УДК 328
Мухаммад Исмаил Каюмогли
Аспирант Полит. наук. БГУ, г.Бишкек, КР E-mail: ustaoghli@gmail.com
Geographic and Geo-political reality of Afghanistan and Central Asia countries - needs and requirements fulfillment is a discipline and regulations for the regional convergence in order that it shall cause "finding way out of blind complexity of insecurity and making and providing grounds for securing peace and eternal stability in Afghanistan and region. The economic relationships between Afghanistan and central Asia is more importance for the security stability of the region.
Economic Cooparation, South and Central Asia, Afghanistan, Geo-Economic, Trading.
Formation of economic relationships between Afghanistan and central Asia: Afghanistan for peace and development of permanent needs for the cooperation of regional governments, and finds way out of mutual understanding with all of the regional countries from out of current catastrophe and it has been prioritized. Afghanistan as a result of effort and negotiations of one last decade could do to satisfy the regional countries on the historical halls such as; Silk Roud, CASA 1000, Railway Project, and in order to provide the TAPI projects and in order that shall be able to change the dissonance situations of the country with cooperation of the region.
The methods and approaches that countries in the region have taken prioritized against Afghanistan, is an indicator of security, economical and standing trading cooperation. Afghanistan and regional countries have emphasized on declaration of "fair neighborhood relationships" in Kabul city and by agreement of the representatives of the country for the purpose of their close trading, business, transportation and investment which have been signed, regarding mutual effective and fruitful relations based upon principle of such as esteem on earth coverage, mutual respect, friendly relationships, cooperation and lack of interference on each other's affairs have been put under serious commitment and insistence.
The Istanbul process (Heart of Asia) - which was established and founded in Turkey Istanbul city, on January 26, 2010: The presidents and high authorities of the governments, regional institutions and of the world organizations have participated, and all of them, have said with one vision: "Afghanistan which is heart of Asia its current and future situation has been dedicated and particularized as inseparable with its neighbors. The vital element of peace and regional stability of Afghanistan is secured, by security stability and is prosperous, secured and safe that can be only secured on inside the framework of regional process of Istanbul - (Heart of Asia) which is an indicator of friendship and cooperation. Afghanistan and the neighboring countries, has been created on long ways of the history, with opposite and reciprocal barters and adventures and cultures of our people and our languages have been knitted with each other deeply. Rich talent of human resources, cultural depth and economical forced factors are joint amongst all of us. For this reason, the risks and adventures are common that we faced and encountered them [1, p. 274].
According to economic experts, relationships have been considered important which are increasing between Southern and Central Asia through Afghanistan which is for the purpose of deduction of security and political instability in the region and also it has created capacities which can secure peace and everlasting stability in Afghanistan and in the region in the long term. Geopolitical importance and Geo economical of Afghanistan since several years till now as real economic factors between central Asian and Southern Asia countries which is counted
as suitable hall for trading and commercial transit of the country about which a Kirghizstan Professor has written on his book: has titled the " 21 Twenty First Century, As Eastern-ology" [2, p. 294].
The seminar entitled "Modern Transport and Logistics" with the initiative of USAID and Association of International Transportation of Kirghizstan and by close cooperation of Asian Developmental Bank and EU Security and Cooperation Union while participation of the specialists and governmental representative, institutions and transportation countries of such as; Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kirghizstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan was held in Bishkek city capital of Kirghizstan, And regarding creation of relations and facilitating of trading and commercial transit and resolution of transportation troubles in the region have expressed their ideas. In this seminar, the economical specialists, the available transit able halls are consider suitable between southern and central Asian countries from the prospective of facility, adjacent, security and geographical of Afghanistan [4].
Fortunately, recently economic relationships among the Central Asian and Southern countries initiated based upon regional and international projects to implement and the regional countries have announced their step of action and decisive supports for exercising this type of important projects.
The Historical Projects of Silk Road: The Silk Road is a famous commercial crossing that commercial and cultural relation of East and West in this road visible. This road, the old trade road from China, through the valley of Fergana and Bukhara, crossed Marv and Herat, and through Naishapoor extended to the Mediterranean Sea in the West or from the Balkh valley of Khulm and Samangan of Andarab crossed through to India [5,732]. Recently, the Silk Road project again suggested from the Chinese side and warmly accepted by countries in the region and continue working on it.
The CASA-1000 Project: The project of electricity transmission from Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan to Afghanistan and Pakistan (CASA 1000) is the beginning of the process of regional cooperation [6]. The work began on this project in 2006 and the most important regional projects in Central Asia and Afghan government; it is the major importance economic and political in the region. The Afghan government created a fund to attract contributions to the project layout to adjust the funding, Project Procurement Plan and make finally contracts for technical and financial effort has accomplished. This project will inaugurated in 2017.
According to the World Bank information, that responsible the Secretariat of this project, the total project CASA-1000, is estimate at around one billion sixteens million dollars. World Bank, United States of America, Union of Europe, Great Britain, and Islamic Development Bank are financing major projects. During the operation of this project is considered to 1300 Mega vat of electricity exported from Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan to Afghanistan and Pakistan. Afghanistan's electric power requirements estimated 300 Mega vat of this project and the remaining 1,000 Mega vat will be export to Pakistan [3].
The TAPI Projects: The presidents of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and Turkmenistan, Prime Minister of Pakistan and Vice President of India, construction work of gas pipeline project "TAPI" (Turkmenistan- Afghanistan - Pakistan - India) was formally established and opened in Mari Turkmenistan on December, 12th' 2015. The TAPI project is the first step to change for its vision that is changing the country from out of one opposition to one international cooperation point [7].
Railway Project: By linking the railway is creating part of silk way between countries such as; China, Kirghizstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan and Iran that through which we can link to the world wide ocean, and it has been considered very important. Creating and linking of railway way has helped between the above mentioned countries, to link and correlate the central Asian countries to achieve to the ocean and it will help of their national exports products to the global markets [8].
The agreement letter of railway way from Uzbekistan up to Mazare-Sharif has signed on 08, December 2003 amongst the foreign ministers of Afghanistan and Uzbekistan and fortunately, the work has started [9].
On March 15, 2015, Kazakhstan became hosted a conference for the purpose of discussion on economic and commercial relationships of Afghanistan with the Central Asia in Alma-Ata. The conference participants, held a session on strengthening of economical and commercial relationships of Afghanistan with the Central Asia Countries to determine the regional economic projects that the result of joint efforts of investors Afghanistan and neighboring countries will be implemented.
From 2001 till now, the Afghanistan nation head from the ashes of war and conflict and the efforts of 14 years,
ISSN 2410-700Х
hopefulness has been created for the people of Afghanistan and world community today. The Afghan people have come to believe that peace and security stability can only reduce poverty through inclusive economic growth be achieved to the economical development. Investments in the area of security, government ruling and economical priorities in cooperation with the international community, the conditions arise that Afghanistan can stand on its own feet.
1. Arozu, Abdul Ghafoor. (2010). Afghanistan and world community. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. Kabul. P. 274.
2. Issaev K., Sayeedbaev B., (2014). "Саясый элите: коомдугу бедели, социологиясы", Bishkek, p. 294.
3. National Radio Televsion of Afghanistan (RTA), 13.10.2014.
4. "Modern Transport and Logistics", Seminar, Bishkek, 18-20 December 2014.
5. Mashkor, Mohammad Jawad. (1992). The Historical Geography of Ancient Iran. Tehran, The World of Books, First Edition. P. 732.
6. The Ministry of Commerce and Industries of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, http://moci.gov.af/fa/page/8604, 15 December 2014.
7. Office of The President Islamic Republic of Afghanistan? http://president.gov.af/fa/news/56736 Dec 20, 2015.
8. Kirgizistan ve Iran, iran-Afganistan-Tacikistan-Kirgizistan-£in Demiryolu Yapma Olanagini Ele Aliyor, http://www.kabar.kg/tur/economics/full/9387, 29 January 2016.
9. Afghanistan and the World Community", (29.01.2015). Bishkek. P.25
© Каюмогли М. И., 2016
УДК 35.08
Ковалёва Анастасия Васильевна
студент факультета политологии, Российская академия народного хозяйства и государственной службы при Президенте Российской
Федерации, Южно-Российский институт управления,
г. Ростов-на-Дону, РФ E-mail: Anastasiyak66@yandex.ru Научный руководитель: И.А. Хашева кандидат экономических наук, доцент кафедры государственного и муниципального управления, Российская академия народного хозяйства и государственной службы при Президенте Российской
Федерации, Южно-Российский институт управления,
г. Ростов-на-Дону, РФ
В данной работе рассматриваются основные направления, тенденции и динамика проведения кадровой политики в Российской Федерации. На основе официальных данных Федеральной службы государственной статистики отражается численность работников государственных органов и органов местного самоуправления на примере страны в целом и Ростовской области в частности. В статье обозначаются некоторые проблемы данной области и предлагаются пути их решения.
Ключевые слова
Государственное управление, гражданская служба, органы власти, кадровая политика, кадры,
государственные и муниципальные служащие.