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New Uzbekistan / reform / improvement / higher education / private education / labor market / competitive staff / inclusive education

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — N. Yuldasheva, M. Dustov, Sh. Normurodov

Basic principles in the field of education, educational system within the framework of the Law in order to determine the priorities of the systematic reform of higher education in the Republic of Uzbekistan, to raise the process of training independent thinking highly qualified personnel to a new level in terms of quality, to modernize higher education, to develop the social sphere and economic sectors based on advanced educational technologies , types and forms were clearly defined, and inclusive education focused on ensuring equal opportunities for all learners to receive education in educational institutions, taking into account the diversity of special educational needs and individual capabilities

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1N.A. Yuldasheva, 2M.X.Dustov, 3Sh. Z. Normurodov

1Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (DSc) 2Senior teacher 3Seniorteacher

1,2,3Tashkent University of Applied Sciences, Department of Theory and Methodology of

Primary Education https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10232885

Abstract. Basic principles in the field of education, educational system within the framework of the Law in order to determine the priorities of the systematic reform of higher education in the Republic of Uzbekistan, to raise the process of training independent thinking highly qualified personnel to a new level in terms of quality, to modernize higher education, to develop the social sphere and economic sectors based on advanced educational technologies , types and forms were clearly defined, and inclusive education focused on ensuring equal opportunities for all learners to receive education in educational institutions, taking into account the diversity of special educational needs and individual capabilities.

Keywords: New Uzbekistan, reform, improvement, higher education, private education, labor market, competitive staff, inclusive education.

In the new Uzbekistan, fundamental improvement of the education sector has become the demand of the time. Based on this demand, laws regulating relations in this field of education are being adopted. In particular, the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Education" was adopted on September 23, 2020, and its purpose is to systematically regulate reforms in the field of education. Within the framework of this Law, the main principles, educational system, types and forms of education were clearly defined, and the rules on distance education defined in it are provided by the students in accordance with the curricula and educational programs, and the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities are acquired by the students using information and communication technologies and the Internet global information network. a wide way has been opened for remote sensing. According to this Law, state higher education, secondary specialized, professional educational institutions and their branches, as well as state-participated higher, secondary specialized, professional educational organizations and their branches are established by the decisions of the President or the Government.

In particular, it was decided that the establishment of non-state educational institutions should be carried out by their founders. According to the established procedure, the license was issued to the non-state educational organizations by the inspection of the quality of education under the control of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation. Another aspect of the reforms was the establishment of rules on dual education in the Law. It is aimed at acquiring the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities by the trainees. The theoretical part of the activity is carried out at the base of the educational organization, and the practical part is carried out at the workplace of the trainee.

In addition, the law includes provisions on inclusive education for persons with disabilities, according to which inclusive education is important in that it aims to ensure equal opportunities for all learners to receive education in educational institutions, taking into account the diversity of individual educational needs and individual capabilities.

Provides inclusive education in educational organizations for children (individuals) with physical, mental, sensory or mental disabilities. This law is fundamentally different from the Law "On Education" adopted on August 29, 1997 due to the wide scope and unique nature of the regulation of relations in the field of education based on the requirements of world standards. Of course, reforms in the higher education system constitute a certain part of the reforms implemented in the field of education. In particular, in order to define the priorities of the systematic reform of higher education in the Republic of Uzbekistan, raise the process of training independent thinking highly qualified personnel to a new level in terms of quality, modernize higher education, develop the social sphere and economic sectors based on advanced educational technologies, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated October 8, 2019 The Concept of the Development of the Higher Education System of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030, approved by Decree No. PF-5847, serves as the main foundation for new reforms in the system. Because it is the demand of the times to continue the reforms in this field on a larger scale. The position of higher education institutions at the level of world requirements, as well as successful achievements and goals, represent the results of efforts towards the great goal set before us.

We all know that education in the labor market is one of the most important factors in improving competitiveness and living standards. In order to ensure the implementation of the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated July 11, 2019 PQ-4391 "On measures to introduce new principles of management into the system of higher and secondary special education", the concept of the development of the higher education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030 was developed.

This concept defines and serves as a basis for the plans to be implemented for the development of higher education institutions. In the scientific researches and performances of scientists who made a significant contribution to the management and management of the educational system, including M.Kh.Saidov, financial management in the higher education system, V.A.Sadiev, creating organizational and pedagogical conditions for the transformation of higher education institutions and its organizational, managerial, pedagogical improvement of mechanisms, researches of Sh. Sharipov, N. Egamberdieva, P. Lutfullaev, Sh. Yunusov and others focused on the content of personnel training in the continuous education system in our country, management of international cooperation of higher education institutions in the process of internationalization of education, and introduction of benchmarking in the development of higher education. justifies the diversity of views. Our opinion is based on the fact that special attention is paid to the issue of the transformation of higher education institutions in our country in cooperation with prestigious foreign higher education institutions, and the provision of knowledge transfer based on the wide introduction of digital educational technologies.In the concept of development of science until 2030, the issues of "forming a modern information environment that helps the development of science, forming innovative infrastructure of higher education institutions, and developing their transformation" were defined.

Today, higher education institutions have such specific problems that their effective solutions require cooperation, communication, and content change. For example, the current

qualification requirements, the incompleteness of the criteria for the formation of practical skills of graduates and the development of their life opportunities in the curricula and programs, the large number of hours allocated to compulsory subjects in the curricula and subject plans, based on the needs of higher education institutions and the labor market, among the recruiters new there are problems such as the lack of effective cooperation on the training of next-generation personnel, the passive participation of recruiters in the formation of higher education content. While today demands from the higher education system to train competitive personnel who can meet the world standards, its main goal is to arm such students with modern knowledge in the educational environment, to form the skills of effective application in practice, and to have a mature staff who can fully meet national and international standards. we must not forget that education is the priority task of our state.

Chapter 3 of the concept of the development of the higher education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030, one of the normative documents that is programmed for us, includes clauses such as the introduction of digital technologies and modern methods into the educational process and the active involvement of personnel customers in the process of training highly qualified specialists, and ensuring the implementation of these clauses in the educational system it justifies mutual coherence and a comprehensive approach to the issue, the need for students to acquire deep knowledge of their chosen profession by studying the professional needs of students. Both the educational institution and the students who have assumed this responsibility are formed as personnel with the ability to find solutions to the problems encountered in the development of society and education.

The higher education system, whether it is a state or a non-state educational institution, which prepares potential, mature personnel for public education, is directly responsible for a specialist who guarantees solid unity and consistency. Also, in terms of expanding the scope of this concept with higher education, improving the quality of training of highly educated specialists, forming the target parameters of training of highly educated specialists taking into account the requirements of investment programs, regional and network programs, trustee boards, global technological changes, optimizing educational directions and specialties . cleans up.

The specified main task directly increases its relevance in the teaching of primary education subjects. This calls for a systematic approach to the development of STEAM areas (exact sciences, technology, engineering, creative arts and mathematics) and is defined as a special focus.

School education is a direct part of continuous education, and it is a place that can provide high-quality conditions and environment for children's education, creative ability, knowledge, skills, competences, independent, free creative activity, and turning knowledge into skills. The implementation of decisions and orders in this area is the impetus for further development of the system. In accordance with the Decision PQ-4467 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to fundamentally increase the effectiveness of extracurricular education in the public education system", raising the continuous education system to a new level, creating a modern methodology of education, improving state requirements based on a competency approach, modernizing educational methodical complexes, approves the development and implementation of the new generation, as well as the further improvement of the effective organization of educational institutions in the system.

In the concept, special attention should be paid to the quality of personnel training in many subjects, especially humanitarian and pedagogic fields, revision and modernization of curricula

and programs in pedagogical fields and specialties based on advanced foreign experience, and the use of the latest modern pedagogical technologies in the educational process of students studying in this field. formation of skills, improvement of pedagogical education infrastructure, supply of highly qualified professional pedagogic personnel who have mastered foreign languages to all general education schools in the regions; such requirements are set.

Including the subject of STEAM education in the curricula of primary education and preschool education of higher education institutions, and improving the curricula through this subject, will allow training of competitive personnel who live with the breath of today. The development of modern science, as well as the extensive study of foreign experience, require the annual improvement of educational plans in higher education institutions. Also, reforms in the public education system require revision and integration of the content of higher education institutions. STEAM education is considered a direct practical educational process, and it is appropriate to conduct lessons in STEAM rooms of educational institutions in practical laboratory classes convenient for the school, rather than in ordinary classrooms. Also, if the understanding and skills of students in this subject are implemented in production workshops and STEAM rooms, then in the future we will be able to see mature pedagogues, skilled, qualified STEAM teachers working in the school classroom.

What is STEAM education? "STEAM-education" (Science - natural sciences, Technology - technologies, Engineering - engineering, Art - art, Mathematics - mathematics) program will be introduced; Thus, STEAM education is a method of using science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics to engage students in critical thinking. STEAM is a way to add art to STEM and enjoy its benefits. STEAM creates conditions for free creativity, removing limitations and replacing them with wonder, inspiration and innovation. His expertise includes more than necessary standards of science, technology, engineering, mathematics and the arts, which complement each other. Interdisciplinarity and integration form its basis. Its core is art. STEAM is based on a process that defines inquiry, critical thinking, and active learning.

The whole idea of STEAM lessons and the STEAM approach in elementary education is that inquiry, curiosity, and creativity in problem solving are the foundation of the approach. In STEAM, the humanities are intertwined. When it comes to using STEAM, we need to understand that designing a lesson is one thing, seeing STEAM in action is quite another. During these classes, students engage in activities at a completely different level and often achieve much stronger results. The intervention of art in the lesson shows effectiveness. The organization of this subject specified in the curriculum of pedagogical universities in out-of-school educational institutions, in the STEAM rooms of their schools ensures the effective passage of the process directly in practice, a comfortable environment for the student, the availability of sufficient tools and equipment, and the development of knowledge, skills, qualifications and competencies that must be acquired by the student as specified in the DTS. A student society for qualified, mature personnel _ to reach the ground creates _ Har how a good STEAM lesson research, problems to solve demand is enough This on the ground active training indeed too student's activity, skill know n activates. The quality and effectiveness of the lessons are ensured.

A STEAM teacher who takes such classes must have perfectly mastered all the specified professional requirements, perform them at the level of methodical, scientific, psychological, didactic professional competence.

Therefore, it is time to have specially equipped classrooms for STEAM education in the building of a higher education institution. In cases where higher education institutions do not have STEAM rooms, they will be able to use mutual contractual agreements in the prescribed manner. It also provides an opportunity to effectively use qualified pedagogues and practitioners who have undergone special training in practical training for meaningful organization of this subject. In short, to achieve effective results in the educational system, it is important to carry out targeted training activities in mutual cooperation, and the role of employers in forming the content of higher education should be high. In conclusion, the reforms in the field of education today are no less relevant than the reforms in other fields in terms of their relevance and practical importance.


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