ISSUES TO INCREASE THE EFFICIENCY OF PEDAGOGICAL ACTIVITY IN HIGHER EDUCATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
education system / educational activities / modern education / progressive education / professional skills / scientific and technical innovation / educational information

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Dehkanova M.

The article analyzes the ongoing reforms in the higher education system of Uzbekistan, including the "concept of development of the higher education system" and the gradual implementation of the priorities set out in it, educational programs and measures for distance learning. Also, the essence of modern higher education and its tasks, ensuring the quality of education for the education of human-professional personality, strengthening the stratified approach to ensure the continuity of education in educational institutions, individual approach to education and the formation of his personality and pedagogical qualities. Factors of increasing team responsibility, a scientific approach to the student's personality, and personality development are highlighted.

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12. Про схвалення Концепци розвитку цифро-boï eROHOMÎKH та сустльства Украши на 2018-2020 роки та затвердження плану заходiв щодо ïï ре-алiзацiï: розпорядження КМУ ввд 17 сiчня 2018 р. № 67-р. Урядовий кур'ер ввд 11.05.2018 - № 88.

13. Счкаренко К.О. Розвиток цифрових освггшх платформ та поширення цифрових компе-тенцiй в освiтi. Ефективна економжа. 2018. № 12. URL:

http://www.economy.nayka.com.ua/?op=1&z=6792 (дата звернення: 19.05.2021). DOI: 10.32702/23072105-2018.12.115.

14. Сучасш тенденцй' розвитку шформацшно-комyнiкацiйних технологiй в освт: зб. Матерiалiв II М1жнародно1 науково-практично! конференцй' в рамках Мiжнародного освггнього форуму «Циф-рова трансформацiя освии» / упоряд. Н. А. Баса-раба ; за ред. А.Л. Чернш, I.B. Ветрова, В.С. Безру-ченка. Рiвне: РО1ППО, 2020. 78 с.

15. Цифровiзацiя освiти Укра!ни в дп. URL: https://imzo.gov.ua/2017/11/01/tsyfrovizatsiya-osvity-ukrajiny-v-diji. (дата звернення: 19.05.2021).



Dehkanova M.

Regional center for retraining and professional development ofpedagogical staff under National University of Uzbekistan Head of the Department of "Educational Technologies" candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor


The article analyzes the ongoing reforms in the higher education system of Uzbekistan, including the "concept of development of the higher education system" and the gradual implementation of the priorities set out in it, educational programs and measures for distance learning. Also, the essence of modern higher education and its tasks, ensuring the quality of education for the education of human-professional personality, strengthening the stratified approach to ensure the continuity of education in educational institutions, individual approach to education and the formation of his personality and pedagogical qualities. Factors of increasing team responsibility, a scientific approach to the student's personality, and personality development are highlighted.

Keywords: education system, educational activities, modern education, progressive education, professional skills, scientific and technical innovation, educational information.


Theoretical and practical knowledge, educational and methodical literature, visual-interactive, multimedia teaching aids, which are the basis for teaching, are used as a tool in the implementation of pedagogical activities. In this case, based on the purpose of education, to ensure that students acquire a set of knowledge, professional skills and competencies, to explain, demonstrate, observe, practice together, play mental games, control the process of learning and behavior, ensure the correction of deficiencies effect for. In short, maturity is ensured as a result of the acquisition of personal and professional qualities in the learner. In modern education, there are many technologies aimed at achieving professional maturity and theoretically they can be divided into groups such as interpretive - educational technologies, person-centered technologies of education and technologies aimed at the development of education. Therefore, in recent years, Uzbekistan has developed a system of measures to radically modernize and improve the education system, which has been consistently introduced into society. In particular, the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On approval of the Concept of development of the higher education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030" [1], adopted on October 8, 2019, identifies important tasks and is actively implemented in society. The decree stipulates "development of public-private partnership in higher education, increase of higher education coverage by 50% on the basis of organization

of state and non -state higher education institutions in the regions, creation of a healthy competitive environment in the field". As noted by Mirziyoev, "... Last year, 19 new universities, including 9 branches of prestigious foreign universities, were opened for the development of higher education. In cooperation with leading foreign universities, training on 141 joint educational programs has been launched. A total of 146,500 students were admitted to higher education institutions, which is twice as many as in 2016" [2]. These measures are aimed at achieving the development of society through the implementation of tasks such as educating competitive personnel in a market economy, focusing, firstly, on attracting more young people to higher education, and secondly, improving the system of training qualified personnel to compete in the labor market. Another important task set out in the Concept for the Development of the Higher Education System is to raise the content of higher education to a qualitatively new level, to establish a system of training highly qualified personnel who can make a worthy contribution to the sustainable development of the social sphere and the economy. A number of measures are being taken in this direction. Especially in today's global pandemic, reforms in the higher education system are being continued. In this regard, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoev on April 30, 2020 "Issues of quality completion of the current academic year, organization of final and entrance exams" [3] "Due to the pandemic, remote technologies have been introduced

into the system and 7 million students and more than 500,000 students in more than 10,000 educational institutions have been taught online. This new mechanism ensures the timely acquisition of science in quarantine conditions ... We have absolutely no right to delay the work on improving the edu cation system due to the pandemic" he said. It was also noted that, depending on the situation, it is necessary to review the workload and programs, to pay more attention to the development of practical skills in higher education. The main goal of the ongoing reforms is to form competitive qualities in young people and achieve social development through the further development of the higher education system.

The main part

It is known that education is a comprehensive historical and cultural phenomenon, in which it is appropriate to consider as a system of educational and upbringing activities aimed at the acquisition of certain knowledge and related skills, rules of conduct. In this regard, Paul Ramsden, commenting on university education, gives the following classification of teaching:

Information education;

Teaching students as an organization of educational activities;

Teaching as a way of providing reading [4].

In his opinion, this classification is of practical importance in the assessment of pedagogical and educational activities, and even important for the classification of teaching techniques. Of course, according to the researcher A.Juraev [5.15], teachers should have the following professional qualities:

high level of ideology;

higher technical knowledge, skills and qualifications;

high pedagogical and psychological training.

The analysis showed that traditional forms of teaching are no longer able to organize the modern educational process and fully address the issues of e-learning and distance learning. Thus, there is a need to use programmed teaching aids and combine them with traditional pedagogical technologies to increase the effectiveness of the teaching and learning process. Therefore, today society is placing new demands on education. The increase in the number of claims is due to a number of factors. The main ones are the expansion of the labor market and the emergence of new occupations. Due to this, the formation of new professional qualities, professional knowledge in specialists and the development of their professional consciousness is becoming more urgent. This, in turn, requires a special professional responsibility from the specialist, in this regard, the researcher N. Sagindikova: "Responsibility is one of the necessary and important professional qualities of future professionals. Qualities that professionals need in society: to be able to make independent decisions and move freely, to be ready to take responsibility in any professional situation, to be able to set goals in the team, to choose the optimal path to success. It can be said that each profession has its own requirements and rules for its specialists, and if we include them in one model, responsibility plays an important role at their center" [6.12]. This means that the development of any industry is directly related to the professional

qualities, such as knowledge, skills, qualifications, experience, as well as professional responsibility of professionals working in that field.

In a modern education system, it is important that the main focus is on the learner. In this case, "the individual action of the learner, the acquisition of knowledge, the formation of skills and abilities are the basis for the effective functioning of the system. The full functioning of this system and its ability to achieve the desired results depends on the availability of educational and methodological base for education, the creation of technology for their use" [7.25].

Innovative or new, progressive education in the training of personnel, taking into account the humanitarian factors, it involves an approach based on the principles of personality, humanity, which, in turn, implies the development of professional skills in students [8.13-35]. This includes "modernization of the educational process in higher education institutions, development of professional competence of teachers in improving the quality of the training system, equipping them with modern professional knowledge, skills and abilities in the field, independent creative use of scientific and technical innovations and solving promising tasks. Development of acquisition skills is an important task" [9.216].

Also, today's evolving science and technology, information and communication technologies, it is impossible to imagine the era without professionals with modern knowledge, creativity, skills and experience. This, in turn, poses a number of important challenges to the system of continuing education, including officials and professors of higher education institutions. All this is connected with the pedagogical process, the structure of which was shown by Professor R. Samarov as follows: "Although the pedagogical process as a system consists of five elements (namely: - the purpose of education (i.e., why to teach), the content of educational information (what to teach), teaching methods, means of pedagogical communication (how to teach), educator ((teacher, teacher) who, what human -specialist should teach), learner ((student, listener, student) in which specialty, in what field should be an expert) ..." [10.9-15]. It is obvious that the educational, scientific and pedagogical processes are closely linked to the mutual goal, and education cannot be carried out separately from education, and education from education.


In conclusion, the strengthening of a differentiated approach to ensure the continuity of education in educational institutions, increasing the responsibility of teachers and pedagogical teams in the formation of individual approach to education and the formation of his personality, increasing attention to the scientific approach to personal development. Because the stratified approach:

Performs many other tasks, such as optimizing the internal performance of management structures through the development of proposals for improving organizational structures, decision-making processes, management style, training and placement of special-ists[11.1761].

Delivery of learning materials of different complexity for students;

Treat students in a way that takes into account their level of knowledge, abilities, direction of education;

Assignment of educational tasks, taking into account the level of mastery of each student;

Provides education to learners, taking into account that it is a unique, microcosm.

This, in turn, teaches students to form knowledge, worldview, life choices, culture, self-awareness, the formation of a positive "I", professional training, self-control, motivation, motivation, counseling, communication (professional); assessment (pedagogical), teaching discipline, providing comfort (therapeutic), education, value formation (including professional values); shows that it performs tasks such as teaching goal setting and identifying acceptable ways to achieve it[12].

Therefore, in view of today's requirements, it is advisable for a teacher to adhere to the following psych technical qualities during his career:

Take into account the composition of the audience (specialization (technical, humanitarian, etc.), age, etc.) in teaching;

To give examples on the topic in connection with real life (specific pedagogical situation);

Pay special attention to the accuracy, relevance, novelty of the transmitted educational information;

Creation of an electronic information educational environment, taking into account modern information and methodological systems in the development of pedagogical competence;

In visualizing educational information, it is important to pay attention to its practical significance and to pay attention to others.


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