication of national culture, we should distinguish clearly between "Propaganda" and "Communication". The external communication of Chinese culture represented by Huxiang culture must adhere to "communication" rather than "propaganda", attach importance to the diversification of communication subjects, and gradually form a multi-level and diversified communication pattern composed of the government, enterprises, social organizations and citizens. Enterprises are the most important management subjects of Huxiang food culture, architectural culture and clothing culture, and should be the main promoters and responsible subjects of Huxiang culture communication. As the manager of enterprises, organizations at all levels and individuals, the government should make full use of its own advantages in the external promotion of Huxiang culture, collect various resources, provide all feasible opportunities and platforms for the external promotion and communication of Huxiang culture, and make Huxiang food culture gain the trust of foreign audiences under the guidance of the government. Only with the cooperation of the government, enterprises and society can the external communication of Chinese culture including Huxiang culture be effectively promoted.

At the same time, the external communication of Huxiang culture also needs to improve the content of communication and pay attention to differentiation and diversification. The unique value judgment standard and thinking mode formed by people under the long-term immersion of their own cultural background are different. For the cultural communication of Huxiang, the communication objects are located in different regions, the corresponding cultural background and level are not the same, and their feelings towards Huxiang culture are also different. Therefore, in the process of disseminating Huxiang culture, communicators should properly adjust communication strategies according to the acceptance characteristics, thinking habits and cultural traditions of local audiences, so as to more effectively promote the acceptance of culture among local people.


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Ван Лу

Старший преподаватель, Школа гуманитарных наук и искусств Сянтаньского

технологического института


Аннотация: Джозеф Най, который предложил концепцию мягкой силы, подчеркнул важность культурной коммуникации в продвижении национальной мягкой силы. Современная международная политическая власть переходит от "обладания обильным капиталом" к "обладанию обильной информацией". Страна может обладать законной политической властью, потому что у нее есть ценности, которые привлекают другие страны к добровольному следованию. Страна с богатыми культурными ресурсами может усилить свою мягкую силу, только эффективно распространяя свою собственную культуру за пределы страны и будучи понятой и признанной иностранной аудиторией. Национальная культура сама по себе представляет собой комплекс, состоящий из культур разных областей и регионов. Распространение региональной культуры с местными особенностями стало важной частью внешнего распространения национальной культуры. Если внешняя коммуникация региональной культуры будет отставать в течение длительного времени, это, безусловно, повлияет на национальную макростратегию. Таким образом, региональная культурная коммуникация играет незаменимую роль в формировании национального имиджа. В этой статье в качестве примера рассматривается культура Хусян,

региональная культура с богатыми местными особенностями в Китае. Во-первых, в нем суммируются коннотация и специфические характеристики культуры Хусян, а затем суммируются характеристики культуры Хусян в процессе внешней коммуникации: сильная поддержка правительства обеспечивает множество удобств и условий для внешней коммуникации культуры Хусян; в процессе внешней коммуникации культура Хусян в полной мере использует использование благоприятных внешних условий, таких как "Один пояс, один путь". Во внешней коммуникации культуры Хусян в качестве ключевого содержания берутся общие ценности Китая и зарубежных стран, и культура плавно интегрируется в иностранные культурные группы. Внешняя коммуникация культуры Хусян принесла пользу Китаю: она сформировала национальный имидж Китая с обширной и глубокой культурой, принесла экономические выгоды Китаю и местному региону и укрепила культурные обмены между Китаем и остальным миром. Конечно, во внешней коммуникации культуры Хусян также существуют некоторые проблемы, такие как недостаточная диверсификация предметов общения, унитарные методы общения и отсутствие коммуникативных талантов. Вообще говоря, являясь важной частью региональной культуры Китая, культура Хусян усилила национальное культурное влияние Китая и его мягкую силу благодаря своим внешним коммуникациям.

Ключевые слова: Китай, мягкая сила, культура, культура Хусян, Хунань, культурный обмен

Для цитирования: Wang Lu. Regional culture's external communication and national soft power: the experience and enlightenment of huxiang culture in China// Архонт, 2023. № 1(34). С. 75-84.

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