Abstract: the article examines the independent work of students at a university as the basis for the formation of a creative personality of a future specialist, which is an urgent problem not only for higher education, but also the most important socio-economic task of the whole society. The solution to this problem is, first of all, in the development of students' creative abilities at all stages of education, increasing their intellectual potential, activity and independence. Recently, in our country and abroad, there has been an intensive search for techniques, methods and forms of organizing the educational process at the university, which contribute to the stimulation of cognitive activity and independence of students. Keywords: activity, independence, independent work, educational standards, specialist training, extracurricular work.
Норбеков Ф.Н.
Норбеков Фарход Нуриддинович - старший преподаватель, кафедра иностранных языков социально-гуманитарных направлений, факультет иностранных языков, Джизакский государственный педагогический институт, г. Джизак, Республики Узбекистан
Аннотация: в статье рассматривается самостоятельная работа студентов в вузе как основа формирования творческой личности будущего специалиста, что является актуальной проблемой не только для высшего образования, но и важнейшей социально-экономической задачей всего общества. Решение этой проблемы заключается, прежде всего, в развитии творческих способностей студентов на всех этапах обучения, повышении их интеллектуального потенциала, активности и самостоятельности. В последнее время в нашей стране и за рубежом идет интенсивный поиск приемов, методов и форм организации учебного процесса в университете, способствующих стимулированию познавательной активности и самостоятельности студентов.
Ключевые слова: активность, самостоятельность, самостоятельная работа, образовательные стандарты, подготовка специалиста, внеаудиторная работа.
UDC 303.039.4
Changes in socio-economic conditions in society, the transition to the market have led to the fact that the requirements for the level and quality of training of a specialist at a university have significantly increased. A modern professional must possess such qualities as purposefulness, efficiency, enterprise, initiative, independence, that is, be competitive in the labor market. As a result, in the system of higher education, the task is not only to teach students the sciences, but to teach them to learn and replenish their knowledge throughout their lives. You can achieve these goals in the course of independent work. New approaches to vocational training indicated the need to revise the content of education, which is reflected in the State educational standards of higher vocational education. The constantly increasing flow of information, the development of science and practice demanded the inclusion of both classroom and extracurricular independent work in the standard. Educational standards oblige teachers to teach students to work independently, acquire knowledge, expand their scientific horizons, and strive for truth in science and practice. At
present, a significant amount of the content of education provided for in the State Educational Standards is allocated to extracurricular independent work. The provision on the need for students to work independently in the educational process of higher education has long been generally recognized. But right now, this important component of the educational process at the university is receiving special attention not only at the local level, but also at the federal level. The concept of modernization of education defines the main tasks of vocational education: training a qualified employee of the appropriate level and profile, competitive in the labor market, competent, responsible, fluent in his profession and oriented in related fields of activity, capable of effective work in his specialty at the level of world standards, ready for continuous professional growth, social and professional mobility; satisfaction of the needs of the individual in obtaining appropriate education. All these tasks can be solved only by increasing the proportion of students' extracurricular independent work. This is due to the fact that in the course of independent work, not only didactic tasks are solved, but also the tasks of educating a personality. By the middle of the 19th century, in the works of progressive teachers, the idea of the objective unity of teaching and upbringing was expressed and affirmed.
Today this problem is given a significant place in psychological and pedagogical research. However, despite the significant theoretical potential accumulated by pedagogical science, it is not fully used in university practice: the educational process in higher professional educational institutions remains basically poorly controlled, based on traditional forms and methods of teaching. Insufficient attention is paid to the development of the student's personality, his independence, self-development and self-improvement.
Independent work of students is an essential, even decisive, component of the specialist training system. After all, only knowledge acquired by persistent independent work can later turn into a real driving force of scientific and technological progress. Modern higher education is called upon to seek further activation of the educational and cognitive activity of students, developing their creative abilities and culture of thinking, the ability to independently navigate in the flow of scientific, technical and socio-political information. This can be achieved only by forming cognitive independence in trainees, that is, such a personality trait that manifests itself in the desire and ability to independently master knowledge and methods of activity, apply them in educational, practical and professional work [1].
The higher school is designed to teach and accustom the student to strive for the constant renewal of their knowledge, for permanent self-study throughout their working life, to create for everyone and to consolidate the appropriate stereotypes of activity. And the main area for the efforts of teachers in this area should be extracurricular independent work of students. This is a complex, qualitatively different type of training compared to classroom studies. In the course of extracurricular independent work, the student is faced with the need to mobilize his ability to generalize the information received, turning it into knowledge. But the psychological result is even more important: in the process of independent work, the student constantly feels himself to be a person who independently makes decisions, bears responsibility for them - and really becomes such a person.
Independent work necessarily presupposes the ability to self-organize their activities, and purely individual. For most students today, the decisions they make are far from optimal. A significant part of the students completes the tasks not on time, with a great delay. The quality of work is often only satisfactory [2].
That is why the inclusion of independent work in the curriculum, that is, the regulation of it as a special type of educational activity, characterizes a fundamentally new stage in the organization of the educational process in higher education. The purpose of changing the qualitative essence of modern higher education is to activate students' independent work. The implementation of this task requires a systematic approach, a revision of the established views on practically all the organizational and methodological foundations of the educational process.
The educational process in a higher school provides for mandatory extracurricular independent work of students, since only in the process of active independent activity can learning and cognition be effectively and fruitfully carried out, that is, knowledge is assimilated, skills and abilities are acquired in a certain area of knowledge. Independent work contributes to the formation of such important personality traits as hard work, organization and discipline, develops memory, thinking, attention. The consequence of what has been said is the need to move from an empirical solution to the problem of organizing extracurricular independent work of students at a university to the development of questions of theory and technology of organizing this type of activity [3].
Research by didactic specialists, psychologists, representatives of private methods have shown that the purposeful and specially organized development of students' cognitive independence is carried out during the entire educational process at the university (in both classroom and extracurricular activities). This is the main condition for the successful organization of the educational process. Only independent work of students and control over its implementation, with their appropriate organization, contributes to the formation of independence of thought and a creative approach to solving problems of educational and professional level. The organization of independent work of students in modern higher education is becoming one of the most important areas of the entire teaching methodology. This is due to the need to increase the cognitive activity of future specialists, to turn the learning process itself from a school of memory into a school of thinking.
A modern specialist solves frequently changing tasks, often of a search nature. Therefore, higher education should not only prepare a specialist, but also form a creative personality. Hence, one of the general ways to improve work at the university is the transition from informative forms of education to controlled learning, identifying students' abilities and managing their development. That is why forms of education that instill the ability to educate themselves are so important.
References / Список литературы
1. Antonovich I.I. Control system of independent work // Bulletin of the higher school, 1970. № 11. 22-25 p.
2. Arkhangelsky S.I. The educational process in higher education, its legal foundations and methods. M.: Higher school, 1980. 369 p.
3. Babansky Yu.K. Optimization of the educational and cognitive process. M., 1982. 192 p.