Научная статья на тему 'Receiving body resins on the basis of ethylene-propylene rubbers'

Receiving body resins on the basis of ethylene-propylene rubbers Текст научной статьи по специальности «Химические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по химическим наукам, автор научной работы — Shixaliyev Kerem Sefi, Movlayev Ibraqim Humbat, Amirov Fariz Ali, Ibraqimova Sima Mamed

It is also evident from the numerous results that the α-ω-methacryl(bis-triethylene glycol phthalate) (MQF-9) plasticizer allows to improve the physical-mechanical properties and maintenance properties of SKEP-60 and other elastomer blends together by reducing the vulcanization time Inadequate properties of ethylene-propylene sopolymer based composites limit their use in the production of tire and tire technical products. The copolymer has been modified with the propylene homopolymer polyacrylate (MQF-9), which is intended to intermingle with other components and to improve common vulcanizability. The appropriate mix of rubber mixture is designed and the recipe is prepared in laboratory (temperature 40-60 degrees, time 20-30 minutes). The prepared tire mixture has been vulcanized. Optimal vulcanization mode (temperature 150 degrees Celsius, time 20 minutes) was determined. The rubber body and the diaphragm rest on the appropriate indicators of resin.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Receiving body resins on the basis of ethylene-propylene rubbers»

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20534/ESR-17-5.6-96-100

Shixaliyev Kerem Sefi, D. t.s.professor.academic EAETprofessor chair's "Organic matter and high-molecular compounds" Movlayev Ibraqim Humbat, C. T.S assistant professor chair's "Organic matter and high-molecular compounds" Amirov Fariz Ali, Ibraqimova Sima Mamed, Post-Phd chair's "Organic matter and high-molecular compounds" Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University.

Baku. Azerbaijan E-mail: Kerem-shixaliyev@mail.ru


Abstract: It is also evident from the numerous results that the a-w-methacryl- (bis-triethylene glycol phthalate) — (MQF-9) plasticizer allows to improve the physical-mechanical properties and maintenance properties of SKEP-60 and other elastomer blends together by reducing the vulcanization time

Inadequate properties of ethylene-propylene sopolymer based composites limit their use in the production of tire and tire technical products. The copolymer has been modified with the propylene homopolymer polyacrylate (MQF-9), which is intended to intermingle with other components and to improve common vulcanizability.

The appropriate mix of rubber mixture is designed and the recipe is prepared in laboratory (temperature 40-60 degrees, time 20-30 minutes).

The prepared tire mixture has been vulcanized. Optimal vulcanization mode (temperature 150 degrees Celsius, time 20 minutes) was determined. The rubber body and the diaphragm rest on the appropriate indicators of resin.

Keywords: rubber, physical-mechanical property, hardness, contact with metal, aging, plasticizer, body resin.

Research object: ethylene-propylene copolymers, coordina- Discussion of available results.

tion-functional groups, composites based on polymers and filler The low content of some of the compounds taken on the basis of

mixtures. ethylene-propylene sopolymer limits their use in the production oftire

The aim of the study ethylene-propylene, composition, rubber, and tire technical products. It is possible to improve the co-curing and

copolymer, vulcanization, modification is to investigate the ways of co-vulcanization of these copolymers by adding polyaramines or poly-

taking the resin with high physical-mechanical properties, based on mers to other polymer blends ofethylene-propylene copolymers (1-4).

ethylene-propylene copolymers, to examine their changing struc- When Sopolimer a-w-methacryl- (bis-triethylene glycol phthal-

tural performance in the process of exploitation and to select modi- ate) — (MQF-9) plasticizer is added, various parameters are observed

fiers, modification methods and technological regimens according to increase. Resistance increases without tearing, stability without

to the results obtained. multiple weighing, composition with metal adage, increase in chemi-

The investigations were carried out using chemical, physical- cal resistance, and the degree of swelling in benzene-gasoline-benzene

mechanical methods and research instruments of polymers. mixture is reduced. For this purpose, the composition of the rubber

As a result of the study, the literature information about the based on the mixture of ethylene-propylene copolymer with oligo-

research was analyzed. It has been shown that the most economically quaacrylacrylate has been prepared and examined.

and environmentally effective way is the recycling ofpolymer waste. Compile the tire mix receptor.

The physical-chemical, mechanical and rheological properties The tire physical-mechanical and maintenance displays (tech-

of the rubber cmixture and the vulcanizate, which were taken on nical specifications) are essentially linked to the content of the tire

the basis of ethylene polymer, were examined. Research has shown mix.

that it is necessary to modify ethylene propylene copolymers in or- When the ethylene-propylene copolymer-based resin-resin reder to obtain them. placement process filled with oligoqualetic acid was examined, the For the preparation of various composites based on ethylene- composition of the rubber mixture was determined first. In order propylene copolymers, wastes of natural materials and industrial ma- to produce rubber goods, the composition of the rubber mixture is terials were selected on the basis of domestic raw material sources determined first. In order to produce rubber products, the prescrip-such as filler, their structure and properties were examined. tion of the mixture is arranged first. When the prescription of the

tire mix is arranged, all the names of the injectors are displayed and their quantities are displayed.

When prescribing, take into account the effect of each inqredi-ent on the rubber mixture, and also the economical syringes.

Thus, the cheapest fiasco should come along with the manufactured tire technique.

It is advisable to make a certain order of writing material in the receptacle. Firstly, rubber should be written, then sulfur, then accelerators, activators, softeners, fillers, materials used against dyes, painters and auxiliaries are written

Tire rubber composition is comprised of a combination of rigorous examination of the following components:

- ethylene-propylene rubber;

- Sulfur;

- Acid stearic;

- Tiuram (TMT);

- Kaptaks (MBT);

- ZnO;

- Technical carbon (P-234).

The composition contains these inqredients: oliqoefirakrilat (MQF-9) modifier, sulfur, vulkanization agent, Stearic acid?, Tiuram (TMTD) — tetrametiltiuramdisulfid and kaptaks accelerator, ZINC oxide taking the vulcanized tire mixtures energizers Process, Technical carbon Use in as fillings.

Different rubber composition were composed.For comparison, without a modifier (MQF-9) in the rubber composition was prepared. (Table 1)Different rubber composition were composed.

Table 1. - Modified ethylene-propylene copolymer to be modified and the content-based compositions

Name of ingredients Amount (part weight)


SKEP-60 100 100 100 100 100 100

Stearin acid 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0

Tiuram (TMT) 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5

Kaptaks (MBT) 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5

ZnO 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0

Technical carbon (P-234) 50,0 50,0 50,0 50,0 50,0 50,0

SulfUr 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0

MQF-9 - 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5

* To prepare the mixture of rubber by weight of 100 parts by mass of the rubber part is used.

Rubber mixture preparation

A simple and effective method of mexano-chemical modification of elastomers

And thus improve their physical and mechanical properties of exploitation allows you to expand the application fields. This method does not require the complicated equipment and the necessary properties during the processing of elastomers traditional technical articles are technical properties.

For general-purpose rubbers the basis of ozone more aggressive factor. The impact of ozone on rubber coating layers are formed. Therefore, protection of resins from exposure to atmospheric effect is urgent problem and one of the ways to solve this problem. In particular elastomer compositions for protective coatings on the basis of the preparation and study focuses more

Ethylene-propylene rubber produced from this point more interest. The rubber atmospheric, thermal and chemical effects in a number of complex valuable properties as durability. However, the lack of continuity of ethylene rubber protective coatings of water-propilen caoutchouc its limits and the ways to remove the shortcomings are addressed as a major issue. In this regard, in recent years caoutchouc containing ethylene-propylene monomer and polymer modification with the functional groups of the research work is done (5-10).

One of the main technological processes in the manufacture of rubber, rubber mixture preparation.Pulverized, solid and liquid ingredients together with rubber interfere, and this time it should be ensured equal distribution ofrubber ingredients. Therefore, it should

be homogeneous in composition from the rubber mixture. bbmbzx.

Studied composition and quality, according to the properties of rubber and rubber ingredients depend on to get wet.

Based on the development of rubber and ingredients, components, precision measurement, giving a series of rubber ingredients, the mixing temperature impact te properties of mixture.

Rubber mixtures were carried out with roller in the laboratory.

Blender mixing mode device type, size, and speed of rotation of the rotor or shafts are determined by the composition ofthe rubber mixture.

0,2-0,3 mm minimum distance through the screw regulatory need to start putting the roller.

The rubber mixing of ingredients is done in the following sequence: emollients, vulcanization accelerators, accelerator aktiva-tionsi, filler, special ingredients (MQF-9) and vulcanization agent.

At the beginning of the process of mixing time switches modes. Parts of the operation will be downloaded gradually repeated 5-6 times. Then, the front axle distance of 1-2 mm increased and rubber, as well as other iqredients are added. Rubber ingredients slowly along the length of the front plate, sprinkled with reserves required at the time of the mix.

During the preparation of the mixed plate thermocouple temperature checked by 2-3 times.

After the removal of the sheet in the form of a mixture of shafts roller's bath cooled suspension of chalk and kaolin.

Vulcanization of rubber mixtures — Rubber mixtures must be vulcanised in order to obtain vulcanizasiya with high mechanical properties, rust-proof, ruggedness and high elasticity properties.

As is known, complex physical-chemical processes occur with the inclusion of mixed vulcanizing agents at a given temperature during vulcanization, which means there is a tendency to mexano-chemical modification. As a result, the goods with the desired properties are collected.

The vulcanization process was carried out at a temperature of 155 °C and for various time periods (10-40 minutes) on tire mixtures designed.

Physical-mechanical and maintenance indications ofvulcaniza-siya have been examined (80).

The kinetics of the vulcanization process of the ethylene-pro-pylene copolymer and the ethylene-propylene + MQF-9 mixture have been studied.

Vulcanizations taken at various temperatures were tested for strength, 100% and 300% elongation condition, resistance to tearing, resistance to tear, TM-2, etc., without weighing PM-60 type war machine in the laboratory. The demonstrations have been learned. The optimal regime of the Vulcanization process was determined to be 153 +--2 degrees and 25 minutes.

SKEP-60 + MQF-9 and 2-SKEP-60 based composites have been learned from time to time in terms of the amount of consumption at a temperature of153 + -2 degrees Celsius. Every 30 seconds, the amount of consumption of the compound flowing from one capillary is taken and it is disappointed. The dependency graph of the amount of consumed according to the removed results is quoted.

It is intended to identify the void fractions of the vulcanizate samples given in the graphs (table 1). For this purpose, the amount of plastificarrone (MQF-9) in the chemical process has been determined. Therefore, vulcanizator MQF-9, was extracted (benzene) for 26 hours and then dried to constant weight.

The obtained results indicate that weight part In the MQF-9, Wale Fraction becomes zero, and the subsequent increase in the amount of the MQF-9 wale growing faction. It allows you to say

any more promiscuous's MQF-9 Stake 1 part weigh.t As well as its polymerization, as well as likely to enter a mixed chemical contact. Therefore, future research studies of the MQF-9 Volume 1 part weight taking ideal.

The dependence of the amount of Zol's faction MQF-9.

Amount of1-MQF-9-1: 1; 1.5; 2.0; 2.5 (p.w).

An analysis of the results shows that the vulcanization process in SKEP-60 + MQF-9 (1.0 w. p.) is finished in 14 minutes and the vulcanization in SKEP-60 ends in 18 minutes. These demonstrated results further demonstrate that the a-w-methacryl- (bis-triethylene glycol phthalate) -MQF-9 complex, which is a compound ether group and doubly linked, can be used both as coordination and as a polymer at the given temperatures. These indicators confirm the results of vulcanizasiya kinetic as time dependence of the strength limit.

As you can see, their vulcanization time is 20.0-22.2 minutes. After this, the balance takes 45 minutes, finally reversion starts after 45 minutes. Figure 2 1-SKEP-60 base composition of the SKEP-60 and SKEP-60 + MQF-9 composites with their strength limits without weighing at 153 degrees. 2-SKEP-60 + MQF-9 composition.

When we compare the strength limits of SKEP-60 and SKEP-60 + MQF9 composites without weighing, we can see that the strength grade (20,7-24,6) reaches MP-a without weighing the modified sample with MQF9. From here it is likely that the functional group MQF-9 may also be a polymer at 153 °C.

The inclusion ofMQF-9 in a mixture of alcoholic oleic acid and propylacrylate results in a decrease in the contention of the mixture. SKEP: improves the physical-mechanical properties of the composites on the basis of the mixture. These blends are used in making rubber and rubber technical articles. On the basis of the mixtures shown, the compositions are only SKEP-60 based composites having a relatively high adduce ability to metal and a low degree of swelling in the gasoline-benzene mixture.

Table 2. - Physical-mechanical properties of olefouefricrylate-impregnated filled-propylene sopolymer based rubber blends

N Indicators Rubber mixture

1 Strength cuffs, Mpa 20,7 21,1 24,6 21,5 18,5 17,3

2 Conventional strain of 100% elongation, Mpa 3,6 3,8 4,1 3,7 3,4 2,8

3 Conventional strain of 300% elongation 13,6 13,9 14,2 13,5 12,9 12,1

4 Relative extension,% 380 395 410 430 450 480

5 Residual relative deformation,% 14 14 14,1 14,6 14,8 15,0

6 Tear resistance, kN/m 32,9 33 35,8 33,6 33,1 32,7

7 Flexibility on the bounce,% 40 40 40 39 37,5 36

8 TM-2 hardness, (conventional units) 70 70 69 68,5 68 67,5

9 The strength of metal contacts, Mpa 1,40 1,50 1,65 1,54 1,52 1,40

10 Fatigue tolerance in multiple weighing (e = 200%, v =200 beat/min) 1,25 1,50 1,92 1,98 2,0 2,1

At a temperature of 393 K, 140 hours, the

11 temperature coefficient of aging By fp 0,76 0,76 0,75 0,73 0,69 0,67

By ep 0,41 0,42 0,43 0,44 0,48 0,50

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12 At a temperature of 296 K, 48-hour swelling degree (gasoline) 130,5 115,0 90,8 110,7 115,2 120,5

The small amount of plasticizer MQF-9 allows the removal of diaphragm composites with improved properties based on mixtures of SKEP-60 and butyl caoutchouc. The life of the vulcanized diaphragms of long-acting MQF-9 incorporated composites in the industry is 25-26% higher than the diaphragm of butyl rubber (BK). The diaphragm becomes too soft after the BC-based diaphragm has

made about 100 pieces of rubber vulcanizate, which makes it difficult to remove the diaphragm and the diaphragm causes the breast to become damaged due to the chest being inflated, creating another fold within the area of the diaphragm's tire, ie not fully healing after full deformation. The following members have prepared a recipe for such problems. (Table.3)

Table 3. - Composition of modified ethylene-propylene and BK-based composites

Name of ingredients Amount (part ofweight)


SKEP-60 100 100 100


Stearin acid 1,0 1,0 1,0

Ambirol SP-137 6,7 6,7 6,7

Petrolatum 7 7 7

ZnO 5,0 5,0 5,0

Technical carbon (P-514) 35,0 35,0 35,0

Technical carbon (P-234) 20,0 20,0 20,0

SulfUr 2,0 2,0 2,0

MPF-9 - 0,5 1,6

Diaphragm rubber mixture laboratory 40-60 It is done in ture is vulcanized after being kept at room temperature for 6-8 hours. 20-25 minutes at a very low temperature. The prepared tire mix- Physical-mechanical indicators ofvulcanizate are given in table 4.

Table 4. - Physicomechanical properties of SKEP-60 and UK-based diaphragm rubber modified with MQF-9

N Indicators Rubber mixture

1 Nensile strength, MPa 10,5 11,3 12,6

2 Conventional strain of 100% elongation, Mpa 4,1 4,5 4,8

3 Conventional strain of 300% elongation, Mpa 7,9 8,5 8,6

4 Relative extension,% 672 640 645

5 Residual relative deformation,% 26,4 25,1 25,5

6 Tear resistance, kN/m 45,3 54,6 55,5

7 Flexibility on the bounce,% 6,5 7,1 7,1

8 TM-2 hardness, (conventional units) 54 52,5 53,5

9 The strength of metal contacts, Mpa 1,45 1,50 1,60

10 Fatigue tolerance in multiple weighing (e=200%, v=200 beat/min) 1,56 2,65 2,75

At a temperature of 393 K, 140 hours, the

11 temperature coefficient of aging By fp 0,59 0,62 0,63

By ep 0,46 0,59 0,58

As shown in the table with a UK-based OEA modified the com- the coefficient of thermal aging. position of its economic indicators added SKEP-60 also increases


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